Monday 26 December 2016

Weird dream, Phobia, SO MUCH FEAR, PLRT, CHANDIGARH..Read this session story...

Session on Skype ------ She is resident of UK. I, her past life therapist, am stationed Chandigarh. She regressed 2 past lives in this session.
Weird Experience and Past life link...
She contacted me to know the reason of her Weird experience for the last 20 years. She experiences it off and on in the form of a dream. It can happen in night or in day even during a short nap. In the dream the man is always same. Sometimes he says loneliness is a big problem. She always has a physical sexual experience and feeling of climax. But afterwards she is totally drained of her energy, remains irritated and angry whole day. By her nature she is a very calm person but after the experience she will always have a fight with somebody. She got married at the age of 18 (arranged marriage) and got divorced after 2 years for none of her faults. Now she is 40. Whenever she came close to any man and thought of marriage something happened and the person just went away from her life. She said, Doctor Vandana, I contacted many healers, astrologers but none could help me. Now I think this particular man of my dream is linked to my past life.
1st life----
I am standing in a home in a village. It’s Punjab. A tall man wearing Kurta and Chadar is saying something to me (it is so strange that he is the one who is my ex-husband). There is an older woman who is the mother of my ex-husband. Now I am going outside. My age is 25 and I do not have any kid. I am fair and very short in height. I am wearing payals. There is huge peepal tree and I am going towards that tree. Now I am below the tree and looking up (she started crying with fear there was lot of catharsis with fear. It went for long time. Her fear and fright reaction was at the score of more than 100%. I did SRT work and then she could calm down).
When I asked what happened. She said a man is sitting on peepal tree with a water pitcher in hand but he is not alive. He is something else. He is looking at me. Now I am back, people are watching me. Something very wrong happened to me. I am laughing loudly. Now no one talks to me. My husband also does not talk to me. My husband and mother-in-law remain quiet. I am very abnormal now. I keep my hair open. I fight with everybody. People are afraid of me. They say that ghost has possessed her.
I roam here and there. Sometimes I go and sit below the peepal tree. It is 1915. But I know that I was born here before. I have seen this peepal tree in my some other life also. I am 32 and standing near a pond. I feel I have jumped. I am no more. People called me Bano. My husband cremated me.
As a therapist I decided her to take to her life in which she has seen that particular peepal tree before.
2nd life….
Our house is made of mud. I live with my parents. I am 14 yrs old girl. There are lot of pitchers lying around. We are Kumhars. We make pitchers. A boy comes to our home off and on. He is 18 years old. He takes our pitchers and also repairs the wheel . We live in Kumhar village and he lives a little far. He is not Kumhar. It seems so strange that peepal tree is somewhere near my home and in between the village where I was born before in my last life and the village I live now. The kutcha road links that village to our Kumhar village. It is 1837.
Now the boy has started coming frequently. He always looks at me. He is the same boy who comes to my dream for the last 20 years in my present life. My parents know that he looks at me. One day my people grabbed him below that peepal tree and hit him. Some one hit on his head and he died. He is 19 years at the time of his death. I am not feeling good.
I am 20. When I go under the tree I feel he is watching. Sometimes I feel he is behind me. “Ajeeb si Zid hai usai”. I am getting married. “mere hathon par menhdi lagi hui hai.”. When my mother tied Kalira on my wrist I felt he is present and is watching me.
I am in my husband’s home. My husband is a good person but I am not getting attached to him because he watches me. So I could not get close to my husband. I told this to my husband. I am wearing black thread in my neck and hands but nothing helps.
My husband died due to fever. I am 29. My father-in-law is very good person (he is my present life grandfather). I am sitting below the peepal tree. He is watching from above. He is holding a pitcher taken from our home. I am getting older but he looks of the same age. Now I am 40. I am alone in the home. I feel good now. I donot feel loneliness because I know someone is here and watching me.
It is evening time. I am now 55. Today I am very angry on this boy. Whole life he remained after me. Due to my anger my head started hurting. Suddenly blood comes out of my nose and I died immediately. Villagers are cremating me. It is so strange that this is the same area where I was cremated in my last life. There is so much heaviness in my heart. I am not able to bear it. (A lot of healing done. She said now so much heaviness is lifted from my heart.)
As a therapist, I decided to do SRT and healing so that the soul on the tree across time and space can be liberated to light. After my work she said four light being angels are there cremating his body which was thrown. This is not happening in the area where the people from our village are cremated in routine. This is somewhere else. He had a mother, it seems they were poor, it looks she is watching cremation sitting in her hut. Now he is in the form of white light and surrounded by those four lights going upwards. He is saying to me forgive me and thank you. I also told him forgive me and thank you. I also asked forgiveness from his mother.
As a therapist I brought her back to her own cremation, when she felt her physical body turned into ashes, I guided her to light. She took rest in the light. I brought her back into the garden she felt a lot of white energy flowers shower falling on her.
She said, Doctor Vandana, I am feeling so much lightness in my shoulders and heart now. She told, may be, I am 40 but it is so strange I always felt like 18 years old in this present life. It is so strange that from 20 years I am living in fear of that face, a boy, but now I feel so much sympathy for him. Doctor, you are an angel to me and master light for him. I am so happy that we could liberate him also. I am feeling free. Thank you for every thing.

