Monday 27 February 2017

Past life regression helped me....Read my session experience.. .I am sharing my experiences as i know many of you who are reading these articles would have similar questions and maybe this would help you find your answers too or look for help. I called Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi for an appointment and further reached her clinic as scheduled. We started regression , i entered in my past life and i saw myself as a girl around the age of 13-14 and i was entering a house , nice, cozy home with a green grass lawn, a white painted house....I was baby sitting a small 4-5 years old kid, he was not my brother but i was very attached to that baby, his parents would come by 5 pm and that was the time i would leave for my home. I was asked to see where i stayed and i was staying in an orphanage , i was well over the age i was allowed to stay however i was a favourite of nuns there who run the orphanage attached to the church so i was permitted to stay. I needed to know how did i end up being in the orphanage so i travelled back and i Saw my current life mother leaving the city with my younger brother and leaving me behind, i was then at the age of 7/8 with brown hair, wearing a long white frock , i could see them go but i still did not know what did that mean and never came to know either. Dr.Vandana asked me to recognize the place and it was very clear that it was Canada. The next scene was that i was married and my husband (who happens to be my soulmate as i have seen many times in previous sessions )was bed ridden, i was working and i would take care of him , i had to travel back to see how and why was he bed ridden and how did we get married, when i reached back to the time, i saw that we were class mates in college and we fell in love very young and got married at the age of 21-22 and after a few years when i was just 26 years old he met with an accident, he was Benjamin and after that accident Benjamin could not move as he had got paralyzed waist below.... Dr. Vandana asked me if i ever met any other man and the answer was no , I loved Benjamin and i was happy and contented taking care of him, he on the other hand was very sad and his disability had taken a tall on him. When i was taken to the most important event in my life which usually is why one wants to have the regression and is the event which has the lesson one carries from that life, i saw myself a middle aged woman, now age and the fact of being both the bread winner and the nurse for my husband was showing on my face and i was no more the happy woman i was , the scene i saw brought a smile on my face and was when Benjamin and me walked out of the hospital ,he was cured and he could walk now, i was so happy and felt that all that pain and suffering was worth those many years, after that i saw a scene where i came home from work and saw Benjamin hanged from the ceiling, he left me alone after all those years and all those efforts. He had become too sadistic and had started to believe that he is worthless and he should not live anymore, i did not blame him but i felt so lonely , i left that house and went back to the church and soon after i died too. Till this moment i had not cared to identify myself as i had sacrificed my life for my soulmate , when Dr.Vandana asked me to see what it was written on my grave stone , it read “ Anna who gave her life for love” and i started crying , my tears did not stop for a few minutes and dr .vandana calmed me down and took me to The lesson i learnt in that life was “never love so immensely and give the other person the chance to love you and care for you as much “

