Saturday 23 November 2013

FAQ..Past life regression....Practitioners of past life regression in Gurgaon, India

Past Life Regression have any side effect?
 Past Life Regression is a technique in which client is put into deep relaxing Trans and regressed to past life. We avoid it in patient with cardiac stunt, renal failure, and transplant surgery.It is very safe in hands of an experience therapist with medical background.
Q. How does Past-Life-Regression help me to overcome the problems being faced by me at present?
A. We carry cellular memory  all the experiences of  our past lives. The effects of your past experiences /actions/ emotions/ will be felt by you in your present. Many of the problems being faced now problems,phobias, psychosomatic diseases,unexplained body pains, relationship issues,recurrent nightmare, recurring negative patterns in life situations,sadness, lack of clarity about the purpose of your life, block and stagnation in spiritual growth , recurrent body injury pattern and many more have their root causes in past lives. Past-Life-Regression works on the principle of cause and effect and helps removes the effects by releasing  the root causes. By going to a root cause and understanding how it has affected the present, release the carryover pattern and positive changes  takes place automatically. Past-Life-Regression works simultaneously on life, relation,  Body, Mind, soul and heals at all levels.

Q If the person regressed sees something traumatic or unpleasant; will it not have a negative impact?
A. In past life therapy..."To relive is to relieve". Once a traumatic or unpleasant situation is relived during the regression, it results in greater understanding at deeper levels o. In fact, it is trauma that is buried deep inside our subconscious that is the cause of many  problems faced in this lifetime. In past life regression  once the buried trauma is brought to the  awareness through regression, the problems start removing automatically and naturally.

Q. Is it possible that a person undergoing Past-Life-Regression gets stuck in the trance state and cannot come back to normal ?
A. A person undergoing Past-Life-Regression always comes back to normal waking, however deep the trance is. This is in much the same way as a person having a dream always wakes up.

. If we really had past-lives, would we not remember them automatically
Q. If I undergo a Past-Life-regression Session and experience one or more past-lives, will I be able to remember the experience after the session?
A. Yes... The experience becomes a part of you and sometimes, more memories are triggered after the session resulting in spontaneous recall of other events of that past life.

Q. How many sessions do I need to take?
A. I recommend three sessions for adequate level of clarity to be achieved. However, this is not a hard and fast rule and the actual number of sessions required varies based on the complexity of the issues to be resolved.

Q. I do not have any specific problem. But, I am curious to know my past-lives. Is it still all right to undergo Past-Life-Regression?
A9. Curiosity is as good a reason .But I have observed that many people who come to us thinking initially that have no issues actually realize that they do have significant issues to be resolved. Past-Life-Regression helps to resolve such issues and gain clarity about the purpose of your life.

Q. My child is a spastic. How will I be able to find out the root cause through past life regression?
A. It may not be possible to regress the child. However, it would be immensely beneficial if one or both of the parents undergo past-life-regression. This would provide a lot of clarity and understanding about why the child has chosen the disability in this life and also why, as parents, you have chosen to this particular life-situation.
Q. Is past life regression useful and safe in children?
A It is safe. It is very effective in all types of Phobias in children