Tuesday 31 March 2020

Repetitive pattern- PLR session

Repetitive pattern

A client came and told my wife was always good to me. Once I was sick she helped me so much. Now she don’t want to see me and she is not living with me. Why this happened to me I want to know the reason in my past life.  


I am living in a small house with my wife and daughter. It is night time. I am talking to my daughter. Next day I am going for work. I am an engineer working at a construction site. I am checking some papers. I came back to home in the evening. I am talking to my wife. Next day a man came to us. He is my relative. We all four of us are going to the city market. It is India. I have a motorcycle so we are going in a three wheeler. My wife looks upset. A car is going nearby and she is looking at the car. She is telling me to buy a car now. 

One day I was going on the motorcycle to market along with my daughter. (she is also my present life daughter and wife is also my present life wife). We met with an accident. My daughter got hurt. She got plaster on leg and stitches. My wife is very upset. My daughter is admitted. I am staying with her. When my daughter got discharged my wife came to pick us. She came in a car driving by herself. We are very quiet. Next day we argued a lot. My wife is speaking lot of things to me. It is very hurting to listen. We pushed each other. She is packing her things. She is taking daughter along.  She is taking a three wheeler. The car is not outside our home. I feel it was someone’s car. Now I am alone. I keep on going for my work. After some time my daughter contacted me. They live in some hill area. I am arranging for her hostel admission. She is very happy. I did not meet my wife because I felt very hurt in last incident. Life is going on. My daughter is growing. I meet her in her hostel. Now I have a car. I go to meet her in car. One day she told me that my wife had an accident and died.

I am taking to my daughter about her marriage. She agreed. There is very good wedding arrangement. I am alone making the arrangement. I am tired but feeling happy. Now I am old living all alone. I have my three friends who are also old. I meet them in park and walk.  One day in morning I died in my home.  My daughter and my friends came and cremated me. My life was good but me and my wife did not live together. I am in the light and getting healed.


I understand that I am repeating the same pattern in my married life. I do hope i break the pattern now. Thank you Doctor Vandana.

Sunday 29 March 2020

PLR session to find answer in past life

PLR session to find answer in past life

A client said Dr Vandana! I want to know about my past life relationship with a person whom I love immensely in my present life.


I am a 19 years old tribal boy. I live in a Kutcha house. The land is very dry. There is no water. There is another boy with me who is 16 year old. I am very much attracted to him. We seem to be very happy together. We hide around because we both are boys and have feelings for each other. He has much more understanding about our relationship than me. Now I am a grown up man and linked with religious activities of our tribe.

I am in some position of power. People started respecting me. It seems I will become priest later on. Time is going on. I started getting uncomfortable with our relationship. I always feel we must not be seen together. He has very strong feelings for me. My feelings are much stronger than his but my position does not permit me to express them openly. One day when he was getting intimate I pushed him aside. I also told him - you go. He was very hurt and left the tribe. I did not stop him. He is looking very sad.

Life does not make any sense after he left. I thought GOD will help me bear the pain I am feeling but my pain does not reduce. Life is going on. I am 45 years old now. I am in a temple. There is a black idol of Goddess. I think I am the chief priest now. I do not have a family. I am not happy. I am sitting and feeling very restless. I am missing my partner very badly.  I am waiting for him but the he does not show up. I just keep on waiting. I know I lost him forever due to my action. I am a coward and could not carry on with our love relationship further due to the fear of religion. I do not feel the person will come. I am sad (visibly crying).

My life became very painful. I keep remembering that guy. I kept waiting for so long. I am tired of it now. I am going to sleep. I started walking away from the village. I keep on walking thinking about him only. My body is getting fragile. I reached near a river. It is evening I am sitting near the river and died. There was lot of sadness in me. My last thought was I lost my love due to religion.

Few hunters came by. They took away my belongings and burnt me. The person is the person I love so immensely in present life. He knows about it but ignores my feelings. I am going towards the light and asking forgiveness from him. In light guidance came he will not forgive me in present life also. I have to stop trying now and need to learn to be OK with everything that is in my life.

Saturday 28 March 2020

Mental health - Maintenance.

Mental health - Maintenance.

