HYPNOTHERAPY AND PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY.....For All type of Phobias, Panic attack, Recurrent dreams and nightmare , Alcoholism,Bed wetting,Depression,Stammering, Insomnia,Inner Child Healing, Age regression , live between lives session to understand soul journey and getting guidance from Masters.NLP [Neuro lingustic programming],Re -Birthing breath work, Reiki healing & Pranic healing , Distant healing.Holistic healing for body &mind phone 09872880634
Thursday, 31 January 2019
Monday, 28 January 2019
Do not suffer silently throughout life
Do not suffer silently throughout life
Anxiety, depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, aggression/violence, self neglect, obsessive compulsive disorder are some of the mental illnesses/problems one lacks the capacity to handle of his own and silently suffers never ending battle with these illnesses throughout the life. The person and his/her family hesitate to admit existence and seek professional guidance/help to tackle these problems due to the stigma attached. The mistrust and doubtful integrity of society clubbed with fear of disrespect endangers the dignity of the person. Few incapable to deal with enhanced level of stress end up committing suicide causing irreparable loss to the family and society. One must start his/her day by seeking blessings of Almighty and be grateful for the beautiful life. Just remember how much blessed you are, the moment feel overwhelmed. A Professional helps one to acquire the skills and knowledge to handle the symptoms in his/her day to day activities. Learn Reiki to heal yourself. Contact 9872880634
Monday, 21 January 2019
is a natural part of being human. Fear can either protect us from harm by motivating
us to physically deal with potential danger or keep us from participating fully
in life. Fear is our state of mind, we can choose to face our fears, change our
minds & create the life we want to live or be scared and get into inaction,
a barrier that prevents one from fulfilling one’s full potential.
highs & lows, twists & turns of life affect everyone and generate fears
that may revolve around physical safety, sickness, living under difficult
circumstances, exposure to hazardous conditions, experiencing financial crisis,
loss of a loved one, scared of never finding someone special to spend life with,
start at a new school, begin a different job, move to a new town, or meet new
can be caused by Lack of faith in oneself, Insecurity, Attachments &
dependencies, Mistrust, inability to
open oneself, experiences of the past, habit of seeing situations &
people in a negative way, dishonesty.
situations, activities, & individuals that frighten us remain static and their
relative intensity does not change but our fear grows, if we choose not to confront
it. Share your fears with others so they do not grow as pent up feelings inside
and let go the worries you carry.
to face fears, observe your thoughts, feelings & response but not be ruled
by them instead choose to act differently. Move through your fears with patience,
courage & confidence to shape the lives as you want. The
universe will always offer you some form of aid or support while you walk
through your fear taking all the risks.
Twelve factors that govern life
Twelve Factors that Govern
our Life
We all are bound by the laws of nature. The super consciousness that binds
whole universe exhibits its power of existence everywhere. The
consciousness of energy & vibrations always remind us its laws which is
equal for everyone, connecting us with the consciousness of oneness, taking us
from the world of dualism to the world of unification.
The twelve factors or laws of nature, consciously or unconsciously are
practiced by everyone and these are the powerful tools which can either make
& free us from all worldly illusions through the path of salvation and
enlightenment; or it can break us by capturing our consciousness in its vicious
cycle of cause and effect.
One can knowingly use these factors to attract abundance and Divine
love in their life and can also choose the divine path of enlightenment and be
free from the illusion of duality or one can say “MAYA”.
These 12 factors which govern life are also described as laws of
karmas. Let’s see what these 12 factors are:
1 Cause and
Every cause has its effect & every effect has its cause. The consciousness of universe works on the invisible waves of energy & vibrations. Whatever energy & vibrations we send to the universe, the same consciousness of energy comes back to us. If one seeks love, peace & happiness in life, then one must tune his/her frequency to these energies. We receive what we give to the universe.
Consciously using cause and effect factor, one can make his/her life full of abundance, love, peace & happiness. Just give what you want in your life.
2 Creation
Universe wants our participation to grow in life. Nothing happens just sitting ideally. Whatever we get in our surroundings is our own creation in our inner state of mind.
Carefully designing the creation of our outer world and working on that, helps us in achieving whatever we wish in our life.
3 Humility
If we focus on or see others with some negative character traits, it means we are focused on that negative energy despite being focused on a higher level of consciousness. Whatever we refuse to accept, that comes to us.
Accepting everyone & focusing on higher state of consciousness, the negative traits will never bother us.
4 Growth
The growth must be from inside. We cannot change people, places or things surrounding us, but we can change ourselves.
When growth occurs from inside, universe accepts that and changes
occurs in surroundings.
5 Responsibility
We are responsible for everything, what we have in our life whether positive or negative. The world is the mirror of our inner self. So, we are responsible.
By taking responsibility what is in our life, we can change it in a way we like to have our life.
6 Connection
Universe is beyond the perception of dualism. Everything & every incident are connected to each other. Past, present, future everything is connected.
For job to be done, every step must be taken. Every step is important to accomplish the task.
7 Focus
Focus is a very essential factor governing our life. Energy must be focused on a single task at a time. Focusing on different things at the same time scatters our energy and none of the dreams comes true.
