Saturday 31 March 2018

Feed back of the person who had Past life regression session ... ..For Craving for Alcohol…the person written and shared..what was experience after three months of Past Life regression session At this centre... My past life experiences and the great result. I want to share something very amazing. Here is my life before past life regression. I was a big time alcoholic since last 10 years. My specialty was I could mix and drink. My favorite cocktail was Long island ice tea (mixed with 5 types of alcohol) and I used to drink at least 4 glasses of this cocktail in 2hrs time. Beer was one of my favorite in summers. I could drink 4 large bottles of beer at a time back to back and 6 pints too back to back. The most terrific thing in my life was, if I passed by a wine shop in market or driving, my body started craving for drink at anytime. After I had my past life regression with Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi, my life changed totally. Still I am trying not to believe the change Since 3 months I am still curious about my craving. I have very small experiences to share as I said before that I was not ready to accept the changes. Many times it happened that we friends made a plan to sit and drink, but due to some unavoidable circumstances I could never reach there. Sometimes it is traffic and at times any other stupid reason. Now I have a very interesting experience to share. I went to Saturday night party. I decided that no matter what today I will drink. That’s what my mind said. So I went to very well known and good club. I ordered my favorite cocktail. You will not believe what happened after I had my first sip. It felt like I am new to drink and felt the drink is very strong. And I was not able to drink my all time favorite cocktail. Still I thought I will drink it in anyways because the drink was expensive too. So I started having small sips and it took me 1hr 30 mins to finish half glass and at the end I thought I can't drink it anymore. I left the drink in between. It is the most unbelievable turn which my life took. We have to accept the reality in the end. Now I truly accept from my heart the change that has taken place in my life and the total credit goes to Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi. She is great doctor and a great person too. She understands the feeling of the patients and treat them accordingly. Apart from this life which I shared with you I had regressed 3 more lives during the session. Many other changes have taken place in my life. My life is getting better day by day and this is all because of Dr. Vandana Raghvanshi. Many problems of my life have been resolved and I really appreciate Dr. Raghuvanshi’s effort and the grace of God which she has.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Ego and Past life link…. A 28 year old well educated, married, NRI woman having 1 year old son came to find the answer as to….. 1. Why sometimes my ego possesses my mind completely like an evil? My ego is too strong that Jealousy & hatred preoccupies my mind very often. 2. Why do I enjoy negative visualization? She said Dr. Vandana, if you can help me to find the reason for all this , I will be at peace. Session….. I am a child playing with my sister. We are orphans living in a Church. I am 16 now. I leave my sister in the Church for her safety and join army. I did not want to live in the Church any more. I am under training and live in a tent. I am 24 years of age and an army officer now. I am posted in prison. I am married now. I drink a lot at home and torture my wife physically & emotionally both. I feel very happy when she cries. I am in some European country. I am now 40 and on duty. I am standing along with three four men in a very dirty room. There is a girl. She is very afraid of me. I beat and torture her. I feel very happy when she cries in pain. We all rape her and laugh. I go home, drink and beat my wife. My life is like this, I torture prisoners in jail and wife at home. I feel happy when they are in pain. My home is located in isolation and only two of us live here. I drink a lot. She looks very afraid. Now I am torturing her. She is crying and pleading don’t do this, don’t do this. I tortured her to death. I cremated her and no one questioned me. I am 50 plus now. I constantly hear her cries. I feel guilty. I cannot do anything now. I cannot forget her. I am 70 years old and all alone. Nobody meets me. I cough a lot. I feel guilty but I still want to torture someone. There is pin drop silence in the house. I want to die. I leave home and climb up to a cliff. I jumped into water below and fall on my head. My lungs are filled with water. I have drowned. I am dead. My corpse is floating in the water. Guided to the light ….Master light advised to serve people unconditionally in the present life to get happiness. Reorientation… She told I have carried Ego and anger from my past life. Now after experiencing my past life I understand how much harm it can do to me and my family. It has been an eye opening for me. With masters guidance now I will do social service. My negative visualization is also linked to my weird actions in past life memory. I do hope I have released this pattern today. Doctor, I also wish to share with you that I never shared with anyone till date that I was badly molested by three men in my teen age in this present life. Today I know why it happened to me. She looked very relaxed and expressed her deepest gratitude to me.