Monday 30 September 2013

Past life regression can help you to understand why you are suffering like this.......Past life regression centers in Mumbai, India

Quite often  many of us think... why did my life turn the way it has ? What did I do wrong ? I also hear people saying that they are tired and they want a little breather, they never want to face any other crises ....well if you want the.... answers of all these questions here ....answer it in 2 simple sentences it would be we go through a lot due to our karma of previous births as well as this birth and if you truly are tired and want your life pattern to change you need to know the root cause of all suffering ...take a PAST LIFE REGRESSION SESSION, LIFE BETWEEN LIVES SESSION.....And learn to " love unconditionally and Forgive truly ", it sounds simple and ....however it is never too late to start!!!!
dr.vandana raghuvanshi

Sunday 29 September 2013

Practitioners of Past life regression In Mumbai...To yourself past life regression can help you a lot.....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapist

You Are What You Are! Know the You within U!! Love the real You....

If you want to know the real you, you need to take few past life regression sessions. Often we take decisions that are practical, logical but they still don't feel right, for that you need to know yourself, You need to know the you within You, it is through living from the across the time and space... that you will find WHO YOU REALLY ARE.
When we live true to our nature , life supports us and we create success effortlessly aligned and in balance with our purpose and path. We take decisions that not only feel right but give us the best results too, the biggest shift of all is the realization that LIFE IS NOT HAPPENING TO YOU but FOR YOU.
Everything you need , you can create and have from within your heart.the heart knows how to give you everything without causing pain or harm to anyone or anything in the universe.      
                 You need to know that you are exactly who you need to be at this moment, right here & now, accept that you are enough, more than enough, that you are already WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT....believe that!                                                                                                                                                           Believe that there is only one person powerful enough to stop you & there is only one person enough to set you free, YOU! You are so much more than you think you are, there is such a larger you to emerge..... tap into it, say "YES" to it and let it out. This is possible if you understand your purpose of life and soul journey....                                                                  
  Whatever you do you know, and absolutely trust without anyone else needing to affirm - that is good & creative and powerful and important about you. Know that the quality of your movement is a manifestation of the workings of your brain, which determines the quality and vitality of your life.                                                                                        
   You need to understand and realise that when genuine love and genuine self respect is present within you, you attract love and respect from others too....You then don't have to force people to love you, you don't have to keep proving yourself, you don't have worry that your true worth would not be recognised. You can then set yourself free and let go !
To Know Yourself Past Life Regression Helps...  

Thursday 26 September 2013

PAST LIFE THERAPY CAN HELP YOU TO REMOVE COMPLICATED SEXUAL ATTITUDE .....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, practitioner of past life therapy in MUMBAI, INDIA @ WORLD_ UNIVERSE

"Sex is natural..Sex is Divine.When you talk about Sex , you talk about Sexual energy.Your energy must be compatible with that of your partner, recognize the Divinity in your beloved! Sexual union with the right Spiritual Attitude towards your beloved .
Sex energy is like spiritual fuel. When sex energy is regulated & transmuted. it can lead to Oneness. Sex energy can be transmuted into love and mercy, greater intelligence and into spiritual energy.
The key is to transmute this energy and not to suppress it. When sex energy is transmuted to upper chakras it gets transmuted to love, kindness, intelligence and divining Oneness.
You need to be careful in choosing your partner, do not "touch" the partner of someone else, or have multiple partners, this is very injurious to the Soul and your sexual energy.There is nothing wrong with desire but do not be enslaved by it.
Many times one can feel very confused about sexual identity of own.Many time person suffer from eractil dis function,  decreased libido in women, too much sexual craving, disliking for sex , and very much confused about even being a homosexual...Some time person feels sexually attracted or dreams  comes as if having sex with the person , who is very much respected and to be regarded asSacred. .
All of these things may be related with your past life....If you take a past life regression session to know the root cause, it will helps in releasing tons of load  from your mind, heart and life.
                                                              dr.vandana raghuvanshi, 09872880634,, light.divine1

Tuesday 24 September 2013

PAST LIFE REGRESSION TO UNDERSTAND YOUR SOUL JOURNEY....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, practitioner of past life regression therapy in MUMBAI, INDIA.....09872880634 light.divine1

The soul  talks to us in silence; it is the loudest when the mind is the calmest. How beautiful would that be to devote some little time to the Soul too and balance our lives, it not only helps us in balancing our life but also it helps us know ourselves better , it helps us rejuvenate, it helps us to do the impossible. One of the ways you can observe and connect to your inner voice and your inner conscious is through meditation, it helps you liberate, it helps you calm down But if you wants to look at the situations from a third angle, you would take more accurate measures to improve your life, you would be able to master your body and mind and in return the universe would reward you by putting you on the right track. Your intuition would become stronger, you would be more contented as when you do the right thing the entire universe comes together to ensure you achieve what you desire...
.For understanding your soul journey take past life regression with life between lives session.....