Saturday 24 December 2016


Most of the person who come to a therapist have been abused  in someway.....
either physically, emotionally, sexually or through sheer neglect.It has
 usually involved  a person from family or close friends.Memory 
of child abuse is often repressed , can only recover by going into regression.
Child abuse causes an altered state of mind when in extreme fear or pain , 
and therefore the words said at these times remain lodged / accepted by self as
 truth , into the deeper layers from which the dysfunctional patterns of thinking and
 behaviour emerge .eg--worthlessness , worng , evil etc.
Sharing about the incident with therapist, who can provide a non - judgemental
 space , is in itself a breakthrough in dissolving fear, guilt and shame towards abuse.
Regression helps in healing the trauma.

Friday 23 December 2016

Hypnotherapist India...09872880634

Benefits that can be attained through Hypnosis and Past Life Regression.
Ø Increased relaxation and the elimination of tension
Ø Increased and focused concentration
Ø Improved memory (Hypermnesia)
Ø Improved reflexes
Ø Increased self-confidence
Ø Pain Control
Ø Improved Sex Life
Ø Increased organization and efficiency
Ø Increased motivation
Ø Improved interpersonal relationships
Ø Slowing down the aging process
Ø Facilitating s better career path
Ø Elimination of anxiety and depression
Ø Overcoming bereavement
Ø Elimination of headaches, including migraine headaches
Ø Elimination of allergies and skin disorders
Ø Strengthening one’s immune system to resist any disease
Ø Elimination of habits, phobias, and other negative tendencies (self-defeating sequences)
Ø Improving decisiveness
Ø Improving the quality of people and circumstances in general, that you attract into your life
Ø Increasing your ability to earn and hold onto money
Ø Overcoming obsessive-compulsive behavior
Ø Eliminating Insomnia
Ø Improving the overall quality of your life
Ø Improved psychic awareness

Ø Establishing and maintaining harmony of body, mind and spirit

A PLR Session report , person sharing with all of you.... I went to dr.vandana raghuvanshi, a past life therapist in Chandigarh and told her that I wanted to experience a perfect life and bring back those qualities in my life We started with the session, as soon as i was in the hypnotic state i saw as a woman in my mid early 30s, i was wearing everything in white, beige and off white colour, i was wearing a pleated skirt, a shirt with front frills , and a hat too. I was looking at a building and it seemed i was formally dressed for some work. I reached the top floor of the building and i could see that it was a clinic and i was a doctor. I was a gynaecologist , i could see expecting women in the room and i was examining them. Next was when i was instructed to see at home , It was supper time , my husband , a handsome man with brown hair and moustaches was sitting at the table , we had two kids, a son and a daughter about the age of 7 & 9. I worked at home too , it seemed i cooked and cleaned myself. My name at the clinic board read Dr. Henna Henry Matheson. My husband’s name was Henry Matheson and he was a doctor too. Next scene was that I saw myself painting and teaching young kids . It was a very fulfilling activity , i was very happy and contented doing that . I said I am happy , this is what i love as a doctor i have earned respect but that profession does not give me happiness , i want to do more than just going to my clinic. I regressed further and i saw myself in my mid 50s, I was painting and i had a sizable studio , I loved what i was doing , I said i have quit as a doctor and now i only paint and i love it , I have become known for my paintings and i have a studio now. I am still equally respected. She asked me to see what my husband was doing , I saw that my husband was no more and my kids were away to other cities for their schooling . My husband had died of TB, i saw him at the time of his death , he was coughing blood and he eventually passed away. When i further regressed i saw myself at a gathering , I was not amongst the guests , my son and my daughter were sitting at the front row when my name was called , i reached the podium and it seemed that i was given a life achievement award by a the mayor of my city , it was for the charity hospital i had opened after my late husband. Dr.Vandana asked me where is this place , you would know and my answer was this has to be England , as there is no sense of fashion and people wear such boring clothes. I still wonder why did i say something like that ? The next was the scene of my death , i knew that it was the time so i wore near clean clothes and sat on my bed , and i departed . It was a very beautiful and peaceful death . When i looked from above i said this was my dream life , i had a perfect home , a warm family , my husband loved me , I was recognised for both my profession and my passion and people knew me as an artist , I did charity and my work was recognised and honoured. This is my dream life.Further i moved up , i was a bright white light , I saw my master Soul and the group of souls. I went to the master soul to pay respect and thank him for such a wonderful journey . I got his blessings and then it was time to come back.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Hypnotherapist Nangal, Punjab...

