Tuesday 26 December 2017

Alcohol craving and past life regression... the changes after plr is sharing by herself... hi, Today i am back for writing about my past life experiences and great result. I want to share something very amazing. Here we go to know my life before regression. I was a big time drunker since last 10 years. and my specialty was i can mix and drink. My fav. cocktail was Long island ice tea( mixed with 5 types of alcohol) and i was spose to drink atleast 4 glasses of this cocktail in 2hrs. Beer was one of my fav in summers i can drink 4 big bottles at a time back to back and 6 points too back to back. The most teriffit thing was in my life if i pass through wine shop in market or while driving, my body starts craving for drinking at anytime, i was a day drunker and night drunker too. After i had my regression from Dr. Vandana raghuvanshi, My life totaly changed. Still i am trying not to believe the change, but we have to accept the really at the end. So what i did. Now since 3 months i am feeling like to drink to alcohol is there in this world which can give birth to that craving again in my body. though i have very small small experience to share, as i before said that i was not ready to accept the changes. many times it happened that we friends made a plan to sit and drink, but due to some circumstances i never able to reach there. some times its a traffic and sometimes any stupid reason. Now i have a very interesting experience to share I went to Saturday night party and it was decided that no matter what today i will drink thats what my mind said, so i went to very well known and good club and i ordered my fav cocktail you will not believe what ha pend after i had my first sip. It felt like i am a new drunker the drink is very strong. And i was not able to drink that, which was my all time fav cocktail. Still i thought i will drink it in anyways coz the drink was expensive too. So i started having one one small small sips. and it took 1hr 30 mins to complete the half glass and at the end i thought i can't drink it anymore and i left the drink in between. It is the most unbelieable able turn which my life took Now truly from my heart accepted the change which held in my life, and the total credit goes to Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi. She is great doctor and a great person too. She understands the feeling of he patients and treat them rightly. Apart from my this life which i shared with u and had regressed my 3 more life's too. and there are many changes held in my life. My life is getting better day by day and that is all because of dr. Vandana Raghvanshi. Many problems of my life has been solved. and i really appreciate Dr. Raghuvanshi effort and the grace of God which is there on her. I will come back again with new experience to share with you. Till then good bye believe in God and Good Karma.

Sunday 24 December 2017

A beautiful Journey: Past Life Regression , everyone will love to read. An interesting regression. Will try to write in short. A young, married women, age30 yrs, married, toper in studies...very beautiful... Looks seems combination of beautiful features...only single session done, three lives covered...instant regression. ..1st life. Year 1140...i am a girl, wearing dear skin cloths, age 25 years, living in Gangotri, an ashram, since childhood, as I am an orphan, but most cared by others in ashram. This ashram is having Shiva statue. I have taken diksha. I am a Brahma Chari. We are going kashi for Kashi Vishwanath Darshan with our head of the ashram. I stayed there, then I went to Lumbvini, it is in Nepal. I stayed and did have siddhiya by tapsya. I am a bhikhshuni... I meditate whole day. I see now we all are going to bless a marriage ceremony in patliputra.it is a very big palace. We are blessing the boy, who is to be married. His name is dhritu. I am 35 year old now. When dhritu saw me, he refused to get married to the other girl. A lot of things are happening. We are coming back. His father is standing with us with folded hand. Some one from us is telling something. Regarding marriage, I am too upset to listen these things. We are leaving the patliputra.but I did not accepted dhritu proposal. But I know, I liked the thought of his love for me. I am varying sad. Meri tapsya bhang ho gayi, toot gayi... now I am in kashi sang math. I am 50 years old. I am head. I am sick. Mera dil me khrabi hay. Breathing problem hai. Dhritu is here to take care math and me. He is still unmarried. He devoted his life for me. (.actually dhritu is my life husband.).......then death...lesson learned...duty is important. 2nd life.......year.1803 I am a beautiful girl in Palestine area. They are calling me malika. I have four brothers, my father is very rich. I am very much pampered. I am very proud, in nature. An Indian man comes to teach me sitar. Now we love each other. Abbas, my elder brother now know this. I am too sad. Abbas killed my sitar teacher. Sitar teacher was in fact dhritu, of last life; he is my present life husband. I am. Going to Paris for change but not happy. Time is passing. I am not ready to come back. Abbas is sad. He takes so much pains, comes to meet me. His wife also comes. Now I understands my brothers love for me, so I am getting married to some one my family choose. A lot of story......................death. Lesson learned............be compassionate. (Two very imp present life people...Abbas, the brother and his son and Ayaa.The mousi in this life. Integrated in this life.) 3rd life i am a girl, 12 year, golden hair, my name is rose. I am on ship with my nanny (caretaker). My mother is dead, so my father is sending me to my grand parents, I am leaving Lahore.my father do some work there. I am growing in beautiful women. I study and good in it. My grandfather is dead. I live with my grand mother and nanny.my house is beautiful. I am happy, I love someone, and he loves me. Actually (you know... he is the same dhritu& sitar teacher). I am going somewhere. It is big building, it is airport. My friend came to airport to see me off. I am upset. I complained about my father to govt. I think he is a spy. Some Budapest regency...Nazi...these thoughts are coming in mind. Oh, I want to tell my father, what I did. Oh ...my father is here. At airport. He is coming. Ahhhhh. He shot me.i am dead. He killed himself. My lover...he is so sad...lesson. Learned.....i should not have taken a hasty decision .one should make proper inquiry, before any conclusion .he was not a wrong man. I am feeling uselessness now.....very long silence.... After PLR: Reorientation and integration.... Very much scared at airport. Chest problems without medical cause. Chest hurts a lot without any reason. Some azeeb sa birth mark on chest. In this time. Present husband......they met at airport. He came to pick her, official work. Not known.to each other.it was love at first site for both. In this life also uska rokaa ho chukka tha.he refused for that rishta. They got married with efforts of Mamaji of her husband. Mamaji was father of dhritu in year.1140. She feels very much connected with Lahore, London and Paris. Four other relations in present life were in other lives. Conclusion....dhritu (1140), sitar teacher (1803), a friend and love (1932)...is same person.... all the time and husband in this life... Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi, Chandigarh...09872880634

Saturday 23 December 2017

#Claustrophobia and past life link A 25 year old girl came with complain of claustrophobia. She feels she is struggling with this fear since childhood. She said Dr.Vandana , I feel upset with it, so I want to see my past life. Session…. I am a beautiful girl with golden hair. I am the only child. My parents are rich. We own a big estate, many people work here. I am 19 year now, riding a horse all alone. I reach a forest area a little far from our estate. I stop my horse as I feel someone is following me from behind. I look back and see a couple on horse who work in our estate. I step down as I think my parents have sent them after me. They step down and suddenly the man masked my face with a cloth. The woman tied my hands. They are taking me but the speed is slow. So now they tie me on the back of the horse and the man rides it. The woman took my horse. I shout leave me!leave me! They reach an isolated place after sometime. There is pin drop silence around. I am in a very small closed room. The woman untied my hands and removed the mask. The woman is very fat and ugly. The room has an earthen floor. There is no window but has a small ventilator near the roof. The room is dark. The woman tells me that I will be released when my parents will give them lot of money and jewels. They locked the room from outside and left.I do not hear any sound. There is frightening silence. I am very afraid. It is such a small closed place that I feel suffocated. The plate of food is slipped inside from the gap at the bottom of the door. There is not much light so I cannot see what it is. It is tasteless staple food and very difficult to eat. They come after a very long time, open the door and enter the room. The man stands at the door. The woman shouts at me, beats me and rubs sand on my face. It seems they are not able to get money from my parents. Her behavior is getting horrible as time passes. I am getting weak day by day. I have not seen sun,I have not felt air, I donot know how many days, months and years have passed. I do not have any orientation of time. I am skin thin but alive. It feels they came after a very long time. Woman is very angry and scratches my face and lips with her hands. Suddenly I felt too much anger and bit her hand. She holds me by my hair and smashes my head on the wall. I am dead. My last thought was that if only I could have breathed in fresh air. This was some European country. Reorientation….. She said the impression of the life lived in a very small closed room is with me from very early age. Any place which is closed, e.g, picture halls, lifts, even the small washrooms suffocate me and make me panic. I feel that reliving that traumatic life helped me release those memories of the past because now I feel that an unknown burden and fear from mind is lifted. Past is over, past is released, I am free. A lot of blessings to you doctor.

