Wednesday 26 December 2012


15th Life:

After doing 14 regressions and knowing more than I had ever expected about life I have been always wondering that the universal laws are so simple almost like a basic accounted or mathematic calculation, yet we abuse them so much that the very simple laws make our own life and our soul a journey so complicated.
I am very happy with my findings through these regressions and a lot in my life and in my approach to life has changed however I know I still need to know much more, rectify much more in order to put back my plan together .I decided to go for another regression, wanted to know the route cause of failed associations, whether in professional life or personal life.............I am not quite sure how I can relate what I am going to write below to my question but I know there would be a connection. Maybe it is too fresh for me to be able to reconnect but like any other regression the result would start to manifest in about 40 days ...........
The session started with a deep cleansing of my chakras and aura , I was asked to watch myself to ensure the cleansing is thourough.Then I was asked to sit on a bench , there was something strange, the coulor of what I was wearing was changing to bluish black and brown again and again and I cld not identify which one was me , then I was asked to look into the mirror and say what I see, I saw a very strange figure, like one of those we used to see in cartoon programs such as snow white, the magician in those, she was wearing a bluish black robe and has a stick, it was very scary but I knew it was not me, the figure had long black hair and I could easily recognize who she was, one of my very close friends.....................When Dr.Vandana asked for healing energies to take over what was happening , I saw that figure like a full body mask, a shield which got detached and went away to the universe ...............It was the first time I was experiencing something like that , after that body mask was removed I could see myself, I felt a lot lighter but there were still some attachments to my right knee and right leg and some attachments on the shoulder. It took a few minutes for the whole body to normalize and I was feeling the jerk in my right leg which was very strong and beyond control.
The cleansing was so intense that I had to be brought back to a state of low Trans in order to be able to drink water and regain energy.
Once the cleansing was completed the regression started , I was being guided by the white light travelling through a dense forest , think dense forest in the mountains, I reached a religious place, a mosque , the structure was in white .when I reached the mosques it was noon and there were men praying ( Namaaz). I was there on an assignment, maybe a documentary or some research, I was a white woman in my early twenties. I was asked to see where I was the next day or same night and I saw myself hiding under a shelf , waiting to run away from a man who had a turban , beard but had no moustaches. I knew I was in Afghanistan. I saw that the next day I had ran away and I was lost in a place of low dry mountains, the next scene was that I was held captured by some men , one of them was the guy I had seen in that mosque.
My subconscious was trying to avoid what had happened but eventually I had to acknowledge it, I was being held captive for a few months , raped by few men , my hands were tied , I was asking for my death every minute. It was a strange feeling, I had the body but there was no soul , or maybe my soul was numb, I felt I am alive yet dead. I was mentally physically and emotionally numb, I wld not even feel the physical pain, the cold , hunger anymore.
I had a glimpse of my childhood too, unlike my other lives I grew up in a loving family , I grew up with no major event , it was this job and the assignment that was the major incident in my life, I was happy and ready to explore and when I was saying bye to my family I saw a young man who perhaps I loved but I told myself I would be with him when I come back, I would have time enough. I had kept myself and my career above love and family , the same thing I have done in this life too .
Next was my death scene, my soul just wanted to get over with this life, a taxing life indeed. I saw that I had managed to loosen up the ropes around my wrist , managed to snatch away the dagger from the beard man’s waist and stabbed myself in chest (not heart) and my stomach, I died after few days due to the wounds and infection, lonely painful death.
They left my body there . My soul travelled to the white light but it was in shape of the body, it was not merging with my subconscious, it took a few minutes to merge into the white light, I knew I had to rest there for 50 years.
My master light was there waiting for me, he nodded on my action to end my life which is another strange thing as suicide is not acceptable in spirituality, but somehow I was being sympathetic too and was given the impression I did that to save my honour and it was the correct thing to do. After sufficient rest in white light I met my master soul and he blessed me with strength for a very long time, after I have recognized my master light I meet him in different way and the light is different colour too. I next saw my soulmate , standing there helpless and wanting me to join him , but the master soul was not allowing me, he told me it is him who has to take the initiation and it is his time ....He needs to be strong! He gave me an impression that if I make any move , the master would be very upset with me. Somehow my soulmate understood the message too and started smiling reassuring that he has understood. I wanted to rest again , so I went back to the white light and rested there and then I asked to be brought back.
The lesson I learnt that being fearless and independent is good but one needs to be cautious too, I also learnt being ambitious and loving one’s career or choices good but family , love and relationships should be given priority.
One of my biggest fear in this life has been losing my mom or family members when I am not with them and now I know where that comes from , I also have feared dying a lonely death which has been a repeated pattern in my soul journey and I need to release this block. The connection to my present life is that even in this life I have been keeping family and love on hold thinking I have enough time to go back to them but the truth is family and love is to be our highest priority , life needs to be balanced , one should draw a line for everything and one should give time to all 3- 4 important life components........................I can very well connect this life to my present life.
Thank you Dr.Vandana for you invaluable help , guidance and support...I should go now, have so much to do to get my family together and make my soulmate to take the step...Good luck to all!!