Tuesday 20 August 2013

past life therapy for self understanding....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapist & Hypnotherapist in India

  Hi Everyone !
 Past life therapy has changed my life and made me a different person , it has been an amazing journey and I feel so much more calmer and at peace today , It is not that all problems in life get resolved at a click but I as a person have changed and become more compassionate , less judgemental , I no more play the victim , I don’t hold others responsible for my issues instead I look for solutions and answers within me .
I saw myself in a white dress, a woman in her thirties, dressed in a white pleated skirt which was part of a dress with a golden colour thin belt and same colour shoes, I knew I was a woman of status , I knew I was single but I knew I was not wealthy or rich if I use the right word, it felt I had nothing despite having everything.
Next I saw that I was with a man , a tall man in a very expensive 3 piece grey suit, he was smoking a pipe, we were sitting on a bench , he was sitting and I was lying down with my head in his lap looking at him and listening to him hoping what I was being promised was true whereas deep inside I knew this too was shallow and empty.
The next scene I saw was I was performing on the stage , I was rehearsing a song and later the same evening that hall was full of people and I was performing a musical dance where I was both singing and dancing and there were other girls who were dancing with me.
I saw that same man again at the back stage. Nothing special and relevant happened. Next scene was when I was performing a scene and I got hurt and got injured , at this time I could feel the physical pain in my body, I had fractured a body part and Dr.Vanadana had to heal the physical pain in order to help me progress further. The next scene was that I saw myself drinking and smoking excessively , I was lonely and sad , I was angry too ...after my injury they had cancelled my contract a new girl had taken my place and when I returned to work after my treatment they refused me the work. I was furious and angry , I was sad too as it meant my short term fame would soon come to an end.  Next scene I saw was I was meeting the other performer who had replaced me , I was bad with her , I was hurt and were holding her responsible for my misery . I remember giving her a drink which had a substance which made her very sick.

Suddenly I was seeing life from above , I had died , I was asked to look from above and go to my time of death , I had died of excess alcohol and smoking ...At the time of death they were two domestic helps who discovered my body , they were not shocked , they were expecting this to happen , maybe even they felt relieved as I was always drunk and was not very nice to them either. I was asked to see if I ever married or had any man in life , I did not quite say it but I knew I had many short term relationships. But never expected anything out of those relationships as I knew that they were too shallow, it was a co existence .
In one scene I saw myself reaching an event , I was again wearing a long white gown and was carrying a fur coat with a lot of expensive jewellery . There was press and I could see camera flashes, I was very comfortable with attention.
I was asked to see my childhood and my home , it was very strange I could not relate to my childhood and the answer I gave was I did not have a childhood or a home but I knew I was not raised in an orphanage either. It felt as if I was never treated like a  child.
I saw that there were just 2-3 people at my funeral and I had died a very lonely death and a very sad one. I moved above , it was not easy for me to move up this time , I had a heavy baggage and I was tired , as soon as I reached the white light I said I have to rest for 15 years.
I saw my soul mate , the senior from my soul mate group and he told me that I need to concentrate on myself , I asked him what did that mean and he said follow your passion , I got an impression he wanted me to concentrate on the creative me . I saw my soul mate too and before I would ask a question about him the senior counsellor told me  don’t worry he would be there to support you , you just concentrate on yourself.
I could sense the presence of the master soul and I went to him , I got his blessings for a very very long time , to my full satisfaction and I looked above , he understood my question , I wanted to ask him why did I again had to die such a sad and lonely death , but he already knew my question , at this point I could not stop crying , it took me a lot of time to release the sadness I was carrying from that life. He blessed me and lovingly wanted me to be patient . I went back to the white light to rest.
When I looked at my life from above I feel it was a life wasted , I was very famous and had lots of money but I was not happy ...I was still lonely !
If I run my current life parallel to that life there is a lot of things I can now understand where it comes from ... I was a model for many years , I would do very selective assignment , I would participate in small pageants and have always won the crown but never got excited with too much attention and never wanted to be in the lime light , I don’t remember ever taking anyone’s compliment seriously ,people have told me I resemble many different personalities from Indian cinema and Hollywood , even princess Diana ...But all these never made me happy , attention never brought ego in me neither I really cared , I also inherit a sense of style and have a uniqueness about how I would like to appear and have been complimented for that , I can be a heart of a gathering or feel extremely aloof even amongst most close ones. I turned down movie offers, I would get selected after auditions and I would start praying God please do something that I can get out of these, almost every person I have met has told me I should take modelling and acting seriously and the immediate thought that would cross my mind used to be “ They can’t even imagine what a sad and lonely life that would be “ and after seeing this life I understand where did that statement come from.

Since the actress I saw myself as is one of the biggest Hollywood actresses I am not mentioning the name but I went back on Google and searched her , she did have a left body part injury , her claim of fame was huge but very short lived, cause of her death was never known but it was in her apartment and one of the reasons was said to be overdose of drug and alcohol , more is to come , I have been born exactly 15 years after her death ...I also saw 2 pictures of hers in exact same dresses and attire including detail of jewellery I saw myself wearing in regression , another strange point is I have never watched a single movie of her . When I would hear her name I would think and wonder why there is so much hype about her. When I asked how the childhood I answered there was was no childhood and no home and when I checked on Google till the age of 14 she had changed 15-16 places and was staying with different relatives or in a foster home but never in an orphanage.
This seems to be my most recent life and has left me with a strange feeling , I feel this would be a regression which would keep unfolding new meanings for me every time I would read my experience. In that life I was unhappy because I was looking for my happiness in people’s recognition , I never bothered to sit back and think how I did for myself , I was a performer and it was other’s applause that would measure my success , my satisfaction and my achievements , I never bothered to sit back and see what did my lonely heart want , I only wanted to remain on top and anything less than that resulted in myself abuse. I believe I have carried that with me , even in this life till a while ago I would only measure my success by watching myself please others, even if I had to act I would do it to make sure everyone is happy and satisfied , I have been an actor so that I keep everyone pleased and happy and never bothered about what I wanted . My lesson from this life is “ Happiness comes from within , if you search happiness in your surroundings you end up being alone and wasted.”