RecurrentDream #Weired Experienced And #PastLife Link...
I had had discussed a very strange experience I had with Dr.vandana Raghuvanshi , it happened while I had travelled to another city , I checked into the hotel late at night, as soon as I entered the room in the hotel it felt very heavy, the air was too sticky. It was 11 pm when i checked in and soon after i got into bed, where i had this really strange experience of an immense energy field surrounding me , so strong that i could not move any limb, i was not scared but i could not understand what was going on , i was so shocked that as a healer or pranic healing practitioner i still could not protect myself , after few yet very long minutes it had stopped. The next morning when i got up and drew back the curtains i saw a church and the cross right out of the window, after that for the next 3 days whenever i went out for my evening walk i went to that church and paid donation and respect.
On the 3rd night there was a problem with the curtains and i had to shift from that room, when i was picking up my stuff i felt a pat on my shoulder and a voice saying “ Don’t go”, since i am healer i realized they did not want to hurt me but maybe they needed me. Anyways I left the room ,the new room was absolutely fine.
After reaching my home town i started to have regular dreams about 2 ladies and a man’s dead body who had disfigured faces and they wanted to know something from me, it was very scary, i discussed the same with Dr.Vandana . Before starting the session i had the same question of “ why did i have to suffer in this life so much ? I told Dr.Vandana I must have done something in some life .Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi told me to find its reason in past life . I agreed.
Session of my past life started...
I was a tall man with brown hair and white skin, wearing a hat , i was in Europe a place with stone pavements, looked like Italy. I walked with the help of a stick and i was limping , i had to know what happened to me so when i travelled back i saw a scene where near a beautiful square with lovely fountains and red flowers on stone waved road a horse cart went out of control , while i was trying to help control the cart i fell and the horse cart ran over my right leg and so i could no more walk properly and had to use the stick. I was asked to go to my childhood, i was a 12 year old boy , eldest of all other children in an orphanage , i was called Sam and i was very loved by the younger children and the care taker, i was a responsible and kind child who would take care of the younger kids in that place.
I was asked if i married but the answer was no and i never had anyone in my life.
The next important event in my life was my death i committed suicide at the age of 38, the reason was i was too lonely, i was buried and my Grave stone read Samanuel .
The lesson i learnt from that life was that i was lonely because i chose to be that way , if i had opened up to people and let my guard down i would have not been so lonely that i would end my life, interestingly i have been having the same pattern in this life too, I am lonely because i have chosen not to open up to people.
Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi guided me to another life time ....
I saw myself as a man of about 30-35 , who did not look good at all with a long face and a long nose wearing long brown coat, i was stealing some silver goods from a house, the owners were two ladies and a man, they were at supper table and i was waiting in a corner and watching them. The same people they have been appearing in my dreams since that trip.
I stole their silver goods and in the next scene I was at a palacial house, there was a big feast going on with many people dancing and moving around happily, i went up the wooden stairs and opend a door, a beautiful woman was wearing her jewellery , i entered the room took her jewellery , molested her and went to another room , opened the door and saw a big man .
The next event was that I was on a chair, a chair that was meant to be a death chair, iIwas cold and shivering and knew my death was near, I was asked to go back and see what happened , I saw that the man in that room in the palacial house had caught me and called the police(or some people of law of that time) and I was arrested and sent to jail, i was sentenced to death on that chair not because of robbery but because those 3 old people from whom i robbed the silver stuff died of poisoning, I had poisoned them so that they fall un conscious however the dose was more than required and hence they died.
I had no remorse then, a soul with no conscious but when I was sitting on that chair and in the last few moments before my sentence I had realized what I had done and I was regretful and scared.
I died on that chair with something like a strong shock, I had passed urine and strangely I was shivering and I was cold during the time while regressing.
I guided up, I was a dark smokey gray colour light, When I reached light my colour started to change and it became lighter and lighter.
Interestingly after that session I never had that dream again. They wanted to know why did i poison them as they loved me , they wanted to tell me i would have got the silver stuff if i would have asked them and why did i have to kill them and steal from them? What had they done wrong to me, their faces were disfigured in the dream as they had died of severe poisoning. I got my answers and i am sure this regression and forgiveness that was done helped them move ahead too.
Thank to divine ...Thank to Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi

Hypnotherapist in Chandigarh

Anger takes its toll. In many ways, it looks like a heightened stress response. It increases our blood pressure & heart rate and cellular inflammatory processes and when it happens too frequently it leads to an increased chance of heart disease.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Surrogate Past life Regression in session report...dr.vandana raghuvanshi

