Monday 26 February 2018

Am I paying for Past Life Deeds. A 29 yr old man told Dr Vandana, I am facing many issues in life I want to go to my past life linked to these issues. I did not wrong anyone, still who so ever comes troubles me. The moment I gain something the very second moment it is lost. Session…. I am sitting near my wife in my home. I am very angry and disturbed. Something has happened. My wife is telling me something. She is giving me water but I am not drinking. I am in my 50s. Now I am standing outside with a boy, who is my son, facing lot of people. Something linked to my son happened. I am trembling with anger. I am telling them we will see you. I told my son let us go from here we will see them. While returning my son is trying to explain something and convince me. He went somewhere. I enter my home. My wife phir se mujhe samjah rahi hai. Now we are taking meal. My son and two of his children are also with us. I am going for my work. I am wearing white clothes. I am entering a big gate. People are wishing me. I am a proud man. I am inside a thread factory. It is my factory. There is not much light inside the factory. Thread is coming and rolling. People are giving color by hands. My factory is not in good working condition. Now I am sitting in my office. It is very big and nice. My manager is coming. He is loyal to me. He told something happened and a worker died in factory. It did not affect me. I told him to settle it himself. My name is Ram Kishan. I am well to do person and do not lack anything. I even own a car, black color and have a driver. I told my driver to go and I am driving my car. I think I have some affair. I went to some other home. I have a child with that woman. I stayed at that home for few hours and returned back to my office. It is night. I am driving. I am crossing fields and reached a small house. There is a bald man. He is giving me very important red stamped paper. I am giving him money. As I sat in the car with papers it seems somebody is hitting. In defense I reversed my car drove over him and left the place. My fore head is hit and blood is oozing out. I reached my home and put those papers in locker. I feel a big job is done. After few years, I send my son with other woman outside the country. My wife died. I started drinking. I do not give importance to my own son. I never take him seriously. I do not teach him anything. My workers give me lot of respect but I do not value them. I am getting older. I feel stuck. I think of the worker who died in the factory. I also feel I grabbed poor people land by deceit. These thoughts now go through my mind off and on. I do not discuss them with anybody. My death came with heart stroke. At the time of death I was thinking I did wrong many people. My mind was very upset. In my dying moment I learnt I should have respected all and should have done right thing.

Sunday 25 February 2018

Past life therapy

The Shadow, Soul Fragmentation & Wall

Subject: A 23 years male, complain of Panic attack causing nausea vomiting, anxiety and colitis at the thought of going outside home. Lack of confidence, trembling of Right hand in anxiety & restlessness as if something is to be done. Afraid of having food outside after Jaundice. Death of father when four and a half year old.


In Scanning, Right hand indicated a black shadow, a personification-not ready to answer anything. Shadow is counseled and is now ready to go. It is released into white light.  

I am an old man walking along a waterfall. All of a sudden I fall and am dead. People bury me. I am moving up looking like a small brown bird. Now I sit on a tree. I have to do some work at home. (Help of divine light given). I finish my work. I move ahead in the form of a light going towards big light.

(Silence).............long pause............ I am a 5 year school boy going home in rickshaw. My parents are waiting for me at home. I talk to my father. We are happy. The process, going school, coming back home and talking to father, continue till 12th class. We are happy. [Healing (Soak happiness and confidence within) is done.  I am happy.

I am standing and watching a big wall. I am about 18 or 19. There is nothing around the wall. [Healing is done] The Wall is falling and I am going up. I am climbing bright white stairs.  There is no land under my feet. I am changing into a light and merge into big white light. It seems I rest in white light for quite some time.


1)    I felt a large shadow left my whole right hand and went up.
2)   There is a very big wall opposite the front gate of our home.
3)   I can’t imagine when I saw my father. Talked to him. I lived my school life with my father.
After 20 days

1)    I am confident when I go out. No panic attacks
2)   Right hand trembling reduced 70%.
3)   I feel myself more within

