Sunday 26 February 2017

Past life regression to fasten My spiritual journey.... I had to release a block in order to move faster on my spiritual journey. I want take a past life regression session . Dr. Vandana I want my session urgently. I felt detached from everyone else . Session We began the session and i was taken to a state of trance soon enough , I saw myself at a white bench quite immediately after Dr.Vandana used a technique to transfer me to the life i needed to re experience. I immediately knew that I was in Rajasthan , around 17 years of age and watching a family while they were having dinner. A man of about 38 years of age, 2 boys, and an elderly couple, I was watching them and i could feel something in my heart. I was in that family but not a part of them. I was moved further in time , it was sleep time , I was supposed to be sleeping in a kitchen on d floor on a rug instead i saw myself in a room with a wooden carving bed and i knew it was the room that belonged to the man of the house, i was in relation with him and we were to get married. I was very happy that i would soon be the woman of the house. The next scene was when i realized that i was pregnant, And after this scene i could not see anything for a while. I was taken to the delivery time yet I could not visualize anything , at this time i started crying , I never delivered a baby because i was told i could not have a baby, he had lied to me, he would never marry me. [Later on after the session ..At this point Dr.Vanadana told me i had started rubbing the right side of my stomach rigorously , I watched my self hitting myself in the stomach till i lost the baby. I killed my baby.] Next was when i saw myself running away from that place, I had wrapped all my belongings in a piece of cloth that i carried under my left arm. Next scene was when i saw myself working in a place where I was cleaning the place while other women like me would come and talk to a British woman and then sit down on the floor in one room and study. I used to finish work and stand outside the room filled with women and try and see what they do , the English woman eventually allowed me to sit with those women and i started to study. In the next scene i saw myself wearing a nice saree and now i was teaching other poor women. I was no more trying to lower my look , i no more avoided men. I could meet and talk with them without looking ugly and un kept and they respected me. I connected respect with teaching. I was overjoyed and announced that i carried a handbag.(Somehow in all my lives my looks have mattered to me a lot and of course in this life too) I moved forward between the age of 30-35 and i saw myself running a school where there were classes and we had kids studying there, I stayed in a house that was either within the premises of the school or in walking distance. I always wore a saree and tied my hair in a bun. There was no man in my life. Around the age of 38 i met a man who was very well dressed , wore a hat and i felt attracted to him but something inside was telling me i had to stay away. We met at a function at the school and after few months we met again but i decided i had to stop meeting him. He was not good for me. Though i knew i was attracted to him more than he was attracted to me. In a scene i saw myself travelling to England , i went to meet the English lady to thank her( she was my mother in this life), she was very old yet graceful and was very happy to see me grow as a person , i thanked her and came back, it was very fulfilling to meet her again and share my story. I came back and a young woman came back with me , I enjoyed her style of teaching which made our school different from others. I had to learn so much from her. Dr.Vanadana asked me what did i do other than school and teaching , i said i used to read a lot and my favourite book was “ Your Soul Knows...”. I also told her i used to do meditation at sunrise. I visualized myself sitting in a mudhra during sunrise in pure white clothes. I saw myself next in a place where there were only women who wore white clothes and there was a teacher who would teach them yoga. The centre was in a place with very low mountains or hills and it said Yoga but we never did yoga we used to do meditations. Dr.Vandana moved me to the age 55-60. I was reading a lot , i was reading about the soul and trying to purify my soul , by this time i was teaching the meditation technique to other women in that centre. The name suggested Raja Yoga and i was wondering that we all are women and why would the name of our center be Raja Yoga(there was no man). Later on i found out that there is a Raj yoga center for women in rajisthan which is for Brahma Kumaris. At this point i was moved to the age 60-65 and i told her in a very sure voice that i had 7 years to prepare myself to go , between this time period i wanted to prepare to go , i knew i was to go at the age of 67. I had given the charge of the school to the English young lady and would only supervise. Dr.Vandana asked me how did i do the preparation and i told her through long meditations and reading and searching about Soul and purifying my soul. I moved to the time of death , It was early morning , maybe 5 am, i woke up and had a bath , wore pure white but new clothes .I died peacefully.I was called Urma....And it was 18....century. Dr.Vadana asked me how would you describe this life and i said : LEARNING. I moved up very fast , I reached a place of absolute calmness, i recognized my master light . This beautiful light gave me a blessing and i was filled with peace , calmness and joy. I looked around and saw my soulmate, and also the group of soulmates. At this time Mater light blessed my soulmate, me and Dr.Vandana , I thanked him, the Master Soul, Dr.Vandana, my soulmate and all other soulmates and told Dr.Vandana that it was time for me to come back , it felt as if they all were standing to see me off. I felt blessed. I left the clinic telling Dr.Vandana that I am feeling very light.