Sunday 22 September 2013


We do have more than one soul mate but only if we are very lucky we meet....If you are lucky and blessed, honor it , fight for it ....It is choosing to be happy Vs.letting go and
searching in hope of another relation.

Our relationships can be our greatest challenge but they also can be the greatest joy, one of the most rewarding, the most fulfilling and most incredible experiences of our lifetime.When the relationship is right , we no more hide our true self, our light, our magnificence will shine as well, we will be seen...
to know the identity of your soul mates ...
take a past life regression with life between lives session...
dr.vandana rahghuvanshi

Friday 13 September 2013

Past life regression for forgiveness......dr.vandana raghuvanshi,.Past life therapist in SHIMLA, HP....09872880634

WHY ???
 Forgive people who have hurt you ! You deserve peace of mind ...Forgiveness unclutteres both your heart and mind and that is the essential of success in all life's aspects.

Have you ever walked into a house that is full of stuff and it is cluttered ? It makes some people feel suffocated in such spaces , or when you walk into a place and it is dirty ? You just don't want to spend too much time there.  Our mind and body is the same , when we clutter our mind space with negative thoughts and thoughts of revenge we do not leave any room for anything new to walk in to our lives, we need to de clutter our life space regularly and one of the ways to do that is to forgive people who have hurt you .

You do not have to be a judge and decide who was right or wrong in that situation , you need to forgive in order to open your mind and body for a fresh start. Forgiveness is the key to freedom of mind and soul. When you have thoughts of revenge or even wish negative thoughts for others you are actually wasting your energy on the person who hurt you , we never know why a person reacted in a particular manner that resulted in paining us neither we can ever be a true judge but it is sure when we plan to do something wrong we are giving a lot of importance to that person , which leads to negative thoughts , we keep wasting our energy on that person or event, we brew over it again and again, enough for emotion to become so strong to make us think and plan something negative, the other person on the other hand is not even aware of all the pain we have been through and he is living a normal life so basically we are hurting ourselves well enough to be able to hurt the other , do you think it is worth it ?

When you erase negativity and you clear your mind and heart from negative thoughts and intentions you allow positivity enter your every cell of the body like oxygen and that gives you a sense of goodness and energy . You are ready to take off for better destinations , to meet better people , to experience new things 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

practitioners of past life therapy in India.....09872880634

Leading a balanced life is what is a common Goal for all of us but we need to continuously watch our thoughts, actions and ensure we are on the right path, it is extremely important to maintain a healthy balance in Life. If we notice, everything that exists in this universe has an opposite component, day & night , light & dark, black and white, truth & lie.... Certain things have a very clear demarcation and it is easy to differentiate and understand the nature of the opposite component...But when it comes to human nature somehow everything gets way too complicated ! 
Our physical mind & our conscious loves to play with anything that is there to be used to manipulate it for it's benefit no matter how temporary it is and no matter if the mind is certain the game is going to be short termed.

The our basic nature, habits, liking & disliking , the repetative pattern to carry over from our past lives..When it comes to human thoughts and behaviour and the outcome of them it is then that we need to be brutally honest with ourselves and be very watchful in what we are doing as the line between the two opposites becomes so thin that we often miss it. Maybe below examples would help us identify most common deceitful mind games : 

  • People usually do not know where to draw the line when it comes to self respect and ego, they react to honest criticism or situations and later justify their extreme reaction as defending their self respect whereas the reaction is mostly result of a false ego .
  • Or when someone hurts a person by the words he speaks and he justifies his action by saying I am very upfront and honest , yes , it is good to be upfront and honest but was it necessary to use the language in manner that can be hurtful ? was it necessary to use harsh pointed words ?Or could there be other ways of conveying the message?
  • People move out of a hurtful relationship and continue to hurt each other , they justify that it is out of extreme love whereas it is the result of a hurt , destructive ego.
Many of us fail to draw the line when it is required , we usually realize that we have crossed the line when we have moved too far forward , it is then that we regret certain actions, thoughts or behaviour & then we try to justify it .............I believe it is better to be careful from the word go instead of being regretful later  .

We often mistake healthy competition with jealousy and envy too. It is important we compete but with our own selves , we should watch other people and learn from them and then see as per our own capability where we can use those learnings to enhance our performance. however usually people end up envying each other or being jealous of another person's success and then they would try and justify their behavious in many ways.

I also often come across people who are so involved in their professional career that they ignore family or even their own selves or we have the other type of people too , who are so involved in themselves that they no more give time to any productive activity and not even to near and dear be obsessed with anything or to overdo anything is wrong , it is against the law of universe.

If you study the nature carefully or anything that is universal  you would realize the entire Universe is working on a very balanced formula ....when something goes out of balance then we witness disasters, similarly excess of anything , even work & exercise is bad .............Life needs to be balanced , it is when we practice to live a balanced, harmonious life that we achieve a balanced mind which would  lead us to our higher conscious .
By past life regression re-experience, re-living , and releasing ....the carryover clutter and live in harmony with balanced life....

