Monday 21 December 2015

#Hypnotherapy #phobia #fear

#phobia #fear
read somewhere, like to share...
Our fears may revolve around our physical safety, particularly if we are not feeling well, living under difficult circumstances, or doing work that exposes us to hazardous conditions. Or, we may be experiencing financial woes that are causing us to be fearful about making ends meet. We may also fear the loss of a loved one who is sick, or we may be scared of never finding someone special to spend our life with. We may be scared to start at a new school, begin a different job, move to a new town, or meet new people. Whatever our fears are, they are valid & we do not need to feel ashamed or embarrassed that we are, at times, afraid.

Thursday 17 December 2015

#bodymindlink #liver
Liver Problems..
Liver is seat of anger and primitive emotions. You have tendency for chroinc complaining, fultfinding, feeling bad.Start thinking that you choose to live through the open space in your heart.You find love everywhere.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Hypnotherapist , India...09872880634

Neck problems...
Neck represents flexibility.The ablity to see what's back there.Refusing to see otherside of situation, stubborn.
You start thinking that I see all sides of an issue. There are endless ways of doing things and seeing things .I am safe..

#pastlifetherapy #unexplainedbodypains #hypnotherapy #therapistinChandigarh #09872880634

शरीर में दर्द / दर्द
आप प्यार करने के लिए या प्रेम जीवन और दोस्ती को गले लगाने के लिए प्रयास करें।

Body Aches / Pains
You are Longing to be loved or held.Try to embrace love life and friendship and feel that love life and frienship embrace you.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Past life therapy...

Past Life Regressions are particularly valuable when dealing with issues that have no “rational” cause. Many people find dealing with individuals that they are in conflict with at work, in social circles and in their families. These conflicts all have the quality of “unsolvability” meaning that there is no outward cause of the conflict but rather the feeling that “there is just something about that person I don’t understand”.
Past life regression regressions are particularly helpful in solving relationship problems with partners, parents and family members because of the tendency to continue to share life experiences with these primary people. People with phobias tend to do well with Past Life Regressions.
Fear of heights, fear of flying, fear of water, etc. all seem to have roots in Past Life Traumas and it is found that this modality is especially effective in these cases.

Thursday 3 December 2015


When individuals suffer from an anxiety disorder it may lead to avoidance of certain situations because they fear their anxiety may be triggered. This can in turn lead to relationship and/or career problems such as not being able to achieve potential job opportunities or promotions and being unable to develop personal relationships.

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Hypnotherapist, Chandigarh

The urge for revenge & the false taste of victory or happiness related to it can only end when the belief, that others are responsible for what you feel, is seen as a false one. Only when you take full responsibility for whatever thoughts and feelings you create will it be possible to end the anger and the hatred that seeks revenge. When someone hurts , you create a negative image of your self and the other person in your mind’s eye, in different ways.You see yourself and the other in a negative light, yourself as a victim and the other person as a victimizer. You need to stop doing that and see yourself and the other in a positive light, in the same light as before, irrespective of the negativity that the other has radiated to you. When we do that, we will stop pointing the finger at others for whatever hurt we may feel. Only when it is fully seen and accepted that someone can hurt or harm your vehicle, the physical body, but not you, the controller or driver of the vehicle, will rage and the desire for revenge stop existing inside your consciousness. 

Sunday 29 November 2015

#‎सम्मोहन‬ [Hypnotherapy] के माध्यम से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है लाभ।.....

#‎सम्मोहन‬ [Hypnotherapy] के माध्यम से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है लाभ।.....
तनाव के उन्मूलन
एकाग्रता ध्यान केंद्रित
सुधार स्मृति (Hypermnesia)
बेहतर सजगता
बढ़ने से आत्मविश्वास
दर्द नियंत्रण
बढ़ने से संगठन और दक्षता
वृद्धि की प्रेरणा
सुधार पारस्परिक संबंधों
उम्र बढ़ने की प्रक्रिया को धीमा
चिंता और अवसाद के उन्मूलन
पर काबू पाने शोक
सिर दर्द के उन्मूलन, सहित माइग्रेन सिर दर्द
एलर्जी और त्वचा रोग के उन्मूलन
किसी भी बीमारी का विरोध करने के लिए एक की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को मजबूत बनाना
वाला, भय, और अन्य नकारात्मक प्रवृत्तियों के उन्मूलन (स्वयं को हराने के दृश्यों)
आप अपने जीवन में आकर्षित है, कि आम लोगों और परिस्थितियों की गुणवत्ता में सुधार
अपने जीवन के समग्र गुणवत्ता में सुधार
बेहतर मानसिक जागरूकता
मन और आत्मा के सद्भाव को बनाए रखने