Testimonial....Surrogate Past life Regression....
Send by the person who had this session with me.....
.Surrogate regression was taken by myself for my brother. Issue for which session was taken was my brother's relationship with a girl from past 7 years, he wanted to marry her but my parents were not ready as they wanted him to first get settled in life and then get married. My brother who left studies after higher secondary
wanted to start a construction bussiness but my father who is a retired person had limited resources and was not well from past few years so cannot help my brother. He wanted that my brother should go abroad, be independent by himself to run a family and then get married but girl's parents were continuously pressurising for marriage. This lead to blame game, as my brother started blaming parents that because of them he is not able to earn and not getting married. My brother started misbheaving with parents and use to threat them that he'll commit suicide. Then I approached Dr. Vandana and she suggested me to take a surrogate regression for my brother.
On the day of regression doctor took me into deep hypnotic trans. Session beginned with seeking permission from my higher self and my brother's higher self to further proceed for PLR. After permission was granted, I was taken to most important past life of my brother which was affecting the present. It was 18th century life, in England. Entered the life as young 5 years old child with curly hair (same as he is having in his present life) and his name was Sam. With entering only into this past life crying beginned. Doctor asked to observe what happened to him. Saw that he was playing a with ball and was happy, then had a fight with young girl who was also playing with him and girl slapped him ( found that young girl to be myself, sister in his past life also, similar fights we had in our present childhood also). In next scene, he was sitting on table and having dinner with father( same father in present life) and was happy, father loves him alot. Next I was asked to observe important event affecting present life. Sam was now 12 or 13 years old sitting on a wooden swing with a girl and holding her hand. Both were in love and the girl was his present life girlfriend also. Doctor asked to see what happens next. In next scene, he was 17 years old boy sitting depressed on chair and suddenly he gets up from chair go towards wooden almirah, opens it and picks up a revolver and shoot himself in his right forehead (in present life also he use to have severe headache on right side). Doctor asked to see why he shot himself and is there someone with him. Saw him lying in a pool of blood in his mother's lap (same mother in present life also) but reason for which he comitted suicide was not found. Then doctor said life got over and took Sam's soul to very higher plane and ask to see down in life and find the reason.
Then saw Sam begging before his girlfriend's parents to let him meet her and he wanted to marry her. But they didn't allowed as they wanted him to bring money from home and told him they will marry their daughter to him only when he brings them money, they were greedy. In next scene, he steals money and jewellery from home and gives it to his girlfriend's parents but they wanted him to bring more and didn't allowed him to meet girl (in present life also he use to take money from mother by lying to her that he needs it and then buy expensive gifts for his girlfriend). Sam started remaining depressed, his mother made lot of efforts to make him understand that they are not good people and he should forget about girl as we don't have the amount of money they are asking for but he was adamant that he'll only marry that girl. He goes to his girlfriend's house daily and begs in front of her parents but they didn't said yes to his proposal. After sometime they married their daughter to some rich man and girl was also happy with her husband. After this event Sam was under severe depression and ended his life.
Then Dr.Vandana took the soul to seek master light's guidance. Guidance came that he should go abroad. After guidance healing was given and lot of blackness got released from body of my brother. Dr. Vandana also released all the unwanted chords from his aura.
Then 2nd life came of a married woman. Husband was present life girlfriend. I was asked to observe important event. Saw husband was hitting wife with a wooden stick. Reason behind was wife didn't brought enough dowry. In next scene, saw husband left the wife and started living with another women. Wife couldn't bear this and ended her life by jumping in a river. After death soul was brought up and healing was given by doctor to release suicidal tendencies which remained in both lifes and in present life also my brother use to threaten parents for ending life himself.
Results: My brother ended up relationship with the girl. Now he understands that his parents were right, respects them more. He has moved abroad now.

Sunday 4 December 2016

CHILD ABUSE AND ROLE OF ...9872880634... heal your inner child...

Most of the person who come to a therapist have been abused  in someway.....
either physically, emotionally, sexually or through sheer neglect.It has
 usually involved  a person from family or close friends.Memory 
of child abuse is often repressed , can only recover by going into regression.
Child abuse causes an altered state of mind when in extreme fear or pain , 
and therefore the words said at these times remain lodged / accepted by self as
 truth , into the deeper layers from which the dysfunctional patterns of thinking and
 behaviour emerge .eg--worthlessness , worng , evil etc.
Sharing about the incident with therapist, who can provide a non - judgemental
 space , is in itself a breakthrough in dissolving fear, guilt and shame towards abuse.
Regression helps in healing the trauma.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Awesome Perfect Past life ....Read ..a past life regression session report...From Chandigarh

