Thursday 31 October 2013

LBL [Life between lives therapists in Mumbai, India

LBL...Life between lives session .....LBL THERAPISTS IN PANIPAT, INDIA

Life Between Live[ LBL]...To understand what is Life between lives session read the following session report, given by person who had LBL sessions with world famous past life therapist  dr.vandanna raghuvanshi,an expert Life Between Lives Therapist in Mumbai, India......09872880634

My LBL Experiences:
I would like to share the LBL session experiences i have so far had as i felt this amazing peace and wisdom that gets transferred in each LBL. The blessings leaves a deep impression on the soul and it feels like a confirmation of the path chosen by the soul.
I have gone through many regression sessions and have been fortunate enough to experience and enjoy the LBL session after each regression.
In my first life i had been through child abuse and also had a relation with a lover who left me and never came back, i  had learnt that men r not trustworthy and maybe that was the answer to my failed relationships and the fact i had a difficulty trusting men. In this session when i went to the white light i saw the master soul and my soulmates, when i asked would i ever have a soulmate i got a reassurance from the master soul , he indicated me that i had to wait for another 6 months as this was not the right time and i was given blessings and was allowed to stay in the white light til i am refreshed and rested. He also showed me the soulmate, he was there standing and waiting , i got a feeling that he already knew me and he knew one day we would be together.The peace and serenity that one feels after the blessings not only reflects on day to day activity but also on the face. One feels detached !
The next LBL session was after my second life, when i ended my life at the age of 17 by cutting my nerve.... when my soul departed after ensuring that the body was taken care of i was not a bright light like my first session, i saw my soul as a grey powder which was very disturbing, once i reached the white light , master soul was there waiting but furious, i asked him why did i have to suffer in all 4 lives i had seen, why did i always end up being deserted by parents and lover and why was i to suffer but the answer was horrifying , the Master soul was furious, he gave a glance and turned his back as a punishment, i was only allowed to rest there in the white light but he refused to talk to me.
I rested there for 7 years before my next life and felt pured, i transformed and became one with the white light , i experienced the anger of Master soul indicating that suicide was not acceptable by the universal laws and i had to fight my problems. While resting in white light, i experienced immense peace and a feeling that i had a life purpose, higher than i had thought and i should find out what that is. I had learnt that “PEACE COMES FROM FORGIVENESS”.
My 3rd LBL session was after i had departed a very difficult life both physically and emotionally, when i reached the white light i again experienced the master soul and the soul mates presence, i had a very typical question in mind and i asked the master soul however this time too he was not happy with my question , i got an impression that when you know the answer why are you trying to fool yourself and why are you wasting my time, he turned away without blessings and i tried to reach out to my soul mates and ask questions however their message too was that i should look within me for answers and i would find all my answers. At this point i could recognize one of my soul mates and it was Steve Jobs. The soul mate i was supposed to meet in this life was waiting again and giving me a sarcastic smile indicating that I was the reason for my own confused state of mind. I joined the white light after that and healed my injuries from the life i had lived. Felt peace and a sense of wisdom and i had learnt that one should never do unjust to anyone. What i have seen that Soul is always very concerned about the body after it leaves the body, it never departs unless the body is taken care of and also how the body is handled leaves an impression on the soul. After each jorney soul exactly knows where it has gone wrong but it is important for the soul to be able to carry all lessons from each life and apply them in the current life. That is how the soul would start being on higher journey, or at least this is my understanding so far.
4th LBL session:
In my fourth life i was a doctorate in law and still could not prove my innocence when i was being accused of killing my fiancé. I was imprisoned and sentenced to death, the day of my death when i was to be hanged i had the courage to walk till the hanging place on my own feet and also i put the rope in my neck with my own hands and kicked the stool to be hanged however after i died and reached the white light i realized i was a pure soul and i learnt and got the impression that i had actually died of a heart attack and before i was really pulled so i felt this immense peace that though the life i lived was so unjust but there is always justice in life and lesson was that “LIFE IS FAIR even if we do not recognize it then“, the fact that i died a natural death and not by hanging was a blessing in itself , at this point the master soul gave me his blessings and an impression that i was a good soul and he knew that it was not my fault. I also learnt that one needs to speak for what is right and should have the courage and ability to prove his righteousness and seek justice .This LBL was very peaceful and i was the pure golden white light and i asked the master light about my purpose , he should me that i would know it by May 2012. A great sense of satisfaction and blessings showered upon me . It was an amazing experience .