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Hypnotherapist in Panchkula, India....09872880634

Read somewhere, like to share....
If you notice that you are continually connecting with the same familiar patterns of pain, consider embracing your feelings & letting go of your hurt. Whether your pain is from childhood or from an experience from your Past Life, see if you can give it room to move. When it does, you will reconnect with a wonderful source of your own vital energy.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Hypnotherapist in Ambala...09872880634

Pain in your neck.

If you feel pain in your neck, you may have trouble forgiving others or yourself. If you’re feeling neck pain, consider the things you love about people.

Hypnotherapist in Chandigarh

Pain in your neck.

If you feel pain in your neck, you may have trouble forgiving others or yourself. If you’re feeling neck pain, consider the things you love about people.

Monday 23 November 2015

Hypnotherapist in Punjab...09872880634

Pain in your shoulders.

Shoulder pain may indicate that you’re carrying a heavy emotional burden. That’s where the saying “shouldering a problem” comes from. Focus in on some proactive problem solving and distributing some of that burden to other people in your life.Unexplained  pain in shoulder can be a Burden carryover from your past life...Past life regression can helps to relases carry over burden , which can help in removing pain....

Saturday 21 November 2015

Past life therapy and Hypnotherapy...09872880634

Read some where, like to share..
The effects of a past life can manifest in your current life in many ways .Inside our subconscious lie our memories from past lives. Though we seldom remember even having lived these past lives, the experiences we had living them have had a hand in shaping who we are today. The effects of a past life can manifest in a later lifetime in many ways - phobias, self-limiting beliefs, physical problems, or innate creative abilities. Violence, death & trauma in a past life may show up as fear, uncontrollable anger, or low self-esteem in this one, while positive experiences from an earlier lifetime may cause you to feel strongly drawn to certain people, places, or objects without knowing why.
Many people turn to past life regression therapists to revisit their past lives. Past life regression allows you to recall the memories & emotions associated with a past life that continue to exert an influence over your present reality. You may not have even been aware that these experiences are still affecting you today. Past life regression therapy can offer you a unique opportunity to reconnect with these memories so you can understand them and free yourself.

Friday 20 November 2015


The most effective way to deal with tension & worry is to control it from the inside out......

Thursday 12 November 2015

Hypnotherapist, Panchkula, India, World....09872880634

Shedding tears can sometimes make us feel better, although it can feel like the tears will never end once the floodgates are open. There is no shame in letting tears flow freely & frequently. Tears are as natural to us as is breathing. There is beauty in allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to shed tears. Open up, release your tears & let your feelings flow.

Monday 26 October 2015

To remove negative energy from your Aura...Salt water remedy is very effective.... What is required for the salt water remedy? A large sized bucket Water filled in the bucket (up to 50%) to cover the ankles when the feet are immersed in the bucket Rock salt If rock salt is not available one can use sea salt crystals/table salt, however the effectiveness of the remedy will reduce to 30% (of the remedy when rock-salt is used) A towel A foot mat 4. How is the salt water remedy performed? 4.1 Step by step instructions Preparation: Fill a bucket (up to 50%) with water so as to cover the ankles. Add 2 tablespoons of rock salt. Pray to God sincerely and with faith to remove the black energy in you. Also pray specifically for destroying the black energy of the (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) affecting you. Prayer is an important ingredient which enhances the effectiveness of this remedy. The remedy: Sit upright with your feet immersed in the salt water. Keep a distance of at least 2-3 cms between the feet. This aids in the maximum discharge of black energy. If the feet touch each other, then there is obstacle to the discharge of black energy through the feet. Keep the feet in the salt water for 10 – 15 minutes. While the feet are immersed, chant the Name of God according to your religion. On completion: After the completion of the remedy give gratitude to God and pray for the creation of a protective sheath around you. Then throw the salt water in the toilet and rinse the bucket with fresh water.