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Happiness lies within self….. Lesson learnt Session….. I a woman in my thirties, dressed in a white top, pleated skirt, a golden belt and shoes. It seems I am a woman of status. I am single and rich but feel I have nothing despite having all the wealth. I am with a tall man in a very expensive three piece grey suit. He is smoking a pipe. He is sitting on a bench and I am lying down resting my head in his lap. I am listening and looking at him. I hope the promises he is making are true but deep inside me I know these too are empty and shallow. I had many short term relationships without expecting anything out of these relationships. I felt they were too shallow. I am at an event. I am wearing a long white gown, expensive jewels and carrying a fur coat. There is press and cameras are flashing. I am very comfortable with the attention. I am a famous Hollywood actress. I am rehearsing for a live musical performance on the stage. Now it is evening. The hall is full of people. I along with a group of girls am performing a song and dance musical. I am singing and dancing both. The girls are also dancing along with me. The tall man is there at the back stage. I get injured and hurt while performing [visible pain symptoms]. I have fracture. I return to work after my healing but they refuse me the work. A new girl has replaced me. My contract was cancelled after my injury. I am furious and angry. I am sad too because my short term fame would fade away soon. I met the performer who has replaced me. I mixed her drink with some substance which made her very sick. I treated her badly. I was hurt and held her responsible for my misery. I am drinking and smoking excessively. I am lonely and sad. I am dead. I died of overdose of drug and alcohol. My two domestic help discovered my body. They were not shocked as they were expecting this to happen. I was always drunk and not very nice to them either. Maybe they also felt relieved. There are just 2-3 persons at my funeral. I died a very sad and lonely death. I moved above, it was not easy for me to move up. I am in the white light. I feel I have to rest here. Master soul blessed me for a very long time and wanted me to have patience [visibly cried]. I felt it was a life wasted. I was very famous and wealthy but not happy ……...I was lonely! Reorientation…… I model in selective assignments. I participated in small pageants and have always won the crown. I never wanted to be in limelight and too much attention never excited me. I don’t remember taking compliments seriously ever. People found in me resemblance to various personalities both of the Bollywood and Hollywood .....But all this never flattered and made me happy. I inherit a sense of style and have been complimented for my unique style. I can be both at the heart of a gathering or feel extremely aloof even amongst most close ones. I turned down movie offers. I would get selected after auditions and would start praying God help me please out of it. Almost every person I have met told me I should take modeling and acting seriously but the immediate thought would be “They can’t even imagine what a sad and lonely life that would be”. The past life regression left a strange feeling. I was unhappy because I thought my fame will fade away soon and it resulted in self abuse. I was searching for happiness in the public applause. I never bothered to ponder over what I was doing for my own self and what did my lonely heart wanted. The measure of my achievement, success and satisfaction has been the public applause to my performances. It seems I carried it with me even in this life. I, as an actor, always performed to make sure everyone else is happy and pleased. It has been the only measure of my success. I never thought what I wanted. Lesson learnt; “Look for happiness within, search of happiness in your surroundings end up being alone and wasted.” Amazing! I feel so much at calm and peace today. I understand that all problems in life will not get resolved at a click but if a person becomes compassionate, non- judgmental, stop playing victim, do not hold others responsible instead look for solutions and answers within will help remain grounded and happy.

