Thursday 24 October 2013


Word class past life therapy in Mumbai, India

Changes after  past life regression?
  •   Many of our physical and mental problems are brought into this present life from our past ones.
  • Chronic pain such as headaches,  arthritis,  cancer, heart problems, asthma, ulcers, sexual dysfunction, depression,  anger and fears ,claustrophobia, anxiety, panic, and other physical, mental and emotional ailments. Adjustive Problems in relationships can be the result of problems unresolved in earlier lifetimes.
  • Past life regression, the patient is presented with answers unavailable to him or her through any other means.
  • Once Person  understands the cause of these difficulties, their cure becomes realizable.
  • Past life regression,  permits us to re-live, as it were, into multiple layers of former lives which have gone to shape our present existence.
Who are Soul -Mates.....
  • According to work done on this subject, , we journey in groups. We reincarnate with those to whom we are bound through love/hate.
  • It is necessary for us to learn the lesson of the Golden Rule by meeting in this life those whom ,we have injured or treated unjustly in former lives.
  • We may also find ourselves in a series of alternating relationships–as master and servant, parent and child, or husband and wife.
  • All these experiences help us to understand how an individual feels in various situations, and to learn how we would like to be treated in these circumstances..
  • Why one comes on  the earth planet....
    The lesson we must learn or experiences we are required to fulfill are in accord with the law of cause and effect known in Eastern philosophy as karma, or in Western physics as the Newtonian Law of Action and Reaction.
  • This universal law works in concert with reincarnation by insuring that we are born in the proper time and place to either pay our debts or receive our rewards due us from past lives.
  • We are born with various talents and skills which may need almost no training to elevate themselves into superior attributes. This does not happen by accident. These gifts are the result of hard work and perseverance in previous lives.
  • In the cycle of reincarnation, nothing is forgotten. On the other hand, we may be born with a disability or with certain limitations which compel us to develop capacities which we may find not altogether to our liking.
  • For, as we have already said, life is a schooling ground. We reincarnate into the classroom of earthly existence with a certain curriculum of instruction.
  • Those subjects, which we have mastered earlier come easily; those we have failed will have to be repeated until they are mastered..