Monday 19 October 2015


"When we decide that we no longer want to be bitter, we are reborn into a world filled with delight and fulfillment unlike any we knew while in the clutches of bitterness. The veil it cast over our lives is lifted, letting light and warmth touch our souls." ....‪#‎happysoul‬

Sunday 18 October 2015

Hypnotherapist, Ludhiana [ Punjab]

#souljourney #soulmate
"Our universe grants every soul a twin-
a reflection of themselves -the kindred spirit – And no matter where they are or how far away they are from each other- even if they are in different dimensions, they will always find one another. This is destiny; this is love.”
– Julie Dillon

Thursday 15 October 2015

Inner critic healing , Chandigarh

Sometimes it feels as if we have many different people living inside of us, expressing themselves in voices that seem distinct from one another. There is the inner child with its wants & needs, the angry voice that expresses its opinion & probably several more as well. With all these different parts of ourselves express differing desires and needs and opinions, we may begin to feel as if we have no clarity. It is difficult to know which voices to pay attention to & which ones to ignore or dismiss. Even if we manage to move forward amidst the confusion, doubts & concerns may linger in our psyches simply because they have not been fully expressed & examined. As a result, we may have trouble being at peace with the decisions we do make.

Thursday 8 October 2015


Give yourself permission to let go...of past regrets, failures or mistakes; unresolved pain & disappointments; or actions that you should have, would have, or could have taken ~ but did not.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Hypnotherapist, Chandigarh...9872880634

The definition of happiness and the determination of the means for achieving it, belongs to you and YOU ONLY.

Sunday 4 October 2015



Obsessions about Dirt and Contamination

Unfounded fears of contracting a dreadful illness
Excessive concerns about dirt and germs (including the fear of spreading germs to others); and environmental contaminants, such as household cleaners
Feelings of revulsion about bodily waste and secretions
Obsessions about one's body
Abnormal concerns about sticky substances or residues

Obsessive Need for Order or Symmetry

An overwhelming need to align objects "just so"
Abnormal concerns about the neatness of one's personal appearance or one's environment

Obsessions about Hoarding or Saving

Stashing away useless trash (such as old newspapers or items rescued from trash cans)
The inability to discard anything because it "may be needed sometime," a fear of losing something or discarding something by mistake

Obsessions with Sexual Content

Unwanted sexual thoughts that one views as inappropriate and unacceptable
Fear of molesting a child, despite no desire to do so
Fears that one may be homosexual

Repetitive Rituals

Repeating routine activities for no logical reason
Repeating questions over and over
Rewording or rewriting words or phrases

Nonsensical Doubts

Unfounded fears that one has failed to do some routine task (such as paying the mortgage or signing a check)

Religious Obsessions (Scrupulosity)

Troublesome blasphemous or sacrilegious thoughts
Excessive concerns about morality and right or wrong

Obsessions with Aggressive Content

The fear of having caused some fatal tragedy (such as a fatal fire)
Repeated intruding images of violence
The fear of acting out a violent thought (such as stabbing or shooting someone)
The irrational fear of having hurt someone (for example the fear of having hit someone while driving)

Obsessions with Food and Weight

Preoccupation with foods or food measurements
Rituals involving food (for example making sure that every bite is the same size, not letting foods touch on plate, etc.)
Irrational fears that some foods are bad or must be avoided
Being overly concerned about one's weight (for example weighing one's self several times a day)

Superstitious Fears

The belief that certain numbers are "lucky" or "unlucky"
Excessive, ritualized hand-washing, showering, bathing, or tooth-brushing
The unshakable feeling that household items, such as dishes, are contaminated and cannot be washed enough to be "really clean"

Compulsions about Having Things Just Right

The need for symmetry and total order in one's environment (for example, the need to line up canned goods in the pantry in alphabetical order, to hang clothes in the exact same spot in the closet every day, or to wear certain clothes only on certain days)
The need to keep doing something until one gets it "just right"

Hoarding Compulsions

Minutely inspecting household trash in case some "valuable" item has been thrown out
Accumulating useless objects