5th LBL session:
I had reached the white light after my death at an old age, natural death and a life of respect, however i had lost my wife and had lived alone after that. When i reached the white light my wife who also happened to be my soulmate was waiting there , we embraced each other and were together feeling blessed when my wife indicated that i should take blessings of teh master soul and go back to earth, all my soulmates and master soul nodded on the advise and after i was showered by the blessings of teh master soul , she reassured me that she would join me soon and i left the white light. I had so far recognized to soul mates till this session, my younger brother who has always been either my child or my younger brother and Steve Jobs.
I also regressed slightly to future , i wanted to know when would i come out of this troubles and when would i actually be ready for my purpose? It was then that may 2012 was indicated and i saw a red demarcation and the fact that very little was left for me to cross that line and the other side was beautiful, respect, recognition, purpose and peace was awaiting me ....I loved the feeling and it still is so fresh in my mind.
6th LBL session:
I had died after living a female life who abandoned by her lover again yet very contented, After i reached the white light i knew i am to rest there for 10 years , i could see any soul mates and there they were again , all of them , reading writing and lost in their scholar word again......i saw the same soul mate again , who was younger and had conveyed to me that no matter where i go i would be re united with him again, i asked him a question that what are you writing and he showed me his book , it was written “ u wld be mine”, then he held my hand and tried to push me towards himself so that i could join him, I asked him that how would i know him and he replied he would push me on his own and it felt as if the time to meet him was very close now.
 i could see the master and yes he was there right behind me , waiting lovingly for my conversation to finish and i turned around and asked him that i know i am here for a purpose and i know i am very close to that purpose , when is it ? when is the time and he gave me a very clear date .After that he surrounded me and gave me blessings, initially we both were of same colour and material, silverfish but after the master soul embraced me and patted me on forehead with his blessings we both became translucent , so pure i was , crystal clear and i stayed in that state of abundance blessing to my full.... contented, blessed and light...........IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL FEELING !I had recognized my soul mate but i was in denial .he was my best friend “ The lesson i learnt was that one needs to be responsible for his own actions and be contented “
7th LBL experience:
I had died a beautiful respectful death ,however i felt before departing i had an unfinished job, i wanted to forgive my dad and seek forgiveness which i did however i wanted to make him aware that he needs to be a responsible soul, he cant carry on leaving his children life after life so i spoke to him, made him understand and then forgave him and also asked for his forgiveness and it is only after i finished this responsibility i could go to rest , this time too i saw the master soul, smiling at me , he gave me his blessings and i asked him about my purpose again, and when would i be finally with my soul mate, he gave me the date and also helped me progress to future and i saw a beautiful scene  however would not be able to share the same on this platform.I had a beautiful experience and the lesson i learnt was “ Sometimes the best decisions are not necessarily the right ones and while taking a decision one should always involve both heart and mind and not always practical decisions are the best ones for our soul journey”.
8th LBL session:
I had lived a life with no regrets ,had loved immensely , had given chances and then taken justice in my hands. After my death i wanted to go and seek forgiveness  , it is amazing how the soul experiences, interprets and carries different impressions .i went back to forgive and seek forgiveness for the first time whether in regression or in real life i saw life in that specific individual’s eyes and we smiled and parted ways then i left to join the divine light, i saw my soul mates and also the master soul, this time i was a greyish light not too bright so wanted to be healed with divine light and then the master soul blessed me too and i asked him about my soul mate again and he reassured me that i wld be with my soulmate in present life. I did not ask anything this time from my soul mate as i knew he was busy finishing an un finished work so that we cld be together.
I rested in white light and received blessings .I was too tired this time and wanted to rest as it was what the master soul had indicated.It is so strange how we keep carrying impressions and how we plan to pay for our deeds ....I feel blessed to have been able to experience 8 lives...........Maybe this is one of the reasons i kept coming back to India despite all that i went through here.
“My lesson from life was NEVER LOVE SO IMMENSLY that would hurt you to let go “..

