Freedom from being judgemental brings unconditional accepetance of self, which is essential to heal effectively and completely.When we become aware of our higherself, we experience freedom and a moment towards evolution.By allowing the transformation within you ,you feel free from fear, anger, guilt and stress. Ultimately you can accept, forgive and trust yourself. Past life regression and life between lives helps you to understand purpose of life....
HYPNOTHERAPY AND PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY.....For All type of Phobias, Panic attack, Recurrent dreams and nightmare , Alcoholism,Bed wetting,Depression,Stammering, Insomnia,Inner Child Healing, Age regression , live between lives session to understand soul journey and getting guidance from Masters.NLP [Neuro lingustic programming],Re -Birthing breath work, Reiki healing & Pranic healing , Distant healing.Holistic healing for body &mind phone 09872880634