Checking Compulsions

Repeatedly checking to see if a door is locked or an appliance is turned off
Checking to make certain one has not harmed someone (for example, driving around and around the block to see if anyone has been run over)
Checking and rechecking for mistakes (such as when balancing a checkbook)
Checking associated with bodily obsessions (such as repeatedly checking oneself for signs of a catastrophic disease)

Other Compulsions

Pathological slowness in carrying out even the most routine activities
Blinking or staring rituals
Asking over and over for reassurance (ask a loved one if you're not sure!)
Behaviors based on superstitious beliefs (such as fixed bedtime rituals to "ward off" evil or the need to avoid stepping on cracks in the sidewalk)
A feeling of dread if some arbitrary act is not performed
The overpowering need to tell someone something or to ask someone something or to confess something
The need to touch, tap or rub certain objects repeatedly
Counting compulsions: counting panes in windows or billboards along a highway, for example
Mental rituals, such as reciting silent prayers in a effort to make a bad thought go away

Sunday 27 September 2015

What is OCD [obessive compusive disorder ].....

Read some where , like to share....
Common Features of Obsessions and Compulsions
There are seven common features of obsessions and compulsions. The first three are related to obsessions and worrying in general; the last four are for people who experience both obsessions and compulsions. Listen to which ones fit you.
(1) Your obsessions involve a concern with disastrous consequences. You are usually afraid that some harm will come to you or others. For instance, you'll forget to lock the doors of your house, and someone will break in and harm your family. Or you'll neglect to thoroughly wash your hands, and you'll develop some dreaded disease.
Some people have compulsions, and they don't have that sense of obsession. They don't really know what they're worried about. But usually you will get a sense of dread, like something terrible is going to happen.
(2) There are times when you know your obsessions are irrational. Some people believe their worries are accurate reflections of reality, and it's hard for them to get a perspective. But for most people there are times when you know that your worries are senseless. During good times, when you're not under stress, and you're not involved in your ritual or really worried, you can say, "This is crazy. This doesn't make any sense." You know that you're not really going to get sick if you fail to wash your hands five times. You don't really believe that your boss will humiliate you if you make one typing error. Nonetheless, when you start to worry, you believe those fearful thoughts.
(3) You try to resist your obsessions, but that only makes them worse. You want to get rid of these worries because they cause so much fear. But when you fight these thoughts it often makes them more intense.
This gives us a clue to one of the ways we can start to change this negative pattern. If resisting the thoughts makes them worse, what might help lessen them? ...Believe it or not, accepting your fearful thoughts will help lessen them! We'll talk more about acceptance in a few minutes.
(4) Compulsive rituals provide you temporary relief. Some people just worry, and they don't have compulsive rituals, so this one wouldn't fit them. But when people do use compulsions, they provide relief and restore a sense of relative safety, even if just for a little while.
(5) Your rituals usually involve specific sequences. This means that you often have a set pattern for how you wash, or check or count or think in order to be released from you distressing worries.
(6) You try to resist you compulsions too. If your compulsions are brief, and don't interfere with your daily living, then you can probably tolerate them. But if rituals are inconvenient and take a while to perform, then you probably try to avoid the rituals or to complete them as soon as possible.
(7) You seek out others to help with your rituals. Compulsions can be so distressing that you enlist the help of those close to you. You may ask family members to help count for you, or friends to check behind you, or your boss to please read over a letter before you seal it up.
These seven features should give you a better sense of your symptoms.

Friday 18 September 2015


Psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz, author of Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior, offers the following four steps for dealing with OCD:
RELABEL – Recognize that the intrusive obsessive thoughts and urges are the result of OCD. For example, train yourself to say, "I don't think or feel that my hands are dirty. I'm having an obsession that my hands are dirty." Or, "I don't feel that I have the need to wash my hands. I'm having a compulsive urge to perform the compulsion of washing my hands."
REATTRIBUTE – Realize that the intensity and intrusiveness of the thought or urge is caused by OCD; it is probably related to a biochemical imbalance in the brain. Tell yourself, "It's not me—it’s my OCD," to remind you that OCD thoughts and urges are not meaningful, but are false messages from the brain.
REFOCUS – Work around the OCD thoughts by focusing your attention on something else, at least for a few minutes. Do another behavior. Say to yourself, "I'm experiencing a symptom of OCD. I need to do another behavior."
REVALUE – Do not take the OCD thought at face value. It is not significant in itself. Tell yourself, "That's just my stupid obsession. It has no meaning. That's just my brain. There's no need to pay attention to it." Remember: You can't make the thought go away, but neither do you need to pay attention to it. You can learn to go on to the next behavior.
Source: Westwood Institute for Anxiety Disorders

