Thursday 28 November 2013

Find your soul=mates in past life regression....under guidance of dr.vandana raghuvanshi, World renowned past life therapist in Mumbai,India...09872880634

Where there is judgement, there is no love.
And where there is love, there is no judgement
Everyone involved in our present life is very likely involved in our past lives. It is likely they have been involved in many of our past lives. Our partners, parents, brothers and sisters, in-laws,spouses,friends, children, , colleagues,relatives, bosses and others in work place , and even our enemies began sharing life with us long before the present lifetime.Sometimes our love lives unfold harmoniously and we have no doubts about our choice of a partner. Other times turmoils within the relationship cause us to wonder if it is worth it. If you are questioning a past or current relationship Past life regression session gives you all answers.....Past lives lovers and soul mates have a very special bound that never dies. The memory of their common live together can come back in a flash when they are together especially. Being in each other’s presence can bring back many pleasant memories and much love, passion, happiness...
To identify your soul-mates in present life ...
take one to one past life regression session
dr. vandana raghuvanshi

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Past Life Regression was first used by Dr. Pierre Janet in Paris in the 1890's. Dr. Janet collaborated with Sigmund Freud, experimenting with past life regression as a therapeutic tool. For sixty years the subject was taboo, regarded as unbelievable at best and something approaching occult philosophy at worst. Then an American hypnotherapist called M. Bernstein brought the therapy back to life in the 1960’s when he published ,an account of one of his clients who went back over 200 hundred years to when she was an Irishwoman called Bridie Murphy. Later Dr. Brian Weiss very popular book .."Many life Many masters" , made past life regression very popular therapy to resolved unexplained issues of body, mind and life.

Regression and Past Life Regression are wonderful technique in an experienced medical person as your past life regression therapist.  Reliving and re-experiencing dramas of the past can help us with in releasing issues like:

• Guilt - past life memories from feeling responsible for the harm and death of others. "I did wrong ." the feeling remains with person  and person overdo all the things , when it comes for other and in the process neglect self.
• Insecurity and phobia of abandonment - Relates to past life memories as a child, Being brought up without parents, separation during war, being orphaned, left to die in times of famine.
• Depression  - past life memory  of loneliness at the time of death,loss off near and dear one,  unfinished  hurts...these cellular memories carryover from your past life make one feel depressed off and on.
• Phobias - Every kind of trauma in a past life..Sudden death, encounter with darkness , death by accident, fire, falling,water, drowning,suffocation,death while left alone natural disasters etc.
• Loneliness feeling - past life memories from feeling of lived a lonely life remains in cellular memory. Person in this life lives with big family but feels as if alone.
Many more unexplained health, mind issues....Roots are in past life

Past life regression therapists who can conduct PLR session on Skype ..Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi , Banglore , India

Hi Everyone !