Thursday 22 February 2018

An Interesting PLR Session A 32 yrs male with complain of acidity, gas, physical restlessness, phobia and constant fear for life came for Past life regression. A brown cloud inside stomach found on Scanning. It is Poison. Session……. 1st Life: I am a 3 year old Prince sitting in a room in the Palace on fire. I am alone here for a quite long time. Soldiers are rescuing and taking me to the King and Queen. I grew up in Forest. I rebuilt an army of soldiers and conquer back my Palace. I am old, sick and physically weak. I do not like it and decide to end life. I drink a bowl full of poison. The Poison enters runs down my up to the stomach with a burning sensation inside. I am dead. I am going up into the white light. On the way the white light tells him that it is not done. Only few years of my life were left life then why did I end my life. I am living in this white light for 15 years now. I am healed and very much at peace. Many lights rest there. I am now being informed to go back. I am coming down. 2nd Life: There are too many snakes, some big ones. I am an egg of the snake. Snakes are eating their eggs. Somehow my egg-shell falls off sideways. The shell breaks and I come out. I roam around in forest. As time passes, I grow up into a big snake of green color. I roam around here and there and eat small frogs. Suddenly a vulture comes out of nowhere and picks me up. The Vulture then bites and eats me up fully. (Subject started moving his body like a snake on the Reclining Chair). I am dead now. It was a short term life. I am going up. This time I am a bit bigger Light. The Lights on the way give a Loud Round of Appraisal to me for my survival which is as equivalent to a student excelling in an Exam with First Class Marks. I am entering into Big Light now. It is very peaceful, quiet and calm. I don’t want to come back from this tranquil. I am happy and feeling quietness within.

Monday 19 February 2018

Surrogate Past life Regression.... Issue – Brother wanted to marry girl in relation for last 7 yrs. But parents are not ready as they want him to first get settled in life. He left studies after higher secondary and wanted to start construction business. Father, a retired person, has limited resources and is also not well so cannot help him. He wants him to go abroad, be independent and then get married. But girl's parents are continuously pressurizing for marriage. All this made my brother start blaming parents that he is not able to earn and get married because of them. He started misbehaving with parents and used to threaten them that he will commit suicide. Dr. Vandana suggested me to take a surrogate past life regression for my brother. Session…. It is 18th century England. I am a young 5 years old with curly hair (same as he is having in his present life). I am called Sam. I am happy. I am playing with a ball with my sister. She fights [similar fights we had in our childhood in the current life also] and slaps me. (crying). I am sitting on table having dinner with father (same father in present life) and am happy. My father loves me a lot. I am now 12 or 13 years, sitting on a wooden swing with a girl [girlfriend in current life also] and holding her hand. We are in love. I am pleading with my girl's parents to let me meet her. I wanted to marry her. They do not allow as they want me to bring money from home. They tell me they will marry their daughter to me only when I will bring them money. They are greedy. I steal money and jewelry from home and give it to girl's parents but they want me to bring more. They do not allow me to meet her (in present life also he used to lie about his own needs and take money from mother to buy expensive gifts for his girlfriend). I start remaining depressed. My mother made lot of efforts to make me understand that they are not good people and I should forget about girl as we don't have the amount of money they are asking for but I am adamant that I will only marry that girl. I go to girl house daily and beg her parents but they didn't say yes to my proposal. After sometime they married their daughter to some rich man and girl is also happy with her husband. I am 17 years, severely depressed and sitting on a chair. Suddenly, I get up from chair and go towards wooden Almira. I open it, pick up the revolver and shoot myself in right side of forehead (in present life also he use to have severe headache on right side). I am lying in a pool of blood in my mother's lap (mother in present life also). I am a married woman. My husband [girlfriend in the present life] is hitting me with a wooden stick as I didn't bring dowry. My husband has left me and started living with another woman. I cannot bear this and end my life by jumping in a river. Healing done to release suicidal tendencies which existed in both past lives [in present life also my brother use to threaten parents for ending life himself]. In light, guidance came that he should go abroad. Feedback: My brother has ended his relationship with the girl. Now he understands that his parents were right, respects them more. He has moved abroad now. I am so grateful to Dr. Vandana. Her work helped my brother and our family from massive troubles.