Wednesday 9 September 2015


Read some where, like to share....
The energy of the human mind is one of the greatest, but least understood energy resources of the universe. When we understand and harness this energy, we possess the keys to happiness and contentment as well as to improving our relationships and circumstances.
#hypnotherapist #hypnotherapy #bedwetting #addiction #stammering #fears #ocd #councelling #insomnia #stagephobia #heightphobia #therapistinChandigarh #lifecoach  #drvandanaraghuvanshi

Monday 7 September 2015

Hypnotherapy and Past life regression and ocd....

#hypnotherapy #ocd #chandigarh
Past life regression cleanses karmic debts...Phobias can be the result of traumatic or painful experiences of any former lives and past life regression can heal such phobias effectively....In anxiety, A person lives mentally in future perspective. He is apprehensive of imagined future events.....Avoiding temples, religious places, having obscene thoughts for God, mentally seeking lots of forgiveness for having such thoughts in one's mind can be a form of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder).Guilt, Shame and Anger have its roots in pastlife events....

Saturday 15 August 2015


Soft Heart – a place to regenerate and find renewed balance
Let’s face it, nobody feels great, or even good, all the time. How you feel can shift frequently during a day, week or month. Mood swings are commonplace as life becomes more complex, overstimulating & uncertain.
Shifts in feelings & mood can be exhausting & confusing unless you have emotion regulation tools to use. When you learn to go to your Soft Heart, you’ll find an easygoing, warm place of compassion for yourself. It’s not a mushy or self-pitying place. It’s a place of ease & self-care.

A useful metaphor for Soft Heart is a warm, calming bath. Imagine yourself soaking in this bath in your heart, easing away tension & anxiety little by little.
*Your first step, before entering the "soak," is to recognize that you’re feeling disturbed, overwhelmed or depressed.
*Remember, it’s not the issues that cause your low-ebb feelings as much as the significance you’re giving them.
*Now, find your Soft Heart attitude by feeling love, care or appreciation for a person, pet or something you really care about. This helps you get into a soft place in your heart & increases your effectiveness when feeling care & compassion for yourself.
*Soak & relax any unwanted feelings in the compassion of the heart, letting the significance dissolve a little at a time. Take your time doing this.
*Keeping your attention in a Soft Heart can allow more coherent heart rhythms to emerge, helping you recoup mental, emotional & physical vitality.
*Respect the fact that you are human, living in challenging times. Allow yourself to ease & rest in the comfort of your Soft Heart to recoup energy.
As you move in slower motion for a while, you’ll find that your emotional energy delicately recharges & your vitality & heart buoyancy eventually will return.

Thursday 13 August 2015


#hypnotherapistpunjab #addiction #bedwetting #ocd
Read somewhere, like to share...
How The Body Clears Energy - Whole-Self Well-Being
When your body is physically ill, try treating your emotions too & view your body as a whole.

Whole-self well-being is, in part, the result of a harmonious flow of energy between our physical & mental selves. When this flow is thrown out of balance for any reason, the body & mind react to one another rather than act cooperatively. Ongoing stress, sadness, anxiety, excitement & fear can overwhelm the cerebral self, causing traumatic energy to be channeled into the body. The body then responds by taking steps to organically dispel the energy that has burdened it & expressing it by means of physical symptoms such as illness, fatigue, or disease. In some cases, these symptoms can simply be allowed to run their natural course & recovery will come about naturally. In most instances, however, health & wellness can only be restored by a dual course of treatment that acknowledges both the physical manifestations of energy clearing & the underlying emotional causes.
Many of the ailments we experience over the course of our lives can be indicative of the body’s attempts to process intellectual & emotional energy. Swollen glands, for example, can signal that you are going through a period of emotional cleansing. Even something as simple as a pimple can indicate that your body is ridding itself of toxins & old energy. In Chinese medicine, intense emotions are held in the body’s organs as a matter of course. Grief lurks in the lungs, anger inhabits the liver, fretfulness lingers in the heart, worry is held in the stomach, & the kidneys harbor fright. Particular illnesses & symptoms represent the body’s attempts to clear emotional energy. Coughs or bronchitis can signify that the physical self is clearing away grief while a loss of appetite may signal that worry is being actively addressed.
When you feel ill or imbalanced, treating your whole self rather than treating the physical self alone can empower you to determine the root cause of sickness. Since you understand that your physical symptoms may be an expression of emotional discomfort, you can establish a balanced treatment regimen to ensure that you quickly recover your good health. 