Sunday 26 February 2017

Past life regression to fasten My spiritual journey.... I had to release a block in order to move faster on my spiritual journey. I want take a past life regression session . Dr. Vandana I want my session urgently. I felt detached from everyone else . Session We began the session and i was taken to a state of trance soon enough , I saw myself at a white bench quite immediately after Dr.Vandana used a technique to transfer me to the life i needed to re experience. I immediately knew that I was in Rajasthan , around 17 years of age and watching a family while they were having dinner. A man of about 38 years of age, 2 boys, and an elderly couple, I was watching them and i could feel something in my heart. I was in that family but not a part of them. I was moved further in time , it was sleep time , I was supposed to be sleeping in a kitchen on d floor on a rug instead i saw myself in a room with a wooden carving bed and i knew it was the room that belonged to the man of the house, i was in relation with him and we were to get married. I was very happy that i would soon be the woman of the house. The next scene was when i realized that i was pregnant, And after this scene i could not see anything for a while. I was taken to the delivery time yet I could not visualize anything , at this time i started crying , I never delivered a baby because i was told i could not have a baby, he had lied to me, he would never marry me. [Later on after the session ..At this point Dr.Vanadana told me i had started rubbing the right side of my stomach rigorously , I watched my self hitting myself in the stomach till i lost the baby. I killed my baby.] Next was when i saw myself running away from that place, I had wrapped all my belongings in a piece of cloth that i carried under my left arm. Next scene was when i saw myself working in a place where I was cleaning the place while other women like me would come and talk to a British woman and then sit down on the floor in one room and study. I used to finish work and stand outside the room filled with women and try and see what they do , the English woman eventually allowed me to sit with those women and i started to study. In the next scene i saw myself wearing a nice saree and now i was teaching other poor women. I was no more trying to lower my look , i no more avoided men. I could meet and talk with them without looking ugly and un kept and they respected me. I connected respect with teaching. I was overjoyed and announced that i carried a handbag.(Somehow in all my lives my looks have mattered to me a lot and of course in this life too) I moved forward between the age of 30-35 and i saw myself running a school where there were classes and we had kids studying there, I stayed in a house that was either within the premises of the school or in walking distance. I always wore a saree and tied my hair in a bun. There was no man in my life. Around the age of 38 i met a man who was very well dressed , wore a hat and i felt attracted to him but something inside was telling me i had to stay away. We met at a function at the school and after few months we met again but i decided i had to stop meeting him. He was not good for me. Though i knew i was attracted to him more than he was attracted to me. In a scene i saw myself travelling to England , i went to meet the English lady to thank her( she was my mother in this life), she was very old yet graceful and was very happy to see me grow as a person , i thanked her and came back, it was very fulfilling to meet her again and share my story. I came back and a young woman came back with me , I enjoyed her style of teaching which made our school different from others. I had to learn so much from her. Dr.Vanadana asked me what did i do other than school and teaching , i said i used to read a lot and my favourite book was “ Your Soul Knows...”. I also told her i used to do meditation at sunrise. I visualized myself sitting in a mudhra during sunrise in pure white clothes. I saw myself next in a place where there were only women who wore white clothes and there was a teacher who would teach them yoga. The centre was in a place with very low mountains or hills and it said Yoga but we never did yoga we used to do meditations. Dr.Vandana moved me to the age 55-60. I was reading a lot , i was reading about the soul and trying to purify my soul , by this time i was teaching the meditation technique to other women in that centre. The name suggested Raja Yoga and i was wondering that we all are women and why would the name of our center be Raja Yoga(there was no man). Later on i found out that there is a Raj yoga center for women in rajisthan which is for Brahma Kumaris. At this point i was moved to the age 60-65 and i told her in a very sure voice that i had 7 years to prepare myself to go , between this time period i wanted to prepare to go , i knew i was to go at the age of 67. I had given the charge of the school to the English young lady and would only supervise. Dr.Vandana asked me how did i do the preparation and i told her through long meditations and reading and searching about Soul and purifying my soul. I moved to the time of death , It was early morning , maybe 5 am, i woke up and had a bath , wore pure white but new clothes .I died peacefully.I was called Urma....And it was 18....century. Dr.Vadana asked me how would you describe this life and i said : LEARNING. I moved up very fast , I reached a place of absolute calmness, i recognized my master light . This beautiful light gave me a blessing and i was filled with peace , calmness and joy. I looked around and saw my soulmate, and also the group of soulmates. At this time Mater light blessed my soulmate, me and Dr.Vandana , I thanked him, the Master Soul, Dr.Vandana, my soulmate and all other soulmates and told Dr.Vandana that it was time for me to come back , it felt as if they all were standing to see me off. I felt blessed. I left the clinic telling Dr.Vandana that I am feeling very light.