Sunday 18 February 2018

Claustrophobia and Past life link A 25 year old girl, struggling with fear since childhood, came for Past Life Regression. She said, Dr.Vandana, this claustrophobia upsets me so I want to know about my past life. PLR Session…. I am a beautiful girl with golden hair. I am the only child of my parents. They are rich and own a big estate. Many people work in our estate. I am 19 and riding a horse all alone. I reach a forest a little far away from our estate. I stop my horse as I feel someone is following me from behind. I look back and see a couple on a horse. They work in our estate. I step down as I think my parents have sent them after me. They step down and suddenly the man masked my face with a cloth. The woman tied my hands. They now tie me to the back of the horse and the man rides it. The woman took my horse. I shout leave me! leave me! After some time they reach an isolated place. There is pin drop silence around. I am in a very small closed room. The woman untied my hands and removed the mask. The woman is very fat and ugly. The room has an earthen floor. There is no window but has a small ventilator near the roof. The room is dark. The woman tells me that I will be released when my parents will give them lot of money and jewels. They locked the room from outside and left. I do not hear any sound. There is frightening silence. I am very afraid. It is such a small closed place that I feel suffocated. The plate of food is slipped inside from the gap at the bottom of the door. There is not much light so I cannot see what it is. It is tasteless staple food and very difficult to eat. They come after a very long time, open the door and enter the room. The man stands at the door. The woman shouts at me, beats me and rubs sand on my face. It seems they are not able to get money from my parents. Her behavior is getting horrible as time passes. I am getting weak day by day. I have not seen sun & felt air for a long time. I do not know how many days, months and years have passed. I do not have any orientation of time. I am skin thin but alive. It feels they came after a very long time. Woman is very angry and scratches my face and lips with her hands. Suddenly I felt too much anger and bit her hand. She holds me by my hair and smashes my head on the wall. I am dead. My last thought was that if only I could have breathed in fresh air. This was some European country. Reorientation….. She said the impression of the life lived in a very small closed room is with me from very early age. The closed places like movie halls, lifts, even the small washrooms suffocate me and make me panic. I feel that reliving the traumatic life helped me release those memories of the past, carried by me in this life, because now I feel that an unknown burden and fear from mind is lifted. Past is over, past is released. I am grateful and thank you Dr Vandana.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Past Life Session.... I am a strong built man standing and looking at a big White house with tree lined lawn. I am a landlord, owner of land and a big fruit garden. I am looking for someone but no one is there in the balcony. I am alone but not sad. There is a lady who wants to run away from me but do not know where to go. (deep breathing and cry). I am quiet and do not speak as I have nothing to say. She now leaves. A lady is standing in the door, looking and calling at me. I am sitting and taking food served in a golden plate. I have everything and am at peace but I still miss something. I am sitting on the edge of a big pool of water lined all around with blue stone with my feet inside the water. There are people in the fields who are going away from me. A group of 3 to 4 children, wearing blue dress, are also going but I do not know where. I am wearing white Dhoti, a gold belt around my waist and gold bracelet in my wrists and walking down the path along the fields. People working in the fields are saluting me. A small beautiful girl is there and is pulling me towards her. The girl shines like gold light floating in the air (lot of crying). The girl is like a Pari. I am happy but alone. I am in a beautiful white palace and looking at it. It is different but it is not mine now. I have left everything. My mother is cunning and manipulative. She is not happy with herself. I fought with everyone and they left me. There is a golden palace but I do not want to go in there. It seems some lady has cursed me for not settling something right which I could have. She is sitting on a big throne and looking at me with hatred. It seems she has some relation with me. She wants to marry me but I refuse to marry as I have lot of responsibility on me. I think I am not worth her. A Divine light protects me and advises me not to marry her. It’s presence along with me makes me at peace and tells me I have to live alone. I am walking behind three children. There is a big beautiful red colored school building by the side of a river. Children climb up the stairs and go inside. I am walking in a banana garden. A man is walking along me with folded hands. There is a tin shed where rat infested rotten cereals are stored. I close its door. The cereals are damaged due to worker’s mistake. I told him it happened because of your karma. I have incurred loss but it does not matter to me. He is crying and sad. I tell him to give his unhappiness to me I will bear it. I left towards the school. I sit on its stairs. A boy comes and starts walking along holding my hand. I do not know why we are walking together. I take care of him. I sleep on a small bed despite having so much. Someone comes, gives food and returns. Something is not good. There is lot of noise. People are fighting over gold earned by me in a hard way. They are showing their true colors. They are my own. I am angry and my head is aching. They are bad people. I do not want to live with them. I want to run away from here and go my own way. A light comes and tells me I had shown the way to you but you did not walk that path. The white light is with me and it loves me a lot and never leaves me. It protects me and helps me correct my mistakes. It wants to take me along but I want to experience life. I am egoistic. I am sitting quiet and meditating with open eyes in a room. There is something wrong with my right foot. I am angry. I am riding a horse and climbing the hill very fast. There is a Devi temple at the peak. It is an ancient Devi temple of 1537 now in a dilapidated condition. Devi is calming me and my anger is subsiding. I am calm now. Here the energy is different. I hold its feet and pray take my ego. It refuses. I had come up to jump. I hit my head at Devi’s feet. I am bleeding from the head. I die at her feet. It is evening time. Last thought was protect me I don’t want such life. I worked hard and earned everything myself. All were selfish and bad. Lesson learnt : I have to let go my Ego.

