Friday 30 May 2014

Failed marriages and bad relationships in present life and past life regression ...HYPNOTHERAPY IN CHANDIGARH, INDIA....09872880634

Past life regression session experience written by person who regressed....
I saw myself as a girl around the age of 13-14 and i was entering a house , nice, cozy home with a green grass lawn, a white painted house....I was baby sitting a small 4-5 years  old kid, he was not my brother but i was very attached to that baby, his parents would come by 5 pm and that was the time i would leave for my home. I was asked to see where i stayed and i was staying in an orphange , i was well over the age i was allowed to stay however i was a favorite of nuns there who run the orphange attached to the church so i was permitted to stay. I needed to know how did i end up being in the orphange so  i travelled back and i Saw my current life mother leaving the city with my younger brother and leaving me behind, i was then at the age of  7/8 with brown hair, wearing a long white frok , i could see them go but i still did not know what did that mean and never came to know either.
Dr.Vandana asked me to recognize the place and it was very clear that it was Canada.
The next scene was that i was married and my husband was bed ridden, i was working and i would take care of him , i had to travel back to see how and why was he bed ridden and how did we get married, when i reached back to the time, i saw that we were class mates in college and we fell in love very young and got married at the age of 21-22 and after a few years when i was just 26 years old he met with an accident, he was benjamin and after that accident benjamin could not move as he had got paralized waist below.... Dr. Vandana asked me if i ever met any other man and the answer was no , I loved benjamin and i was happy and contented taking care of him, he on the other hand was very sad and his dosability had taken a tall on him.
When i was taken to the most important event in my life which usually is why one wants to have the regression and is the event which has the lesson one carries from that life, i saw myself a middle aged woman, now age and the fact of being both the bread winner and the nurse for my husband was showing on my face and i was no more the happy woman i was , the scene i saw brought a smile on my face and was when Benjamin and me walked out of the hospital ,he was cured and  he could walk now, i was so happy and felt that all that pain and sufferring was worth those many years,  after that i saw a scene where i came home from work and saw Benjamin hanged from the ceiling, he left me alone after all those years and all those efforts. He had become too sadistic and had started to believe that he is worthless and he should not live anymore, i did not blame him but i felt so lonely , i left that house and went back to the church and soon after i died too. Till this moment i had not cared to identify myself as i had sacrificed my life for my soulmate , when Dr.Vandana asked me to see what it was written on my grave stone , it read “ Anna who gave her life for love”

Tuesday 27 May 2014

soul retrieval...

Who needs soul - retrieval session ?

Soul Retrieval could be appropriate if you are experiencing apathy, listlessness, numbness, loss of energy, feeling as though something has died inside or if you are experiencing inconsolable grief that has been lasting for years, chronic depression, suicidal tendencies or chronic illness. Soul Retrieval is beneficial if you are having difficulty moving on with life or if you have been experiencing chronic misfortune where one life catastrophe follows another. If there are recurring patterns in your life, such as struggle with addiction, always falling in love with emotionally unavailable people, always winding up in jobs where your progress is hindered, always getting the boss from hell, etc. would make you a candidate for soul retrieval. 

What leads to soul fragmentation ?

 Traumatic life experiences often result in Soul Loss, including the death of a loved one, painful end of a love relationship, divorce, physical or emotional trauma, abuse, assault, illness, accidents or surgery.

Tuesday 13 May 2014


There are times when you may find that being around certain individuals or groups of people leaves you with feelings of discomfort. It may be that spending time with a particular friend feels draining or that dealing with a specific coworker exhausts you. Being around toxic or angry people is also draining. And you may even find that being surrounded by a crowd of people lowers your energy levels rather than perks you up. This is not that unusual. Each of us radiates energy & is capable of being influenced by the energy of other people. It is important to learn how to shield yourself, so you don’t unknowingly take on someone else’s energy. While some people know how to instinctively protect themselves from being adversely affected by energy, most of us need to discover & practice the technique that works best.
There are a number of ways to avoid being affected by people’s energy. Shielding is one preventative technique you can use. Center yourself & envision being enveloped in a cocoon of loving & protective light. This protective layer should allow you to consciously regulate the energy around you. The intent to shield oneself is all you need for this technique to work. You can even create a trigger word to assist you in quickly creating a shield. Say this word each time you create a new shield, until the word & the shield become automatically associated in your mind. If you run into a person whose energy you find draining, you may want to cleanse your own energy field after your encounter. Cold showers, singing, mineral water baths, spending time in nature & a simple break to recharge are all ways to accomplish this.
While it is important to know how to shield yourself from energy, there are those energies that you may not want to shut out. The energy of laughter from a newborn baby, the feeling of joy radiating from someone in love & the frequency of calm emanating from an enlightened teacher are just some of the energies coming from others that you may want to have around you.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Testiminial for OCD and Role of Hypnotherapy....HYPNOTHERAPY CENTER IN INDIA ..09872880634

" I am thirty five year , suffering from OCD ..last twenty years.My family was suffering with me. I decided for hypnotherapy and meet dr.vandana raghuvanshi.  I had ten hypnotherapy sessions with gap of one week. There was change in my uncontrolled repetitive thoughts after five sessions. Ater ten session , I am able to control my thoughts and become very positive. My life is much better than before. I work on myself as adviced by dr.vandana. "
                              .....   Atul