Monday 21 November 2016

SRT And PLRT Chandigarh

Gruesome End & Demonic Entry in Past Life
Subject:33 years old educated women living with 8 year old son who is not able to speak. Married life included physical and mental torture at the highest level, separated since 2 years. She feels responsible for her son’s problem; her state of mind is not settled. Also feels a “Black Saya” covering her off and on.
She cannot let go her separated husband even with inner feeling of danger to her life and still resists divorcing him.She said dr.vandana can you help me ?
Scanning: Left leg grey color abdomen blood clots released to light.
Spine- blackness with chilling feeling coming up towards head. In head dabble with red eyes and black face challenging and laughing. Subject felt too much fear. With healing devil dislodged and sucked by white light. Immediately she felt that her body felt very light.
Sub: I am very scared, this is my bedroom, and blood is on the wall and bed sheets. My body is severely mutilated. My head is having wound on right side its bleeding. The room is very cold and is on 1st floor of my home. I am 26 year old woman. My name is Maryanne. My husband is pacing in the room. He killed me. He is also in present life my husband. (Subject felt too much visible pain in body and very sadness. She cried a lot.
Dr.Vr: Move back to time when you were alive.
Sub: (30 minutes life description) beating by husband, living in fear, loneliness constantly. 2 sons. Severe pain in spine and legs due to beating and a lot of crying
Dr.Vr: Go to the moment and find why is he treating you like this?
Sub: I am 19 years old unmarried &attending a marriage party. A handsome man in a white Navy dress giving a lot of attention to me. There is another man looking at us with jealousy. He is my husband later on. The jealous man came to our home, talked to my parents. We are getting married. My life is very miserable now. He doubts me. Now I have 2 sons. I am under stress and fear of life.
Dr.Vr: Go to the event which leads to your traumatic death.
Sub: I am walking on road near my home. I saw the Navy man. He is trying to talk to me. I am running away from him. My husband saw from window. I reached home. He is beating me, dragging me to the bedroom, strangulating me; hit my head with a rod, it’s hurting and bleeding. This is the same room and I am dead. He is pacing. It’s dark now. There is another old dirty fearful wound on left side of head. It looks very odd. It is not bleeding as the right side had been. From this wound a blackness is entering from inside. I am having a chilling over my spine. It’s scary.
(Healing work is done)
Dr.Vr: what happened to your body?
Sub:I am buried. My sons are crying. Very few people came for funeral. Nobody asks from my husband. My sons keeping yellow flowers (subject cried a lot).
Dr.Vr: What lesson you learnt?
Sub: I regret not being fearless.
Dr.Vr: where are you going now and how do you look?
Sub: I am red flame. I am angry and frustrated.
(Healing done) I am whiter and going up. Now I am in white light. It’s peaceful here.
Dr.Vr: see your master guide light?
Sub: It’s white blue light. I ask him- why I cannot let go? He said- you will.
(Subject relaxed and became quiet)
Re-orientation: She said.... I felt very light after realizing the devil. I am repeating very similar married life pattern. I am feeling “I can let go”. Now I will not live in fear. I haven’t seen my present son in my past life.
Advice: take extra care for nutritious diet and rest for 3 weeks. Must walk for 45 minutes in morning in fresh air. Develop attitude of forgiveness. Observe change in yourself and your life for 3 months. After that take a session regarding your son.
Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi
Past Life Regression Therapist

Thursday 17 November 2016

Spiritual curiosity and past life link. Man, 43 year of age, with spiritual curiosity came for past life regression. He said dr.vandana , I need to find answer to my this feeling in my past life regression session. Session……. I am 12 year boy.We are a happy family living in a thatched roof hut somewhere in Bhutan. My parents treat me differently, elevated me and give a lot of respect to me. My relatives think I am different and blessed. They send me to Monastery to develop me into a spiritual person. I am 20. I meditate and am at peace. I do not work with my family. They provide me everything. There is a beautiful girl nearby. We look at each other. Sometimes, I think why my parents elevated me? I am 40 now. I teach spirituality and give diksha. My parents and others still provide everything to me. I eat a lot and am fat now. Meditation and teaching is my daily routine but I sometimes miss love in my life. While meditating I had a glimpse of my past life.“I am a cruel Mughal emperor. I killed many people without any remorse. I had a wife but I never loved her”. I changed a lot after this experience. I understood one should always remain happy. Do not search for love you will get it only when you are destined. My teachings are improved now. I am at peace & in bliss. I die a natural death at the age of 60. My last thought is “Prayer is communication with God”. My body is cremated with lot of respect. Divine light came to take me up. Reorientation…. He said in my past life , my past life regression experience bought positive changes in me. That’s why I was feeling need for going for PLR in this life. Now in this life I will grow spiritually very fast. Thank you very much Dr.Raghuvanshi for being my guide in this wonderful past life journey.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi Director Energy Healing Guidance & Past life Regression therapy Institute, Chandigarh Life Coach , Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist, Life between lives therapy, CDT Expert, Inner Child Facilitator, Inner Critic Facilitator, Voice Dialogue therapist Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP) Therapist Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer. Power of Subconscious Mind Trainer Magnified healer and Teacher Crystal Healer Dowsing Teacher and Dowser Teacher for Crystal ball gazing Trainer for Forgiveness Re-Birthing breath worker Law of attraction trainer EFT/ ERT [Emotional release therapy ] Trainer Medical Vedic astrologer Writer Chandigarh India. mobile..09872880634 PRACTICE: · >Past life regression & hypnotherapy: Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions, Inner Child healing, Inner critic healing > past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from master. > LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, Inner child healing, >Re-Birthing cleansing of present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression, >SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy) . >As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and disconnection of disharmony cords, removal of negative energy from past life and SRT in past life therapy session > NLP therapy for nail biting, bed wetting, goal setting, eating disorders and to increase confidence and NLP for sports person. > Hypnotherapy for phobia, alcohol, addictions, anxiety, stammering, stage fright, insomnia #CDT for OCD [Obsessive Compulsive Disorder] >Re-Birthing session to do holistic healing · TRAINING COURSES AND WORKSHOP * *Teaching Reiki Level 1,2 Level[ first and second degree ] Third Degree with Karuna Reiki Mastership, Grand mastership Magnified healing ,Dousing, EFT (Emotional Release Therapy), Crystal ball gazing Activation of third eye, Crystal healing, Forgiveness healing, Past life regression and Hypnotherapy Law of attraction [LOA] and Power of Subconscious mind. Re- birthing · Healing: facilities provides..... Aura cleansing & aura healing Distant healing Chakra cleansing, activating, radiating and balancing Pranic healing for endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc .Karmic healing. SRT Healing for relationship issues Healing for negative energy removal Healing by three fold flame Healing for group event Emotional release therapy session Healing for home and office for negative energy ,Past life regression, CDT ON SKYPE

Sunday 6 November 2016

Hypnotherapist , Ludhiana....09872880634

In our busy life the mind goes stale by repeated arguments, stress events, noise , crowd , pollution, burden of work . We must take a break before our thoughts, enthusiasm and energy of mind get diminished.