A PLR Session report , person sharing with all of you....
I went to dr.vandana raghuvanshi, a past life therapist in Chandigarh and told her that  I wanted to experience a perfect life and bring back those qualities in my life
 We started with the session, as soon as i was in the hypnotic state i saw as a woman in my mid early 30s, i was wearing everything in white, beige and off white colour, i was wearing a pleated skirt, a shirt with front frills , and a hat too.
I was looking at a building and it seemed i was formally dressed for some work. I reached the top floor of the building and i could see that it was a clinic and i was a doctor. I was a gynecologist , i could see expecting women in the room and i was examining them.
Next was when i was instructed to see at home , It was supper time , my husband , a handsome man with brown hair and moustaches was sitting at the table , we had two kids, a son and a daughter  about the age of 7 & 9. I worked at home too , it seemed i cooked and cleaned myself.
My name at the clinic board read Dr. Henna Henry Matheson.  My husband’s name was Henry Matheson and he was a doctor too.
Next scene was that I saw myself painting and teaching young kids . It was a very fulfilling activity , i was very happy and contented doing that . I said I am happy , this is what i love as a doctor i have earned respect but that profession does not give me happiness , i want to do more than just going to my clinic.
I regressed further and i saw myself in my mid 50s, I was painting and i had a sizable studio , I loved what i was doing , I said i have quit as a doctor and now i only paint and i love it , I have become known for my paintings and i have a studio now. I am still equally respected.
She asked me to see what my husband was doing , I saw that my husband was no more and my kids were away to other cities for their schooling . My husband had died of TB, i saw him at the time of his death , he was coughing blood and he eventually passed away.
When i further regressed i saw myself at a gathering , I was not amongst the guests , my son and my daughter were sitting at the front row when my name was called , i reached the podium and it seemed that i was given a life achievement award by a the mayor of my city , it was for the charity hospital i had opened after my  late husband.
Dr.Vandana asked me where is this place , you would know and my answer was this has to be England , as there is no sense of fashion and people wear such boring clothes. I still wonder why did i say something like that ?
The next was the scene of my death , i knew that it was the time so i wore near clean clothes and sat on my bed , and i departed . It was a very beautiful and peaceful death .
When i looked from above i said this was my dream life , i had a perfect home , a warm family , my husband loved me , I was recognised for both my profession and my passion and people knew me as an artist , I did charity and my work was recognised and honoured. This is my dream life.Further i moved up , i was a bright white light , I saw my master Soul and the group of souls.  I went to the master soul to pay respect and thank him for such a wonderful journey . I got his blessings and then it was time to come back.

Monday 21 November 2016

SRT And PLRT Chandigarh

Gruesome End & Demonic Entry in Past Life
Subject:33 years old educated women living with 8 year old son who is not able to speak. Married life included physical and mental torture at the highest level, separated since 2 years. She feels responsible for her son’s problem; her state of mind is not settled. Also feels a “Black Saya” covering her off and on.
She cannot let go her separated husband even with inner feeling of danger to her life and still resists divorcing him.She said dr.vandana can you help me ?
Scanning: Left leg grey color abdomen blood clots released to light.
Spine- blackness with chilling feeling coming up towards head. In head dabble with red eyes and black face challenging and laughing. Subject felt too much fear. With healing devil dislodged and sucked by white light. Immediately she felt that her body felt very light.
Sub: I am very scared, this is my bedroom, and blood is on the wall and bed sheets. My body is severely mutilated. My head is having wound on right side its bleeding. The room is very cold and is on 1st floor of my home. I am 26 year old woman. My name is Maryanne. My husband is pacing in the room. He killed me. He is also in present life my husband. (Subject felt too much visible pain in body and very sadness. She cried a lot.
Dr.Vr: Move back to time when you were alive.
Sub: (30 minutes life description) beating by husband, living in fear, loneliness constantly. 2 sons. Severe pain in spine and legs due to beating and a lot of crying
Dr.Vr: Go to the moment and find why is he treating you like this?
Sub: I am 19 years old unmarried &attending a marriage party. A handsome man in a white Navy dress giving a lot of attention to me. There is another man looking at us with jealousy. He is my husband later on. The jealous man came to our home, talked to my parents. We are getting married. My life is very miserable now. He doubts me. Now I have 2 sons. I am under stress and fear of life.
Dr.Vr: Go to the event which leads to your traumatic death.
Sub: I am walking on road near my home. I saw the Navy man. He is trying to talk to me. I am running away from him. My husband saw from window. I reached home. He is beating me, dragging me to the bedroom, strangulating me; hit my head with a rod, it’s hurting and bleeding. This is the same room and I am dead. He is pacing. It’s dark now. There is another old dirty fearful wound on left side of head. It looks very odd. It is not bleeding as the right side had been. From this wound a blackness is entering from inside. I am having a chilling over my spine. It’s scary.
(Healing work is done)
Dr.Vr: what happened to your body?
Sub:I am buried. My sons are crying. Very few people came for funeral. Nobody asks from my husband. My sons keeping yellow flowers (subject cried a lot).
Dr.Vr: What lesson you learnt?
Sub: I regret not being fearless.
Dr.Vr: where are you going now and how do you look?
Sub: I am red flame. I am angry and frustrated.
(Healing done) I am whiter and going up. Now I am in white light. It’s peaceful here.
Dr.Vr: see your master guide light?
Sub: It’s white blue light. I ask him- why I cannot let go? He said- you will.
(Subject relaxed and became quiet)
Re-orientation: She said.... I felt very light after realizing the devil. I am repeating very similar married life pattern. I am feeling “I can let go”. Now I will not live in fear. I haven’t seen my present son in my past life.
Advice: take extra care for nutritious diet and rest for 3 weeks. Must walk for 45 minutes in morning in fresh air. Develop attitude of forgiveness. Observe change in yourself and your life for 3 months. After that take a session regarding your son.
Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi
Past Life Regression Therapist