I had my past life regression on skype. I am in Canada and Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi is a past life regression therapist in India.We started my regression for past life on skype….
 I was a tall woman  somewhere in Europe , it was mid day , I was very formally dressed as if i was in an office. I was looking for board or signs to know where i was but all signs and boards were in a different language. I started to see the Nazi signs and i knew i was in Germany , during the world war II ( maybe this life would explain my dislike for any movie that was made on World War II, even if it was a documentory i just could not watch ).
I had gone to that office to meet a man in a dark colour uniform , I was requesting him to let the women in my shelter home to go and bring their men’s body and burry them gracefully , it was their right but I knew this was no place i could lose my calm, i had to be polite and tactful, despite my pleadings he sent me away saying that they had more important issues to address and he did not know where bodies could be found. That list in my hand was the list of soldiers who had died in World War II.
I went back to the shelter home and was very upset , it was very painful to explain to them i had failed and i could not help them to even mourn over their loss in the right way.
Both my husband and me were Doctors, but after the war i was given the charge of the shelter home for women and children whose husbands had died in the war and who had lost their home, all men had been forcefully  taken to the battle field. I would occassionaly see or have very brief visits from my husband , he was alot busier , taking care of injured soldiers in the Nazi camps.
I moved back in time to the time i was married, we both were still in college when we got  married, maybe 21, we were classmates . We had an amazing bond and were friends too . He is my soulmate in current life, I moved forward to the time of child birth , we were blessed with a baby boy, beautiful boy . We had very happy times till the war began..
I was asked to see what happened to my son , i did not want to go back to that memory , but with some persitance i went to the event , he was 3 or 4 years old when we lost him , someone took him away and i did not know how that happened, i started crying , it was a very painful loss ( I have always been scared of having children, always felt i was too absent minded to be a good mother , this fear was to the extent that i would not hold any baby and would always avoid being with children and this life seems to have the answers to my phobia of having children).
My husband became very quiet after the loss of our son, i think deep inside he blamed me for being careless, our relation had turned cold. During this time the War started.
I next moved to another seen , it was when Germany was divided into 2 parts, since my husband was in the Nazi camps which were in west Germany ,we were separated by law of the land , they never let us be together, i saw the scene where there were high fences and we met for the last time , he had become cold like a stone , his warm eyes had no emotions , looking at him it felt as if i never knew him.
After that i resumed to my work , i was a doctor in a hospital who would work only day shifts, I enjoyed the shelter home and the social work more, after that moment life was just a routine, my husband and me wrote to each other regularly but that was the only source of hope in life... One day i died of a heart attack while waiting for the postman, i was maybe 54 .
I had to learn the lesson of “ACCEPTANCE “, i had not learnt that lesson, I had carried so much pain and agony from that life that i was unable to move up in the LBL session. It took a lot of cleansing ....( My head felt so heavy that i started to feel the headache, it felt as if there was a big white box in place of my brain , with the help of the healing techniques I was pushed and  further moved up , at this time i saw one of the soulmates, the most senior one who had helped me in my planning stage counseling , he whispered that “ you are late “, i also saw my soulmate , he did not say anything but was reassuring that he is there and i should not be scared.
I then saw my Master soul, I went to him and pay my respects in an Indian traditional way , he blessed me and told me “ You recieve everything in abundance, both good and bad , stay protected”. He continued to bless me and then he left , Dr.Vandana wanted me to do more work but i was too exhausted and wanted to come back.
When i was looking at that life from above , i had seen that my husband had accepted that life, i had even said i am upset and i am carring sadness, grief and a sense of loss, I was sad because i had not learnt to accept my circumstances and deep inside i knew i had wasted that life in wait and in sadness. When i run my current life parallel i am repeating the same pattern at certain times, acceptance does not come to me easily but I have learnt to fight it and i fight the circumstances to the extent of forgetting to live life , i dont wait and accept what i do not like i turn the table around and change my situation but it takes me alot of energy and effort , it does not come to me easily.
But this is one lesson that i need to learn , in life we can not have everything together and we need to surrender at times , its a matter of faith too , When one has complete faith and surrenders is when usually life takes a positive turn , I had not learned that as a result i was complaining and once you complain you can not be grateful but all these comes after accepting one’s situation and having faith . I believe this is one of the most valuable lessons that i had failed to learn and I am so happy and grateful that i have been reminded of it in a way that i would never be able to forget.

Sunday 24 November 2013


Past Life Regression  very effective To Remove Your Blocks and Solve Your Unexplained Issues of body , mind and life , relationship .....t, do what you really love to do.
**2nd life-...Mimi (~1900), a women,? Aregntina (south America),bought up her daughter alone, as her loving husband died ,when daughter was only three.She gave whole life to daughter and not utilized another chance came in life .Lession learned....Courage is must, for the things for which you feel strongly.If you have courage you donot miss another chance.
***3rd life....Borris (~1893 Russia) lived a good life, was sportman, married young, understand soon that they were very differnt, took dicision, seperated with each other with harmony, travelled, wrote, when felt lonely felt like adopting child, adopted child, lived ha
.He regressed three pastlives in a single past life regression session....After session he said- It was amazing.....
*A 32 yrs ,man,working in MNC, from Delhi.....
1st life...Prakash (~1960) an army man , only son of small state, in Raj. learned lession..Have courage,stay to your poinppily with son till end. Lession learned....Satisfactory life. decide in time.listen to heart.And people who love you donot leave them.
In present life...Borris life wisdom and lession was needed to be reminded, as mimi,s life and prakash,s life ..forget that he already learned this lession...It was an amazing session.

Saturday 23 November 2013

FAQ..Past life regression....Practitioners of past life regression in Gurgaon, India

Past Life Regression have any side effect?
 Past Life Regression is a technique in which client is put into deep relaxing Trans and regressed to past life. We avoid it in patient with cardiac stunt, renal failure, and transplant surgery.It is very safe in hands of an experience therapist with medical background.
Q. How does Past-Life-Regression help me to overcome the problems being faced by me at present?
A. We carry cellular memory  all the experiences of  our past lives. The effects of your past experiences /actions/ emotions/ will be felt by you in your present. Many of the problems being faced now problems,phobias, psychosomatic diseases,unexplained body pains, relationship issues,recurrent nightmare, recurring negative patterns in life situations,sadness, lack of clarity about the purpose of your life, block and stagnation in spiritual growth , recurrent body injury pattern and many more have their root causes in past lives. Past-Life-Regression works on the principle of cause and effect and helps removes the effects by releasing  the root causes. By going to a root cause and understanding how it has affected the present, release the carryover pattern and positive changes  takes place automatically. Past-Life-Regression works simultaneously on life, relation,  Body, Mind, soul and heals at all levels.