Monday 19 March 2018

Fear of men and resistance to men – why ? A 32 year old strongly built and obese since childhood, married woman came for past life regression session to understand why she fears men and resist them. Session……. It is a village. I am a small girl. He is beating me (ooon-----jerk). He is hitting my lower abdomen. He is beating and beating. I would have hit back hard had I been strong enough. Now I am twisting my arms and somehow I could free myself from his hold. He is my father. I am running away. Few villagers are running after me. I reach the end of a hill. There is a river flowing below. I am falling down into the river. There is lot of fear and pain in my body. I am drowned. I am dead. My last thought was “only if I could have been strong enough”, God should make me strong now. Lesson learnt; one should not tolerate. I died due to suffocation. My body is bloated (had a beautiful body when I was alive). When told to forgive him.. She told I will not forgive him. I will beat him. She started hitting his father. She was guided to release all the hatred and understand why he beat her. She told he wanted a son but I was a daughter. Ha ha ha ! he is my mother in this life. She had a son who died when I was born. Her guardian angel took her to the light. Master light guided her for present life; and adviced do not be attached to anyone, live your own life, do not hate, remain detached and work for your own spiritual progress. Reorientation…. She told ,My mother is same. She used to beat me. I was very afraid of her in childhood. I am afraid of water. My both arms and lower abdomen pain so much that at times I am unable to get up. Now I understand why I am so heavily built. I do not tolerate anything. I fight back. In the end she said, Thank you Doctor Vandana! I could find an answer I was looking for.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Session…. There is a white lily flower in the divine garden. I am walking on the stone pathway towards a small iron gate. I open the gate and enter into the thick fog. I keep walking as if I know the way. I am in a forest of thick vegetation. I can hardly see the sky as the trees are so dense. It is morning. I am walking through the trees, sure of my way and reach a stream. I want to cross the stream but I cannot. There is a wooden hut across the stream. I call but there is no answer. It seems there is no one in the hut. I walk along the stream and keep walking. I am happy though alone. There is a waterfall, high and deep. I am standing on a boulder on top of it. I am naked and preparing for a dive. There is a black thread like necklace around my neck. I have long black hair and youthful features. I am a young handsome boy, probably in my twenties. I take the dive into the fall. The water is refreshingly cool. I am happy to be here. I am beyond the birth and death cycle. Nature is my mother. I must protect the forest and save the trees and animals. I am guardian of the forest. I take care of the trees and animals. I talk to them. I sleep on the trees at night. I do not go anywhere. I live in the forest. It is my home. I am a sheriff in Texas in 1970s. There are wooden houses with conical roofs. I am a cowboy. I have black hair, moustache and hard set eyes. I wear a hat and spurs in my leather boots. I am chewing a straw of grass. woman in white frill dress with lots of laces is waving a white handkerchief. It is a desert. There is a ceremony before the launch. Everyone has come to say goodbye. There is American flag and everyone is singing God bless America. There are red and blue balloons. I am a member of a team of six. It is a mission to the moon. My name is Michael B. And I came to moon with 5 other members. One of them was a woman. I am an engineer and a farmer. I have a farm and a tractor. We grow wheat. My children are named Joanna and Philip. They have brown hair and bluish green eyes. I am playing with them in the yard. The boy wants to piggy ride on my back. I am wearing khaki pants and a black shirt. I have brown hair and brownish beard. My wife is beautiful. She is wearing a white polka dress with red dots. She is dark skinned with brownish blonde hair. She is Abhilasha. I am looking at the earth from space. It is a ball of blue. It is amazing. I am floating over the moon. I have been left behind by my team. I had to stay for the mission. I am running low on oxygen. I see my children. I miss my children. I am singing a country song. I want to use the last breath for song. I am gasping now. It's getting dark in front of my eyes. I can't breathe anymore. My body keeps floating in space. It was a necessary sacrifice. Sometimes you have to stay back for the greater good. I volunteered for the mission. I decided to stay back and that's okay. I was ready to die. I have no guilt or regrets. Someone had to do it. I am an old woman in