Monday 27 April 2015

Past life regression session , shared by person who regressed.... It was in the Month of December, 2014 that I could finally talk to Dr. Vandna Raghuvanshi. Thanks Google for it. After listening to my story of woes, she gave me 3 affirmations which I was supposed to write in a note book. I began writing the affirmations as directed just like an obedient student and did so till 21/4/2014. I was granted appointment on 22/4/2015. After few preliminaries, my session began at 11am and I left her clinic at 5:45 pm. Honestly I did not want to leave the clinic because there exists an aura of love, care and concern in every inch of the clinic. It took me some time to get into trans. Being an engineer with a logical mind; it was obvious and explained to me in advance. Life -1 I am in the temple of my kuldevi Mata Shri Naina Devi and sitting below the peepal tree. I am directed to climb down the stairs from the temple where I was sitting and walk into a ground. I am a man of around 40 and it is noon. There I notice a black gate. I try to open the latch but get terribly afraid of falling when asked to open the gate and walk ahead. I am holding on to the gate with full strength and crying because of fear as there was a deep valley below. Somehow I walk down upon being encouraged to do so. There on I reach a bus stand and take a bus direct to my home in present life. I find my mother standing in the court yard and she advises me to go inside and sleep in my bed the bed I use in my present life. It is evening time by then. After some time I begin laughing and reach back the same gate. To my utter surprise, the latch of the door has turned golden. I am a 20 year old boy standing near the bank of a river with stagnant water. It is afternoon. There I see a wooden boat with no one around. I get into the boat and start rowing like a novice. As the time passes and I am heading towards my destination, I suddenly see the shadow of mountain in water. It had suddenly got dark. I cry in fear and somehow get off the boat but slip. I try to climb up the mountain holding on to the shrubs one after the other and reach at the top. I see a small temple there and just next to that I see my dead body on the pyre. Many unknown people are standing there and are preparing to do my cremation. I can recognize Aniket who is my younger son in present life standing with tear filled eyes. I recognize no one else. I come to know that I had not survived but had actually drowned and my floating body (wearing pent and shirt) was seized by the villagers. I see myself going up in the sky after the pyre catches fire. It is probably 1900. My last thought was that of fear, darkness, water and slipping in the deep water with water filling my body and suffocation resulting in death. Guru ji (Gurudev Ram Lal Siyag from Jodhpur) appears as a bright light. I plead him to tell me why I suffer so much both physically and emotionally. He replies, “KARMA”. He advises me to do good with everyone. Life -2 It is around 1700. My age is 20 plus. I am the Prince. I am married. I have no issue yet. I am in some unknown part of the world with probably English culture. This is my palace and I am inside the palace dressed like a warrior similar to Napoleon Bonaparte with a sword tied properly to my stomach. I am tall and health with exceptionally good height. I am surrounded by statues of warriors. There is a spiral staircase that leads to the first floor. I start crying hoarse after hearing commotion upstairs. There is a bunch of ladies upstairs. There is someone up there whom I am scared of. Someone is crying up there. I cannot go up as it is reserved for ladies. I see my wife shouting at me. I ask her not to do so. But she continues to bombard words at me. Severe headache follows. Pain in neck starts. After some time the war is declared. I lead my armed soldiers and fight with bravery. I am riding a chariot. Suddenly the enemies surround me and start killing me. My soldiers are not there. I am alone. They are 3 or 4 of them. They hit me with sword on my neck on the left side. They hit me on left arm. My right foot is bleeding. One of them stabs me with a half sword. I fall down. I can see my wife laughing at my condition. I am taken to the palace and kept at the same place where I was standing before I had proceeded for war. I am facing down. I can see that I am dead. My wife is expressing her happiness that I am dead. I can recognize her. She is my wife in present life. All the ladies climb down the stairs. My wife turns me straight and sobs. I am laughing as I am leaving that place, going up in the sky. My dead body is taken for burial work. Life was not good; just fight both inside and outside the palace. I am going fast in the sky. I am white light. I am laughing. Suddenly a star comes and enters my body. I laugh and enjoy the sensation. I am happy and feel free. On being guided I forgive my wife and those four enemies who killed me. I leave behind the pain in neck, left arm and right foot. I leave behind all physical and emotional pains. I merge into light. Life -3 I am a saint with sacred red attire with kamndal. I am sitting cross legged and giving blessings to everyone. I am blessing everyone to remain happy. There are many other saints listening to me. I am their guru ji. I am writing in Sanskrit. It is a granth. I have completed the granth. They all get up and pay obeisance to me which I reciprocate. Then Narad muni appear dressed in yellow attire and directs me to write. I reply that I have already written the granth. Still he insists upon further work. He says,” Write. You will write”. Then he disappears. It was a wonderful experience. I have no words to thank Dr. Vandna. Meeting her was a dream come true. I am looking forward to next session in future.