Tuesday 11 August 2015


Read somewhere, like to share..\

.What is Ego?

The ego is our sense of self. Our boundaries; a feeling of being me. Ego gives us definition in the 3-dimensional world:
”This is my body. This is my mind. This is me. These are my preferences, my limits – my, me, mine.”
Ego is a necessary component of human life. It informs us of our choices in the world.
Our beliefs, feelings, emotions & thoughts create our current & future realities so if you believe you need the ego to remain within your being to protect you, then that is a very valid belief that will continue to serve your soul’s learning process. However, just because we believe something to be true for us does not mean it is the highest truth for our evolution. At this time on the Earth we are in a very intense period of transformation where we are releasing old distorted beliefs & energies that once served our highest good & we are replacing them with new more evolved beliefs that will help us expand our consciousness so we can move forward.

Positive Ego

To have definition in this 3-dimensional world, we need our ego, right? But what choices do we make with this ego of ours? And how do we train ourselves to redefine our ego boundaries, as we expand as humans?
Usually our sense of self is a sensation in the upper stomach; the solar plexus.
This is the point of the inner sun that, when in balance, gives us a feeling of empowerment & joy in our lives. It gives us power to act and keeps us feeling independent & strong. It radiates warmth out into the rest of the body. It makes us value our uniqueness & when properly tended to & channeled, prepares us for greater service to others as the ego-energy is funneled up into the heart center. This is positive ego.

Negative Ego

Ego is by definition limiting.
Its function is to keep us safe, to contain us. Its understanding doesn’t reach beyond the material world. The ego understands only that which it can grasp; “I am safe because I have a house, money, food in the fridge” is typical ego reasoning.
Putting security in that which can be seen is what the ego does. Either or – thinking is typical of the ego as well. It thrives on comparison.”Why does he get that & I don’t?” is a familiar tune from the ego music library.
For the ego it might be hard to understand that if I am a child of the Universe, that by being special, nothing is being taken away from anyone.
If you feel yourself to have a big ego & you’ve been beating yourself up about it – you can stop now.
Lots of ego energy just means lots of energy potential to be channeled into your heart, to be used for compassion, service & healing. This can be done through working with selfless service (Nothing refines your ego like putting your own needs aside!), meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices.
If you’ve been repressing your ego, you can stop it now.
Let yourself feel your stomach area. Strengthen your abdominal muscles. Do an intestinal cleanse. You might have some shame issues or anger issues to work through as you allow your sense of self to awaken. Let yourself discover your uniqueness. And from that point, start your expansion into recognizing the miracle within all.

Sunday 9 August 2015


#hypnotherapistpathankot #addiction #depression

A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell.  He painted a sign advertising the 4 pups & set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard.As he was driving the last nail into the post he felt a tug on his overalls.
He looked down into the eyes of a little boy.
 "Mister," he said, "I want to buy one of your puppies" 
"Well," said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat
 off the back of his neck, "These puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money."
The boy dropped his head for moment.
 Then reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. "I've got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?"
"Sure," said the farmer.
 A "Here, Dolly!" he called.
Out from the doghouse and down the ramp ran
 Dolly followed by four little balls of fur.
The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight. As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed 
something else stirring inside the doghouse.
Slowly another little ball appeared, this one noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a somewhat awkward manner, the little pup began hobbling toward others, doing its best to catch up...

"I want that one," the little boy said, pointing to the runt. The farmer knelt down at the boy's side and said, "Son, you don't want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would."
With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers.In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a specially made shoe.
Looking back up at the farmer, he said, "You see sir, I don't run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands."
With tears in his eyes, the farmer reached down and picked up the little pup.

Holding it carefully he handed it to the little boy.