Q If the person regressed sees something traumatic or unpleasant; will it not have a negative impact?
A. In past life therapy..."To relive is to relieve". Once a traumatic or unpleasant situation is relived during the regression, it results in greater understanding at deeper levels o. In fact, it is trauma that is buried deep inside our subconscious that is the cause of many  problems faced in this lifetime. In past life regression  once the buried trauma is brought to the  awareness through regression, the problems start removing automatically and naturally.

Q. Is it possible that a person undergoing Past-Life-Regression gets stuck in the trance state and cannot come back to normal ?
A. A person undergoing Past-Life-Regression always comes back to normal waking, however deep the trance is. This is in much the same way as a person having a dream always wakes up.

. If we really had past-lives, would we not remember them automatically
Q. If I undergo a Past-Life-regression Session and experience one or more past-lives, will I be able to remember the experience after the session?
A. Yes... The experience becomes a part of you and sometimes, more memories are triggered after the session resulting in spontaneous recall of other events of that past life.

Q. How many sessions do I need to take?
A. I recommend three sessions for adequate level of clarity to be achieved. However, this is not a hard and fast rule and the actual number of sessions required varies based on the complexity of the issues to be resolved.

Q. I do not have any specific problem. But, I am curious to know my past-lives. Is it still all right to undergo Past-Life-Regression?
A9. Curiosity is as good a reason .But I have observed that many people who come to us thinking initially that have no issues actually realize that they do have significant issues to be resolved. Past-Life-Regression helps to resolve such issues and gain clarity about the purpose of your life.

Q. My child is a spastic. How will I be able to find out the root cause through past life regression?
A. It may not be possible to regress the child. However, it would be immensely beneficial if one or both of the parents undergo past-life-regression. This would provide a lot of clarity and understanding about why the child has chosen the disability in this life and also why, as parents, you have chosen to this particular life-situation.
Q. Is past life regression useful and safe in children?
A It is safe. It is very effective in all types of Phobias in children

Thursday 21 November 2013

Past life regression and Hypnotherapists in Mumbai, India.....

Unexplained sadness and eyes filled with tears...Find the answer in your own past life ...................with the help of World Renowned Past life Regression Therapist .........dr.vandanaraghuvanshi, in Mumbai,India...09872880634

Shedding tears can sometimes make us feel better, although it can feel like the tears will never end once the floodgates are open. There is no shame in letting tears flow freely & frequently. Tears are as natural to us as is breathing. There is beauty in allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to shed tears. Open up, release your tears & let your feelings flow.....
But sometime ..... 
You are really fad up with your tendency to cry and not able to hold tears.....
You feel your eyes are full of tears off and on...
You may feel heaviness on chest and eyes full of tears is frequent with you...
You can release this with the help of past life regression....

Wednesday 20 November 2013

About Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi

About Dr.Vandana Rghuvanshi....Director Energy Healing Guidance

Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi
Director Energy Healing Guidance
Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist,
Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer.
Power of Subconscious Mind Trainer
Magnified healer and Teacher
Crystal Healer
Dowsing Teacher and Dowser
Teacher for Crystal ball gazing
Trainer for Forgiveness
World class trainer for how to attract abundance
EFT/ ERT[Emotional release therapy ] Trainer
Medical Vedic astrologer

·           Past life regression & hypnotherapy:   Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions, past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained
  physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from    master.
  LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, Inner child healing , Re-Birthing cleansing of  present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression,
 SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy)
. As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and 
 disconnection of disharmony cords, removal of negative energy from past life and SRT in past life therapy session
*Teaching Reiki Level 1,2 Level
,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki),
Grand mastership
magnified healing
, Dowsing,
 EFT (Emotional Release Therapy),
 Crystal ball gazing
, Activation of third eye,
 Crystal healing,
 Forgiveness healing,
 How to attract abundance  Workshop
Power of Subconscious mind.
·    Healing: facilties provides.....
Successfully doing....
 Aura cleansing & aura healing
Distant healing
 Chakra cleansing, activating, radiating and balancing
Pranic healing for
 endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc
.Karmic healing.
Healing as SRT
Healing for relationship issues
Healing for negative energy removal
Healing by three fold flame
Healing for group event
Emotional release therapy session
Healing for home and office for negative energy
Highly charged amazing quratz/ crystals for all purpose for sale


Past life regression therapists and practitioners in Pune , India...09872880634

Past life regression and Activated Third Eye....Past life story.... under guidance of world renowned past life therapist.... dr.vandana raghuvanshi..