One can remain aware of the overall emotional well being of children in case he/she engages child via daily conversations that will help one notice behavioral changes like the child becoming irritable & distant, losing interest in activities the child once loved and enjoyed. Child is very observant, his/her behavior develops in accordance with the frequency & degree of exposure to parental arguments & fights, the traumatic & emotional experience at home. One’s own anxieties, fears and depression adversely impacts children hence need to be calmed down. External environment like comparisons with other’s lives, vacation, friends, family, dress etc, exposure to drugs/ alcohol & violence, social isolation etc in society also impacts the child’s mental health. The feeling of belongingness and connectedness, competence, positive feedback, recognition & rewarding experiences enhances a child’s mental wellness. Positive behavior that inculcates self respect, self esteem & trust in self in child helps him/her face difficult situations like bullying & harassment.  Getting stressed in tough and adverse conditions is natural but limiting hampering of one’s sense of satisfaction caused due to irrational exaggeration of expectation from life, avoiding getting trapped in feeling of  helplessness & self pity, appreciating and being grateful for things that are plentiful in life, shifting focus from public approval to personal approval and regular exercise in addition to maintaining good physical health also helps in controlling one’s anger, anxiety and depression, thus maintaining emotional well being. 

Facing inner conflicts ???

Facing inner conflicts ???

One’s vulnerability and desperation should not let others influence making a choice in a hurry that may result in sufferings later pushing one into an unhappy state of mind. Consciously make deliberate choices based on your own positive thoughts to make your desire a reality. One’s discomfort, state of misery, complaining nature does attract others attention but this attention seeking must not be celebrated instead rise above your fear & worry to achieve your purpose in life. Do not keep things to self instead take professional help to fight back, facing conflicts singularly builds tension.  

Surrogate past life regression session......

Surrogate past life regression session......

A girl volunteered past life regression session for her sister. This session was for understanding the hurdle in the marriage of her sister.

PLR Session......

There is a small house. A 15 year old girl is talking to a boy. This house is in the forest area. There is a small market. It seems very old times. It is night. She is entering the house. She lives with her mother. Her brother is beating her because she does not help them in any work. She is crying. She is my sister in present life.

Next morning, she goes to the boy again and spends time with him. They love taking to each other. The boy works in a shop in the market. This boy is my sister’s boy friend in present life. Time goes on like this. One day she left the home and went to the boy in the shop. He is very upset that she has left her home. The boy has a horse. Both of them left the village on the horse. They started living as husband-wife at a new place. This place is much smaller than her home. They live in a small room. Now boy started working somewhere. After long time her mother found out and came to meet them. They did not talk to her. Her mother is crying.  After sometime they have a kid.

Now they are grown up and kid is grown up too. One day her husband died. Now when she is alone she always thinks about her mother. She died alone thinking about her mother. She wanted to ask her mother to forgive her. Her past life mother is her boy friend’s mother in present life. She is not giving permission for their marriage.

An experience - Past life regression session....

An experience - Past life regression session....

I am always dissatisfied in this life. Did I ever live a contended life? I want to experience that life.

PLR Session...

I am a nine year old boy. My mother is very beautiful. She puts a bindi on her forehead. My father is fat and tall. I go to some small school. I am now grown up and getting married. The marriage is in Rajasthani culture. I have a daughter now. I teach in village. My mother died. Life is going on. My daughter is grown up now. She wants to study. It is a very old type of train. I am taking her to a city. She found a boy there and we married her. She lives in the city only. My wife is old. I take care of her. Now she is no more.
I am in the boat. Sun is rising. I reached the river bank. There is a beautiful small village. I am going towards my hut. I am tall and thin. In night I sleep outside my hut. A young woman, my neighbour gives me food. People respect me. I roam in the village in day time. No one lives in my hut except me. I live alone but I am at peace. Sometimes I feel loneliness but I am contented. One day I died while sleeping. Villagers cremated me respectfully. My life was simple and contented.  

Why there is no love in my life?

Why there is no love in my life?

PLR Session…….

