Friday 27 July 2018

A very different past life regression session. A highly educated 28 yr old person said Dr Vandana why there is so much pain inside me ? I am never happy. I feel disconnect from the family. There is fear of survival. Taking meals is like a duty for me and feel it as waste of time. Session…… It is morning time. I am with an old lady inside a big hall type hut. There is Lot of food and herbs in the hall. People come to take herbal medicine from us. I also learnt the technique to make herbal medicine from the lady. She is very old approx 90 yr & above. Now she is not well and do not talk. Now I prepare medicine. Very few people come to meet us now. I feel very sad. I do not know anyone else (visibly crying). The old lady collected herbs from the jungle and found me there. Now she is no more. I run towards jungle and start living under a tree. Animals are my friends now. A female wolf is my close friend. I stayed there for long time and then I went into another village. I am now 26. I feel I have some power and I do not belong to planet earth. I feel I am different from everybody here. With the knowledge of herbs I help people in this village and get food in exchange. In night I pray. One day during prayer some power came to me and I left planet earth. I reached a different place in space. This place is somewhere in another galaxy. Here people are in the form of energy waves. I found what I was missing. There is a big tree like structure. They are my parents. I enter into that structure and convert into an energy form. I lived there for centuries and felt the peace. Suddenly I started feeling that I left some work unfinished and I have to go again. The wolf is in pain and with dark power. I return back and find the wolf. I took the dark power in my hand and came into the light to my family tree. All energies are giving me light of different colors and dark power converts into white flower. The rainbow rays are emitting from me. White flower got converted into baby wolf. I decided to come back to earth along with the wolf which is white and happy. We are enjoying our time on earth. I have to spend some time on earth then again I will go back. This visit will help me in expansion. In my present life I forgot what mission I came this time for. I want to go back. Guided towards light to her place in galaxy to find the purpose, she learnt that she has to correct the soil of earth with energy. She needs to talk to plants here. She needs to say a prayer. She has to learn to transform the energy of sadness on this earth into happiness. As a therapist I addressed her present life issue with food. Guided her to her another visit on earth planet----------- It is very old time. I live on road. People hurt me. Nobody gives me food. I live like a beggar. I feel very hungry but no one gives me anything to eat. They find me unnatural. Why they send me alone every time (lot of crying). My body is very weak my skin is getting blackish. I learnt that how one feels when one doesn’t get anything. Someone threw a stone and it hit my head. I died very young. My body was thrown down the hill. Guided towards light a blue color light came and gave messages. The blue light told when you will complete 30 years of this form you will meet somebody. This time you are not alone. After few years the energy used in getting transformed will remain in body. You will complete the mission together and live a happy married life. Presence of yellow light is felt. Reorientation…the person felt lightness after the past life regression session. Note.. (As a past life regression therapist I witnessed few more sessions in which the person seems to come from different galaxy. The common finding is they come voluntarily with some mission on earth planet but here they forget it. They all feel disconnect with family and people here. The feeling of lost is also common.)

Sunday 22 July 2018

Past life session.. Complete blankness in life.. My Self is evaporated. I am stuck in my present life, why ? A lady doctor, 36 married came up with the above lines. She did not have cordial relationship with her father since childhood. Husband is a good man and earns well but she couldn’t connect with him. She has feeling of sadness together with anger. Regression: It is 1920. I am a young girl from a well to do family. My father loves me more than my younger brother. I am 6. My father is murdered in front of whole family. Now we shift to a very small place due to scarcity of money. My brother falls into bad company. I am 18. I am married to a 65 year old man for three (3) gold coins (clearly visualized gold coins). The old man has a wife of his age living in a single room far away. Both of them are sick and die within the time span of 6 months after my marriage. I am totally isolated and stuck in the house for the last 15 years. I never come out of the house. After many years my brother comes to meet. I am not able to connect with him. There is an emotional blankness in me. He returned back soon. I die at the age of 34 years after living all alone. I am buried. My brother is there. Everyone left but my brother is still sitting there with head bowed down in agony. It is raining heavily. I feel I am sitting near my brother looking at him. I couldn’t forgive him because he did not stand by me when needed the most. She moved up after a lot of healing. In LBL (Life between Lives): Master light came (orange color) and healed her for a long time. Guidance given was: Have faith, do not get angry and forgive Re-Orientation: I had an intense feeling that I am stuck up at one place for 15 years. Feeling of Self is evaporated in current life corresponds to a long hollow past life. Brother in past life is father at present. She felt disharmony in relationship with father since childhood. After three weeks of PLR session…..The feeling of belonging came within three days…now she has better feelings for her father, not that much hurts now….Within two weeks husband came to take her along. She went happily with him.

Sunday 1 July 2018

Fear and PLR session PLR session of a girl who fears Road! People! Going alone and has unexplained headache. Session……… It is a village. I am little girl of 5 years of age playing in front of my home. I have a brother. My Aye (mother) is cooking food. It is afternoon. I am walking through the rice fields all around. I cross the fields and am going to school. It is evening I am returning from school. A man is following me on the narrow road. I am 12 years of age. I am running into the rice fields. My feet are full of mud. It is very difficult to run. He catches me. I fell and my head hit a stone. He is molesting me. I am crying with pain. There is severe pain in my head also. He is hurting my body. Now he is running away. I am lying in the mud with traumatized body and head injury. I am dead. It is very dark. Baba & Aye along with villagers are searching for me. They found me after a long time. Nobody knows about the man who hurt me. My Aye is crying. They bring my body to the village and cremate me. My last thought was my Baba and Aye. My head was aching severely. My Baba’s name was Babu Ram Gorpare. Lesson learnt…Safety is most important. We were so happy but one man finished everything. Reorientation…… I usually dream someone is following me. Whenever I have this dream, I have severe headache next day. I have so many fears and they all are linked with my past life. And I have a feeling that this was my recent past life.