Wednesday 30 October 2013

What is past life regression ???? Many past life therapists are conducting PLR in India

When used wisely, past-life regression is a valuable tool for enhancing the quality of your present life.  However, who or what you were in a past life is not nearly as important as who and what you are today.  What positive attitudes and strengths did you gain in past lifetimes?  Are you making full use of them today?  What mistakes did you make?  Are you repeating the same self-defeating patterns in this lifetime?  The more knowledge you are aware of acquiring during  your past experiences and how they presently affect your reactions to people, places and events, the nearer you are to true freedom and the age-old directive of  "Know thyself".
Past-life regression is tuning into the subconscious to recall memories of past experiences.  It can happen in many different ways.  Sometimes the experience/s happen spontaneously prompted by a person, place, or event that triggers your memory.  The experience is often called "déjà vu".  Meditation is another method by which past-life memories can be recalled.   Sometimes we are offered bits and pieces of past-life memories in our dreams.  Nightmares and recurrent troubling dreams may often have their basis in some unhappy or frightening experience from the past.  Conventional hypnosis is probably the most frequently used method for past-life regression.  Often, some deep-rooted fear or neurosis is found buried within the individual's subconscious  that has been carried over from another lifetime.   
No matter how bizarre or strange a person's fear or behavior may be, it should never be ridiculed or minimized.  A person who has had a lifetime fear of the dark and wants to sleep with a nightlight on may have been a POW or an unfortunate victim of a cataclysmic event.  He/she may have been buried alive or imprisoned in a dark hole for days or weeks before he/she died.   A child fearful of water even to the extent of having his/her hair washed at bath time may have drowned in another lifetime.
Small children often have clear memories of past-life experiences which fade as they get older.  The daydreams they experience and the playmates and sequences they act out with will often have roots in these memories.  All too often parents are too busy to listen and will discourage their child's daydreaming and the exercise of his/her imagination as something undesirable.  As children get older, they tend to suppress these mental activities which were meant to be developed as tools for living a full life albeit with the advent of television, internet, numerous electronic devices and toys, It is difficult to determine for sure if a child is just fantasizing or actually remembering a past-life memory.
Unexplainable and peculiar behavior patterns may be clues to past-life experiences.  The best thing for a parent to do is - listen - and observe their behavior patterns with patience and intelligence.  If a fear is expressed which hasn't any basis within the present experience of the child, reassure him that whatever it is he fears may have happened as some time in the past and will not happen again.  
Your attitudes toward yourself and others will have a direct bearing on how valuable your past-life regression experiences will be for you.  With a positive attitude and determination, you can find something in almost any situation which can be shaped and used to your benefit.

Hypnotherapist in Chandigarh, India

Past life regression to understand present life relationships.....past life therapists in Chandigarh, India

Disharmony and Malicious  deeds that incur Karmic debt may or may not result in the involved souls being brought back together again. All parties need to resolve their issues, but not necessarily together. Other times, particularly where there is an established relationship such as  son/father,son/mother, father/daughter or husband/wife,brother/brother, sister/ brother... the souls reunite to work out any carried over negativity. So if you have been involved in a spiteful break-up and you continue to harbor ill will towards your former partner,patrents, in-laws, siblings you may be back together again to work things out.
There are times when groups of souls reunite to advance common goals. The objective may be to develop artistically or perhaps spiritually. Whatever the purpose, the group compliments each other in achieving the goals. Sometimes a large group of souls reincarnating together to resolve Karmic debt incurred in past.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Age regression is very impotant pasr of regression therapy....past life regression practitioners in Mumbai, India

