HYPNOTHERAPY AND PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY.....For All type of Phobias, Panic attack, Recurrent dreams and nightmare , Alcoholism,Bed wetting,Depression,Stammering, Insomnia,Inner Child Healing, Age regression , live between lives session to understand soul journey and getting guidance from Masters.NLP [Neuro lingustic programming],Re -Birthing breath work, Reiki healing & Pranic healing , Distant healing.Holistic healing for body &mind phone 09872880634
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
past life therapy for self understanding....dr.vandana raghuvanshi, past life therapist & Hypnotherapist in India
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Hi Everyone !
Past life therapy has
changed my life and made me a different person , it has been an amazing journey
and I feel so much more calmer and at peace today , It is not that all problems
in life get resolved at a click but I as a person have changed and become more
compassionate , less judgemental , I no more play the victim , I don’t hold
others responsible for my issues instead I look for solutions and answers
within me .
I saw myself in a white dress, a woman in her thirties,
dressed in a white pleated skirt which was part of a dress with a golden colour
thin belt and same colour shoes, I knew I was a woman of status , I knew I was
single but I knew I was not wealthy or rich if I use the right word, it felt I
had nothing despite having everything.
Next I saw that I was with a man , a tall man in a very
expensive 3 piece grey suit, he was smoking a pipe, we were sitting on a bench
, he was sitting and I was lying down with my head in his lap looking at him
and listening to him hoping what I was being promised was true whereas deep
inside I knew this too was shallow and empty.
The next scene I saw was I was performing on the stage , I
was rehearsing a song and later the same evening that hall was full of people
and I was performing a musical dance where I was both singing and dancing and
there were other girls who were dancing with me.
I saw that same man again at the back stage. Nothing special
and relevant happened. Next scene was when I was performing a scene and I got
hurt and got injured , at this time I could feel the physical pain in my body, I
had fractured a body part and Dr.Vanadana had to heal the physical pain in
order to help me progress further. The next scene was that I saw myself drinking
and smoking excessively , I was lonely and sad , I was angry too ...after my
injury they had cancelled my contract a new girl had taken my place and when I
returned to work after my treatment they refused me the work. I was furious and
angry , I was sad too as it meant my short term fame would soon come to an
end. Next scene I saw was I was meeting
the other performer who had replaced me , I was bad with her , I was hurt and
were holding her responsible for my misery . I remember giving her a drink
which had a substance which made her very sick.
Suddenly I was seeing life from above , I had died , I was
asked to look from above and go to my time of death , I had died of excess
alcohol and smoking ...At the time of death they were two domestic helps who
discovered my body , they were not shocked , they were expecting this to happen
, maybe even they felt relieved as I was always drunk and was not very nice to
them either. I was asked to see if I ever married or had any man in life , I
did not quite say it but I knew I had many short term relationships. But never
expected anything out of those relationships as I knew that they were too
shallow, it was a co existence .
In one scene I saw myself reaching an event , I was again
wearing a long white gown and was carrying a fur coat with a lot of expensive jewellery
. There was press and I could see camera flashes, I was very comfortable with
I was asked to see my childhood and my home , it was very
strange I could not relate to my childhood and the answer I gave was I did not
have a childhood or a home but I knew I was not raised in an orphanage either.
It felt as if I was never treated like a child.
I saw that there were just 2-3 people at my funeral and I
had died a very lonely death and a very sad one. I moved above , it was not
easy for me to move up this time , I had a heavy baggage and I was tired , as
soon as I reached the white light I said I have to rest for 15 years.
I saw my soul mate , the senior from my soul mate group and
he told me that I need to concentrate on myself , I asked him what did that
mean and he said follow your passion , I got an impression he wanted me to
concentrate on the creative me . I saw my soul mate too and before I would ask
a question about him the senior counsellor told me don’t worry he would be there to support you
, you just concentrate on yourself.
I could sense the presence of the master soul and I went to
him , I got his blessings for a very very long time , to my full satisfaction
and I looked above , he understood my question , I wanted to ask him why did I
again had to die such a sad and lonely death , but he already knew my question
, at this point I could not stop crying , it took me a lot of time to release
the sadness I was carrying from that life. He blessed me and lovingly wanted me
to be patient . I went back to the white light to rest.
When I looked at my life from above I feel it was a life
wasted , I was very famous and had lots of money but I was not happy ...I was
still lonely !
