You meet someone for the first time and feel as if you know them already. You’re in a town that you’ve never been to before, yet you recognize streets & buildings. You start playing a new sport & amaze everyone, including yourself, at your natural abilities and intuitive knowing of the rules. We often describe such experiences as déjŕ vu: the experience or feeling that a new situation has happened to us before. Then again, the possibility does exist that we have actually lived these experiences in the past or, rather, in another lifetime.
HYPNOTHERAPY AND PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY.....For All type of Phobias, Panic attack, Recurrent dreams and nightmare , Alcoholism,Bed wetting,Depression,Stammering, Insomnia,Inner Child Healing, Age regression , live between lives session to understand soul journey and getting guidance from Masters.NLP [Neuro lingustic programming],Re -Birthing breath work, Reiki healing & Pranic healing , Distant healing.Holistic healing for body &mind phone 09872880634
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Soul group... past life regression..
You meet someone for the first time and feel as if you know them already. You’re in a town that you’ve never been to before, yet you recognize streets & buildings. You start playing a new sport & amaze everyone, including yourself, at your natural abilities and intuitive knowing of the rules. We often describe such experiences as déjŕ vu: the experience or feeling that a new situation has happened to us before. Then again, the possibility does exist that we have actually lived these experiences in the past or, rather, in another lifetime.