Sunday 23 November 2014


Therapies Available  with 09872880634
·      Past Life Regression:You got to your root cause in past life, re-live, re-experience, re-lease the carry over clutter in body, mind, life, relationships in present life and remove your blocks.
·      Life Between Lives (LBL) Regression:
Meet masters, get guidance in life, meet soul mate, can assess your life plan, can meet planets, get healing.
·      Age Regression:
From childhood till date of session.
·      In Womb Regression:
The time when you were in the womb of the mother and what fear and trauma you faced. To release these womb regression is very good.
·      Traumatic Event Regression:
To heal specific trauma.
·      Birth time Regression:
To heal birth trauma.
·      Inner Child Facilitation Work:
Healing of childhood and teenage. The adult self suffer due to inner child fears. Inner child work helps to heal the child within and adult can take right decision in life.

•             Family Constellation Healing
•             Re-birthing- Breathing
Take 10 sessions of re-birthing and be born a new human by healing yourself completely.
•             Neurolinguistic Programming Therapy (NLP):
Treat OCD, Phobia; Nail biting, Bed wetting, Anxiety, Time Line Therapy, Swiss Therapy, Goal planning, Self-improvement and sports NLP, NLP for teens.
•             Hypnotherapy:
I) Addiction
Ii) Alcoholism
iii) Stuttering
V) Insomnia
vi) Panic attack
vii) Remove bad habit
Viii) Self-Motivation
Ix) Depression
x) Fear

Xi) Unexplained headache.