This amazing and very interesting sting past life session is shared by person ,who experienced it, with all of us to understand how past life learning can be bring back with PLR session....                                                                                                                                                      
I saw my first past life in 2010 and a lot has changed in my life , but this life is one of the most elaborate and inetersting lives i have experienced.
I have got many answers to many many questions of Life , since my Life has been a true roller coaster ride with as many turns and sharp ups and downs so you can imagine the number of questions that i was seeking answer to.
I had realized that there are some blocks that I still have and also there are blocks that i continue to create , I also have been having a really uncontorollable fascination with the III eye subject to the extent that any topic i would discuss with Dr.VandanaRaghuvanshi or any other teacher in a similar field I would end up asking the same questions.
I reached the clinic with a dozen questions and was ready to unfold another mystery , bring back another learning and to know more. After so many regressions I still felt there was something holding me back.
The session started short enough after the initial consultation and I saw myself being a short Man walking up some stoned stairs , On the way i saw a white man, many be European , maybe american, i knew i know him but could not recognize him.
Another few moments i knew i was a Monk going up the stairs of a Monesary.I did not know how old i was , it felt i had a timeless age, a face that no one could know my age.
Next scene was that i was infront of a huge Golden staute of Buddha, everyone was sitting and meditating , it was evening and everyone was doing a form of prayer/meditation , i had a wooden stick when i was climbing the stairs but now i had kept that aside, i was not seated like others , i was doing the bell ritual, and the drums, the noise sound was echoing , very serene, there were 12-14 of us only.
There was also another Monk whose attire was different in colour , he was elder and was seated facing us, he was heading that Monastry . after i finished my duty , i joined everyone else in the row but i was bending my head too low, as if hiding something and i started to feel the physical pain in my neck as well. I was seeing myself as very mysterious, as if i knew something , something to do with my forehead, I would walk normal only when alone. Something to do with the 3rd eye .
Next scene was that I saw i am sitting in the meditation mudra , but i had a a different set up  and also was using a very different mudra and then with my right hand 3 fingers i would keep on nodding on my forehead right between the two eyebrows , a bit higher , exactly where the 3rd eye chakra is placed and I kept on practicing this till i felt a sensation in that area as if the III eye was opening, the color was magnificent and very different from what we read in Reiki or Chakra related books. I was practicing this every night, My room was the room that had access to the store so i would take the help of the quilts and some tick material to ensure the dim light of diya is not showing outside, and even the bells were not heard , and then would practice this technique for hours and hours , this was my secret.
Next was the scene were i had learnt this practice, there was a room where the very old scripts were kept and i was the one who was given teh duty of cleaning that room , the script was always closed but one day while cleaning i realized that it was open , it was the holy book , really big in size. That day i happen to see a page where this technique was explained, I would go only once in amonth to clean so i noted the page no and next time i brought a very different writing tool with me and noted down that technique and i promised myself that i would never do that and peep into that book again.  That book had many answers and it was the true script about all other sciences and all mysteries of the world but it was kept under lock and key as it could have been misused. Some techniques that would give super human abilities etc. I felt since that page was open , so i was destined to learn that technique.
I used to wear wooden slippers and a safron colour cloth wrapped around me.
The practice i would follow was that i would apply a particular type of oil made of a violet/purple extract, legs would be folded, i would make a mudra that i have never seen or heard anywhere, before i would start i would ring the buddhist bell nonstop for a long period and then many many diyas or oil lamps would be lit up.
As i was seeing the scene of my practice i felt a sharp pain in my forehead, then the coulor would appear and start changing till all shades of the 3rd eye chakra would come, this practice would give me headaches but i was so fascinated that i would not stop, all day i would wait for night so that i could practice my secret, i did that for 13 years.
I suddenly knew why i bowed so much all the time and why i was hiding my forhead, it was because of the person who was the head of our monastry (who looked alot like Dalai Lama) would come to know that i was practicing to activate my 3rd eye. He knew it all this while, he had thought someone had to carry that knowledge but was watching me at the same time, he also knew i was guilty of what i was doing but something was not letting me stop, that practice was my passion. He called me and told me he knew what i was doing but he made me take a woe that i would never misuse it or tell anyone about it.  After that woe i realized i could not use it or talk abt it and decided that i would leave the monastry but i would still come back before the evening prayers , I would every day go near a lake, later on I knew it was called the “Holy lake “ and meditate for hours, have only fruits , i would make a point to take a dip in that water which was freezing cold. In a while i realized i could read people’s mind.
Next scene was when that european guy came back to meet me and before he could ask the question , i gave him teh answers, he asked me to teach him , by now i knew who he was , he was burt goldman.
I was called once again by the chief of the monastry and he asked me to promise that i would never misuse my abilities, I asked him about the ancient script and he told me , one day i would know it all and i should not be in a hurry. I bowed to him and left the room. Before i left he told me that every Wednesday i should go back to him before evening prayer between 3-4 and he would read out teh parts of the script to me that he thinks i can understand, i was thrilled and overjoyed.(I was crying out of joy), he also told me i need to work on everything and not only on one aspect. He indicated i should work on myself and ensure my aura is big enough that by just being there i can be a giver and i can help the people in pain. He said if you want to be  a leader and in my place, you should know a leader is a giver, work on yourself, he said what you are doing is too much about yourself , that is good but not enough.He said my child you have a long way to go and now you know how to go . He said be in nature, be wise, you can not teach everything to everyone, do good but do it the right way , those who are supposed to come to you , they would.