Thursday 17 November 2016

Spiritual curiosity and past life link. Man, 43 year of age, with spiritual curiosity came for past life regression. He said dr.vandana , I need to find answer to my this feeling in my past life regression session. Session……. I am 12 year boy.We are a happy family living in a thatched roof hut somewhere in Bhutan. My parents treat me differently, elevated me and give a lot of respect to me. My relatives think I am different and blessed. They send me to Monastery to develop me into a spiritual person. I am 20. I meditate and am at peace. I do not work with my family. They provide me everything. There is a beautiful girl nearby. We look at each other. Sometimes, I think why my parents elevated me? I am 40 now. I teach spirituality and give diksha. My parents and others still provide everything to me. I eat a lot and am fat now. Meditation and teaching is my daily routine but I sometimes miss love in my life. While meditating I had a glimpse of my past life.“I am a cruel Mughal emperor. I killed many people without any remorse. I had a wife but I never loved her”. I changed a lot after this experience. I understood one should always remain happy. Do not search for love you will get it only when you are destined. My teachings are improved now. I am at peace & in bliss. I die a natural death at the age of 60. My last thought is “Prayer is communication with God”. My body is cremated with lot of respect. Divine light came to take me up. Reorientation…. He said in my past life , my past life regression experience bought positive changes in me. That’s why I was feeling need for going for PLR in this life. Now in this life I will grow spiritually very fast. Thank you very much Dr.Raghuvanshi for being my guide in this wonderful past life journey.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi Director Energy Healing Guidance & Past life Regression therapy Institute, Chandigarh Life Coach , Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist, Life between lives therapy, CDT Expert, Inner Child Facilitator, Inner Critic Facilitator, Voice Dialogue therapist Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP) Therapist Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer. Power of Subconscious Mind Trainer Magnified healer and Teacher Crystal Healer Dowsing Teacher and Dowser Teacher for Crystal ball gazing Trainer for Forgiveness Re-Birthing breath worker Law of attraction trainer EFT/ ERT [Emotional release therapy ] Trainer Medical Vedic astrologer Writer Chandigarh India. mobile..09872880634 PRACTICE: · >Past life regression & hypnotherapy: Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions, Inner Child healing, Inner critic healing > past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from master. > LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, Inner child healing, >Re-Birthing cleansing of present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression, >SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy) . >As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and disconnection of disharmony cords, removal of negative energy from past life and SRT in past life therapy session > NLP therapy for nail biting, bed wetting, goal setting, eating disorders and to increase confidence and NLP for sports person. > Hypnotherapy for phobia, alcohol, addictions, anxiety, stammering, stage fright, insomnia #CDT for OCD [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder] >Re-Birthing session to do holistic healing · TRAINING COURSES AND WORKSHOP * *Teaching Reiki Level 1,2 Level[ first and second degree ] Third Degree with Karuna Reiki Mastership, Grand mastership Magnified healing ,Dousing, EFT (Emotional Release Therapy), Crystal ball gazing Activation of third eye, Crystal healing, Forgiveness healing, Past life regression and Hypnotherapy Law of attraction [LOA] and Power of Subconscious mind. Re- birthing · Healing: facilities provides..... Aura cleansing & aura healing Distant healing Chakra cleansing, activating, radiating and balancing Pranic healing for endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc .Karmic healing. SRT Healing for relationship issues Healing for negative energy removal Healing by three fold flame Healing for group event Emotional release therapy session Healing for home and office for negative energy ,Past life regression, CDT ON SKYPE

Sunday 6 November 2016

Hypnotherapist , Ludhiana....09872880634

In our busy life the mind goes stale by repeated arguments, stress events, noise , crowd , pollution, burden of work . We must take a break before our thoughts, enthusiasm and energy of mind get diminished.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Hypnotherapist Ludhiana...09872880634

You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself. Others are merely mirrors of you.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Hypnotherpist Ganganagar [Raj]..09872880634

Whenever you face a difficult situation..."Tell yourself you can handle it.Many people in difficult situation give in. Something the survivors do with their thoughts helps them find the gut to carry on in spite of overwhelming odds.Tell yourself over and over , "I can handle it."