Age regression in life regression therapy......past life regression therapists in Mumbai, India

The purpose of hypnotic age regression is to reframe the negative feelings and perceptions of the past to facilitate progress towards the patient's goals.. It allows patients to find the cause of their current blocks and eliminate their past traumas. When patients are hypnotized, they are in an altered state that allows for their subconscious mind to be accessed. The subconscious mind holds the behaviors and habits that people exhibit to protect them. These behaviors and habits are repeated until they are not necessary any more. Hypnotic age regression allows for patients to reframe and purge their unnecessary behavior.It helps to release the present life trauma event, in  your memory...

Thursday 24 October 2013


Word class past life therapy in Mumbai, India

Changes after  past life regression?
  •   Many of our physical and mental problems are brought into this present life from our past ones.
  • Chronic pain such as headaches,  arthritis,  cancer, heart problems, asthma, ulcers, sexual dysfunction, depression,  anger and fears ,claustrophobia, anxiety, panic, and other physical, mental and emotional ailments. Adjustive Problems in relationships can be the result of problems unresolved in earlier lifetimes.
  • Past life regression, the patient is presented with answers unavailable to him or her through any other means.
  • Once Person  understands the cause of these difficulties, their cure becomes realizable.
  • Past life regression,  permits us to re-live, as it were, into multiple layers of former lives which have gone to shape our present existence.
Who are Soul -Mates.....
  • According to work done on this subject, , we journey in groups. We reincarnate with those to whom we are bound through love/hate.
  • It is necessary for us to learn the lesson of the Golden Rule by meeting in this life those whom ,we have injured or treated unjustly in former lives.
  • We may also find ourselves in a series of alternating relationships–as master and servant, parent and child, or husband and wife.
  • All these experiences help us to understand how an individual feels in various situations, and to learn how we would like to be treated in these circumstances..
  • Why one comes on  the earth planet....
    The lesson we must learn or experiences we are required to fulfill are in accord with the law of cause and effect known in Eastern philosophy as karma, or in Western physics as the Newtonian Law of Action and Reaction.
  • This universal law works in concert with reincarnation by insuring that we are born in the proper time and place to either pay our debts or receive our rewards due us from past lives.
  • We are born with various talents and skills which may need almost no training to elevate themselves into superior attributes. This does not happen by accident. These gifts are the result of hard work and perseverance in previous lives.
  • In the cycle of reincarnation, nothing is forgotten. On the other hand, we may be born with a disability or with certain limitations which compel us to develop capacities which we may find not altogether to our liking.
  • For, as we have already said, life is a schooling ground. We reincarnate into the classroom of earthly existence with a certain curriculum of instruction.
  • Those subjects, which we have mastered earlier come easily; those we have failed will have to be repeated until they are mastered..

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Past life regression therapists in Mumbai, India

What is past life regression and how it works.....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life regression therapist in Mumbai, India

 How Past Life Regression, Heals problems:-
  • Re experiencing, re-living is Relieving the carryover clutter. After  Death, we have only our Soul
  •  Soul is a form of Energy
  •  Every form of Energy has got Vibration & Frequency
  •  This Vibration and Frequency carries Information
  • past life regression therapist
    spiritual healer
    spirit releasement therapist
    life between lives therapist