I am a beautiful teenager. I live in a small village along with my parents and brother. My mother does not allow me to go outside because I am beautiful. One day some royal person came, married and took me along. Now I live in a palace. He loves me. King has another wife also. She does not have a child. I am learning horse riding. Somebody comes to teach me. I am also learning how to run administration. I delivered a son. King is very happy. Queen, my mother in law, loves and favours me now. King is not well. The prince is 10 years old now. Now I run the administration. People talk bad about me but I do not bother. King is getting sick day by day. He seems jealous of my confidence. Now I do not have time for him even. He feels I never loved him. His other wife spends all the time with him only. One day king cursed me that I will never get love in life. After some time he died.  King of Kalinga came along with lot of gifts and his army. He sent a message - you marry me, we will keep administrator here and when your son will grow up he will become king. Prince is only 12 years old at present. Queen and Rajpurohit told me to marry because we do not have any other option. Prince does not like it. We got married in a small ceremony. Me and prince are going to Kalinga with Kalinga king. The prince is getting good training to be a prince so I am happy now.  There is a very big Shiva temple here. I go there. I spend more time praying Lord Shiva. My son is grown up. We are going for his Rajtilk. My prince is crowned and getting married. He now stays in his state. I came back to Kalinga. I died in Kalinga. I fulfilled my duties. The curse given by my first husband came with me that is why I do not feel love in my present life. In light I am healing and purpose of my present life is to serve people. 

Live a fulfilling life

Live a fulfilling life...

Take a clear look at the life you are living. Do not spend time trying to undo what you have done. Rather, take the responsibility for living your own life. Determine what is most important to you to live an evolving life. Each moment of life has relevance. Invariably our intentions are tied to the past and we try not to repeat what we perceive as mistakes. Dismissing experience as an error or mistake is often misleading.  Each experience, whether positive or negative, leads one to a perspective. Always honor the experience, no matter what. The conflict within self is often caused by dueling voices inside each one of us that cause confusion, reminds one of past mistakes, or cause one to doubt self. Simply ignore and disregard the voices that are judgmental, make you feel ashamed & interfere with your resolve to succeed, it will help you stop being critical of your failures & afraid of success.

Listen to & believe your true inner voice (the voice of understanding, support, self-assurance, love & compassion) which encourages you, gives you hope & pushes you to trust & believe in yourself. It will lessen & even resolve internal conflict, bolster your spirits & urge you to go after your dreams.

The ultimate truth of life is engaging self fully in the moment. It allows one to let go of the past better & focus one’s thoughts on the goals that resonate the most strongly within. By being fully present with all that we are & all that we have, we can experience each of our choice fully, make the most fulfilling choices & feel more sure of what we are doing.

A thought...

A thought...

The most exciting phase in life is when one steps out of his/her comfort zone to achieve one’s dream. Not getting bored with what one is excited about and doing keeps a person interested and engaged. The acceptance of one’s hard work & efforts put in via appreciation, recognition and validation keeps one motivated and enthusiastic to work harder.

Role of parents - the importance

Role of parents- the importance

Parents must realise and appreciate that children seek and demand space as they grow. Children have aspirations and dreams to be successful. The minor adjustments and compromises with their beliefs necessitated/forced upon in their course of struggle make them brood and unhappy.  Comparisons, not only with peers but also with faceless on the social media, does not let the child completely accept self with his/her own weaknesses and strengths. A concerned parent must develop understanding/ compromise with own ego and prove to be child’s most trusted friend to let them confide their issues/fears/worries in them in order to fully support the child gain confidence in his/her strengths at the time he/she is going through turmoil due to internal conflicts.

Feelings & Fear manifest stress

Feelings & Fear manifest stress

Be patient and don’t give up in the face of frequent rejections. Self awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses results in self realisation and thus helps become own master to create a happy life. Rise above your feelings & fear (the manifestation of your mind) to safeguard against mental turbulence, face upheavals calmly, remain balanced in one’s approach to sufferings and live a life of contentment & inner peace. Accomplish health, happiness & peace through affirmative thoughts in response to one’s frustrations, the cause of stress/tension/anxiety.  