If I run my current life parallel to that life there is a
lot of things I can now understand where it comes from ... I was a model for
many years , I would do very selective assignment , I would participate in
small pageants and have always won the crown but never got excited with too
much attention and never wanted to be in the lime light , I don’t remember ever
taking anyone’s compliment seriously ,people have told me I resemble many
different personalities from Indian cinema and Hollywood , even princess Diana
...But all these never made me happy , attention never brought ego in me
neither I really cared , I also inherit a sense of style and have a uniqueness
about how I would like to appear and have been complimented for that , I can be
a heart of a gathering or feel extremely aloof even amongst most close ones. I
turned down movie offers, I would get selected after auditions and I would
start praying God please do something that I can get out of these, almost every
person I have met has told me I should take modelling and acting seriously and
the immediate thought that would cross my mind used to be “ They can’t even
imagine what a sad and lonely life that would be “ and after seeing this life I
understand where did that statement come from.
Since the actress I saw myself as is one of the biggest Hollywood
actresses I am not mentioning the name but I went back on Google and searched
her , she did have a left body part injury , her claim of fame was huge but
very short lived, cause of her death was never known but it was in her
apartment and one of the reasons was said to be overdose of drug and alcohol ,
more is to come , I have been born exactly 15 years after her death ...I also
saw 2 pictures of hers in exact same dresses and attire including detail of jewellery
I saw myself wearing in regression , another strange point is I have never
watched a single movie of her . When I would hear her name I would think and
wonder why there is so much hype about her. When I asked how the childhood I
answered there was was no childhood and no home and when I checked on Google
till the age of 14 she had changed 15-16 places and was staying with different
relatives or in a foster home but never in an orphanage.
This seems to be my most recent life and has left me with a
strange feeling , I feel this would be a regression which would keep unfolding
new meanings for me every time I would read my experience. In that life I was
unhappy because I was looking for my happiness in people’s recognition , I
never bothered to sit back and think how I did for myself , I was a performer
and it was other’s applause that would measure my success , my satisfaction and
my achievements , I never bothered to sit back and see what did my lonely heart
want , I only wanted to remain on top and anything less than that resulted in myself
abuse. I believe I have carried that with me , even in this life till a while
ago I would only measure my success by watching myself please others, even if I
had to act I would do it to make sure everyone is happy and satisfied , I have
been an actor so that I keep everyone pleased and happy and never bothered about
what I wanted . My lesson from this life is “ Happiness comes from within , if
you search happiness in your surroundings you end up being alone and wasted.”
Saturday, 17 August 2013
past lives and life between lives therapist in Shimla and Dharamshala, Macleodganj........09872880634
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Past Life Regression on Skype
A 28 year old unmarried girl and feeling low, a lot of load and heaviness on chest and gets angry very soon, forgetfulness, not able to cope up with stress, too much insecure for relationship, misses her mother too much. Father expired when she was 5 years old, mother expired 1 year ago, brother living in another country. Medical Health: PCOD, acne, knee pain. Dream and Phobia: snakes in dream and fear of snakes. Visualization of man with horns in dreams when something bad going to happen. Regression: On scanning on knee gray and blackness- released, black patches in abdomen-released, blackness in heart area, inside the blackness a big hole, mother is sitting there and worried about me. Subject started crying and didn’t want to release her mother. After counseling for both of them mother blessed her and went up. Session: It’s a big home. I am wearing a blue floral skirt and playing with my sister in Ireland. Now I am 21 years, married going to attend some function with my husband and son in a vintage car. There is an accident. Both of them died. My sister came and took me to my parent’s home. (She is present life mother). My parents are no more. I am staying here and it feels very lonely (a long description of life). I am old, wearing a floral print, sitting on a rocking chair. A snake came and coiled on my feet. I think snake will bite me. I get faint then and there. My sister’s son came and picked me carrying to the hospital. I am in bed in hospital having acute chest pain. I think I am having a heart attack. I am dead. My sister is near me. Lesson Learnt: One must have own family. In LBL- guidance from the master: Be positive More love u give same amount you receive I am moving from the light. Now I am in my mothers’ womb. She eats a lot of sweets and apples. I am being born. My mother is asking doctors whether I am having all the toes or not. She is happy to see me. I am happy. Re-Orientation: I am feeling light. I felt tons of weight is lifted from my chest. I love floral prints and I used to tell my mother that one day I’ll visit Ireland. I am very fearful in this life that I’ll be alone in life, hopefully release this part. Snake was really coiled on leg but he wasn’t poisonous.