    The cell memory carry following information pattern from past lives......
Pain full cell  memories across time and space .Metal Limitations & Learning’s, physical issues and memories of traumas.
Emotional traumas as well as Euphoria’s,Emotional carryover in form of too much attachments, disliking.
Feeling carryover in form of Guilt, Anger & Pain ,Sadness,Loneliness, Heaviness on chest, Feeling of lost, Feeling of left alone, Why me ??? , Tendencies to be  cheated...
Feelings – both negative & positive,
Unfulfilled desires , Cravings, Aulsions
Once we become aware of the effect that is causing problems in our present life, we Relive it and Relieve it, we become free of its effect – that is causing the problem in present and move forward to learn a new lesson of life.
Through Past Life Regression Therapy & Spirit Releasement Therapy,  Releaseing of Negative Memories & Energies from Sub Conscious Mind, Soul, Aura and Body cells.
BENEFITS of PLR[ Past life regression ].....
* You release carry over and feel light
 Find the key to lasting happiness in truth,  forgiveness and  love.
*Bring back good learnings
• Eliminate limiting ideas and false beliefs
*Understand your purpose of present life
• Set yourself free of conflict
• Release the unlimited power within yourself
• Regain mastery at being your true self
• Experience healthy, loving relationships
• Find success in your career
• Achieve all these and more through gaining awareness and
effecting positive change in your  life
• Find harmony in your Relationships

 What is “past life regression?”
  •  journey towards your own past lives
  •  Relive and relieve
  •  Understand the Cause of conflicts
  •  Deprogram  yourself
  •  Forgive & Forget
  •  Present is your modified Past and
  •  Future will be your modified Present....
     Planet Earth is a school and we are here to Learn
  •  What you see a World in just 3 to 4 dimensions
  •  As your body, mind and spirit matures  you learn beyond 4   dimensions
  •  By learning our lessons we graduate to higher level of masters and  guide others
  •  One Life time is not enough to learn all lessons, their fore we return back to Reincarnate
  •  What we know is little, and what we don’t know is immense
  •  BRING BACK LOVE, HAPPINESS AND HARMONY IN LIFE                                                

Sunday 20 October 2013

Practitioner of Past life regression in Mumbai, India _ World

Past life regression to solve relationship issues.....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapy practitioner in Mumbai, India 09872880634

Past Life Regression for Relationship Issue &
to know why am I emotionally very weak

(Two past lives and guidance from master light in single session)
 A 26 year old dentist, came for PLR with why does my relations breaks up againA and again. I trust people a lot; they make use of my trust. Feels father always gave preference to brothers. In childhood witnessed disharmony in parents. History of recurrent dreams that I am in Rome, a woman with brown hair.
Regression:  Its sand all around and small houses. It’s an Arabian country. I am girl of 21 years, wearing a fully covered dress. I love someone…….!
I am talking in Arabic to the person I love. It’s night and went to meet him with a lantern in hand. My name is Ilaya…….!
My father is beating me. My parents are poor and fight a lot. The boy whom I love has gone away for business and never returned. My father sold me to the Head of the Kasbah. I am a Ghulam now. My duty is to give water but I live on the platform at the center of the Kasbah.
I kept waiting for the person whom I loved. I don’t eat much. Its evening and I am vomiting and dying. There is none to give me water. I am only 28 years. Someone came and buried me. My family didn’t come.
What Lesson Learnt?
Love with purity and commitment.
Healing done for forgiveness to father and the person whom she loved.
She recognized her lover and person who buried her in her present life.
LBL (Time in white light)Its divine and peaceful here. I am dancing with my soul mate light. I recognized him. He promised to be here besides me for my coming present life. He is taking me to the master light.
Guidance from Master Light
Have faith. Good time is coming in 2012.

Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi:- I regressed her to the recurrent dream pattern- glimpses of Rome, beautiful lady with brown hair.
2nd Past Life:It’s an European Country in the year 1500. I am a princess (long description of dresses and culture….). I have an army to protect me but one man is always near me and with me. We both love each other but we can’t marry because he is only a guard. When he goes away I feel very weak.
I am having severe pain in both my shoulders and arms (she was crying in pain and intensely feeling it in present). He is holding my shoulders with force and telling me to go away with him. I can’t my duty is important. I devoted my life for the good of people. I died in old age. A lot of people are paying respectful tribute at my funeral. He is there and very sad. He devoted his life for my work.
1) 1st life covered carry-over of emotional vulnerability.
2) She often had severe complain of pain in both the arms. It wasn’t mention in the consultation. Now she knows that why pain was there and now it is totally released.