After i left i started to undersatnd everything better, more aware and more sure , i also wished that i spent 13 years on only one skill and i wish i had worked on all aspects but i decided that i would share my knowledge and finally i left the monastry for good, it was too much discipline, i felt a balance life was required. I left and started to work on my aura and all other aspects and capabilities,I would sit by the lake and meditate for hours and then write some notes on all these disciplines and some herbs and herbal medicines, i would no more meditate at night. I could see teh 1st Reiki symbol while i was meditating, my hands where in Namaste position now and no more the mudhra i used to have. I also started to visualize a spiritual Reiki symbol ( Kanji) in the 3rd eye chakra while meditating. People with ailment and problems would come to me for treatment. I was no more going to monastry , in my last Wednesday class he allowed me to follow any discipline i wanted and had allowed me to talk to people. So i had started to interact with people, they would come for answers, i had even stopped wearing the saffron colour cloth and i would wear while cloth wrapped around me. I also started to see my aura’s colour changing, it was an amazing feeling.
In between i would get messages, i felt i had started to know that it was more important to be on teh right path than to be the Lama, more important to live the right way , and suddenly i knew my name, my name was Mahansa. Another beautiful message was it was not important to know all of that book , it was important to have control on self and know myself and i would know everything. I now had long hair and long beard and would carry a very different form of stick , it was always in my right hand, by now the notes i had started to store had become a tick book , that too was always with me, it was my path to oneness. The book was my creation , instead of just telling people it was better to write so that many could benefit , the book read 1087, the year .
Next scene was when i saw myself old but very healthy and strong , i would only eat raw vegetables and fruits, I also do some form of Yoga, or something like thai Chi , a very slow marshal form of marshal arts with lots of control on breathing. All these practices were before dust , after sunset i would not do anything. Next scene was when i was entering the Monastry from the back gate, i wanted to meet the new Lama, he had respect for me.
The next scene was when i saw a small child, a boy was sitting with me, i know him but i could not recognize at that time. I also saw that i taught many techniques to the american.
I also realized that old practice which i did for 13 years , now i did it only on full moon but it no more gives me any headache or pain, i follow the same old pattern of meditation on that day. Everyone in the village knows that so on that day no one comes to meet me and i go to the other sie of the lake in d forest and do that meditation. I would sit for so long that my body and specially knees would start aching.
Next scene was on a full moon day , i knew my time has come, so i dipped in the cold waters of the lake, did meditation and sat under my favourite tree, ready to depart . Suddenly that small boy came with a pear, i touched his head and gave him blessings and sent him back. For the first time ever i felt human emotions, i liked the body became translucent , i was sitting there, my back resting on the tree trunk behind me , i saw my physical body , a very strong healthy body . That child was crying , few people had gathered, i realized that people were saying teh mystery man in now dead, then i saw the monks and the Lama  they are coming to do the rituals. The village haed was talking to Lama , they did not know if they can do the rituals or the Monks should do it and eventually they decided that they all would do it.
I could now feel either i was in Tibet or Nepal. Lama said it was my destiny to be paid respect by both. I was a beautiful bluish white light but i could not move above, Dr.Vandana asked me to move above but I could not , on the last day of my life i had got attachments, attached to that little boy who i now recognized, he was my  soulmate. With the help of loving lights I moved up but i was sad, i did not live a full life, i never knew what were emotions. I was also very furious and angry at myself that after so much work on self just because of tha attachment i developed i had to coem back again. Before i moved up i said i had some work to do , i had to go back and close that ancient script in the monastry , so i went back to close the book , the book was on page 67, and the answer to some of my questions about the other world was there, i felt i was destined to know so i read the page and then closed the book and then moved up.
I saw the magnificent Light, my master soul and Jesus Christ. I asked my questions and i got 3 answers:
Be patient and you would know
Work on yourself
This is being with the soul mate ....The physical world bonds and contracts are not important.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Past life regression therapists in Banglore, India

Past Life Therapy and It's Uses in Present Life....Practitioners of Past life Therapy in Banglore @ India _World.....09872880634

Many times the symptoms we feel are said to be “all in your head” . If there are no physiological or psychology reasons for the issue, then past-life exploration would be a wonderful way to uncover cell memory of a past trauma. Often a Past Life Regression can reveal the “root cause” of a present symptom, injury or chronic illness. A fear of water could be related to a drowning in a past-life. Birthmarks and deformities could be the physical point of entrance in the body at the time death, such as a stabbing or gun shot wound.Often a Past Life Regression can reveal the “root cause” of a present symptom, injury or chronic illness. A fear of water could be related to a drowning in past life and can be associated with breathlessness and fits in present life.Past Life Regression Therapy - Going back to your previous lives to move ahead ... can help resolve karma, improve relationships, helps to find root causes of  diseases and bring your personal wellness...