Saturday 15 October 2016

Phobias / Fears Treatment Clinic Chandigarh...

When we feel safe, our creativity unfolds like a beautiful flower.Do not fear . Remove all types of fears within you.Use your full potential in life.

Hypnotherapist ..Vrindavan...09872880634

Keep learning...Learn crafts, gardening, computers...whatever you like. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devils workshop." And devil's name is Alzheimer's.

Saturday 8 October 2016

Hypnotherapist Una...09872880634

There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone.Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of Solitude to yourself..

Friday 23 September 2016


Yesterday has already passed. The past cannot be changed. You can't swallow the words that you said, since you already said them. You can't repeat the scene from yesterday in a different way because it already happened & stayed recorded on the film of this world drama. Therefore, don't repeat the words or the scene in your mind over & over again; doing that, you keep alive something that is dead, since yesterday already stayed behind. Learn from the error & commit yourself to you & to your life, promising to yourself that you will not fall over the same stone again. You will think about it before speaking or acting. 

Thursday 15 September 2016


Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD
Is one of the most common types of psychological disorder. OCD is most commonly defined by its symptoms. OCD sufferers experience recurrent, invasive thoughts or repetitive actions that are understood to be irrational and unnecessary. These recurring, invasive thoughts, called obsessions, and uncontrollable, repetitive actions, called compulsions, cause the person significant stress and disruption in their daily life. Regardless of the name, not all people with OCD suffer from both obsessions and compulsions, even though it is most common together.
OCD can take many forms. The following are only a few of the common types of OCD:
Seeking cleanliness, orderliness or symmetry
Performing repetitive acts that are thought to be protective, such as counting or praying
Repeatedly checking, often for the purpose of safety

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Hypnotherapist Ambala...09872880634

Someone throws a few words at you & they forget, but not only do you not forget but you repeat them in your mind to such a point that at times these action replays do not even let you sleep. We need to learn the art of forgetting memories that generate shadows of hurt or pain in our present. The past has already gone & what you have now is the present moment. 

Sunday 4 September 2016

Hypnotherapist Panchkula, India

Excessive self-criticism tends to backfire, because it leads us to focus on our so-called failures instead of the "small ways that we could have improved," says psychologist Tamar E. Chansky, PhD, author of Freeing Yourself From Anxiety. And over the long term, studies show, self trash-talk is associated with higher stress levels and even depression.

Sunday 28 August 2016

Feeling of deep connection and past life link. A 35 year married woman came with a question “I want to know what is it all about?”. I have a friend. I always feel a deep connection with him. Dr.Vandana , I feel his soul cries for me. Can you take to in a past life where I can understand its link. Session…….. It is a beautiful old home. There is a beautiful garden in front of my home. There is a big flower tree in garden. The flower tree and garden is in front of my window. I am a beautiful girl of 11 years. I spend most of my time in garden. Today I stayed till it is dark. My parents are angry when I return. I cry and go to sleep in my room. One day a 14 years boy came to garden. He came near me and gave his hand to me. I feel happy. Whenever I go to garden I look for him. He does not come again. My parents ask why I go to garden again and again? I am growing up. One day he came again. He hugged me I cry he tells me he is for me only. I tell him not to leave me. He tells he won’t. We talk and then he tells “he has to go but I will always be here below this tree for you”. I call him Prince. It is late and I return home happy relaxed. Today my parents do not say anything to me. It is a western country. I watch the tree from the window again and again. When he comes I immediately go to garden. One day my father catches me with him in the garden and tells I am not allowed to go in garden. He comes every day, stands below the tree. I see him from my window. I cry a lot. I am beautifully dressed in pink but sad. Our family is going to attend marriage of the daughter of my father’s friend. My father has also fixed my marriage. I do not like the boy but I have to marry him. Now I am in my husband’s home. I still feel he is waiting for me below the tree. My husband has an affair. I try to stop him but he doesn’t. I am living as the destiny wants me to. This home is good but very far from the garden. Now I have a daughter. She dies due to an accident after few years only. Now I do not have any child. My husband does not bother for me. He drinks. I am not happy. Every day I think of going to garden to meet Prince. At last one day I go and he is there. He does not ask anything. He gives his hand and tells me I am here for you. Whenever you need me I am here. He was just there for me. We silently sit under the tree. In the evening I tell him now you go first. He leaves. And I die cool and calm under the tree on the ground. My death came natural and peaceful because my will to live is lost. My father saw from the window. My parents came, they are very sad. My husband is also called. I am being buried. After my death Prince is very sad. He tells me I was with you why did you leave why did you go so early. The lesson I learnt - love is pure, love never demands anything.I need to have learnt that little time spent with love is enough for entire life but I could not. In LBL she found her soulmate light and the man in the present life are the same soul. The master light told me that in present life you both need each other to evolve and learn some lessons. Reorientation…. In my present life, whenever I am upset I go to park and feel healed. But when I tell this man that I am going to the park, he says No, go to your home. How strange!his soul knows that in past life our last meeting was in garden and after that I left that life. Doctor, I found the answer. He is my soulmate.