I got a heart attack due to fear. After my
mom’s death I was behaving differently. I hope my mother will rest in peace
Discussion after 1 month: There is no cry, no anger, not feeling low, no dream of snake, no burden on chest. I am sleeping good, physically energetic, improved memory; I am engaged, getting married next month. I am confident that I have a happy life ahead. Past Life Regression is a wonderful Therapy. I thank Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi to bring so much positive changes in my life. |
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Monday, 12 August 2013
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Dr. Vandana
Director Energy Healing Guidance Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist, Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer. Chandigarh India.
Past life regression & hypnotherapy:
Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions, past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from master. LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, cleansing of present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression, SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy. As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and disconnection of disharmony cords.
Reiki Teaching and Reiki Healing:
Teaching Reiki Level 1,2,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki), Mastership, Grand mastership magnified healing, Dowsing, EFT (Emotional Release Therapy)
Pranic Healing:
Successfully doing Aura cleansing, chakra balancing, endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc. |
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
past life regression therapist in mohal, india
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The last
session i underwent with Dr.Vandana was about 3 months ago , last 15 days i
started to feel that i needed another session to be able to seek forgiveness
and also forgive the souls that i had encountered.
I met
Dr.Vandana with a blank state of mind, detached and told here even if i can
recognize true love i am either in denial of the feeling or it just does not
matter .......anyways after a lengthy consultation session i took an
appointment and just before the session , about 2 days before if i am precise i
started to feel that i was coming close to know the biggest secret of my life
and i wld be able to clear the path to my current life’s purpose.
When i met
Dr.Vandana for my session i told her my state of mind and she made me meditate and
did the cleansing After in a semi hypnotized state i reached the bed where i
was taken to a deep trans ...
It was a
beautiful garden and i was a female soul, waiting in a beautiful garden in my
red jacket waiting for someone..........day passed and by evening and before
dark i realized that he would never turn up so i went home, a wooden home with
yellow light in a forest with no neighbourhood in sight.........i knew i had to
have my food alone as my family was upset with me.
asked my to see around and see how many people are there in my family, i could
see mom who happens to be my mother in current life, my father and a brother
who was 10 years younger. Dr asked me to move forward in time and try and see
what happens next , what i saw was i ate alone at supper and went to bed, i had
a modest but very warm family, dad was alot elder to mom, 20 years elder.
When Dr
asked me to move ahead in time i realized that everyone in my family had duties
to complete during the day so we never had lunch together, at this point Dr.
Vanadana asked me who i was waiting for in teh garden , , he was my love and
was supposed to purpose me that day, a young tall man who was in his mid
thirties, very well dressed with brown hair..........He was different from us ,
a person of status and had too many conditions for marriage , he was proud with
a tall ego and that had stopped him that day from purposing me.
The next i
saw myself was that i was travelling , i boarded a big ship and was waving
goodbye at my family, i left Canada for good and i knew i wld never come back.
I reached a place much more crowded than my native place , it was a European
country but i could not recognize the place, i stayed in a very small and dirty
place where mostly single women stayed, i was cleaning all the time and i
suppose that was my mode of income and suddenly i felt heavy , i was pregnant
and had a bump. I gave birth to a son in my room with the help of some women in
the building and i loved my son...............i was very contented and
continued working. Dr.Vandana asked if ever my family visited me and my reply
was no , i mentioned a few times that i was very contented and i was in fact
very surprised that i never missed home. Dr.Vandana asked me if there was any
communication with family and i mentioned that i used to write to them
initially but later i stopped. My son was growing and i was very happy. Dr
asked me if i ever married and i said no and when she asked me how i looked i
answered i was tall , very fair and pretty but tried to stay indoors and lower
my looks so that i do not get noticed by men......... i wanted to avoid them.
Next event
was that the father of my son and me were sitting across the table, he had
found me , he had come to take me back but i refused to go with him, i did not
tell him about his son and this was his punishment and my revenge. I did not
forgive him.
The next was
when my son was getting married to this woman i did not find very pretty and
did not like who happens to be my younger sister in law in my current life ,
now i had my own little place to stay which was clean and i no more cleaned
houses. My son was blessed with a baby boy and i realized my daughter in law
was keeping my son happy and was a good mother so i started to like her. Every
Sunday they would come to visit me. It was one of those Sundays while waiting
for my son and his family i died on the chair .............after 15 minutes
they arrived and i could see my son restless running up and down , upset and
daughter in law holding my hand and crying and my grand child just observing.
