Tuesday 31 January 2017

Hypnotherapist Panchkula

Worrying is mostly about the fear of “bad experiences”. However, when you take in this perspective that “bad experiences” are usually just a mirror & opportunity, to face up to the parts in you that need growth, & that eventually it’s unavoidable to face up to your imbalances, then you no longer feel so “protective”, & defensive, about the possibility of having a bad experience. The way to overcome this “mind pattern” of being a worrier, is that you allow yourself to experience the feelings that you are afraid of facing – if you are worried about losing your relationship, then allow the feeling of loss (which may be very painful) until it loses its momentum in you; just be open to experiencing the feeling without trying to find assurances from the outside to assuage it.

Friday 20 January 2017


You Are What You Are! Know the You within U!! Love the real You....

If you want to know the real you, you need to take few past life regression sessions. Often we take decisions that are practical, logical but they still don't feel right, for that you need to know yourself, You need to know the you within You, it is through living from the across the time and space... that you will find WHO YOU REALLY ARE.
When we live true to our nature , life supports us and we create success effortlessly aligned and in balance with our purpose and path. We take decisions that not only feel right but give us the best results too, the biggest shift of all is the realization that LIFE IS NOT HAPPENING TO YOU but FOR YOU.
Everything you need , you can create and have from within your heart.the heart knows how to give you everything without causing pain or harm to anyone or anything in the universe.      
                 You need to know that you are exactly who you need to be at this moment, right here & now, accept that you are enough, more than enough, that you are already WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT....believe that!                                                                                                                                                           Believe that there is only one person powerful enough to stop you & there is only one person enough to set you free, YOU! You are so much more than you think you are, there is such a larger you to emerge..... tap into it, say "YES" to it and let it out. This is possible if you understand your purpose of life and soul journey....                                                                
  Whatever you do you know, and absolutely trust without anyone else needing to affirm - that is good & creative and powerful and important about you. Know that the quality of your movement is a manifestation of the workings of your brain, which determines the quality and vitality of your life.                                                                                      
   You need to understand and realise that when genuine love and genuine self respect is present within you, you attract love and respect from others too....You then don't have to force people to love you, you don't have to keep proving yourself, you don't have worry that your true worth would not be recognised. You can then set yourself free and let go !
To Know Yourself Past Life Regression Helps...   

Monday 16 January 2017

A 33 year old woman from U.K came to understand her relationships issue with husband Session…… I am a young soldier enjoying green grass, blue sky, blue waters. I love that I can feel the nature. My name is Xander. Some girl is in my mind. It’s a lovely feeling. I am walking towards river side and see a lot of people on river bank. And there she is, smiling, with beautiful eyes on me. I am very handsome tall with brown eyes. Now she is passing by me, we barely touched each other but feeling stays forever. Next I am riding a brown horse. I go to see the king. He is planning something on a table with a couple of people. I stand there and then he asked me to join him and sit down. There is some discussion and then I leave from the other side of his tent on a white horse. I am wearing a steel dress with leather belts. We are riding but I do not know where we are going. I am enjoying riding. I love myself. I think I love everything. I am free. I reach castle. This is where I live. I am a prince. I kiss my horse goodbye and go to take a lavish shower in my castle. I am very charming, kind and happy prince. Now I am in my room. It has a bed, a big window, a mirror, a big chair and closet on two sides of the room. And she enters. She sits on my bed. She talks and talks-----forever----and I love to listen-----just listen----none of us gets bored. She comes to give me food and she is my cook. Now I see myself as a middle aged man, occupied, feeling trapped. She is still here as a cook. She is not happy. I am getting ready to go somewhere. She places food on the table but does not look at me. I try to stop her but she does not stop. I sit on the chairfilled with guilt and sadness. Feeling trapped and helpless.I did not do right to her. Now I see myself in royal cart with a woman I do not find her attractive but she is beautiful. She is my wife but I do not love her. I am going with her to her house. There is a ceremony. She knows I do not love her. But she does. She has expectations but I am cold to her. When we reach her house I tell her that I do not love her and feel sorry. She stays numb. I was crying for mercy but she was numb and then she shows her hate towards me and curses me. She blamed me for what I did to her. We return back after ceremony. Now I hide myself inside a dark cave which is through a dark tunnel. I am filled with guilt after few days I came back. There was no joy. The guilt was so deep that I lost my respect for self. I asked my men to throw me in the pond in the castle and not to bury me. I died in guilt. The lesson I learnt that stand up for self, feel the love and believe in it. Respect comes from respecting yourself. As a therapist my observation…….. It was a highly emotionally charged sessio