Friday 15 November 2013



My LBL Experiences:
I would like to share the LBL session experiences i have so far had as i felt this amazing peace and wisdom that gets transferred in each LBL. The blessings leaves a deep impression on the soul and it feels like a confirmation of the path chosen by the soul.
I have gone through many regression sessions and have been fortunate enough to experience and enjoy the LBL session after each regression.
In my first life i had been through child abuse and also had a relation with a lover who left me and never came back, i  had learnt that men r not trustworthy and maybe that was the answer to my failed relationships and the fact i had a difficulty trusting men. In this session when i went to the white light i saw the master soul and my soulmates, when i asked would i ever have a soulmate i got a reassurance from the master soul , he indicated me that i had to wait for another 6 months as this was not the right time and i was given blessings and was allowed to stay in the white light til i am refreshed and rested. He also showed me the soulmate, he was there standing and waiting , i got a feeling that he already knew me and he knew one day we would be together.The peace and serenity that one feels after the blessings not only reflects on day to day activity but also on the face. One feels detached !
The next LBL session was after my second life, when i ended my life at the age of 17 by cutting my nerve.... when my soul departed after ensuring that the body was taken care of i was not a bright light like my first session, i saw my soul as a grey powder which was very disturbing, once i reached the white light , master soul was there waiting but furious, i asked him why did i have to suffer in all 4 lives i had seen, why did i always end up being deserted by parents and lover and why was i to suffer but the answer was horrifying , the Master soul was furious, he gave a glance and turned his back as a punishment, i was only allowed to rest there in the white light but he refused to talk to me.
I rested there for 7 years before my next life and felt pured, i transformed and became one with the white light , i experienced the anger of Master soul indicating that suicide was not acceptable by the universal laws and i had to fight my problems. While resting in white light, i experienced immense peace and a feeling that i had a life purpose, higher than i had thought and i should find out what that is. I had learnt that “PEACE COMES FROM FORGIVENESS”.
My 3rd LBL session was after i had departed a very difficult life both physically and emotionally, when i reached the white light i again experienced the master soul and the soul mates presence, i had a very typical question in mind and i asked the master soul however this time too he was not happy with my question , i got an impression that when you know the answer why are you trying to fool yourself and why are you wasting my time, he turned away without blessings and i tried to reach out to my soul mates and ask questions however their message too was that i should look within me for answers and i would find all my answers. At this point i could recognize one of my soul mates and it was Steve Jobs. The soul mate i was supposed to meet in this life was waiting again and giving me a sarcastic smile indicating that I was the reason for my own confused state of mind. I joined the white light after that and healed my injuries from the life i had lived. Felt peace and a sense of wisdom and i had learnt that one should never do unjust to anyone. What i have seen that Soul is always very concerned about the body after it leaves the body, it never departs unless the body is taken care of and also how the body is handled leaves an impression on the soul. After each jorney soul exactly knows where it has gone wrong but it is important for the soul to be able to carry all lessons from each life and apply them in the current life. That is how the soul would start being on higher journey, or at least this is my understanding so far.
4th LBL session:
In my fourth life i was a doctorate in law and still could not prove my innocence when i was being accused of killing my fiancé. I was imprisoned and sentenced to death, the day of my death when i was to be hanged i had the courage to walk till the hanging place on my own feet and also i put the rope in my neck with my own hands and kicked the stool to be hanged however after i died and reached the white light i realized i was a pure soul and i learnt and got the impression that i had actually died of a heart attack and before i was really pulled so i felt this immense peace that though the life i lived was so unjust but there is always justice in life and lesson was that “LIFE IS FAIR even if we do not recognize it then“, the fact that i died a natural death and not by hanging was a blessing in itself , at this point the master soul gave me his blessings and an impression that i was a good soul and he knew that it was not my fault. I also learnt that one needs to speak for what is right and should have the courage and ability to prove his righteousness and seek justice .This LBL was very peaceful and i was the pure golden white light and i asked the master light about my purpose , he should me that i would know it by May 2012. A great sense of satisfaction and blessings showered upon me . It was an amazing experience .