Monday 23 March 2020

Depression is not the disease of rich and it’s certainly not a disease of idle minds :. It’s a disease which when takes u in its clutches leaves u uncertain about everything.. No u can’t control it by going out for dinner , partying or even reading a book.. No u can’t control it by sleeping for hours or crying:.’ This can only be tackled with therapy , love and understanding and right medication and ppl around u who are empathetic towards ur condition :. It’s time we take Mental health seriously and it’s time for ppl to have compassion and understand towards ppl who go throw it... Contact us for Counselling session and therapy session. Contact us at 9872880634

The Alphabet Of Happiness The Alphabet: A – ACCEPT Accept others for who they are and for the choices they’ve made even if you have difficulty understanding their beliefs, motives, or actions. B – BREAK AWAY Break away from everything that stands in the way of what you hope to accomplish with your life. C – CREATE Create a family of friends whom you can share your hopes, dreams, sorrows, and happiness with. D – DECIDE Decide that you’ll be successful and happy come what may, and good things will find you. The roadblocks are only minor obstacles along the way. E – EXPLORE Explore and experiment. The world has much to offer, and you have much to give. And every time you try something new, you’ll learn more about yourself. F – FORGIVE Forgive and forget. Grudges only weigh you down and inspire unhappiness and grief. Soar above it, and remember that everyone makes mistakes. G – GROW Leave the childhood monsters behind. They can no longer hurt you or stand in your way. H – HOPE Hope for the best and never forget that anything is possible as long as you remain dedicated to the task. I – IGNORE Ignore the negative voice inside your head. Focus instead on your goals and remember your accomplishments. Your past success is only a small inkling of what the future holds. J – JOURNEY Journey to new worlds, new possibilities, by remaining open-minded. Try to learn something new every day, an you’ll grow. K – KNOW Know that no matter how bad things seem, they’ll always get better. The warmth of spring always follows the harshest winter. L – LOVE Let love fill your heart instead of hate. When hate is in your heart, there’s room for nothing else, but when love is in your heart, there’s room for endless happiness. M – MANAGE Manage your time and your expenses wisely, and you’ll suffer less stress and worry. Then you’ll be able to focus on the important things in life. N – NOTICE Never ignore the poor, infirm, helpless, weak, or suffering. Offer your assistance when possible, and always your kindness and understanding. O – OPEN Open your eyes and take in all the beauty around you. Even during the worst of times, there’s still much to be thankful for. P – PLAY Never forget to have fun along the way. Success means nothing without happiness. Q – QUESTION Ask many questions, because you’re here to learn. R – RELAX Refuse to let worry and stress rule your life, and remember that things always have a way of working out in the end. S – SHARE Share your talent, skills, knowledge, and time with others. Everything that you invest in others will return to you many times over. T – TRY Even when your dreams seem impossible to reach, try anyway. You’ll be amazed by what you can accomplish. U – USE Use your gifts to your best ability. Talent that’s wasted has no value. Talent that’s used bill bring unexpected rewards. V – VALUE Value the friends and family members who’ve supported and encouraged you, and be there for them as well. W – WORK Work hard every day to be the best person you can be, but never feel guilty if you fall short of your goals. Every sunrise offers a second chance. X – X-RAY Look deep inside the hearts of those around you and you’ll see the goodness and beauty within. Y – YIELD Yield to commitment. If you stay on track and remain dedicated, you’ll find success at the end of the road. Z – ZOOM Zoom to a happy place when bad memories or sorrow rears its ugly head. Let nothing interfere with your goals. Instead, focus on your abilities, your dreams, and a brighter tomorrow.

Sunday 15 March 2020

Depression therapy.,0872880634

Depression is huge ..youngsters, middle aged and even old people suffer from it. It doesn't spare any age , or sex or the rich or the poor . It's like a monster on a rampage . ..a boyfriend or a girlfriend has left them , inability to cope up with changing lifestyle,  problems with the spouse or the in -laws, Ill health ,  children leaving you and going away for further studies or sons separating from parents after marriage , death of a spouse or a child or a parent, sibling rivalry where you are unable to do better than your brother or sister, parents creating differences between one child and the other...there are so many, many causes.Remember , wherever your thought goes , energy follows. The more you talk of depression , the same energy awaits you . A lot of people are fat today because they do emotional eating ie filling the emptiness in you with food . The stomach fat is nothing but stored emotions or undigested emotions .
Talking about depression, in  medical terms ,  it's a mood disorder and loss of interest in your daily activities. It can lead to sleeplessness, anxiety, anger, aggressiveness, frustration , lack of appetite, binging, anorexia, lack of concentration,  low self esteem and even suicidal thoughts . It's about  feeling low for no reason .
 Life is a journey and how you want to go about it,  is your choice . Life gives you opportunities to figure out things for yourself , its upto you how you want to do it . The path may not be easy , but you can dare to walk  because the end of the road is always beautiful.  Believe it and it shall happen .