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Dog Phobia and Head Injuries (A single Past Life Regression Session) Subject: 17 year old boy, dog phobia since childhood, history of convulsions from birth to 3 year of age. MRI and EEG report normal still had anti-epileptic treatment for it till age of 3 year. Headache often on till now. Particular disliking for some ethnic group. Doesn’t like taking stress. Involuntarily stretching of Jaw since 2002(after some seeing odd behavior of father in a social event after having liquor) Medical History: Re-current throat and chest infection. Needs medical treatment. Crackling in both the knees. Session: Screening: Red spots on the knees released very easily. Dirty yellow patch in the throat area. Divine light helped in releasing. Regression: Subject: I am a boy 10 years of age running in a street. Riots taking place. A mob is running. I fell and hit my head and injured my chest. I am in Hospital. Dr.VSR - Move ahead to some important event. Subject: I am walking and a dog suddenly bites me. Feeling agony and pain. Dr. VSR – Go backwards (Healing Done) Now move ahead to your adult life. Subject: I am working too hard and I think I lost my parents. I work and study. Dr. VSR – Go ahead 5 years into your life. Subject: I am a doctor. I am in a hospital and I am very popular. Now I am married. Dr. VSR – Go to the important event which relates with present life. Subject: I am having fever and chest infection. I am coughing. I am dying due to this problem. I am sad. My wife and son are alone now. Dr. VSR – Move ahead. What’s happening after your death? Subject: I am a light going up. Now I am in a very big white light. Its’ very peaceful and pleasant here. I am allowed to stay here for a longer time. Dr. VSR – Now time is to come back. And now go to the root cause of important present life issue which needs healing. Silence…………………… (Pause) ……………… Subject: I am very small baby boy. I took birth in Australia. My father holding me in his arms accidentally I slip and I fell from the stairs onto the floor. My head hits the floor and I am dead. Dr. VSR – Now see what is happening with you Subject: I am going up into the same white light and rested there only for 8 days. Dr. VSR – Why 8 days only? Subject: I had to live my life. Dr. VSR – Ok. Now where are you? Subject: I am in my present father’s arms. I am a new born baby boy. Re-Orientation: 1) He felt something moving out from knees and throat. 2) Subject smiled and looked at me. He seems to have enjoyed the session. Histories of convulsions in childhood (with normal MRI and EEG) maybe result of head injuries in both past lives. Advised: 1) Watch for the reaction with dogs. 2) Watch for the knee pain 3) Watch for the throat and chest infection 4) Come for consultation after 1 and a half month for review. Follow UP: (After 45 days) 1) Dog phobia stopped within a week completely. 2) No treatment required for chest and throat after regression session. 3) Crackling sound of knees reduced by 80%. 4) Have become very responsible

Thursday 5 January 2017

Hypnotherapist, Kharar...9872880634

By remaining in tune with our conscience and creating right thoughts, words & actions, We live in state of happiness and bliss.

Monday 2 January 2017

The wounded self is the part of you that feels incomplete. It questions your worth & value; it doesn’t feel whole, or it feels flawed in some way. My wounded self is the “little me” who wonders if I’m truly lovable. It’s never happy. We’ve all felt disappointed or hurt by a relationship in the past; we carry the memory of this wound into adulthood (sometimes unconsciously). If a wound from childhood is still active within you, you’ll attract people who are going to highlight the same feeling. For example, if your wounding is centered around feeling rejected or unseen, it’s likely that you’ll feel a similar way in your relationships as an adult. Your unconscious is programmed to attract people who activate your wounds. The reason for this is so you’ll grow. This is a frustrating part of the growth process! But think of it this way: You’re replaying your wounds so you can finally heal them. We cannot heal anything we don’t feel or see; we can’t heal things that are unconscious! The uncomfortable feeling has to come to the surface for you to grow beyond it. And how do you grow beyond it? By identifying with your higher self. Remember, your higher self is the part of you that knows the truth about you. It knows that you are worthy, amazing, capable & powerful. Through the lens of the higher self, you are whole. Yes, you’re an imperfect human with flaws; but the larger truth is: you’re a soul. You’re beautiful. You’re important. You’re special. You’re love. This is what the higher self knows about you — & it wants you to know it, too. By identifying with your higher self (the love within you), your compulsion to play out wounds with other people dissipates & in some cases, disappears. When you wake up to the higher self’s truth, you suddenly realize that the “wrong” people were just teachers to nudge you into the “right” state-of-mind; a state-of-mind that does not question your value or worth. Unfortunately, nothing inspires us to grow more than a broken heart. Your higher self wants you to identify with it; it wants you to own who you really are. Reclaim the love within you, and you’ll heal your relationships from the inside-out.