Tuesday 1 December 2015

Hypnotherapist, Chandigarh

The urge for revenge & the false taste of victory or happiness related to it can only end when the belief, that others are responsible for what you feel, is seen as a false one. Only when you take full responsibility for whatever thoughts and feelings you create will it be possible to end the anger and the hatred that seeks revenge. When someone hurts , you create a negative image of your self and the other person in your mind’s eye, in different ways.You see yourself and the other in a negative light, yourself as a victim and the other person as a victimizer. You need to stop doing that and see yourself and the other in a positive light, in the same light as before, irrespective of the negativity that the other has radiated to you. When we do that, we will stop pointing the finger at others for whatever hurt we may feel. Only when it is fully seen and accepted that someone can hurt or harm your vehicle, the physical body, but not you, the controller or driver of the vehicle, will rage and the desire for revenge stop existing inside your consciousness.