Thursday 11 August 2016

One of the Best Hypnotherapist in Chandigarh...

dr.vandana raghuvanshi
People who maintain their sense of calm when things around them are in a state of flux and confusion are always wonderful to be around. We feel calmer just being near them, as if they have activated our own sense of inner peace. From them we learn that we can be calm, even when everything around us is in turmoil, because we know that no matter what happens, this inner sense of calm will help us to function well. Often, times of confusion are the times that enable us to find that part of ourselves that knows how to cope, and how to be a light to others in the storm. 

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Hypnotherapist and CDT Expert Agra [UP]...09872880634

The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone.Everyday we must out of our way to do something kind.Be generous in appreciation.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Are you suffering from Social Anxiety ??? Contact dr. vandana raghuvanshi for therapy....She is based in Chandigarh....09872880634

Social Anxiety is fear of interaction with other people. It causes feeling of negatively judged, self consciousness and lead to avoidance.It causes depression, inferiority complex, feeling of inadequacy, humiliation, embarrassment. Anxiety does not lie in social situation.It lives in our mind.Hence focus of getting free from social anxiety must be on our own mind .I am based in Chandigarh. You can contact me for therapy to get rid of social anxiety.

Monday 1 August 2016

Monday 18 July 2016

Hypnotherapist, Agra, India

dr.vandana raghuvanshi
Therapies available at Past life regression center , Chandigarh, India. For appointment call at ....09872880634
• Past Life Regression:
You got to your root cause in past life, re-live, re-experience, re-lease the carry over clutter in body, mind, life, relationships in present life and remove your blocks.
• Life Between Lives (LBL) Regression:
Meet masters, get guidance in life, meet soul mate, can assess your life plan, can meet planets, get healing.
• Age Regression:
From childhood till date of session.
• In Womb Regression:
The time when you were in the womb of the mother and what fear and trauma you faced. To release these womb regression is very good.
• Traumatic Event
.~Future Progression
To heal specific trauma.
• Birth time Regression:
To heal birth trauma.
• Inner Child Facilitation Work:
Healing of childhood and teenage traumatic memories. The adult self suffer due to inner child fears. Inner child work helps to heal the child within and adult can take right decision in life.

• Family Constellation Healing
• Re-birthing- Breathing
Take 10 sessions of re-birthing and fell re- born in your energy.
• Linguistics Programming Therapy (NLP):
Treat OCD, Phobia; Nail biting, Bed wetting, Anxiety, Time Line Therapy, Swiss Therapy, Goal planning, Self-improvement and sports NLP, NLP for teens.
• Hypnotherapy & CDT:
I) Addiction
Ii) Alcoholism
iii) Stuttering
V) Insomnia
vi) Panic attack
vii) Remove bad habit
Viii) Self-Motivation
Ix) Depression
x) Fear
Unexplained headache.

Sunday 3 July 2016

Hypnotherapist Hisar, India...09872880634

Learn from your mistakes & acknowledge that you have learned & grown from the mistake.You can also & this takes a lot of courage , try to make amends. Be ready if they choose to not forgive or rekindle the relationship, but at least you have released the burden of guilt by explaining that you have learned from what happened, & you take full responsibility for your words & actions.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi...Hypnotherapist ,Chandigarh

We all know a Smile is free...Like the Sunshine and the walk through your Soul journey with Smile....

Sunday 19 June 2016

Hypnotherapist in Panchkula, Zirakpur, India

May there always be work for your hands to do,
May your purse always holds money for you,
May sun always shine on your windowpane,
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain,
May the hand of a friend always be near you,
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you...

Hypnotherapy Chandigarh

Awareness about your thoughts..
As you become increasingly aware of your patterns of thought, whether positive and negative, you will gradually learn to control the character of your stream of consciousness. Endeavor always to remember that the images and ideas that pass through your mind are transient and not a true representation of who you are. In training yourself to be cognizant of your thoughts, you gain the ability to actively modulate your mood. The awareness you cultivate within yourself will eventually enable you to create a foundation of positivity from which you can build a more authentic existence.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Phobias Treatment Chandigarh

phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation the affected person will go to great lengths to avoid, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed.