Wednesday 31 January 2018

Obsessive-compulsive disorder People with obsessive-compulsive disorder experience anxiety caused by a persistent obsession or idea. They tend to avoid experiencing anxiety by resorting to repetitive actions or behaviors that prevent anxiety. For example, a person who is obsessed about cleanliness may experience anxiety at the mere sight of a vase placed slightly off-center. To prevent anxiety, he or she will clean & organize everything compulsively or without reason. CDT (Cognitive Drill Therapy) is effective in OCD. Contact us at 09872880634 for CDT session in Chandigarh India

Insecurity and Past life link A 27 yrs. old woman married for last seven yrs. having two kids came to know why I have so much responsibility at such a young age? I faced hormonal disorder. I feel insecure of my all relations. Session…….. I am very young. My father is slapping me. I am very sad. No one likes me. Now I am 20 yrs. and working in someone’s farm. I am happy because here people like me. There is a boy and we talk to each other. Now I am 24 yrs. I am in cow shed with that boy. He wants to be close to me and suddenly started hitting me on head. He went out. I am a transgender. He did not like it. I am feeling very sad. I went back to my home. My father is also beating me. Everyone hates me except my grandmother. I don’t go for work. I am going outside my home. 7 - 8 ladies started spitting on me. I start running and jumped into the river running near my village to get away from them. My life was very hard. I was incomplete. This was Rajasthan 1884. The boy is my present life husband. The leader of the women who were spitting on me is my present life mother in-law. In light, the Master light gave some guidance and blessings for present life. I promised to the Masters that I will live this life. Reorientation….. I face humiliation by my in-laws in this life. I have had hormonal imbalances and took lot of treatment for it. I am very much insecure of my husband. He has never stood by me wherever I faced humiliation at the hands of my in-laws. In this life also I feel lonely and sad. My mother in-law always tells me you are good for nothing. I hope I break this repeated pattern of mine which I carried in this life. Hopefully my life will be more peaceful now.

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Hypnotherpist Panchkula Haryana India..9872880634

Acceptance does not mean everything is perfect, it means our state of mind is perfect.Acceptance does not mean to let things be the way they are, it means keeping our mind stable & working on the situation. 

Past life regression session story

What did I do that he came into my life? Neither he leaves me nor do I leave him.
A 41 year of age woman came to know what I did that he came into my life? Doctor Vandana,  Neither he leaves me nor do I leave him. We are married for 15 years and have 2 kids.
It is a small village in the hills. I am taking lunch with my parents & brothers. We are happy. They are Indian and I am foreigner and very beautiful (I do not know why?). I am twenty five. I have a job in Delhi. I met a very handsome boy at the airport and we smiled at each other. This is recent times.
I am at my work place. I am very hard working. Oh God ! my boss ! he is my present life husband. He frequently calls me in his chamber. My name is Elena. One day he called me for dinner but I told him that you are married and left the job. Now I am jobless and live in a small room. I went to meet that boy at airport. I asked his help for a job. His name is Avinash.  He advised me to get trained as a pilot as it is easy to find pilot job. I discussed with my parents and started training. I worked hard and after training I got a job. Me and Avinash started meeting regularly. I like him a lot. Life is good now.
On day suddenly my ex-boss met me in a supermarket. He gave me dirty looks. Avinash stopped meeting me after a month. I searched for him but could not trace him.  My ex-boss started stalking me and troubling me. One day I went to his office and hit him on the head with a log. He started bleeding. Police was informed. Police took me away. Next day my ex-boss got me released from the police custody. I found his home address, visited his home and told his wife everything. My Ex-Boss was also at home and he was looking at me with anger. Later on I learnt that his wife committed suicide. After few days the Ex-boss caught me on the way and took me to an isolated place and raped me. Angered I hit him on the head with a stone. He fell unconscious and same day I returned back to my home in village. Time passed by now I am 35. My father is sick and my brothers are not settled yet. We are now in difficult financial situation. I decided to go back to Delhi. Again searched for Avinash and found him. He told your ex-boss threatened to kill my parents, so I left the city and shifted to another place. We started meeting regularly. I started working. My brothers also got settled. Now I am 40 and we both got married. I gave birth to a daughter but she died after a year. I am happy.
One day my ex-boss saw me in the market. I was afraid. Somehow I could run away. I told my husband. We both got worried. After few weeks, my ex-boss got Avinash killed. Then he came to meet me and asked me to marry him. I wanted to take revenge so I married him. He took me to his home after marriage. He takes lot of care of me and my brothers. As my father expired, he called my mother to live with us. But I hate him.
He had a heart attack. In hospital I tried to mix some injection in his drug but he survived. He is on a wheel chair. He has transferred all of his business to me. He had another heart attack after few months and now he is bed ridden. I put him in a ground floor room.  I place his meals far from him so that he cannot reach and eat it. I want him to suffer a lot. He pleads for my forgiveness. My mother started interfering. She took lot of care of him, gave him good food and he started improving. My mother also tells me to forgive him. But I could not.
Now I am 50 and not well. My husband took a lot of care of me. My mother advises me to live in harmony. Now I do not hate him as much. I pretend everything is normal but inside there is deep dislikes for him. He loves me a lot and one day he died. I arranged a drink party at home after his cremation. At 55 years I died in car accident. The lesson I learnt “Do not hate so much”. Guided to her birth event she told I am born to a foreigner couple in Goa. They left me in a church and sister from Goa took me to an orphanage in Delhi, when I was 2 years, for adoption. My father was very good man. He used to visit orphanage and distributed sweets. He adopted me. Guided to the light she received blessings from Sai Baba.

Saturday 20 January 2018

Overweight???Food cravings? Contact us at 9872880634

PastLifeStory #Past life regression …single session…she experienced two lives in single session…. Life as ….Dr. Christopher Ben: I was a tall man, wearing brown coat and brown horseriding trousers, i was waiting for a woman in a beautiful garden. She was a girl i loved, from the middle east, we talked and held hand and she promised that she would be back, but something deep inside told me i am not gonna see her again. I was in USA, from a very well to do family, I was a doctor , very learned but later i realized i was a Doctor in Law. I lived in a beautiful mansion type home , it was white with long pillars...I somehow always liked such houses even in my present life. We had horses, and many people who helped us to take care of our property. At home i saw my mother whom till date i have not recognized, two children ..........I knew these children were of my brother and his wife who lived in the same house. After that i cld not see anything for a while and then i saw a supper scene where no one wld talk to each other at supper and later i was in my room , lying on bed and waiting for the next day. When moved to next day, i realized it was my wedding day , i was getting ready and waiting for my bride, who never turned up and instead police was looking for me, with the help of my brother i ran away from there and was hiding in a place which was like a vacation place or farm house for 3-4 months and later i went and surrundered to police. I was jailed .................when i was asked to go back and see the cause of my imprisonment i saw that teh girl i loved was boarding her ship to go to her home in middle east and her cousin who loved her , he had an argument about me with her, and he killed her and threw her in the sea, after the body was discovered , it was thought that i killed her. I was a docterate in Law and yet could not save myself and defend myself . Next scene was near my death, i was taken to be hanged but i was no more afraid....My regret was that how come i could not save myself, when the rope was put around my neck, i told them that my last wish was that i would kick the stool myself and no one shld help me .........suddenly i was happy and smiling , Dr.Vandana asked me why are you smiling and i replied because i did not die of hanging, I died of a heart attack so it means God too knew i was innocent and did not let me die by hanging, i was so happy as my soul consious ness was now aware of me being innocent and was carrying no guilt. When i died i was burried and my grave stone read “ Dr.Christopher Ben” 19....-19.... which meant i died at the age of 38 . After my death i moved up, i was a pure white light and moved up fast, saw all my soulmates again and i had learnt that life is just, no matter what happens God knows everything and he will do Justice. The master soul blessed me and then i knew i had to go back, I did not rest much..... Dr.Raghuvanshi guided me to another life and i moved to another life................... Second past life This time i was in Canada: I was a well dressed and educated man and loved my family, suddenly i saw a scene that there were Riots happening and i picked up both my kids, my son and daughter and was asking my wife to harry up as the villages was being attacked and they were killing people, my wife asked me to take the kids and leave and she would join me , she was supposed to come with the neighbours. I reached the main road and got into a cart/car with my son and daughter but the looks on the man driving that car/cart was very uncomfortable and i was just praying that he drops off to a safe place and has no wrong intentions. After this i saw a scene were i was sad, When i asked to find the cause i realized that it was because i had lost my wife, she never came that day. I was now living with my children and we were in USA, Dr.Vandana asked if i ever had any other woman in life and i replied no, i loved my wife. I was a very well dressed man , a very successful and respected business man yet very sad and aloof. Very lonely! Next i saw was my death scene , i had died a very calm death, i knew it was time for me to go, so i had dressed in my best gray suit, wore my hat and even shoes and lay down in my bed and i was gone. There was ahuge gathering at the church , my children and their families were there too, my daughter had come from some place far away. After i moved up, i was a pure white light, i moved up and i saw my wife, she was my soulmate, waiting for me, we joined each other and master soul blessed us and my soulmate assured me that we would be together in the next life. It was such a blissful feeling ......................Now i knew why i was so scared of moving to Canada, as i had lost a soulmate in that land.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Hypnotherpist Patiala Punjab India

Don’t let yourself be controlled by regret. Maybe there’s something you could have done differently, or maybe not. Either way, it’s merely something that has already happened.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Hypnotherpist Ambala, India