Monday 18 December 2017

Hypnotherapist Chandigarh

At times it can feel like you have been singled out to receive more than your share of hardships. Everybody faces more than enough challenges. The universe has not conspired against you. Sometimes bad stuff just happens. Taking things personally just leads to excuses and blame and a whole host of other worthless thoughts and emotions. Don’t even go there, just learn to cope with it and move on.

Monday 11 December 2017

Saturday 9 December 2017

beautiful explanation on Karmic relationship by Vijay Reddy "The relationship that drives people crazy with anger & frustration are from a past life. These are the people who really get under your skin & exasperate you endlessly. Very often, these karmic relationships are with people in your immediate family. Karmic relationships mean that you’ve had prior lifetimes with this person & you both were sent back to be together to work things out peacefully. This was your soul’s choice, although it was probably highly pushed upon you by your guides & angels who helped you script out much of your life. Usually a karmic relationship is someone with whom you had a battle or other harsh circumstances. You returned together in this lifetime to ensure that you’d work things out, and clear both of your energies. If you don’t clear the energies in this lifetime, you’ll be pressured to continue to incarnate with this soul again and again and again. And each lifetime, his or her relationship to you will continue to be close, either through genetics & familial bonds, or through friendship, marriage, or career. So, that annoying co-worker could be your mother or husband next lifetime unless you clear the energy with her in this one. You’re brought together with the other soul so that you can forgive him or her. This doesn’t mean forgiving their actions. It means detoxing your soul by releasing anger toward them. You don’t have to hang out with the person, but you do need to release old pent-up toxic feelings. Holding in old anger is caustic & unhealthful. It’s also a waste of time & energy to blame that person for family dramas & your own upset. Blaming is a projection of our ego, where we don’t own our own shadows and ego issues, and we put them in the basket labeled: “It’s their fault.” And while it may be true that that person is the instigator of traumas, blaming him or her doesn’t help the situation and doesn’t balance the karma between you. Breaking the Karmic Cycle The first step to break this karmic cycle is for you to take responsibility for its presence in your life. Your soul agreed to be with this person because it was necessary for your spiritual progress. So forgiving yourself is the ultimate secret to healing everything in all directions of time. This involves forgiving yourself for entering this relationship whenever you did in the distant past lifetime. You probably were given red-flag warnings by your angels then, which you chose to ignore or override. Forgive yourself for ignoring those red flags, and vow to listen from now on. Life lessons only count if we learn from them. You get infuriated by how this person behaves. But this is how this individual’s personality works and has always worked. You were the one who chose to try to be in a relationship with him or her long, long ago. You were the one who decided that all of those red flags that your angels sent you didn’t matter. You were the one who decided that you could change or fix the person. Now it’s time to let go of that fantasy that this person could be as you desire or dream him or her to be. You’re not the other person’s Source, nor are you the author of his or her life scripts. Karmic relationships are akin to having a tug-of-war. They’re power plays, where one person will pull and the other person will pull back. No one wins in karmic power plays. But when one person drops his or her side of the rope (through the process of forgiving him- or herself for getting into this tug-of-war in the first place), the power struggle stops. Use prayers for forgiveness for other and self. Saying bless you to the soul. Find reasons to be grateful.g