Past life regression to fasten My spiritual journey.... I had to release a block in order to move faster on my spiritual journey. I want take a past life regression session . Dr. Vandana I want my session urgently. I felt detached from everyone else . Session We began the session and i was taken to a state of trance soon enough , I saw myself at a white bench quite immediately after Dr.Vandana used a technique to transfer me to the life i needed to re experience. I immediately knew that I was in Rajasthan , around 17 years of age and watching a family while they were having dinner. A man of about 38 years of age, 2 boys, and an elderly couple, I was watching them and i could feel something in my heart. I was in that family but not a part of them. I was moved further in time , it was sleep time , I was supposed to be sleeping in a kitchen on d floor on a rug instead i saw myself in a room with a wooden carving bed and i knew it was the room that belonged to the man of the house, i was in relation with him and we were to get married. I was very happy that i would soon be the woman of the house. The next scene was when i realized that i was pregnant, And after this scene i could not see anything for a while. I was taken to the delivery time yet I could not visualize anything , at this time i started crying , I never delivered a baby because i was told i could not have a baby, he had lied to me, he would never marry me. [Later on after the session ..At this point Dr.Vanadana told me i had started rubbing the right side of my stomach rigorously , I watched my self hitting myself in the stomach till i lost the baby. I killed my baby.] Next was when i saw myself running away from that place, I had wrapped all my belongings in a piece of cloth that i carried under my left arm. Next scene was when i saw myself working in a place where I was cleaning the place while other women like me would come and talk to a British woman and then sit down on the floor in one room and study. I used to finish work and stand outside the room filled with women and try and see what they do , the English woman eventually allowed me to sit with those women and i started to study. In the next scene i saw myself wearing a nice saree and now i was teaching other poor women. I was no more trying to lower my look , i no more avoided men. I could meet and talk with them without looking ugly and un kept and they respected me. I connected respect with teaching. I was overjoyed and announced that i carried a handbag.(Somehow in all my lives my looks have mattered to me a lot and of course in this life too) I moved forward between the age of 30-35 and i saw myself running a school where there were classes and we had kids studying there, I stayed in a house that was either within the premises of the school or in walking distance. I always wore a saree and tied my hair in a bun. There was no man in my life. Around the age of 38 i met a man who was very well dressed , wore a hat and i felt attracted to him but something inside was telling me i had to stay away. We met at a function at the school and after few months we met again but i decided i had to stop meeting him. He was not good for me. Though i knew i was attracted to him more than he was attracted to me. In a scene i saw myself travelling to England , i went to meet the English lady to thank her( she was my mother in this life), she was very old yet graceful and was very happy to see me grow as a person , i thanked her and came back, it was very fulfilling to meet her again and share my story. I came back and a young woman came back with me , I enjoyed her style of teaching which made our school different from others. I had to learn so much from her. Dr.Vanadana asked me what did i do other than school and teaching , i said i used to read a lot and my favourite book was “ Your Soul Knows...”. I also told her i used to do meditation at sunrise. I visualized myself sitting in a mudhra during sunrise in pure white clothes. I saw myself next in a place where there were only women who wore white clothes and there was a teacher who would teach them yoga. The centre was in a place with very low mountains or hills and it said Yoga but we never did yoga we used to do meditations. Dr.Vandana moved me to the age 55-60. I was reading a lot , i was reading about the soul and trying to purify my soul , by this time i was teaching the meditation technique to other women in that centre. The name suggested Raja Yoga and i was wondering that we all are women and why would the name of our center be Raja Yoga(there was no man). Later on i found out that there is a Raj yoga center for women in rajisthan which is for Brahma Kumaris. At this point i was moved to the age 60-65 and i told her in a very sure voice that i had 7 years to prepare myself to go , between this time period i wanted to prepare to go , i knew i was to go at the age of 67. I had given the charge of the school to the English young lady and would only supervise. Dr.Vandana asked me how did i do the preparation and i told her through long meditations and reading and searching about Soul and purifying my soul. I moved to the time of death , It was early morning , maybe 5 am, i woke up and had a bath , wore pure white but new clothes .I died peacefully.I was called Urma....And it was 18....century. Dr.Vadana asked me how would you describe this life and i said : LEARNING. I moved up very fast , I reached a place of absolute calmness, i recognized my master light . This beautiful light gave me a blessing and i was filled with peace , calmness and joy. I looked around and saw my soulmate, and also the group of soulmates. At this time Mater light blessed my soulmate, me and Dr.Vandana , I thanked him, the Master Soul, Dr.Vandana, my soulmate and all other soulmates and told Dr.Vandana that it was time for me to come back , it felt as if they all were standing to see me off. I felt blessed. I left the clinic telling Dr.Vandana that I am feeling very light.

Friday 24 February 2017

Surrogate Past life regression is possible...

