Tuesday 14 January 2020

Feedback.. Past Life regression session..


Anmol Singh Child psychologist in Chandigarh India Think before you speak. In case heading towards an awkward conversation respond carefully and wisely. The disruptive and destructive attitude spoils the relationships. Suppress your own feelings, make an excuse and slip out or get away from the conversation at that moment. Do not judge on one time basis, evaluate and if regular affair make a sincere effort, talk/discuss/express emotions later without being emotionally reactive before situation gets out of hand. The insecurity in us makes us defensive and reactive rather than accepting other’s view point and being receptive to the criticism with dignity. Listen, acknowledge, appreciate, pause, introspect without prejudice and speak courteously, friendly, politely clearly and firmly devoid of hurt, blame and accusations.

Healthy conversation…..

Healthy conversation…..

The dialogue punctuated with impatience, accusation, blame & arrogance always embarrasses & puts the other person in a defensive mode thus derailing the conversation from its meaningful direction. An engaged interaction, expressive of intent and willingness to listen, builds trust & lets the other express his/her feelings/thoughts/vulnerability fluently and clearly. One must always listen attentively, acknowledge, understand & appreciate other’s perspective/opinion, not judge but feel his/her pain and focus on desired/constructive behavioural change/correction.

Sunday 12 January 2020

To be at peace….

To be at peace….

A decision in life must always be taken after giving it sufficient time and thought. The responsibility of the repercussions of the decision taken under the influence of others and under sheer desperation solely lies with you. One must have a clear intent, stay focused on one’s goal, come out of comfort zone and not afraid of taking risk, excited to be constantly in action & drive mode, be in love with self & align with the flow of life to be at peace.     

One of the best child psychologist in Chandigarh..Anmol Singh...9872880634

Stress in life......
How much needless stress are you carrying around right now?  Do you feel burdened by life's uncontrollable circumstances & your own emotional issues?

Stress remains a part of life and its degree increases as we grow. Experiencing palpitation, uneasiness, fatigue etc are the symptoms when you need to take note of it as it is when you start loosing focus. It starts taking over your body and mind. It becomes a hindrance in your path of a happy living. The company of certain individuals strongly impacts state of mind, emotions and life as a whole. His/her behavior, attitude, approach etc, whether you like it or not, have a reason so do not judge instead try to find the reason and work around it. Instead of avoiding, dragging on living with relationships that lead to emotional turmoil transform the situation to understand/introspect and face your own barriers, break them and grow. It will help you respond introspectively instead of predictable reactive mode. The most logical way is to keep interacting that will help you understand their thoughts, perceptions and belief thus keeps your negative emotions in check helping you work on possibilities and keep yourself in control of the situation.  Always remain motivated. Remain enthusiastic. Life is dynamic. Circumstances keep changing. Keeping your hobby alive and kicking is the best stress buster to reduce mental stress. Surround yourself with people full of enthusiasm and action.       

Becoming more grounded & happy starts with letting go of worry & stress. Counselling session helps you learn to have hold on your will power.  Contact m-9872880634

Future Progression Session...Contact....9872880634

Saturday 11 January 2020

Anmol Singh Psychologist in Chandigarh India... contact us at..9872880634

Healthy and loving relationship is connecting of two minds & hearts, commitment, feeling secure, respecting the differences and valuing others freedom & independence.  Living an insular life punctuated with impatience, resentment, anger, soaring tempers, stress, sense of entitlement & expecting instant gratification, nonexistent support to process one’s emotions, culture of self over others without much regard for others are some of the factors responsible for an individual’s outbursts at the slightest of an excuse. The rage/aggression expressed derails the loving relationships over a period.  Compassion, care, laughing away the blues, happy thoughts and positive outlook brings in happiness the key to a healthy and secure relationship.

Thursday 9 January 2020

Anmol Singh Child psychologist and Counsellor in Chandigarh India...09872880634

Anmol Singh Child psychologist in Chandigarh India
An individual suffers discomfort from suppressing one’s true identity. He/She must get the real sense of self -identity; other’s prejudices must not hold importance in one’s life. The prevailing uncertainties in life give birth to worries that cause discomfort, always keep your mind engaged in challenging activity with clear achievable goals to create a state of flow (state of mind) to disengage from likely emotionally unpleasant experiences. Some time one needs Counselling session
You can contact us at 9872880634

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Twelve Factors that Govern our Life

Twelve Factors that Govern our Life

We all are bound by the laws of nature. The super consciousness that binds whole universe exhibits its power of existence everywhere. The consciousness of energy & vibrations always remind us its laws which is equal for everyone, connecting us with the consciousness of oneness, taking us from the world of dualism to the world of unification.

The twelve factors or laws of nature, consciously or unconsciously are practiced by everyone and these are the powerful tools which can either make & free us from all worldly illusions through the path of salvation and enlightenment; or it can break us by capturing our consciousness in its vicious cycle of cause and effect.

One can knowingly use these factors to attract abundance and Divine love in their life and can also choose the divine path of enlightenment and be free from the illusion of duality or one can say “MAYA”.