Saturday 14 March 2020

For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder... therapy helps.. Contact...09872880634

We all know that that a Soul needs a body to go through a huge gamut of experiences, may it be physical or emotional . Soul needs those experiences and those happen on this Earthly plane . We are a spirit or a soul who has come down for a physical experience. .The body goes through a wide foray of experiences depending on the karmas and dharma. We come to the Earth to understand and learn only two things..Emotions and Polarity . The emotions are experienced by the body in the form of joy, happiness, anger, fear, jealousy, resentment, rejection etc etc . Through the emotions we'll experience pain or pleasure and that becomes polarity .Every emotion will make you feel either good or bad..this is polarity again . We judge others.. she's good or she's bad and when we do that, we're putting our emotions into it. When you dont polarise , you're not judging and when you don't do that, you're at ease ..theres nothing good or bad, nothing beautiful or ugly, no dark or light ... it's a state of equanimity. We learn to reach that state through meditation, by controlling the mind .The Mind is like a monkey , jumping from here to there, always active , chattering away, deciding , pushing us, creating havoc ...no stillness .You have to quieten it , teach it and that's a huge task . The more the mind chatters the more the body feels uneasy . Quieter the mind , more stable the body. The relation between the two is that of inseparable twins. One jumps, the other does too . Therefore pain in the mind becomes a pain in the body or what we call psychosomatic. Psycho ie affecting your psyche and somatic becomes bodily or physical . So what affects the mind will affect the body ..simple . Emotion as we all know is energy in motion and when this energy stops flowing or moving, disease comes up . Disease is a cause that something has happened. Disease is saying that pay heed to yourself, to your emotion. Our body is smart, it is intelligent, it responds to the intensity of emotion. Fear of letting go will cause a disease of the colon, high cholesterol is caused by not letting joy come into your life , unresolved anger leads to kidney stones , when you feel unsupported in life you will land up with osteoporosis, obsessing about something will lead to spleen issues etc etc . So you can see the mind- body connection but it's all the journey of a soul which is in a physical body . The soul before it takes birth has already decided in its Life Between Life stage, that in the coming birth it would want to experience rejection and anger ..so it will choose a parent or parents or a family where it will experience anger and resentment. The child will be born as a girl in a family where it will be rejected because she's a girl , which will cause her distress and a great deal of anger . If she learns to overcome these two issues , she won't have mental traumas or health issues but if she becomes emotional and goes through anger and rejection then she's bound to face PCOD or liver issues due to anger, or kidney issues due to parental resentment . This girl will reject her parents because her soul wants to experience rejection, and wants to experience anger . This is her this life's purpose . So here it's the mind - body- spirit at play .