"How much?" asked the little boy... "No charge," answered the farmer, "There's no charge for love."

The world is full of people who need someone who understands.


#hypnotherapistkalka #anxiety #panicattack 
The sense of feeling bored in life can be an indicator that we need to be proactive in creating change.

Sometimes we feel that things aren’t moving along fast enough for us & that the world is passing us by. It may be that time seems to stand still & that we are simply bystanders in our own lives. Other times it might appear that there is nothing new left for us to experience & that we are locked into a never-ending cycle of static state. If we take the time to listen to these feelings we will notice that there is probably more going on beneath the surface, like our apprehension to venture out into the unknown. By taking a new look at how we live our lives, however, it will be easier to break through our sense of boredom & enter into a more positive state of being.

When life seems monotonous, it is usually an indication that there is something we need to change. Boredom can easily lead us down the path to despondency. Acknowledging our feelings & then setting the intention to alter just one small thing in our life can give us a much more affirmative outlook. This act of change allows us to step outside of ourselves & discover new & exciting things that are often already present in our everyday lives. Simple things such as eating a healthier diet, taking a new class, or joining a club are all ways in which we can go beyond our comfort zone & explore the wonders that exist all around us. Keep in mind that the moment we do something different from our usual routine, the more fresh energy, hope &blessings we will manifest in our life. What this means is that we’ll no longer see things as being tedious but will instead realize the preciousness of everything.

Being able to integrate these subtle changes on a daily basis allows us to recognize the miracles that are our lives. Even though we may think of change as doing something life-altering or drastic, gentle transitions from our habitual ways of doing things & an appreciation of all life offers us will truly bring about positive & lasting transformation.

Saturday 8 August 2015


READ SOMEWHERE, LIKE TO SHARE...Shifting the Mood -  Attitude Follows Perspective
We all have to do things in our life that we don't want to & the easiest solution is with to change our attitude.
We all have days when we are faced with chores, errands, or responsibilities that we don’t want to do. At times like these, it’s easy to get into a bad mood & stay in one as we tackle these tasks. However, given the fact that our bad mood will not change the fact that we have to do these things, & will most likely make things worse, we could also try to shift our attitude. Many wise people have pointed out that it is not so much what we do as it is how we do it that makes the difference in our lives.
It’s important when we’re facing something that’s really hard for us, whether it’s doing taxes, paying bills, or visiting a challenging relative, that we lovingly support ourselves through the process. The more supported we feel, the easier it is to open our minds to the idea that we could change our way of looking at the situation. In truth, most of the chores we don’t like doing are intimately intertwined with our blessings. When we remember this, we feel gratitude, which makes it hard to stay in a dark mood.
We can shift our attitude by considering how much we love our home as we clean it & how lucky we are to have a roof over our head. Any task can be transformed from a burden to a necessary aspect of caring for something we love. All we have to do is shift our perspective & our attitude follows shortly behind.


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What is to be done to protect peace and joy in one’s life?

The epic Ramayana was sparked off by two little incidents involving two minor characters – the resentment of Kaikeyi’s maid Manthara & the lust of Ravana’s sister, Surpanakha. Be aware that a tiny spark of these two inimical qualities desire & anger (kama & krodha), is sufficient to destroy peace & joy in your life. Weed them out before they destroy you. Work hard to clear your mind from of all its likes & dislikes. If you succeed in restraining their flow towards the objective world, your senses will be rendered ineffective. Once you accomplish the extinction of the mind, these evil qualities cannot harm you & you will remain in joy & peace. Sensory activity is the warp as well as the woof of the mind. When that ceases, the mind vanishes – it starves & dies.

When your mind is filled with good thoughts, such as truth, love, forbearance & compassion, your life will be filled with peace & serenity.

Thursday 6 August 2015


#hypnotherapistambala #phobias #fears
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Common Fears - Choosing a New Response

Our minds are powerful & moving into fear is a common experience that we can each look at & change.

Everyone has fears—it is a natural part of being human. Fear can protect us from harm by sending a rush of adrenaline to help us physically deal with potential danger. But there are times when fear may keep us from participating fully in life. Once we realize that fear is a state of mind, we can choose to face our fears, change our minds & create the life we want to live.