At this
point Dr.Vandana asked me to see what happened to that man and i told her that
he had written me a letter and seeked forgiveness but i threw the letter in the
bin and never replied so she asked me to go to him before his death and forgive
him , i reached that moment , he was parallized and lying on death bed, i forgave
him and told him that he shld have not put his pride above love and i also
seeked forgiveness for not telling him about his son............once i felt the
process was complete then Dr. Vnadana asked me to disconnect the cord which
appeared a bright white cord connecting our head but when i tried to disconnect
it became a grey cloud. DR healed the grey cloud with the help of divine light
(her technique) and then i disconnected however the soul still wanted to finish
another un finished task..........i went home , explained my mother why i never
wrote back and asked for forgiveness, then met my brother and apologized that i
cld not be a good sister and be with him when he needed me the most and once i
was done i moved easily up , at a very high speed.
When i was
forgiving my lover i realized he was my dad in current life.............
After i
reached the white light i knew i am to rest there for 10 years , Dr asked if i
cld see any soulmate and there they were again , all of them , reading writing
and lost in their scholar word again......i saw the same soul mate again , who
was younger and had conveyed to me that no matter where i go i wld be re united
with him again, with Dr vandana’s guidance i asked him a question that what are
you writing and he showed me his book , it was written “ u wld be mine”, then
he hel my hand and tried to push me towards himself so that i could join him,
DR told me to ask how wld i know him and he replied he would push me on his own
and it felt as if the time to meet him was very close now.
At this
point Dr asked me if i could see the master and yes he was there right behind
me , waiting lovingly for my conversation to finish and i turned around and
asked him that i know i am here for a purpose and i know i am very close to
that purpose , when is it ? when is the time and he gave me a very clear date
After that
he surrounded me and gave me blessings, initially we both were of same colour
and material silverfish but after the master soul embraced me and patted me on
forehead with his blessings we both became translucent , so pure i was ,
crystal clear and i stayed in that state of abundance blessing to my full....
contented, blessed and light...........IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL FEELING !
I had
recognized my soul mate but i was in denial ............he was my best
friend............OH!! by the way my grave read Rose-1857 and i died in Italy.
“ The lesson
i learnt was that one needs to be responsible for his own actions and be
contented “
After this
moment i told Dr.vandana that i was ready to come back…and wanted to know why
my father always left me…..she use a different technique and guided me to the
past life which has its root cause … and suddenly…..i reached to my anpther
past life… i was in Greece , a desserted village, everyone had died , i had
come back to check for something............Dr .Vandana asked me to go to an
important event and i saw that i was 14/15 years old , eldest son and had 2
brothers( Both my brothers in current life), it was in 1600 yrs..........we
were extremely poor. I saw my brothers eating and when Dr.asked why aren’t you
eating i said i was elder and had to wait for them to finish as there was never
enough food, mother was like a shadow , she really did not existed it seemed,
father was always unstable and drunk , he was addicted to alcohol and he was always lying around with a bottle
in his hand.............
When i saw
myself first in this life i had come back looking for something , plague had
killed everyone but my father had died of hunger , at this moment i started
hauling and was continuously crying ............i said i left my father to
die...in hunger.......I had taken my brothers away, as i could only either feed
them or buy alcohol for my father so as
a kid i had taken my bothers away and now that i could afford my father i had
come back for him but i knew that he died long before plague hit the village
and of hunger and my soul was so guilty............my father happened to be my
father from the current life again , the next significant event in this life
was my death, i was a respected man , kept in coffin which my younger brothers
carried to grave yard............many people were around, i had never married
in this life either.............i died a beautiful respectful death and my
brothers were doing well ..............so here once again Dr.Vandana asked me
to seek my father’s forgiveness which i did however i wanted to make him aware
that he needs to be a responsible soul, he cant carry on leaving his children
life after life so i spoke to him, made him understand and then forgave him and
also asked for his forgiveness and it is only after i finished this
responsibility i could go to rest .............this time after i rested
Dr.Vandana helped me progress to future and i saw a beautiful even however wld
not be able to share the same on this platform.............
I had a
beautiful experience and the lesson i learnt was “ sometimes the best decisions
are not necessarily the right ones and while taking a decision one should always
involve both heart and mind and not always practical decisions are the best
ones for our soul journey.
Thank you
Dr.Vandana for such an amazing experience..........
Thanks once
again .................Your therapy and patience during the consultations has
always made me so welcomed and comfortable ...........Alot has changed in my
life and you have helped me live better.
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