Saturday 14 March 2020

We all know that that a Soul needs a body to go through a huge gamut of experiences, may it be physical or emotional . Soul needs those experiences and those happen on this Earthly plane . We are a spirit or a soul who has come down for a physical experience. .The body goes through a wide foray of experiences depending on the karmas and dharma. We come to the Earth to understand and learn only two things..Emotions and Polarity . The emotions are experienced by the body in the form of joy, happiness, anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, rejection etc etc . Through the emotions we'll experience pain or pleasure and that becomes polarity .Every emotion will make you feel either good or bad..this is polarity again . We judge others.. she's good or she's bad and when we do that, we're putting our emotions into it. When you dont polarise , you're not judging and when you don't do that, you're at ease ..theres nothing good or bad, nothing beautiful or ugly, no dark or light ... it's a state of equanimity. We learn to reach that state through meditation, by controlling the mind .The Mind is like a monkey , jumping from here to there, always active , chattering away, deciding , pushing us, creating havoc stillness .You have to quieten it , teach it and that's a huge task . The more the mind chatters the more the body feels uneasy . Quieter the mind , more stable the body. The relation between the two is that of inseparable twins. One jumps, the other does too . Therefore pain in the mind becomes a pain in the body or what we call psychosomatic. Psycho ie affecting your psyche and somatic becomes bodily or physical . So what affects the mind will affect the body ..simple . Emotion as we all know is energy in motion and when this energy stops flowing or moving, disease comes up . Disease is a cause that something has happened. Disease is saying that pay heed to yourself, to your emotion. Our body is smart, it is intelligent, it responds to the intensity of emotion. Fear of letting go will cause a disease of the colon, high cholesterol is caused by not letting joy come into your life , unresolved anger leads to kidney stones , when you feel unsupported in life you will land up with osteoporosis, obsessing about something will lead to spleen issues etc etc . So you can see the mind- body connection but it's all the journey of a soul which is in a physical body . The soul before it takes birth has already decided in its Life Between Life stage, that in the coming birth it would want to experience rejection and anger it will choose a parent or parents or a family where it will experience anger and resentment. The child will be born as a girl in a family where it will be rejected because she's a girl , which will cause her distress and a great deal of anger . If she learns to overcome these two issues , she won't have mental traumas or health issues but if she becomes emotional and goes through anger and rejection then she's bound to face PCOD or liver issues due to anger, or kidney issues due to parental resentment . This girl will reject her parents because her soul wants to experience rejection, and wants to experience anger . This is her this life's purpose . So here it's the mind - body- spirit at play .