Thursday 29 March 2018

Ego and Past life link…. A 28 year old well educated, married, NRI woman having 1 year old son came to find the answer as to….. 1. Why sometimes my ego possesses my mind completely like an evil? My ego is too strong that Jealousy & hatred preoccupies my mind very often. 2. Why do I enjoy negative visualization? She said Dr. Vandana, if you can help me to find the reason for all this , I will be at peace. Session….. I am a child playing with my sister. We are orphans living in a Church. I am 16 now. I leave my sister in the Church for her safety and join army. I did not want to live in the Church any more. I am under training and live in a tent. I am 24 years of age and an army officer now. I am posted in prison. I am married now. I drink a lot at home and torture my wife physically & emotionally both. I feel very happy when she cries. I am in some European country. I am now 40 and on duty. I am standing along with three four men in a very dirty room. There is a girl. She is very afraid of me. I beat and torture her. I feel very happy when she cries in pain. We all rape her and laugh. I go home, drink and beat my wife. My life is like this, I torture prisoners in jail and wife at home. I feel happy when they are in pain. My home is located in isolation and only two of us live here. I drink a lot. She looks very afraid. Now I am torturing her. She is crying and pleading don’t do this, don’t do this. I tortured her to death. I cremated her and no one questioned me. I am 50 plus now. I constantly hear her cries. I feel guilty. I cannot do anything now. I cannot forget her. I am 70 years old and all alone. Nobody meets me. I cough a lot. I feel guilty but I still want to torture someone. There is pin drop silence in the house. I want to die. I leave home and climb up to a cliff. I jumped into water below and fall on my head. My lungs are filled with water. I have drowned. I am dead. My corpse is floating in the water. Guided to the light ….Master light advised to serve people unconditionally in the present life to get happiness. Reorientation… She told I have carried Ego and anger from my past life. Now after experiencing my past life I understand how much harm it can do to me and my family. It has been an eye opening for me. With masters guidance now I will do social service. My negative visualization is also linked to my weird actions in past life memory. I do hope I have released this pattern today. Doctor, I also wish to share with you that I never shared with anyone till date that I was badly molested by three men in my teen age in this present life. Today I know why it happened to me. She looked very relaxed and expressed her deepest gratitude to me.