the garden. I am wearing a loose white shirt, a green hat and yellow gloves. I am planting flowers. I am serene and content. It is 11 am in the morning. I spend most of my mornings like this. My children don't stay with me. I have a loving husband. My house is lovely. It is Paris. I am in the hospital. I have cancer. My husband is there. I am waiting for my children. The children are here. They brought balloons and cake. My grandchildren are here too and I am absolutely delighted to see them. I have a son and a daughter. I did not die of cancer. My cancer got cured. I died peacefully one morning. My husband had gone to make tea and I decided to sleep a little more and never woke up. The last thing on my mind was how much I love my husband. I look exactly like my grandmother when she died, curled up and peaceful. I am buried with white roses. The family is clad in white. They are smiling because they know I died peacefully. My daughter is Bandan (my current sister). My name is Elizabeth. I die in the 2000s. Love is everything. Happiness is not complicated. You don't need much to be happy. I lived a very ordinary and normal life. It was very simple but I was happy. I am a queen of a small kingdom in Egypt. I have straight black hair, whitish skin and dark eyes like that of a cat. I am wearing a gold crown with a snake hood on it. I am detached from my duties. I don't care about the people or the kingdom. There is a feast and I look unconcerned. It is night time. There are pyramids in the background. I am sitting on the throne with a cup of wine in my hand. It is poisoned. I killed myself. I was so lonely. It was the only way out of the misery. Death was the only escape. In childhood as a kid was standing in rags looking at things in the market on the street. I look at the queen's convoy. She spots me and takes me along. She adopts me. Why me, I wonder. She was cold and never loved me. She is dead now and so am I. [The Queen is my real life mother]. She was lonely. She just wanted some company. She never had children. She had killed herself too. She didn't know how to express love but I was a kid. It was nobody's fault. I am sorry. I forgive her. I hug her and feel love. [ smile ] I don't have to be responsible all the time. I don't need to take ownership of everything. I must learn to move on and forgive. I didn't have to kill myself really. I could have run away. [Killing self is against the law is the universe] Light White Only White, coming from inside of me but I can still see my head, hands and feet. I am not ready for the message. There is no message.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Spiritual curiosity and past life link. A man, 43 year of age, with spiritual curiosity came for past life regression. He said Dr. Vandana, I look forward to find answer to my this feeling in my PLR session. Session……. I am 12 year boy. Ours is a happy family living in a thatched roof hut somewhere in Bhutan. My parents treat me differently and give me lot of respect. They think I am blessed and different. They send me to the Monastery for me to develop into a spiritual person. I am 20. I meditate and am at peace. I do not work with my family. They provide me with everything. There is a beautiful girl nearby. We look at each other. Sometimes, I think why my parents elevated me? I am 40 now. I tutor spirituality and give Diksha. My parents and others still provide everything to me. I eat a lot and am fat now. Meditation and teaching is my daily routine but at times I miss love in my life. I had a glimpse of my past life while meditating. “I am a cruel Mughal emperor. I killed many people without any remorse. I had a wife but I never loved her”. I changed a lot after this experience. I understood one should always remain happy. Do not yearn for love because you will get it only when you are destined. My teachings are improved now. I am at peace & in bliss. I die a natural death at the age of 60. My last thought is “Prayer is communication with God”. My body is cremated with lot of respect. Divine light came to take me up. Reorientation…. He said in my past, the glimpse of my past life experience brought positive changes in me. That is why I felt the need for PLR session in this life. Now, I will grow spiritually very fast in this life. Thank you very much and grateful Dr. Raghuvanshi for guiding me through this wonderful past life journey.

Facing depression after a break up ??? Love seeking reciprocation is actually not love at all but rather self-love. True love is unconditional, nondiscriminatory and just is. It does not depend upon the response of the other and has neither any expectations attached to it nor any calculations. But having said that, once you face a break up , you feels hurt, angry,sad and sometimes helpless. It is advised to take Counselling session to overcome from this State mind.