Follow up after Six Months..
1. Relation with father improved  a lot.
2.Very much increased in confidence level.
3.Feels very happy now.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Past life regression....How it works ???...past life regression therapists in Chandigarh, India

Past Life Regression is a Holistic Healing  because it works on the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It transports one back to those times before one’s birth and regresses one to previous lifetimes. This is done to sort out problems that a person may be experiencing in the present. The reason for undertaking Past Life Regression is to improve the spiritual quality of our life, right now. Its chief objective is to make our life easier, better and more fulfilling, in this present moment. Past Life Regression addresses the root cause and it enables extremely deep change to take place at the very source of the problem. It does not deal with external symptoms. It directly addresses the internal cause.

Monday 14 October 2013

Past life therapists in Mumbai, India

SRT [ Spirit releasement therapy ] is a part of regression therapy...dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapist and spirit releasment therapist in Mumbai , India

The Shadow, Soul Fragmentation, The Wall
(A single Past Life Regression Session with SRT)

Subject: 23 years male, B.Tech, complains of Panic attacks at the thought of going outside from home thus causing nausea vomiting, anxiety and colitis since last 5 years. Lack of confidence has been generated for the past 6 years. Right hand trembles whenever there is feeling anxiety since 7 years.
Feeling restlessness as if had to do something, should go somewhere...?
Medical History:  Jaundice since 7 years. Fear of taking food outside after Jaundice .Feeling of weakness after Jaundice.
Family History: Death of father when subject’s age was 4 and a half year.
Scanning: Right hand showed black shadow, personification-not ready to answer anything, with counseling shadow ready to go to white light. Released to light.
Subject: I am an old man walking along a waterfall and suddenly I fell and I am dead. People buried me. Moving up. Looking like a small brown bird. Now I am sitting on a tree...
Dr. VSR – why aren’t you going up?
Sub: Want to do work at home.
Dr. VSR - Go and complete your work. (Help of divine light given)
Sub: My unfinished job done.
Dr. VSR - Go to the death point and move ahead.
Sub: I am a light going towards big light...
Dr. VSR – Whenever feel comfortable to come back from white light, go to most important root cause of your present problem.
(Silence).............long pause............
 Sub: I am 5 year boy going on rickshaw from school to home. This is my present life. At home my parents waiting for me. We are happy.
Dr. VSR - Move ahead with time... going school, coming home and talking to father continued till the age of 12thclass. We are happy...
Dr. VSR - Soak in happiness and confidence within.. Whenever you feel these things within u, tell me.
Healing Gap..................
Subject: I am happy
Dr. VSR – Go to the root cause of panic attack and anxietySubject: It is a big wall. I am standing and watching the wall. My age is about an 18 or 19 years.
Dr. VSR - See around the wall...
Subject: Nothing is there.
Dr. VSR - Divine light is removing the wall with shower of white light.
Subject: Wall is falling .I am going up. No land beneath my feet I am climbing bright white stairs. I am changing into a light. Oh again into big white light.
Dr. VSR - Come back when the time in white light is over....
Subject: It seems I rested in white light for 1 year.

1)    I felt something from the whole right hand, went up... It was large shadow.
2)   There is a very big wall in front of our new house. Shifted to it since 8 years. When we go out from our home there is a big wall opposite side of front gate.
3)   I can’t imagine when I saw my father. Talked to him. I lived my whole school life with my father.

Follow UP: After 20 days
1)    I am confident when I go out. No panic attacks
2)   Right hand trembling reduced 70%.
3)   I feel myself more within , as if i am myself..