Saturday 10 February 2018

PLR Session I am in my teens watching a family, an elderly couple, a man and two boys, having dinner somewhere in Rajasthan. I could feel being a member of the family but not a part of them. I am supposed to be sleep on a rug on the kitchen floor but i see myself lying on a bed in a room that belongs to the man of the house. I am in relation with him and we are to get married. I am very happy that i would soon be the woman of the house. Next I realized that i was pregnant. I could not see anything for a while. I was taken for delivery. I watched myself hitting the stomach till i lost the baby. I killed my baby. [visibly started rubbing rigorously right side of stomach]. I started crying as I did not deliver. I was told i could not have a baby. He had lied to me, he would never marry me. I see myself running away from that place. I am carrying all my belongings wrapped in a piece of cloth held under my left arm. I am cleaning the place. Some women, like me, come, talk to British woman, sit down on the floor in the room and study. I used to finish work and stand outside the room trying to see what they do. The English woman eventually allowed me to sit with those women and i also started to study. I am wearing a nice Sari and teaching poor women. I do not try to lower my look any more. I do not avoid men any more, meet and talk to them. I do not look unkept and ugly any more. They respected me. I could connect the respect with teaching. I was overjoyed. (my looks do matter to me a lot and of course in this life too). I am 35 and run a school for Kids. I stay in a house within the school premises. I always wear a Sari and tie my hair in a bun. There was no man in my life. Around the age of 38, i met a man who was very well dressed and wore a hat. I felt attracted to him but something inside me told to stay away. We met at a function at the school. We met again after few months but i decided to stop meeting him. It was not good for me though i knew i was attracted to him more than he was to me. I see myself travelling to England. I went to meet the English lady and thank her. [She is my mother in current life]. She was very old yet graceful. She was very happy to see me grow as a person. I thanked her. It was very fulfilling to meet her again and share my story. A young English woman came back along with me. I enjoyed her teaching style and it made our school different from others. I had to learn so much from her. I see myself at a place. There were only women wearing white clothes. There was a teacher who would teach them yoga. The centre was in a place in the hills. It said Yoga but we never did yoga. We used to do meditations. I am 60. I am reading about the soul and trying to purify my soul. I also teach the meditation technique to other women in that centre. The name of centre is Raj Yoga. I was wondering that we all are women here and why would the name of our centre be Raj Yoga.[there is a Raj Yoga centre for women in Rajasthan which is for Brahma Kumaris] I am 65 and have given the charge of the school to the English young lady. I would only supervise. I started preparing to go through long meditations, reading, searching about Soul and purifying my soul. It is early morning. I woke up and had a bath, wore pure white new clothes. I died peacefully. I moved up very fast and reached a place of absolute calmness. Master light blessed me and I was filled with peace, calmness and joy. I was called Urma....It was 18th century. How to describe this life and I would say : LEARNING.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Uncontrolled Repetitive negative thoughts??? The mind is like a butterfly that flies from one flower to another, never standing still. Sometimes you face a constant repetitive negative thoughts pattern. Counselling and therapy session can help you to overcome from this.

Past life regression session with LBL Session story

Past Life Story:

I faced lot of issues and problems since the age of 5 and life only got tougher and more complicated with time. At 17 when everyone is at his/her best time, enjoying life and making more friends, for me real struggle for life started. Differences with my father cropped up, as I would not approve of perceived injustice, that lead to financial struggle and a lot more. My never ending life surprises continued that would take me by another blow. The most difficult experience of my life was to leave two of my closest loved ones.  It was a major unavoidable change in my life. The feeling that I had done absolutely nothing to deserve this life brought me to the verge of a breakdown. It is at this time I met Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi to know “Why did I have such a difficult life”.


It is a grey coloured room, the walls & even the floor has grey stones. I am a 1 year old girl playing with small handmade dolls. A tall dark man, who is my father in present life also, picked me up and is playing with me.  I feel am being held by a stranger as it is the first time i am seeing him. He is my father.

My mother wearing black clothes came and is asking my father to leave as she did not want to see him ever again. They are arguing. I am crying and crawling looking for a safe place. She is upset because he had disappeared before i was born and never bothered to come back and look after us. My mother had to work hard to be able to take care of me and her father.  She had lost her mother to whom she was attached the most.

I am 19 and choose to be a Nun in the Church.  I am very devoted. At the age of 35 I am recognized and called Mother Ann.