Saturday 10 March 2018

#OCD Role of #CDT Contamination Triggers: Germs, dirt, dirty surfaces, door knobs, hand-shaking, soiled linen, virus/bacteria, bodily specimen. Obsessions: “I will get sick, experience bodily harm or be in perpetual pain” (which may lead to death), “I will harm/make someone else sick” (which may lead to death), contaminated living/working space. Compulsions: Excessive hand-washing, bathing, grooming, washing items/surfaces, avoidance, wearing gloves/masks, controlling bodily movements to avoid touching.

Depression and Integrated Therapy in single session. [Regression & Hypnotherapy] A 38 year old female, depression and on medication , feels panic state with acute headache as she has to start going to her work place. Complaint: I cannot sleep even with medicines, having headache off and on, uncontrolled repetitive thoughts and my ‘Vahm’(doubt) is with me all the time. I feel people at my work place will taunt me at work place. Headache and insomnia is making me insane. I feel like running away to some Ashram. Session: On scanning right side severe headache started again and the right side body was dark visible. Pain and the right side foreign energy released. Regression: Present life events.. I am 4 just came back from school. My aunt taunts me. I reply back and she hits me. It is evening my father has come home. I told him about aunt but he ignores me. After one month my father left me with my maternal Grandparents. Now I live with them but I constant feel that something is left behind. I commit mistakes in preparing my class results. Teachers are taunting that I cannot work properly. I cannot stand it. Now even at my home I remember my uncontrolled repetitive thoughts. Past life glimpses... There is a Matt. Villagers are listening to Pravachan by the head of the Matt. I am there wearing a white sari. Everybody has gone now but I do not want to go. I live alone in a small hut and have a buffalo. I want to live a life of a Sanyasi in Matth. A long description of life………!!!!!!!!!! I have came in Matth to listen to Pravachan. I am lying on the floor and going to die. I am dead. Villagers and the Sanyasis are gathered around me carrying out my cremation…I am going up with sadness in my heart. Note: It was a long session wherein only hypnotherapy suggestions were given to improve sound sleep. Healing was done for inner peace and happiness. Feedback: Revisited Clinic after one month. Looking energetic, happy and well dressed, the subject told that her medicine doses are reduced to one-fourth and 80% improvement in sleep. No more headaches. I am more responsible towards family now. My running away thought is gone. Now I take care of my health and I am active. My relation with family has improved. Earlier I was lifeless and living like a machine, now I feel alive.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Loss of self-confidence - Past Life Link. A married woman, mother of 2 kids, coping with her husband’s extra marital affair came for past life regression. Loss in self-confidence, fear, weight loss, insomnia and low self–esteem made her decide to peep in her past life. Session: Year 1800. I am Meena. I am 18 wearing a colorful bridal dress. I am getting married to a handsome Punjabi boy (husband at present). I reached my in-laws home after marriage. I am confused; an old lady is blocking my way. She is very rude and dominating. She is my mother-in-law. I have a very loving relation with my husband and very happy. I have given birth to a boy. Life is good. My child has grown up. I am busy in routine family affairs. Now I am 30. I am unhappy due to my sickness; something to do with my gynae problem. Now I get tired soon. I am feeling depressed. I feel very lonely. My husband does not talk much due to my ill health. He is worried about me. Suddenly I look very old and unable to cope up with things. My mother-in-law is upset and angry as I don’t work. My husband went to someplace, there is a girl trying to seduce him. She does not seem to be of good moral values. My husband lost his self control and now he is with that lady (recognized her in present life). Now my husband is not around me. In absence of my husband, my mother-in-law is pulling me, dragging me, taking me somewhere and left me in a different place. I have become a mental patient. When my husband came, my son told him about all this after which he got annoyed and he took me back to home. Now he is taking care of me. I see a young newly-wed girl, she is my daughter in law. I died at the age of 92. I am cremated with Hindu rituals. My husband is old. He touched my head. When he was asked how was life; he remained quiet. Lesson Learnt: You should be happy, whatever may be your circumstances.