Our minds are powerful tools to be used by our higher selves; like computers, storing & using data to make certain connections between thought & response. We have the ability to observe these & choose differently. No matter where the fear came from, we can create new connections by choosing new thoughts. When our souls & minds are in alignment, we create a new experience of reality. This journey requires many small steps, as well as patience & courage through the process. Here’s an example: You decide to overcome your fear of driving on the highway. Your plan of action starts with examining your thoughts & finding a new way of seeing the situation. When you’re ready, you enlist a calm companion to support you as you take the first step of merging into the slow lane & using the first exit. Your heart may be racing, but your confidence will be boosted by the accomplishment. Repeat this until you are comfortable, with or without help, & then drive one exit further. When you are ready, you can try driving in the middle lane, for longer periods each time, until you find yourself going where you want to go. This gradual process is similar for conquering any fear, but if you find it overwhelming, you can always seek the help of a professional.

You may think that you are the only one with a particular fear, that nobody else could possibly be scared of ordinary things such as water, heights, public speaking, or flying. These types of fears are very common, and you can have great success overcoming them. Remember, it is not the absence of the fear but the courage to take action anyway that determines success. When we learn to face our fears, we learn to observe our thoughts & feelings but not be ruled by them. Instead we choose how to shape the lives we want.

Sunday 2 August 2015


#hypnotherapistindia #ocd #depression
Negative Control And Domination In Relationships 

In a lot many of the different types of relationships we find ourselves in, may they be our personal relationships or at the workplace, we sometimes feel ourselves to be in a position where we feel we are being dominated & controlled negatively by the opposite person. A very common example of the above negative energy, in personal & non-personal relationships, is when someone gets angry with you & manages to make you react & get upset, they mange to dominate you. Over a period of time they start realizing that they possess an invisible & powerful remote control, using which, whenever they want to control you, what they should do is to get angry with you & that way they will achieve the desired control. Their anger becomes a remote control. When you react you are allowing this control or allowing the other's remote control to work. It is you that chooses to allow yourself to be influenced & dominated. It is important for us to realize that we can choose & take the decision to allow ourselves to be controlled & dominated, or we can choose to express what we feel without being affected by the reaction of the other & still maintaining our love, respect & good wishes for the other. 

Let us not allow ourselves to be dominated & influenced by entities external to us which includes objects & people or we will lose energy. Each moment we allow another person's remote control to work successfully or we allow an object to control & dominate our emotional state, we weaken internally. We become like a puppet in the other person's hands. A puppet is never powerful because it does not act on its own but is controlled by someone else. We need to prevent that, if we want to conserve our energy & remain spiritually strong. Meditation and spiritual knowledge both increase our spiritual strength & also increase our self esteem or self respect over a period of time. Both these increases help us remain in self control & not only disallow the other's remote control to work but also become assertive (not aggressive) & take a stand when required.


#hypnotherapistagara #ocd #angerhealng 
Choosing Peace Over Anger 

Making the choice of peace is a simple choice, which lies in the hands of each one of us, at every moment right through the day, every day. A lot of people would choose a world, the world out there, made of peace but spend most of their time remaining peaceless in their own inner world, and then in their next door world, i.e. in their personal interactions. A lot of us would prefer a life of peace and we try to shape up such a life, only to be influenced by the old belief about how it’s absolutely fine to get angry once in a while, without which it’s difficult to get things done. We also get influenced by those people around us who continue to get angry for the shallowest of reasons. These people could be either at home, at the workplace, in the friend circle, the world at large or people who do not matter too much to us but whom we encounter every day - at the vegetable market, on the highway, or even in the movies for that matter! Unaware of the root causes of their anger, all these people around us will find a thousand ways to justify it, and will keep continuing with the habit in their lives. Their emotional un-clarity is so deep and addiction to the emotion of anger is so powerful that they will probably laugh at the idea that anger is a negative emotion and is form of weakness or suffering. They will, on the other hand, say that peace is timidity and a form of weakness or suffering. So, if you do choose peace over anger in your life then you are also choosing to be in a state of power and becoming free from suffering as a result. However, after having made that choice, to experience it in every moment of your life, it is necessary to rediscover where your peace is located inside you, it’s true nature or essence, how to access it through meditation and finally how to use it or apply it in your daily life.