5th LBL session:
I had reached the white light after my death at an old age, natural death and a life of respect, however i had lost my wife and had lived alone after that. When i reached the white light my wife who also happened to be my soulmate was waiting there , we embraced each other and were together feeling blessed when my wife indicated that i should take blessings of teh master soul and go back to earth, all my soulmates and master soul nodded on the advise and after i was showered by the blessings of teh master soul , she reassured me that she would join me soon and i left the white light. I had so far recognized to soul mates till this session, my younger brother who has always been either my child or my younger brother and Steve Jobs.
I also regressed slightly to future , i wanted to know when would i come out of this troubles and when would i actually be ready for my purpose? It was then that may 2012 was indicated and i saw a red demarcation and the fact that very little was left for me to cross that line and the other side was beautiful, respect, recognition, purpose and peace was awaiting me ....I loved the feeling and it still is so fresh in my mind.
6th LBL session:
I had died after living a female life who abandoned by her lover again yet very contented, After i reached the white light i knew i am to rest there for 10 years , i could see any soul mates and there they were again , all of them , reading writing and lost in their scholar word again......i saw the same soul mate again , who was younger and had conveyed to me that no matter where i go i would be re united with him again, i asked him a question that what are you writing and he showed me his book , it was written “ u wld be mine”, then he held my hand and tried to push me towards himself so that i could join him, I asked him that how would i know him and he replied he would push me on his own and it felt as if the time to meet him was very close now.
 i could see the master and yes he was there right behind me , waiting lovingly for my conversation to finish and i turned around and asked him that i know i am here for a purpose and i know i am very close to that purpose , when is it ? when is the time and he gave me a very clear date .After that he surrounded me and gave me blessings, initially we both were of same colour and material, silverfish but after the master soul embraced me and patted me on forehead with his blessings we both became translucent , so pure i was , crystal clear and i stayed in that state of abundance blessing to my full.... contented, blessed and light...........IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL FEELING !I had recognized my soul mate but i was in denial .he was my best friend “ The lesson i learnt was that one needs to be responsible for his own actions and be contented “
7th LBL experience:
I had died a beautiful respectful death ,however i felt before departing i had an unfinished job, i wanted to forgive my dad and seek forgiveness which i did however i wanted to make him aware that he needs to be a responsible soul, he cant carry on leaving his children life after life so i spoke to him, made him understand and then forgave him and also asked for his forgiveness and it is only after i finished this responsibility i could go to rest , this time too i saw the master soul, smiling at me , he gave me his blessings and i asked him about my purpose again, and when would i be finally with my soul mate, he gave me the date and also helped me progress to future and i saw a beautiful scene  however would not be able to share the same on this platform.I had a beautiful experience and the lesson i learnt was “ Sometimes the best decisions are not necessarily the right ones and while taking a decision one should always involve both heart and mind and not always practical decisions are the best ones for our soul journey”.
8th LBL session:
I had lived a life with no regrets ,had loved immensely , had given chances and then taken justice in my hands. After my death i wanted to go and seek forgiveness  , it is amazing how the soul experiences, interprets and carries different impressions .i went back to forgive and seek forgiveness for the first time whether in regression or in real life i saw life in that specific individual’s eyes and we smiled and parted ways then i left to join the divine light, i saw my soul mates and also the master soul, this time i was a greyish light not too bright so wanted to be healed with divine light and then the master soul blessed me too and i asked him about my soul mate again and he reassured me that i wld be with my soulmate in present life. I did not ask anything this time from my soul mate as i knew he was busy finishing an un finished work so that we cld be together.
I rested in white light and received blessings .I was too tired this time and wanted to rest as it was what the master soul had indicated.It is so strange how we keep carrying impressions and how we plan to pay for our deeds ....I feel blessed to have been able to experience 8 lives...........Maybe this is one of the reasons i kept coming back to India despite all that i went through here.
“My lesson from life was NEVER LOVE SO IMMENSLY that would hurt you to let go “

