Tuesday 8 October 2013

What is past life regression therapy ??? ...past life regression therapists in Mumbai, India _World @ Universe

The Past Life RegressionTherapy (PLRT) or Past Life Regression (PLR] ,  works on  the cause of a patient`s physical and/or psychological ailments might result from a trauma that a patient had experienced in an earlier existence/ Past lives,  by some sort of personal emotion/ suffering buried deep within the subconscious.

Schools of thought dealing with PLRT vary with the theory of reincarnation. The concept of regression is as old as Patanjali`s Yoga Darshan, which was written around the 4th century BC. In his treatise Patanjali, the ancient Indian Yoga philosopher, talks about the soul (chitta) being burdened with the accumulation of impressions (samskara) of karmas from previous existence. . The Buddhist concept of Nirvana works along similar lines.

Madame H.P. Blavatsky, cofounder of the Theosophical Society, and her particular brand of theosophy were together responsible for introducing the idea of reincarnation to the Western world.  Spiritism—the French branch of spiritualism in the 19th century—under the leadership of Allan Kardec, . In his book, The Book of the Spirits (1857), Kardec writes about "spirits" who spoke through mesmerized patients about reincarnation and karma. The first person to use regression as a therapy was probably Dr Denys Kelsey. Co-authored with Joan Grant, Kelsey`s Many Lifetimes (1967) is the first book on PLRT, which focuses more on the therapeutic aspect of the technique than on stories of relived experiences.
 Dick Sutphen, the past life therapist responsible for popularizing PLRT in the West—even believe in the non-linearity of time and the multilevel existence of souls. 

 Most of these differing views finally all come down to Patanjali`s theory of the chitta (soul) being burdened by samskaras (impressions) from past existence and weighing down on our present lives. And therefore the need to cleanse the soul of all its excess burden by identifying the source of all suffering and uprooting it right from its origin.