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Quite often many of us think... why did my life turn the way it has ? What did I do wrong ? I also hear people saying that they are tired and they want a little breather, they never want to face any other crises ....well if you want the.... answers of all these questions here ....answer it in 2 simple sentences it would be we go through a lot due to our karma of previous births as well as this birth and if you truly are tired and want your life pattern to change you need to know the root cause of all suffering ...take a PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSION, LIFE BETWEEN LIVES SESSION.....And learn to " love unconditionally and Forgive truly ", it sounds simple and ....however it is never too late to start!!!! contact dr.vandana raghuvanshi 09872880634 lightdivine28@yahoo.com light.divine1 |
HYPNOTHERAPY AND PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY.....For All type of Phobias, Panic attack, Recurrent dreams and nightmare , Alcoholism,Bed wetting,Depression,Stammering, Insomnia,Inner Child Healing, Age regression , live between lives session to understand soul journey and getting guidance from Masters.NLP [Neuro lingustic programming],Re -Birthing breath work, Reiki healing & Pranic healing , Distant healing.Holistic healing for body &mind phone 09872880634