Surrogate Past life Regression…
Session is shared by the person who had this session with me….
 Surrogate regression was taken by myself for my brother. Issue for which session was taken was my brother's relationship with a girl from past 7 years, he wanted to marry her but my parents were not ready as they wanted him to first get settled in life and then get married. My brother who left studies after higher secondary 
wanted to start a construction bussiness but my  father who is a retired person had limited resources and was not well from past few years so cannot help my brother. He wanted that my brother should go abroad, be independent by himself to run a family and then get married but girl's parents were continuously pressurising for marriage. This lead to blame game, as my brother started blaming parents that because of them he is not able to earn and not getting married. My brother started misbheaving with parents and use to threat them that he'll commit suicide.  Then I approached Dr. Vandana and she suggested me to take a surrogate regression for my brother.
On the day of regression doctor took me into deep hypnotic trans. Session beginned with seeking permission from my higher self and my brother's higher self to further proceed for PLR. After permission was granted, I was taken to most important past life of my brother which was affecting the present. It was 18th century life, in England. Entered the life as young 5 years old child with curly hair (same as he is having in his present life) and his name was Sam. With entering only into this past life crying beginned. Doctor asked to observe what happened to him. Saw that he was playing a with ball and was happy, then had a fight with young girl who was also playing with him and girl slapped him ( found that young girl to be myself, sister in his past life also, similar fights we had in our present childhood also). In next scene, he was sitting on table and having dinner with father( same father in present life) and was happy, father loves him alot. Next I was asked to observe important event affecting present life. Sam was now 12 or 13 years old sitting on a wooden swing with a girl and holding her hand. Both were in love and the girl was his present life girlfriend also. Doctor asked to see what happens next. In next scene, he was 17 years old boy sitting depressed on chair and suddenly he gets up from chair go towards wooden almirah, opens it and picks up a revolver and shoot himself in his right forehead (in present life also he use to have severe headache on right side). Doctor asked to see why he shot himself and is there someone with him. Saw him lying in a pool of blood in his mother's lap (same mother in present life also) but reason for which he committed suicide was not found. Then doctor said life got over and took Sam's soul to very higher plane and ask to see down in life and find the reason.
Then saw Sam begging before his girlfriend's parents to let him meet her and he wanted to marry her. But they didn't allowed as they wanted him to bring money from home and told him they will marry their daughter to him only when he brings them money, they were greedy. In next scene, he steals money and jewellery from home and gives it to his girlfriend's parents but they wanted him to bring more and didn't allowed him to meet girl (in present life also he use to take money from mother by lying to her that he needs it and then buy expensive gifts for his girlfriend). Sam started remaining depressed, his mother made lot of efforts to make him understand that they are not good people and he should forget about girl as we don't have the amount of money they are asking for but he was adamant that he'll only marry that girl. He goes to his girlfriend's house daily and begs in front of her parents but they didn't said yes to his proposal. After sometime they married their daughter to some rich man and girl was also happy with her husband. After this event Sam was under severe depression and ended his life.
Then Dr.Vandana took the soul to seek master light's guidance. Guidance came that he should go abroad. After guidance healing was given and lot of blackness got released from body of my brother. Dr. Vandana also released all the unwanted chords from his aura.
Then 2nd life came of a married woman. Husband was present life girlfriend. I was asked to observe important event. Saw husband was hitting wife with a wooden stick. Reason behind was wife didn't brought enough dowry. In next scene, saw husband left the wife and started living with another women. Wife couldn't bear this and ended her life by jumping in a river. After death soul was brought up and healing was given by doctor to release suicidal tendencies which remained in both lifes and in present life also my brother use to threaten parents for ending life himself.

Results: My brother ended up relationship with the girl. Now he understands that his parents were right, respects them more. He has moved abroad now. All of us  thank and bless dr.vandana raghuvanshi , for her wonderful work.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi Director Energy Healing Guidance Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist, Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer. Power of Subconscious Mind Trainer Magnified healer and Teacher Crystal Healer Dowsing Teacher and Dowser Teacher for Crystal ball gazing Trainer for Forgiveness World class trainer for how to attract abundance EFT/ ERT[Emotional release therapy ] Trainer Medical Vedic astrologer Writer Chandigarh India. mobile..09872880634 PRACTICE: · Past life regression & hypnotherapy: Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions, past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from master. LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, Inner child healing , Re-Birthing cleansing of present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression, SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy) . As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and disconnection of disharmony cords, removal of negative energy from past life and SRT in past life therapy session · TRAINING COURSES AND WORKSHOP * *Teaching Reiki Level 1,2 Level ,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki), Mastership, Grand mastership magnified healing , Dowsing, EFT (Emotional Release Therapy), Crystal ball gazing , Activation of third eye, Crystal healing, Forgiveness healing, How to attract abundance Workshop Power of Subconscious mind. · Healing: facilties provides..... Successfully doing Aura cleansing & aura healing Distant healing Chakra cleansing, activating, radiating and balancing Pranic healing for endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc .Karmic healing. Healing as SRT Healing for relationship issues Healing for negative energy removal Healing by three fold flame Healing for group event Emotional release therapy session Healing for home and office for negative energy ALL HEALING ON SKYPE Highly charged amazing quratz/ crystals for all purpose for sale ·