Sunday 13 October 2013

Dr.Brian Weiss recommend past life regression for following regions. Kindly read it to have more understanding about uses of past life regression......dr.vandana raghuvansghi, past life regression practitioner in Mumbai, India

1. That Old, Familiar Feeling

Through past-life regression, Dr. Brian Weiss says it's possible to heal—and grow—your mind, body and soul, as well as strengthen your present-day relationships. He says one of the most common signs of a past life is déjà vu—the sensation that you have met a person before or have visited someplace previously. Sometimes, this déjà vu feeling is a sign of a past life with a particular person or in a specific place. 

For example, a patient of mine began having anxiety attacks while on her honeymoon in Greece. When she and her husband left for Rome, the anxiety attacks completely disappeared. When she saw me as a patient, we did a past life regression and found that she had been killed in ancient Greece. Her anxiety attacks stemmed from that lifetime even though she did not know why at the time. 

2. Your Dreams Are So Real It's Like You're Actually There

Do you have vivid, detailed dreams of yourself in different times and places? That might be a past life memory emerging. As I've written in my book, past-life recollections aren’t always actual memories: they may also contain symbols and metaphors that need to be interpreted so that their meaning and message can become clear. These symbols are no less powerful than literal ones. Think of these past-life scenes more as a poem than a history text. 

3. You Got an A in History (Without Even Trying)

Talents and abilities, likes and dislikes, and attractions and aversions can also be clues to past lives. You might feel yourself being drawn to certain people or to certain cultures, even if you've never visited them. You might find you are able to learn certain subjects or prepare for a profession more easily than others. For example, a particular foreign language might come quicker to you, while others are more difficult. Or you may have an intense interest in certain historical times and events, such as ancient Egypt or the Civil War period. 

4. You Have a Soul Mate

It is very common to travel through different lives with the same group of souls—I call these groupings, soul mates or soul companions, or soul families. We seem to learn our spiritual lessons and accumulate or resolve our karma with our soul groups. Relationships may change from life to life, but the souls are the same. For example, your grandmother might reincarnate as your grandson. In this sense we never lose our loved ones, because we are always being reunited either on the other side or back here in physical bodies. In Miracles Happen, I describe many cases of soul recognition. In one case, Michelle, whose mother died when Michelle was a small child, was comforted to find that she and her mother were together before in the Middle Ages. They were husband and wife at that time.
 Miracles HappenBrian L. Weiss, MD, is the author of Miracles Happen.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Past life regression session can be conducted on skype.....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life regression therapist in Mumbai, India

Hi Everyone !