It is St. Mary’s Church somewhere in Romania. My mother came to see me. She needed me as she was alone now but I was very detached. I felt I belonged to the church and had to serve Jesus.

She came second time to see me. She is crying and begging me to come and live with her. I felt no emotions as I am totally detached. I refuse to go with her.

I am saying prayers at the burial of my mother.  I am shaken, my belief in myself and what i am doing is shaken.  I am finding it difficult to finish the prayers but i do complete the prayer as everyone there is looking up to me. I am their mentor, their role model. I realise that service to family and loved ones is our foremost duty even more important than serving Jesus.

I am 82 and unwell and young nuns are taking care of me. I feel end of my life has come. I get up from bed and leave my room. I go to the main hall. I bow and then kneel down for prayer. I seek forgiveness for my behaviour with my mother. I pray till last moment. I feel my soul leaving my body exiting from my crown.

I wait there for the nuns, who come for preparing the hall for morning prayers, to discover my body. I am buried in the same Church and my name read Mother Ann ( Anna Krista).

I wanted to meet my mother and seek her forgiveness before moving up. I went to her but she was too upset with me. She was not ready to listen. It felt as if she said I have forgiven you but “don’t you think it’s that easy and I can forget it”, she hugged me and gave me a half smile but I had to move. I could not wait anymore.

I reached the bright white light very fast, i did not want to rest and was ready for my next assignment. I saw Master soul looking at me with a smile, a smile like that of a parent when he sees his child impatient for the game.


I went to the Master soul for blessings, I am blessed, I was asked to see my planning chart and look around if there is a counsellor  table, i saw it , i knew that was my present life chart but i was still getting blessings, it was such a peaceful experience, it felt great .I sat there and i saw my chart, i saw my parents on the left corner above the chart, it felt as if their role had come to an end with this life and they were about to exit my life pattern.

I saw my ex husband and two more men who have had a very major role in my life, my husband was smiling and the other two people, one was confused as to why did he have to be even there and the third man who has had a very major role in my life both good and bad he was looking at me as if he wanted some answers and he was still hopeful that i may consider his role.

After seeing all these i was looking for my soul mate and the rest of soul mates but i saw no one and i went back to the Master soul, i kneeled down with my hands folded and i asked him why did i choose such a difficult life, at this time i burst out into tears and i could not stop, he replied that you did not choose your chart, you told me what you wanted and i chose your chart for you.  I looked at him and asked him then why did you make me suffer so much, i was begging him, he knew i was having no more strength, and i was giving up, he said : “ YOU WANTED TO BE WITH YOUR SOULMATE SO YOU HAD TO LEARN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, YOU WANTED TO BE ON A HIGHER PLANE AND EVOLVE SO YOU HAD TO CLEAR ALL YOUR KARMAS, YOU WANTED TO BE ON A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY AND BE A HEALER SO YOU HAD TO LEARN PATIENCE”, that is why i chose this chart for you.

I stopped crying at this moment and asked him if my chart could be changed as I could no more go on like this, i told him i had no energy, i could not bear anymore pain and he told me he won’t change the chart, he told me you are very close to your life purpose and to have all that you have asked for so i won’t change your chart, the difficult part is over and the life you wanted is to begin and i can’t let you go through all these in another life, you need to complete all your exams and start the life you have asked for and that is very near, You cannot give up.

I started crying again and went back to my chart and this time i saw two of my soul mates, my brother and my soul mate, i realised my brother was there for my support and the time of being with soul mate was very close, i saw a date there. Then i was looking for a date for my healing clinic and other wishes i had and i saw a date for next year for my healing clinic too.

I went back to the Master soul to ask if i was meant to be healer then why is it that there are still issues and i have to wait another year, and i saw myself again at the counselor table, i knew it was because i needed to learn patience, to  be more grateful and also got the impression that i have been having a tendency to forget my lessons from previous lives so it was to ensure that before i was a healer with such a huge responsibility i had learnt all the lessons and i would remember them all and actually would be fit to be a good healer who could carry such a responsibility. I saw the third man on the right hand side of my chart next two the other two and realised his role in my life was to make me meet my soul mate and his role has now come to an end, Dr.Vandana asked me if i need to clear any more issues with him but he had become too small and i could sense he was of another category and his role had come to an end, he had shrunk and was becoming smaller and smaller.

