Tuesday 12 February 2013


n  Swine influenza originates in pigs.
n  A new strain of Influenza A (H1N1) first identified in Mexico in April 2009.
n  H1N1 virus is  0.2 micron particle size and survives for 24 hrs on surfaces.
n  Highly contagious by touch and breath.
n  Global spread and declared Pandemic.
n  Millions of people died because of a Flu Pandemic , spread in 1918,1957 and 1968 in the last century.

n  Swine flu virus spreads in similar way as the ordinary cold and flu viruses spread.
n  Millions of tiny droplets containing Virus come out of the nose and mouth when one coughs or sneezes.
n  Droplets typically spread about one meter (3ft) & remain suspended in the air for a while and then land on surfaces, where the virus survives for up to 24 hours.
n  Anyone who touches these surfaces spreads the virus further on by touching anything else.
n  Everyday items at home and in public places may have traces of the virus. These include food, door handles, the remote control, hand rails and computer keyboards.
n  People get infected by picking up the virus on their hands from contaminated objects/surfaces and then placing hands near their mouth or nose. It is also possible to breathe in the virus if it is suspended in airborne droplets.

n  Frequent travelers.
n  People in crowded areas.
n  Pregnant women .
n  People aged 65 years and older
n  Young children under 10 years old.
n  People suffering from the following illnesses
Ø  Chronic lung disease
Ø  Chronic heart disease
Ø  Chronic kidney disease
Ø  Chronic liver disease
Ø  Chronic neurological disease
Ø  Immuno-suppression
Ø  Diabetes mellitus

n  Fever or a High grade temperature (over 38°C / 100.4°F)
n  Two or more of the following symptoms:
q  Unusual tiredness
q  Headache
q  Running nose
q  Sore throat and lethargic
q  Shortness of breath or cough
q  Loss of appetite and nausea
q  Aching muscles & joints
q  Diarrhea or vomiting
q  Weakness and fatigue

q  Secondary Bacterial Chest infection, such as Bronchitis.
q  Pneumonia.
q  Tonsillitis,
q  Otitis media (a build-up of fluid in the ear),
q  Septic shock (infection of the blood that causes a severe drop in blood pressure),
q  Meningitis (infection in the brain and spinal cord), and
q  Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

n  Diagnostic blood test available in PGIMER and Govt. Hospital.
n  Consult Doctor if you have fever along with two or more of the symptoms mentioned earlier.
n  Stay at home and check your temperature regularly.
n  Use separate thermometer.
n  For fever – Tablet Paracetamol.
q  To reduce temperature and help relieve symptoms.
q  Children under 16 must not be given aspirin or ready-made flu remedies containing aspirin.
n  Isolation, take lots of rest and plenty of liquids.

n  Antiviral – Tamiflu under Medical Supervision.
q  reduces the period of illness by around one day,
q  relieves some of the symptoms, and
q  reduces the potential for serious complications such as pneumonia.
n  Antibiotics –Under Medical Supervision.
q  combats bacterial infections such as pneumonia
q  reduces the length of Hospitalisation.
n  Vaccination –  available in England from Oct’ 2009
q  People aged between six months and over who usually get the seasonal flu jab.
q  All pregnant women.
People who live with persons whose immune systems are compromised, such as cancer patients or people with HIV/AIDS
q  Prevent the flu virus from reproducing.
q  Highly effective if taken within 48 hours after symptoms appear.
n  Adverse reactions to Tamiflu
q  nausea
q  vomiting
q  diarrhea
q  stomach ache
q  Headache
n  Even if you do feel these symptoms it is important that those prescribed antiviral medicine complete the course, even if symptoms of swine flu clear and you start to feel better quickly

q  Pandemrix
q  By GlaxoSmithKline
q  Not suitable for people with anaphylactic reaction to egg.
q  Celvapan
q  By Baxter.
Available in England since Oct’2009

n  Maintain Good hygiene.
q  Wash hands regularly with soap and water,
q  Regular cleaning of surfaces to get rid of germs,
q  Use tissues to cover mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.
q  Put used tissues in a dustbin as soon as possible.
n  Maintain a 3 ft distance ( 1 meter) while talking.
n  Take enough sleep daily so that your body is not overtired.
n  Take liquids at regular intervals to keep yourself hydrated.
n  Take a regular and a balanced diet along with fruits , almonds and green vegetables.

n  Tulsi
n  Giloya
n  Amla
n  Kali Mirch
n  Colostrums
n  Routine mask arrests particle of 0.5 micron size. Cost Rs.5/-,
n  N90 mask arrests particle of 0.2 micron size. Cost Rs.90/-,