8 Giving and hospitality
Whatever energy we put into the universe, that comes back to us. By practicing giving & hospitality one can attract those things in own life.
9 Here and now
Everything is here & now. Whatever one want in life must be felt in ‘here & now’ and that is in present tense. Looking backward take us to the past which prevent us from growth and forward in future, the things remains in future only. Whatever we want must be focused with energy, as if it was already yours. It helps in materializing the things soon. This is the power of here and now.
10 Change
Change is the path to grow. It takes great effort to change as it brings us out from our comfort zone. If we don’t accept change, we commit the same mistake again and again.
11 Patience and reward
Everything takes its own time to materialize. Along with great effort, patience is also required to see the things materializing.
The true happiness comes as a reward which requires lots of patience and persistence along with hard work.
12 Significance and inspiration
One gets job done & accomplished something, if one puts in all
effort in the form of energy & intent into it. Contributing to something
inspires us from within and others too.
Saturday, 12 January 2019
Mental fatigue - empty your mind
Mental fatigue – empty your mind
Human mind, knowingly or unknowingly, is always pre-occupied with racing thoughts because of the societal pressures. These thoughts force us to continue to do things/activities, bound to stress us, in our endeavour to get maximum from our life in terms of success & happiness resulting in mental fatigue. We need to internalise the habit of giving a break to our busy schedule to spend time with families/loved ones, for freedom to pursue our hobbies/passion, to heal & revitalise ourselves in order to feel the bliss on our way to an intrinsic level of joy – the ultimate purpose of our existence. Examine your thoughts, introspect, decipher weaknesses and strengths, prioritise & stop doing futile things/activities and enrich yourself with emotional freedom for self growth.
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Persisting with unfulfilling relationship
Persisting with unfulfilling relationship
It is quite common that despite relationship going sour and feeling it futile & foolish to stay in an unhappy relationship, one does not easily calls it quits. Why ???
One school of thought is that one persists with the unfulfilling partnership because of self interest like the biological need and wanting not to be left alone.
Another school of thought is that person continues with sour relationship as he/she believes that the partner is dependent and stays for the sake of his/her partner’s needs rather than their own.
Wednesday, 2 January 2019
Crown chakra
Crown Chakra – symbolic of supreme consciousness and spiritual enlightenment
Crown Chakra is located at or above the head. It connects one with universal mind, the domain of supreme truth, beauty and bliss. Balancing and aligning of all the energies awaken the crown Chakra which helps you experience supreme self, receive divine inspiration, go deep into supreme silence, increase self awareness and know the profound truths of existence. The magnetism of root Chakra, passion of sacral Chakra, power of navel Chakra, un-struck sound of heart Chakra, pure expression of throat Chakra, insight and command of third eye Chakra join to bring about state of awareness, the consciousness, which lets one understand his/her thoughts, tendencies and dreams.
Learn Reiki to balance and align the energy centres-the Chakras. Contact Dr Vandana Raghuvanshi (m-9872880634)
Tuesday, 1 January 2019
One’s own resolution to succeed in life is more important than any other.-Wishing You Very Happy & Blissful 2019
Wishing You Very Happy & Blissful 2019
One’s own resolution to succeed in life is more important than any other. One’s willingness, commitment & persistence to get there calls for opening a new chapter called “opportunity” with few powerful resolutions/goals to follow with lots of untiring effort & learning. Say cheers to the year ahead, think clearly, work hard to feel better and get life back on track. Start now :-
1. Begin. – The greatest miracle of one’s success will not be that one has finished but it will be that one had the courage to begin, take the first step one small step forward. One will realize that the feeling one got from taking the first step in comparison to the feeling one gets from sitting around and thinking is far better.
2. Work hard on the essential. – In life there are no shortcuts to achieve one’s goal, prioritize put first things first & get them done, be productive, have patience and track results rather than time.
3. Stay true to your path. – A successful life is lived through understanding & moving forward doing what’s right for self pursuing one’s own path and not chasing after the dreams of others. Live a life one is proud of beyond the negative rhetoric echoing from the others around who are not on track.
4. Nurture your self-confidence. – Whatever one needs to become the best possible version of SELF is within. So believe that one is young enough, old enough, smart enough, strong enough to let go false beliefs and has the capability to push harder & farther than earlier to achieve one’s goals.
5. Be sincerely kind to those around you. – Positive changes come about in life when there is someone who cares, believes & motivates. Kindness brings in profound difference in every life one touches, including one’s own. Kind words create positivism, Kind thinking creates confidence, and Giving in kind creates love. Guiding someone who is lost & confused, holding someone who is sad & grieving, hugging someone who has lost all hope enables one feel getting healed & growing stronger.
6. Accept what you can’t change. – Choose to accept what is, be positive & proactive, let go of the need to control every tiny detail & embrace peace in the process. What one resists persists. The energy one actively fights to push away stays.
7. Set a good example. – Let one’s actions speak for self. Words mean lot less than what one does every day in life for people, especially one’s kids who look up to you all the time and imitate.
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