These 12 factors which govern life are also described as laws of karmas. Let’s see what these 12 factors are:

1 Cause and Effect:

Every cause has its effect & every effect has its cause. The consciousness of universe works on the invisible waves of energy & vibrations. Whatever energy & vibrations we send to the universe, the same consciousness of energy comes back to us. If one seeks love, peace & happiness in life, then one must tune his/her frequency to these energies. We receive what we give to the universe. 

Consciously using cause and effect factor, one can make his/her life full of abundance, love, peace & happiness. Just give what you want in your life.

2 Creation 

Universe wants our participation to grow in life. Nothing happens just sitting ideally. Whatever we get in our surroundings is our own creation in our inner state of mind.

Carefully designing the creation of our outer world and working on that, helps us in achieving whatever we wish in our life.

3 Humility 

If we focus on or see others with some negative character traits, it means we are focused on that negative energy despite being focused on a higher level of consciousness. Whatever we refuse to accept, that comes to us.

Accepting everyone & focusing on higher state of consciousness, the negative traits will never bother us.

4 Growth

The growth must be from inside. We cannot change people, places or things surrounding us, but we can change ourselves. 

When growth occurs from inside, universe accepts that and changes occurs in surroundings. 

5 Responsibility

We are responsible for everything, what we have in our life whether positive or negative. The world is the mirror of our inner self. So, we are responsible.

By taking responsibility what is in our life, we can change it in a way we like to have our life.


Universe is beyond the perception of dualism. Everything & every incident are connected to each other. Past, present, future everything is connected.

For job to be done, every step must be taken. Every step is important to accomplish the task.

7 Focus 

Focus is a very essential factor governing our life. Energy must be focused on a single task at a time. Focusing on different things at the same time scatters our energy and none of the dreams comes true. 

8 Giving and hospitality

Whatever energy we put into the universe, that comes back to us. By practicing giving & hospitality one can attract those things in own life.

9  Here and now

Everything is here & now. Whatever one want in life must be felt in ‘here & now’ and that is in present tense. Looking backward take us to the past which prevent us from growth and forward in future, the things remains in future only. Whatever we want must be focused with energy, as if it was already yours. It helps in materializing the things soon. This is the power of here and now.

10 Change

Change is the path to grow. It takes great effort to change as it brings us out from our comfort zone. If we don’t accept change, we commit the same mistake again and again. 

11 Patience and reward

Everything takes its own time to materialize. Along with great effort, patience is also required to see the things materializing. 

The true happiness comes as a reward which requires lots of patience and persistence along with hard work. 

12 Significance and inspiration 
One gets job done & accomplished something, if one puts in all effort in the form of energy & intent into it. Contributing to something inspires us from within and others too.

Sunday 5 January 2020


What is Reiki ?
How Reiki works ?
Reiki uses

REIKI Defined...

Reiki is an energy healing. Not only on the physical level but also on the emotional and mental level before any illness has surfaced in the physical body.

Emotional upset and mental stress will with time surface and manifest itself as physical imbalances, attitudes and destructive habits.


Rei = Universal
Ki = Life Force Energy

How Reiki Works...

Inside every human being there is a subtle system of channels (nadis/meridians) and centres of energy (chakras) which look after our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being.

·         Reiki flows through this system
·         Ida/Pingla/Sushumna are main Nadis for flow of Reiki
·         All beings are given a spark of Ki at birth, which is stored in them for life
·         This Ki energy has its own force field, known as Aura, which has colors.
·         Along spine there are seven energy transformers in form of vortices known as Chakra
·         Flow of Reiki removes blocks and balances Chakras and increases Ki.

When the physical body is charged with Reiki, the aura from the ethereal body surrounds the physical body like a protective layer, about 5 cm (2 Inches) thick. This ethereal aura protects us from negative vibrations and it radiates vital energy to our surroundings. However, negative thoughts and emotions as well as an unhealthy lifestyle leads to a weakening of this health aura. This aura can be documented on photographic paper with Kirlian photography.

Reiki Uses:

·                     Reiki your SELF daily and rid yourself of stress, anxiety and fear.
·                     Reiki your medicine whether allopathic or herbal.
·                     Reiki your family member.
·                     Send Reiki to your kith and kin living far away.
·                     Send Reiki to your future.
·                     Send Reiki to your past.
·                     Send Reiki to your Dream.

Dr.Vandana Singh Raghuvanshi
M.B.B.S., M.S.(Surgery), REIKI Grandmaster

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Fusion of potential and kinetic energies - The meeting of Shiva and Shakti

Fusion of potential and kinetic energies - The meeting of Shiva and Shakti

Chakras are centres of energy located along the spine. The prana flows from the tailbone to the crown of head. Observe silence that goes beyond words and wordlessness. Trigger off the coiled energy lying dormant at Muladhara or the root chakra Clear the mind of the negative thoughts to enhance awareness, keep mind stable and visualise the light of wisdom opening the window of possibilities. Feel any of your feeling of love, affection, anger, hatred or fear to rediscover your heart and optimize self confidence, boost creativity and imagination. Leave perception of individual self, visualise the sun, moon, stars and planets as part of self to experience oneness with the Supreme Being.  Prana, the dynamic life force, shall restore balance between body, mind and spirit.