Tuesday 27 November 2018

Inward journey and higher consciousness

Inward journey and higher consciousness

Swami Vivekananda said “Bring your own lotus to blossom; the bees will come themselves. Believe first in yourself and then in GOD”

An individual’s quest for and acquiring knowledge about self has no barriers via his/her inward journey. The person has to travel alone but must not feel lonely. The prana, the vital energy, of the person who discharges his duties with purity of mind & heart, restraint of senses, passions & desires, lives free from the attachment to materialistic objects and ego awakens the knowledge of self’s  subtle energy field (human aura). The awakening of kundalini results gaining higher consciousness.

Saturday 24 November 2018

Reiki Healer Course

For Reiki Healer Course: Contact Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi  M-9872880634

Reiki Level I- (Hands on Healing)
1)  Aura Scanning: (a) Self (b) Others (c) Home/ Office (d) Distance
2) Aura Cleansing & Balancing For: (a) Self (b) Others (c) Home/ Office
3) Disposal of dirty energy
4) Whole body Reiki healing
5) Healing for non living things: at Home/ Office.
6) Chakra Cleansing & Healing.

Reiki Level II: Distance Healing
1) Attunement for Symbols: (a) To create Energy. (b) To balance/ Harmony (c) To Connect from Distance.
2) Wish box healing
3) Goal achievement healing
4) Healing to your near & dear one if they are in other city.
5) Uses of quartz for self healing
6) Angelic blessing for wish box
7) Reiki symbol Meditation
8) Healing for bringing positive energy in home/ office
9) Reiki healing for pets.
10) How to attract abundance with Reiki.

Reiki Level III Degree with Karuna Reiki:(Master Healer Course)
1) Highest symbol attunement
2) Karuna Reiki symbols
3) Reiki Surgery
4) Quartz Healing
5) Psychic Attack
6) Grid Healing
7) Self Protection Techniques
8) Reiki Meditation with highest Symbol along with family members.
9) Advanced technique of distance healing.
10) Chakra Healing in Detail.

Reiki Mastership:
1) How to do attunement.
2) Special symbols.

Reiki Grand Mastership:
1) Special Symbols
2) More Knowledge on chakra healing
3) Special healing techniques
4) Uses of color Therapy.

Sunday 18 November 2018

Lack motivation, Will/Drive power, assessment of own strengths & weaknesses and suffer from guilt

Lack motivation, Will/Drive power, assessment of own strengths & weaknesses and suffer from guilt

Recharge Manipura Chakra ---Navel/Power Chakra

Located in the upper part of abdomen between rib cage and Navel it emanates light, sound & energy and is the seat of physical & mental well being. Recharging Manipura Chakra enhances motivation, Will/Drive power, do away with guilt consciousness and evaluate one’s strengths & weaknesses. Knowledge and regular practice of Reiki helps clean, nurture & energise Manipura Chakra. Learn Reiki, Contact : Dr Vandana Raghivanshi M-9872880634 

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Attitude - the natural mental & emotional outlook

Attitude --- the natural mental & emotional outlook.
How a person progresses in life solely depends upon one’s attitude. The path chosen and followed to maintain physical & mental health and select/achieve aim/goal in life depends upon one’s attitude. It will make the difference of Sky and Earth whether one’s attitude is built on positives or negatives experienced in one’s journey of life.

The person following the positive thoughts and disciplined lifestyle, despite facing the adverse conditions, always has to walk the longest and difficult path but he/she becomes more stronger and self confident.

The brain controls the body. Physical health influences the brain and health of the brain influences the body. Balance mind and body via regular practice of Yoga, Pranayam, meditation and enjoy perfect physical and mental health.  

Strive to develop positive attitude and live stress free life via positive thinking. Holistically follow:-
Have clarity on own qualities/capabilities.
Maintain and lead disciplined life.
Habit is what keeps you healthy. Maintain good habits.
Follow alternative therapy in health care.
Remain happy under all circumstances.
Keep family ties intact by looking at the positives.
Spend time with family for recreation & relaxation.
Meditate to resolve inner identity crisis.
Make every moment of life a celebration.
Love and carry out profession work enthusiastically and passionately.
Always remain optimistic, face difficulties/ opposition with courage and patience.
Always maintain stress free life style.

Seek help of professional counselor – Contact: 9872880634   

Sunday 11 November 2018

Anahata Chakra - Heart Chakra

Anahata Chakra – Heart Chakra

Anahata Chakra is located behind the heart three steps above muladhara chakra (at the end of spine) and three steps below sahasrara chakra (at the crown of head). It is seat of the dynamic universal life force (vayu-air element) that regulates your feelings, emotions and creative impulse. Balancing heart chakra through Reiki, a form of meditation, helps you focus and convert weakness & inconsistency into freshness and growth inherent in nature. Reiki helps you resonate with universal consciousness for heavenly grace, to transcend the ego-mind & hear your inner voice thus facilitating awareness of your thoughts and flow of infinite love. Learn Reiki to help you Activate your heart chakra to control mind, language, Will power & mood and thus your emotional well being.    

Thursday 8 November 2018

Health is the biggest asset in life

Health is the biggest asset one has.  A disciplined life pattern not only helps in maintaining good health but also increases length of life. It is very important to have good quality as well as longevity of life. Getting up early, having meals at fixed time, having sufficient rest and break from monotonous life are all necessary elements for maintaining good health. Life offers opportunities to own good things, good fortune and good ability to a person. REIKI helps to recognize these opportunities in time. One deserves to know use of Reiki, the positive energy, to climb higher and higher in life. Learn only level one and level two to understand, know and use of Reiki, the universal life force energy, for one’s own growth, well being and happiness.

Contact M-9872880634

Thursday 1 November 2018

Future phobia

Despite being focused, hard working and availing opportunities young generation is always worried about future. They earn well, enjoy materialistic things and good life but live in a fear of down fall in profession. The thought dominates their mind and they stop enjoying what they have at present. Feeling of frustration, difficulty sleep, heavy smoking, alcoholism, tiredness, fights at home, headache, body pains, forgetfulness, loss of hunger, increase in body weight are some of the common symptoms associated with “Future Phobia”.

Reiki healing helps to clean aura and cytoplasm of cells in our body. Energy healing removes emotional pollution around body and mind. Learn Reiki Healing and heal your Chakras to be enthusiastic and smiling that will spread positive vibrations around you.

Contact : 9872880634