I went back to the Master soul and told him i needed strength and his blessing to be able to come out of all these tests successfully, he picked me up and took me to his heart and blessed me with DIVINE LIGHT, DIVINE LOVE, DIVINE WISDOM,DIVINE SUPPORT , DIVINE GUIDANCE AND DIVINE PROTECTION & then i kneeled down to thank him while he continued to bless me, at this time i saw another soul mate of mine, a very dear person in my present life, the master soul blessed her, she was wearing a Golden shawl around her, the same i have seen of Budha in some pictures, master soul blessed her and took her under his arms and gave her blessings and gave me the impression that all that had to happen would happen through her and that i was in safe hands.

Master Soul blessed both of us and then it was time to come back.

It was an elaborate “Life between Life (LBL) session”. The blissful feeling was beyond imagination and out of this world. I could feel the strength within me, the hope and the purpose.

Dr Vandana I am grateful for such an amazing experience.


I had an easy life, it had no purpose, I became a Nun and served the church because I found  comfort in it, I never went out of my comfort zone to find out if I could do anything else, when I compare this with my present life I realize the connection to this life is that I chose totally opposite life pattern, I would always go for challenges and have been looking for my life purpose , I chose a very difficult life pattern that i have had no time to rest  and have never been at ease.

My past life regression unfolded many connections, many questions were answered and many worries ended and yet I cried, got exhausted and on the verge of giving up. (each soul chooses its life pattern and the people in  life)..

I realized relationships and families were very important in our soul print and maybe this is the reason why one of my fears in this life is losing my mother when i am not around or that of her falling sick and i would not be there to take care of her) .Than T you so much Dr Vandana Raghuvanshi...

Sunday 4 February 2018

Recurrent dreams and Past life link A woman 30 yrs of age came having recurrent dream pattern as if she is suffocating buried in sand & something piercing in the back. She is having allergy and breathlessness issue of and on. Also have fear to be left alone, a lot of attraction, since childhood, towards Royalty and Rajasthan. Recurrent dream of palace with the thought somebody ditched & killed me and I was alive when I was buried. Session………. I am walking on a spiral path and reached an old wooden gate. I entered inside. I am 20 yrs old beautiful girl wearing lehnga. This is a very big place. I am in kitchen area. Many people are taking food. I am not able to eat. I am very upset. I live here. I do not have parents. I am in my room. I have my own room. I am unmarried. I feel like crying. I feel he left me (visibly crying). It is 1872 somewhere in Rajasthan. I am getting ready. I wear a fighter’s attire. I wear a turban. On my left side I have a Sahi kanjar with some logo. Only three of them are there and are only for very important persons. My room is part of a palace. Presently a Queen is in-charge of this palace. I am a trained swords fighter. People do not call me by name and they respect me. I am right hand person of the Queen. There was a boy in this fort. He left. I am feeling very sad. Had he lived here with me it would have been better. Few people in this fort are conspiring to over throw Queen’s regime. I came to know about their conspiracy. The leader of the conspirators is also a powerful person and has a Sahi kanjar like me. As I understand, I am in the security of the queen and every area linked to queen is under my watch & security. I thought about talking to the queen and went inside a room. It is a very big room dotted with carved mirrors all around. I see a big beautiful carved box in one corner of the room. I look at the queen. She is sitting and thinking. I did not talk to her and came back. After few days, at the dinner time, I am walking inside the palace wearing Ghagra and payal. I am not in my fighter’s dress. I do not have my Sahi kanjar with me. Now I am walking towards my room. Few people have set my room on fire and some of them are running towards me. I am running very fast out of the palace. I see few people approaching me on horse. I jumped from the wall of fort to come out of the palace. The area below is full of sand and I fall in the sand. I have pain in my waist and it is very difficult to walk now. Everyone has surrounded me. They are five in number riding horses & talking to each other. One amongst them hit and injured me with a kanjar. I am suffocating (literally whole body started writhing with pain). They left me thinking I am dying. There is too much sand in my mouth, nose, throat &, chest. There is blood on sand from my wound. I am suffocating. I want to breathe (visible breathlessness came up). I am dying with suffocation. I have so much pain in my back. I want to breathe. I am suffocating. I am dead. I died with lot of suffocation and suffering. My last thought was that I was deceived. Lesson learnt that there should be somebody in your life. I was buried in the sand and died very slow death. (Healing done for traumatic body). In light, healed and blessed. Guidance came live without fear. Reorientation…. Doctor Vandana I felt as if I was living in that area in 1872 during whole PLR session. My death sufferings were very real to me. Thank you very much for helping me find answers.