Tuesday 27 May 2014

soul retrieval...

Who needs soul - retrieval session ?

Soul Retrieval could be appropriate if you are experiencing apathy, listlessness, numbness, loss of energy, feeling as though something has died inside or if you are experiencing inconsolable grief that has been lasting for years, chronic depression, suicidal tendencies or chronic illness. Soul Retrieval is beneficial if you are having difficulty moving on with life or if you have been experiencing chronic misfortune where one life catastrophe follows another. If there are recurring patterns in your life, such as struggle with addiction, always falling in love with emotionally unavailable people, always winding up in jobs where your progress is hindered, always getting the boss from hell, etc. would make you a candidate for soul retrieval. 

What leads to soul fragmentation ?

 Traumatic life experiences often result in Soul Loss, including the death of a loved one, painful end of a love relationship, divorce, physical or emotional trauma, abuse, assault, illness, accidents or surgery.