I had my past life regression on skype. I am in Canada and Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi is a past life regression therapist in India.We started my regression for past life on skype….
 I was a tall woman  somewhere in Europe , it was mid day , I was very formally dressed as if i was in an office. I was looking for board or signs to know where i was but all signs and boards were in a different language. I started to see the Nazi signs and i knew i was in Germany , during the world war II ( maybe this life would explain my dislike for any movie that was made on World War II, even if it was a documentory i just could not watch ).
I had gone to that office to meet a man in a dark colour uniform , I was requesting him to let the women in my shelter home to go and bring their men’s body and burry them gracefully , it was their right but I knew this was no place i could lose my calm, i had to be polite and tactful, despite my pleadings he sent me away saying that they had more important issues to address and he did not know where bodies could be found. That list in my hand was the list of soldiers who had died in World War II.
I went back to the shelter home and was very upset , it was very painful to explain to them i had failed and i could not help them to even mourn over their loss in the right way.
Both my husband and me were Doctors, but after the war i was given the charge of the shelter home for women and children whose husbands had died in the war and who had lost their home, all men had been forcefully  taken to the battle field. I would occassionaly see or have very brief visits from my husband , he was alot busier , taking care of injured soldiers in the Nazi camps.
I moved back in time to the time i was married, we both were still in college when we got  married, maybe 21, we were classmates . We had an amazing bond and were friends too . He is my soulmate in current life, I moved forward to the time of child birth , we were blessed with a baby boy, beautiful boy . We had very happy times till the war began..
I was asked to see what happened to my son , i did not want to go back to that memory , but with some persitance i went to the event , he was 3 or 4 years old when we lost him , someone took him away and i did not know how that happened, i started crying , it was a very painful loss ( I have always been scared of having children, always felt i was too absent minded to be a good mother , this fear was to the extent that i would not hold any baby and would always avoid being with children and this life seems to have the answers to my phobia of having children).
My husband became very quiet after the loss of our son, i think deep inside he blamed me for being careless, our relation had turned cold. During this time the War started.
I next moved to another seen , it was when Germany was divided into 2 parts, since my husband was in the Nazi camps which were in west Germany ,we were separated by law of the land , they never let us be together, i saw the scene where there were high fences and we met for the last time , he had become cold like a stone , his warm eyes had no emotions , looking at him it felt as if i never knew him.
After that i resumed to my work , i was a doctor in a hospital who would work only day shifts, I enjoyed the shelter home and the social work more, after that moment life was just a routine, my husband and me wrote to each other regularly but that was the only source of hope in life... One day i died of a heart attack while waiting for the postman, i was maybe 54 .
I had to learn the lesson of “ACCEPTANCE “, i had not learnt that lesson, I had carried so much pain and agony from that life that i was unable to move up in the LBL session. It took a lot of cleansing ....( My head felt so heavy that i started to feel the headache, it felt as if there was a big white box in place of my brain , with the help of the healing techniques I was pushed and  further moved up , at this time i saw one of the soulmates, the most senior one who had helped me in my planning stage counseling , he whispered that “ you are late “, i also saw my soulmate , he did not say anything but was reassuring that he is there and i should not be scared.
I then saw my Master soul, I went to him and pay my respects in an Indian traditional way , he blessed me and told me “ You recieve everything in abundance, both good and bad , stay protected”. He continued to bless me and then he left , Dr.Vandana wanted me to do more work but i was too exhausted and wanted to come back.
When i was looking at that life from above , i had seen that my husband had accepted that life, i had even said i am upset and i am carring sadness, grief and a sense of loss, I was sad because i had not learnt to accept my circumstances and deep inside i knew i had wasted that life in wait and in sadness. When i run my current life parallel i am repeating the same pattern at certain times, acceptance does not come to me easily but I have learnt to fight it and i fight the circumstances to the extent of forgetting to live life , i dont wait and accept what i do not like i turn the table around and change my situation but it takes me alot of energy and effort , it does not come to me easily.
But this is one lesson that i need to learn , in life we can not have everything together and we need to surrender at times , its a matter of faith too , When one has complete faith and surrenders is when usually life takes a positive turn , I had not learned that as a result i was complaining and once you complain you can not be grateful but all these comes after accepting one’s situation and having faith . I believe this is one of the most valuable lessons that i had failed to learn and I am so happy and grateful that i have been reminded of it in a way that i would never be able to forget.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Inner Child Healing in Mumbai, India.....09872880634

1.It is becoming more  clear to psychologists, therapists and healers that the inner child has more of an influence over our lives than we were previously aware.
2. This part, although living in our subconcious mind, is a living conscious part.
3. It is the child we once were and it holds all our hurts, disappointments, traumas, anger, negative feelings and sadness.
4. We may not all have experienced trauma or extreme difficulties, but we have all experienced upset and possibly hurt to a greater or lesser degree.
5. Often these past pains are reflected in our current life circumstances.
6. That bout of depression, that anxiety, those panic feelings, those critical thoughts, those issues with food, that fear of intimacy and so on.
7. These are all brought on by your inner child, because that part has not healed and it wants you to know.
8 It wants you to go back and give it a hug, it wants you to listen and help, it wants your love. When upsetting or sad things happen to us as children we don't just forget about it. It becomes suppressed within us, and at a later date will manifest as illness, bad days, the blues, anger, fears, self sabotage or something else.............
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  inner child  healing session.....