Thursday 20 September 2018

Physical and emotional trauma in present life ---Answer was in past life regression Session.. PLR Session….. It is noon. I am 40 and sitting under Peepal tree in my Kuldevi Mata Shri Naina Devi temple. I walk down the stairs to a black gate. I try to open it but get terribly afraid of falling in to the deep valley below. I am holding the gate with my full strength and crying. I cross the gate somehow and reach the bus stand. I take a bus to my home [also my home in current life]. My mother is standing in the court yard and advises me to go inside and sleep. First life.. I am 20 year boy standing on the bank of a river. I get into a wooden boat and start rowing like a novice. I am heading towards my destination and suddenly see the shadow of mountain in water. It suddenly got dark and I cry in fear. I somehow get off the boat but slip in to the water. I climb up the mountain holding on to the shrubs one after the other on the way and reach at the top. There is a small temple. My dead body is lying on the pyre. Many unknown people are standing and preparing for my cremation. I can recognize Aniket { my younger son in current life} standing with tear filled eyes. I recognize no one else. I came to know that I had actually drowned and my floating body [wearing pant and shirt] was taken out by the villagers. I go up in the sky after the pyre catches fire. It is probably 1900. My last thought was that of fear, darkness, slipping into deep water, drowning and suffocating to death. Guru ji (Gurudev Ram Lal Siyag from Jodhpur) appears as a bright light. I plead with him to tell me why I suffer so much both physically and emotionally. He replies, “KARMA”. He advises me to do good with everyone. 2nd Life I am 20 plus Prince and married. I am in some unknown part of the world with probably English culture. I am inside my palace dressed like a warrior. I am strongly built man of exceptionally good height. I am surrounded by statues of warriors. A spiral staircase leads to the first floor. I start crying hoarse after listening some commotion amongst the ladies upstairs. Someone is crying. I cannot go upstairs as it is reserved for ladies. My wife is shouting at me. I ask her not to do so but she continues to shout. I am scared of her. [subject has severe headache and pain in neck]. I lead my soldiers in to the battle field and fight bravely. Suddenly the enemy soldiers surround my chariot. I am alone as my soldiers are not there. I am hit with a sword on the left side of my neck. They hit me on left arm also. My right foot is bleeding. I am stabbed and I fall down. I can see my wife laughing at my condition. I am taken to the palace and kept me face down at the same place from where I had left for battle. I am dead. My wife is expressing her happiness at my death. I can recognize her. She is my wife in current life. All the ladies climb down the stairs. My wife turns me straight up and sobs. I am laughing as I am leaving that place, going up in the sky. My dead body is taken for burial. Life was not good; just fights both inside and outside the palace. I am white light and moving up fast in the sky. I am laughing. Suddenly a star comes and enters my body. I enjoy the sensation. I am happy and feel free. I forgive my wife and the enemy soldiers who killed me. I I leave behind all my physical and emotional pains. I merge into light.