Tuesday 10 September 2013

practitioners of past life therapy in Punjab....

How does Healing work in past life regression session. ?

The process of healing has FIVE stages ...
Re-experiencing...Re -living..
Realization and releaseing

Feeling and re-experiencing
Change in present life
To heal ourselves we must the carry over it's root cause and then  realize our own role in our pain , it is only then that we would feel the pain and sorrow of this realization deeply and completely , once we accept that it was us who created the pain and also felt the pain then only we can accept and forgive ourselves and others who have had some role to play in our suffering , in fact their role becomes very immaterial as we understand the true reason of the pain we have been through. This complete healing process would then bring the fundamental change that is required for making the right decisions. 


Attracting Positive Energy to Your Life...Simple steps to clean and balance your aura & your surrounding and attract positive energy!

1. Stop eating anger food:
Deep fried, fatty, oily, heavily processed food puts stress on your liver, and the liver in Chinese Medicine is the organ that houses anger.

2. Eat food that smiles:
If fruit and vegetables could smile, I’m guessing organic and farmers market produce would all be smiling.
Dead, tinned and over processed food does not smile.

3. Hang out with friends that grow your positivity:
Its worth taking note which of your friends leave you feeling inspired and energized or drained and depleted (most of the time). As we usually have such an emotional connection to our friends they can greatly alter our own personal energy well-being.

4.Marinate for a day in positive energy:
From this day forward treat yourself to one whole day (once a month is a good start) that is filled with nothing but positive energy experiences to restore your energy well-being.  Treat yourself to simple pleasures, that bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Hang out with friends that make you laugh, books that inspire you, cafes that make the best coffees in the world and eat lots of yummy healthy food.
Avoid TV, newspapers, hectic places, junk food, trashy magazines, conflict and friends who gossip.  Turn yourself off from technology for one day.

5. Smell your way to positivity:
Aromatherapy can uplift the energy in a room and/or trigger positive thoughts and feelings.  A few quick dabs onto your wrist, or into an oil burner with one or more of your favourite essential oils, can boost your mood and uplift your spirits.
6. Colour therapy:
Research continually points to bright colours  being a mood enhancer, and having a positive influence on your day. Red will give you a boost of energy and stimulate your immune system.  Blue is tranquil and peaceful.  Yellow lifts your spirits and offers you a positive feeling.

Spend time alone.
Being still and resting in silence is one of the most healing and restorative practices you can do.  All ancient cultures value silence, stillness and the breath as a way of cultivating positive energy.

8. Read your way to positivity:
Let your eyes and mind feast on words that inspire and uplift your thoughts.  Stay clear of toxic words and stories in newspaper, gossip magazines and the likes.

9. Start your day with a smiling meditation:
Balinese Hindu priests use smiling as a healing tool.  They believe it dissolves “bad” energy and I believe them. 

Before getting out of bed, smile in to your face, smile deeply into your thoughts, smile into your eyes, smile into your ears, smile into your heart, smile into your lungs, smile into your kidneys and smile into your liver.
Smiling and breathing into your lungs dissolves sadness, into your kidneys dissolves fear and into your liver dissolves anger.

10.Cleanse your home:
To attract more positive energy into your home, you need to remove old stale unwanted energies that may be lingering in your atmosphere.

11.Brighten your mind:
Your thoughts will either bring you closer to attracting more positive energy or take you further away.
Do your best to catch dull thinking, and replace immediately with your own uplifting mantra.  One of my personal favourites at the moment is Every cell in my body is loved and healthy”or “I trust”.

12. Add positive healing sounds to your environment:

The most healing sounds of all, are those from nature.  The next best thing are sacred sounds, chants, mantras or classical music.  It has been proven scientifically by Dr Emoto that listening to Blue Danube will soothe an agitated nervous system.

13. Yogic cleansing bath:
Cleanse negativity from your aura and removes chemicals from your physical body.  I personally have not done this one but a few of my friends have, and they all rave about how awesome it is.
It is suggested that you soak for 20 minutes each day for 7 days.  If you start to feel dizzy or weird leave bath immediately, as you have successfully loosened and removed some negativity from your physical and energetic bodies.
  • 1 lb Baking soda
  • 1 cup Sea salt

14. Mindful breathing:
One of the simplest ways to infuse your body with positive energy is via belly breathing.  Deep inhales and exhales remove toxins, oxygenate your body and calm your nervous system.  A few minutes every hour is a wonderful positive energy habit to add to your daily life.

15.Use the Energy of the Fire:

In ancient times many Civilizations believed that Fire is a purifier, Lit a candle every evening, try that it should be an aromatic candle that would have a soothing effect on the nervous system while cleansing the atmosphere.