Thursday 16 February 2017

Hypnotherapist Nangal...09872880634

Becoming a better person is your choice & is a natural progression in your journey of self-awareness.

Monday 13 February 2017

A PLR Session report , person sharing with all of you.... I went to dr.vandana raghuvanshi, a past life therapist in Chandigarh and told her that I wanted to experience a perfect life and bring back those qualities in my life We started with the session, as soon as i was in the hypnotic state i saw as a woman in my mid early 30s, i was wearing everything in white, beige and off white colour, i was wearing a pleated skirt, a shirt with front frills , and a hat too. I was looking at a building and it seemed i was formally dressed for some work. I reached the top floor of the building and i could see that it was a clinic and i was a doctor. I was a gynaecologist , i could see expecting women in the room and i was examining them. Next was when i was instructed to see at home , It was supper time , my husband , a handsome man with brown hair and moustaches was sitting at the table , we had two kids, a son and a daughter about the age of 7 & 9. I worked at home too , it seemed i cooked and cleaned myself. My name at the clinic board read Dr. Henna Henry Matheson. My husband’s name was Henry Matheson and he was a doctor too. Next scene was that I saw myself painting and teaching young kids . It was a very fulfilling activity , i was very happy and contented doing that . I said I am happy , this is what i love as a doctor i have earned respect but that profession does not give me happiness , i want to do more than just going to my clinic. I regressed further and i saw myself in my mid 50s, I was painting and i had a sizable studio , I loved what i was doing , I said i have quit as a doctor and now i only paint and i love it , I have become known for my paintings and i have a studio now. I am still equally respected. She asked me to see what my husband was doing , I saw that my husband was no more and my kids were away to other cities for their schooling . My husband had died of TB, i saw him at the time of his death , he was coughing blood and he eventually passed away. When i further regressed i saw myself at a gathering , I was not amongst the guests , my son and my daughter were sitting at the front row when my name was called , i reached the podium and it seemed that i was given a life achievement award by a the mayor of my city , it was for the charity hospital i had opened after my late husband. Dr.Vandana asked me where is this place , you would know and my answer was this has to be England , as there is no sense of fashion and people wear such boring clothes. I still wonder why did i say something like that ? The next was the scene of my death , i knew that it was the time so i wore near clean clothes and sat on my bed , and i departed . It was a very beautiful and peaceful death . When i looked from above i said this was my dream life , i had a perfect home , a warm family , my husband loved me , I was recognised for both my profession and my passion and people knew me as an artist , I did charity and my work was recognised and honoured. This is my dream life.Further i moved up , i was a bright white light , I saw my master Soul and the group of souls. I went to the master soul to pay respect and thank him for such a wonderful journey . I got his blessings and then it was time to come back.

Thursday 9 February 2017


Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD
Is one of the most common types of psychological disorder. OCD is most commonly defined by its symptoms. OCD sufferers experience recurrent, invasive thoughts or repetitive actions that are understood to be irrational and unnecessary. These recurring, invasive thoughts, calledobsessions, and uncontrollable, repetitive actions, called compulsions, cause the person significant stress and disruption in their daily life. Regardless of the name, not all people with OCD suffer from both obsessions and compulsions, even though it is most common together.
OCD can take many forms. The following are only a few of the common types of OCD:
Seeking cleanliness, orderliness or symmetry
Performing repetitive acts that are thought to be protective, such as counting or praying
Repeatedly checking, often for the purpose of safety