Social Anxiety is fear of interaction with other people. It causes feeling of negatively judged, self consciousness and lead to avoidance.It causes depression, inferiority complex, feeling of inadequacy, humiliation, embarrassment. Anxiety does not lie in social situation.It lives in our mind.Hence focus of getting free from social anxiety must be on our own mind .I am based in Chandigarh. You can contact me for therapy to get rid of social anxiety.
HYPNOTHERAPY AND PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY.....For All type of Phobias, Panic attack, Recurrent dreams and nightmare , Alcoholism,Bed wetting,Depression,Stammering, Insomnia,Inner Child Healing, Age regression , live between lives session to understand soul journey and getting guidance from Masters.NLP [Neuro lingustic programming],Re -Birthing breath work, Reiki healing & Pranic healing , Distant healing.Holistic healing for body &mind phone 09872880634