#PastLifeRegression  #Chandigarh
Past life regression to fasten My spiritual journey....
 I  had to release a block in order to move faster on my spiritual journey. I  want take a past life regression session . Dr. Vandana  I want my session urgently.
I felt detached from everyone else .
We began the session and i was taken to a state of trance soon enough , I saw myself at a white bench quite immediately after  Dr.Vandana used a technique to transfer me to the life i needed to re experience. I immediately knew that I was in Rajasthan , around 17 years of age and watching a family while they were having dinner. A man of about 38 years of age, 2 boys, and an elderly couple, I was watching them and i could feel something in my heart. I was in that family but not a part of them.
I was moved further in time , it was sleep time , I was supposed to be sleeping in a kitchen on d floor on a rug instead i saw myself in a room with a wooden carving bed and i knew it was the room that belonged to the man of the house, i was in relation with him and we were to get married. I was very happy that i would soon be the woman of the house.
The next scene was when i realized that i was pregnant, And after this scene i could not see anything for a while. I was taken to the delivery time yet I could not visualize anything , at this time i started crying , I never delivered a baby because i was told i could not have a baby, he had lied to me, he would never marry me.
[Later on after the session ..At this point Dr.Vanadana told me i had started rubbing the right side of my stomach rigorously , I watched my self hitting myself in the stomach till i lost the baby. I killed my baby.]
Next was when i saw myself running away from that place, I had wrapped all my belongings in a piece of cloth that i carried under my left arm.
Next scene was when i saw myself working in a place where I was cleaning the place while other women like me would come and talk to a British woman and then sit down on the floor in one room and study. I used to finish work and stand outside the room filled with women and try and see what they do , the English woman eventually allowed me to sit with those women and i started to study.
In the next scene i saw myself wearing a nice saree and now i was teaching other poor women. I was no more trying to lower my look , i no more avoided men. I could meet and talk with them without looking ugly and un kept and they respected me. I connected respect with teaching. I was overjoyed and announced that i carried a handbag.(Somehow in all my lives my looks have mattered to me a lot and of course in this life too)
I moved forward between the age of 30-35 and i saw myself running a school where there were classes and we had kids studying there, I stayed in a house that was either within the premises of the school or in walking distance. I always wore a saree and tied my hair in a bun. There was no man in my life. Around the age of 38 i met a man who was very well dressed , wore a hat and i felt attracted to him but something inside was telling me i had to stay away. We met at a function at the school and after few months we met again but i decided i had to stop meeting him. He was not good for me. Though i knew i was attracted to him more than he was attracted to me.
In a scene i saw myself travelling to England , i went to meet the English lady to thank her( she was my mother in this life), she was very old yet graceful and was very happy to see me grow as a person , i thanked her and came back, it was very fulfilling to meet her again and share my story.
I came back and a young woman came back with me , I enjoyed her style of teaching which made our school different from others. I had to learn so much from her.
Dr.Vanadana asked me what did i do other than school and teaching , i said i used to read a lot and my favourite book was “ Your Soul Knows...”. I also told her i used to do meditation at sunrise. I visualized myself sitting in a mudhra during sunrise in pure white clothes.
I saw myself next in a place where there were only women who wore white clothes and there was a teacher who would teach them yoga. The centre was in a place with very low mountains or hills and it said Yoga but we never did yoga we used to do meditations. Dr.Vandana moved me to the age 55-60. I was reading a lot , i was reading  about the soul and trying to purify my soul , by this time i was teaching the meditation technique to other women in that centre. The name suggested Raja Yoga and i was wondering that we all are women and why would the name of our center be Raja Yoga(there was no man). Later on i found out that there is a Raj yoga center for women in rajisthan which is for Brahma Kumaris.
At this point i was moved to the age 60-65 and i told her in a very sure voice that i had 7 years to prepare myself to go , between this time period i wanted to prepare to go , i knew i was to go at the age of 67. I had given the charge of the school to the English young lady and would only supervise.
Dr.Vandana asked me how did i do the preparation and i told her through long meditations and reading and searching about Soul and purifying my soul.
I moved to the time of death , It was early morning , maybe 5 am, i woke up and had a bath , wore pure white but new clothes .I died peacefully.I was called  Urma....And it was  18....century.
Dr.Vadana  asked me how would you describe this life and i said : LEARNING.
I moved up very fast , I reached a place of absolute calmness, i recognized my master light . This beautiful light gave me a blessing and i was filled with peace , calmness and joy.
I looked around and saw my soulmate, and also the group of soulmates.  At this time Mater light  blessed my soulmate, me and Dr.Vandana , I thanked him, the Master Soul, Dr.Vandana, my soulmate and all other soulmates and told  Dr.Vandana that it was time for me to come back , it felt as if they all were standing to see me off. I felt blessed.
I left the clinic telling Dr.Vnadana that  I am feeling very light.