Thursday 14 November 2013

Practitioners of Past life Regression Therapy in Pune, India...09872880634

Past life regression and Present Life Relationship issues....Past life regression in Pune, India.

forangelsonlyorg_nature_5Among many uses in relationship issues, past life regression helps a lot.When you have relationship issues ,it influnces your whole life.Past-Life-Regression improves one’s inter-personal relationships: Past-Life-Regression improves one’s interpersonal relationships by causing the person to understand the past life relationships with those individuals. Till this is understood, clashes and friction with one’s present lifetime’s relations is inevitable. Once the understanding flows, the person is able to see the larger perspective and therefore the relationships are improved or ‘healed’.When you regress to particular past life, re-experience it, re-live release the carryover traumatic celluar memory , and your relationship issue solved.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Past life regression & Hypnotherapists in Delhi, India @ World

Past life regression for confusion in sexual identity...Past life regression therapists in Delhi, India....09872880634

Past Life Regression helped her to understand her identity :

...a girl, age...28, unmarried/o disharmony  and fights  in parents life, dominating mother, no role of parents in brought up, mother brought her up as a boy, dressed like boy, people used to think they are two brothers in family, send hostel in class 6th. Medical record...treatment for. hypothyroidism, increase uric acid, osteoarthritis, insomnia, goiter, direction of road loss , mainly in night, do not like sequences, shock absorber for strong events’, gets irritated in small things, frequent dream. Going somewhere, but something left behind, confused about her sexual identity, but not experienced any relation or sex in anyway. Actually not interested in it. When parents say to get married, feels it is imp. For her to know her sexual identity.

Regression life one... year 1817, I am a man, we live in some forest, i have a wife and two kids. I am head. We are sitting for meeting under tree. Food is not much in this area, we have to move.  We are moving, we lost the track, and it is desert. Aandhi chal rahi hai. All around is sand. I am inside sand, I am dying, I am dead.
Lesson learned.........I am at peace, but i am not happy, I am leader, direction must be taken care of.
Regression life two.....year...1817, i am a girl, meera, in hamipur. My parents are thinking of my marriage. I am married, have one son. I and my husbands are like friends, not like husband, now he is dead. Live is moving. I do not talk to any one. i am now dead. i do not have any worry.
Lesson learned...algaav (detachment)
Regression life three....i am 3 yrs old girl. My parents are old. They found me near river. this village in Raipur panchayat. i am daughter of king , was born in a palace. My mother with her own wish left me in liver, old man found me. He is too sick. He is dead. I am 19 yrs. old lady do a lot of chik...Chik. i go to small land, do all farming, hal jotna, i wear kurta pajama only, because they gave this dress only. Old lady is dead......
a girl is jumping in river, i saved her., bought her home, time is moving. She takes care of home, i do farming. She is behaving like my wife. We now sleep in one bed, but there is no sex. I think i protection is main issue. She is now not happy. She is married, i am surprised, and she is asking me some tofha. She is gone. i am upset, she should have told me. Time is moving. i am not much well now. She is back. , fighting me why i not stopped her. She fights a lot. i am not well, it is morning, i am on cot outside hut. She is shouting, telling she is going to jump in well. She is going towards well. i cannot stop her. My legs are too weak now; she jumped in well in front of my eyes. I am getting weak day by day, i am dying, i am dead.
Lesson learned...algaav (detachment)
Regression life  four.....year 1959, i am a boy ,age  22 year, with father and grand mother. My marriage with a moti (fat) girl is what i am seeing. Now our home lost all the peace, my wife is very "ladaka", and of angry nature. She is after my dadi. i have a son now, dadi is dead. My wife sleeps in kitchen, and fight whole day. My cousin and business partner tells me to kill her. We bought poison; he mixed it in water and gave her to drink. She in falling on the floor. She is dead. No one knows it. We are safe, but i am feeling too weak. This is guilt. Yeh mera sanskar nahi tha...i am getting weaker, no medicine work for me, and I am on bed. i am no more my father is crying.
lesson....i am  feeling  too much  guilt
                                 she  early  twenties, i was clear that i am more towards spirituality, i never gets attached to any thing, any one, i learned yoga, but when pressure for my marriage from my mother comes , this thought of my sexual identity came in my mind.
Cause of Multiple Health problems understood by her.
Loss of directions. Also re-experienced
After one year ...
happy married to a young man, no confusion for self at all...., Health much better now.  

Monday 11 November 2013


Affirmations in  New Age terminology refers primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." More specifically, an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. For an affirmation to be effective, it needs to be present tense, positive, personal and specific. In our Power of subconscious mind course, we teach you how to make a very effective affermation and how to use it, to fulfill your goal in life.The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive , one can bring about positive results in life.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Regression at birth event helps to remove unknown fears...Past life therapists in Mumbai, India...for session on skype contact ..dr.vandana raghuvanshi, a renowned past life regression therapists in India

Regression at the time of birth...Past life regression therapy center in Mumbai, India...09872880634

Birth Regression...
This  process is one of reliving one’s own birth process . The objective
of regression at time of birth is to re- experience any associated feelings, and to revivify a component
of the birth event in order to release the individual from any perceived traumas
which occurred during their birth.  Once this
has taken place and been processed fully by the individual, a remission from the
associated symptom can be obtained. An example of this might be a patient who
has claustrophobia, and experiencing the regression at birth event  process ‘uncovers’ a traumatic
birth experience during which they recall having the umbilical cord around their
neck at the time of delivery. Once the experience has been processed consciously,
the requirement for the symptom is then eliminated. 

The regression at birth time gives very good result.