Monday 21 January 2019


Fear is a natural part of being human. Fear can either protect us from harm by motivating us to physically deal with potential danger or keep us from participating fully in life. Fear is our state of mind, we can choose to face our fears, change our minds & create the life we want to live or be scared and get into inaction, a barrier that prevents one from fulfilling one’s full potential. 

The highs & lows, twists & turns of life affect everyone and generate fears that may revolve around physical safety, sickness, living under difficult circumstances, exposure to hazardous conditions, experiencing financial crisis, loss of a loved one, scared of never finding someone special to spend life with, start at a new school, begin a different job, move to a new town, or meet new people.

Fear can be caused by Lack of faith in oneself, Insecurity, Attachments & dependencies,  Mistrust, inability to open oneself,  experiences of the past, habit of seeing situations & people in a negative way, dishonesty.

The situations, activities, & individuals that frighten us remain static and their relative intensity does not change but our fear grows, if we choose not to confront it. Share your fears with others so they do not grow as pent up feelings inside and let go the worries you carry.

Learn to face fears, observe your thoughts, feelings & response but not be ruled by them instead choose to act differently. Move through your fears with patience, courage & confidence to shape the lives as you want. The universe will always offer you some form of aid or support while you walk through your fear taking all the risks.