Friday 6 March 2020

Case Study... Cause and Effect #Karmic Link... Why do I have a daughter with autism/ Asperger ? Why do I have a difficult relationship with husband? What is the purpose of my life? A 42 year woman, with these queries, came to understand the reasons of her extreme sufferings. Session….. It is a beautiful small English house surrounded by trees. My parents along with 4-5 kids are sitting in a room and talking. I am a girl wearing frock. I am a young woman in a Church. It is my wedding. The groom has come along with a six year old boy, his son. I came to a big house with lot of wooden work after marriage. My husband is a very important person, always busy, not bothered about me. Lots of people have gathered here for a party. The boy calls me mom. It is his birthday celebrations. I am attending to every guest. My husband is not present. Mine is very lonely life, just taking care of the boy and home. Now I am holding a small girl child in my hands. The boy is of 10 years now, very happy, jumping around. I am feeling little happy but I do not like the boy. He hurts my daughter. I want to protect her. I want him to go away (started crying). My daughter is grown up now but it seems I am around her all the time as something is wrong with her. I always worry about her. It seems she has the similar type of disorder—Autism/Asperger. I teach her to play piano. Boy is not at home. Three of us, my husband, daughter and me are here. I did not allow him to live with us. He is growing up at some other place. I am pregnant again. I am 40 now. I have lot of health problems and severe breathing difficulty. My husband and daughter are present near me. I think I am at full term. I am sinking, feeling numb, feel no pain anywhere. I am no more. There is lot of sadness that I did not give birth to child. My last thought was about my daughter and that I should have loved the boy. I am buried, it is 1859. My name is Mary. Guided to light, the master light came, when she asked what is the purpose of my present life? The answer came - love everybody, selfless love. In that life you did not love the boy so in this life you have to learn unconditional love. The husband and daughter are my current life husband and daughter also, more difficult to live with. As a past life regression therapist again I witnessed karmic link affecting present life so much, We must sow all the seeds in our life with love.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Stress in life...... How much needless stress are you carrying around right now? Do you feel burdened by life's uncontrollable circumstances & your own emotional issues? Stress remains a part of life and its degree increases as we grow. Experiencing palpitation, uneasiness, fatigue etc are the symptoms when you need to take note of it as it is when you start loosing focus. It starts taking over your body and mind. It becomes a hindrance in your path of a happy living. The company of certain individuals strongly impacts state of mind, emotions and life as a whole. His/her behavior, attitude, approach etc, whether you like it or not, have a reason so do not judge instead try to find the reason and work around it. Instead of avoiding, dragging on living with relationships that lead to emotional turmoil transform the situation to understand/introspect and face your own barriers, break them and grow. It will help you respond introspectively instead of predictable reactive mode. The most logical way is to keep interacting that will help you understand their thoughts, perceptions and belief thus keeps your negative emotions in check helping you work on possibilities and keep yourself in control of the situation. Always remain motivated. Remain enthusiastic. Life is dynamic. Circumstances keep changing. Keeping your hobby alive and kicking is the best stress buster to reduce mental stress. Surround yourself with people full of enthusiasm and action. Becoming more grounded & happy starts with letting go of worry & stress. Counselling session helps you learn to have hold on your will power. Contact m-9872880634

Stress in life...... How much needless stress are you carrying around right now? Do you feel burdened by life's uncontrollable circumstances & your own emotional issues? Stress remains a part of life and its degree increases as we grow. Experiencing palpitation, uneasiness, fatigue etc are the symptoms when you need to take note of it as it is when you start loosing focus. It starts taking over your body and mind. It becomes a hindrance in your path of a happy living. The company of certain individuals strongly impacts state of mind, emotions and life as a whole. His/her behavior, attitude, approach etc, whether you like it or not, have a reason so do not judge instead try to find the reason and work around it. Instead of avoiding, dragging on living with relationships that lead to emotional turmoil transform the situation to understand/introspect and face your own barriers, break them and grow. It will help you respond introspectively instead of predictable reactive mode. The most logical way is to keep interacting that will help you understand their thoughts, perceptions and belief thus keeps your negative emotions in check helping you work on possibilities and keep yourself in control of the situation. Always remain motivated. Remain enthusiastic. Life is dynamic. Circumstances keep changing. Keeping your hobby alive and kicking is the best stress buster to reduce mental stress. Surround yourself with people full of enthusiasm and action. Becoming more grounded & happy starts with letting go of worry & stress. Counselling session helps you learn to have hold on your will power. Contact m-9872880634

Ovarian cyst and Past life link... Feedback from client... I am 28 yrs, suffering from left ovarian cyst from two years. The fear in mind and pain in lower body also become a part of life. Medical treatment was not able to dissolve cyst. Surgery thought used to make me sick and more fearful. I was in real turmoil.I decided to me dr.vandana raghuvansghi for other therapies. She suggested that fear and cysts seems to come together and it's seems past life carryover. We planed my past life regression session. I regressed to a life in India, Rajasthan, 1910. A girl, very beautiful, poor parents. The landlord of the area was a forty year married man, As ,I grow up to 16 yrs , he asked my father to give me to her. My father a Rajput , refused. The next secne was ..in night few man came , my father told me to run and gave me a knjar [ small knife like thing] in my hand . I ran from behind door..heard shrill voices in pain of my parents and fire burning home. I was terrifred , intense fear, my leges frozen, churning my stomach, not able to run.People was serching for me, I stabbed knife on left side of lower abdomed.I was very angry and with intense pain and fear when my soul left my body.Dr.Vandana helped me to forgive them and in light , my master light gave me understanding of that life , lession needed to be lerned and much more. Immediately after session , I felt very light, as something left forever..it was ..fear.Very light in lower abdomen.dr.vandana raghuvanshi, advised to go for ultrasound pelvis, and now last week , I get it done. It's normal . I am happy and at peace.. Thanks you so much Dr Vandana.