Saturday 30 April 2016


"It is through healing our inner child, by healing the wounds that we suffered, we can change our behavior patterns and start our emotional healing process. We can release the grief with its pent-up anger, shame, fear, and pain from those feelings, which exist within us.By innerchild healing we feel the happiness within."

Friday 29 April 2016

#Obessive Complusive Disorder....

* Worry that a task has been done poorly, even when the person knows this is not true
* Fear of thinking evil or sinful thoughts
* Thinking about certain sounds, images, words or numbers all the time
* Need for constant reassurance
* Fear of harming a family member or friend
Compulsions are repetitive behaviors (rituals) or mental acts that reduce the anxiety that accompanies an obsession. The person feels driven to perform them in response to their obsession, or according to rules that must be rigidly applied.
Some common compulsions include:
* Cleaning and grooming, such as washing hands, showering or brushing teeth over and over again
* Checking drawers, door locks and appliances to be sure they are shut, locked or turned off
* Repeating, such as going in and out of a door, sitting down and getting up from a chair, or touching certain objects several times
* Ordering and arranging items in certain ways
* Counting over and over to a certain number
* Saving newspapers, mail or containers when they are no longer needed

Tuesday 19 April 2016


A 17 years old girl with complain of bed wetting and shy of visiting crowded place came for past life regression.
I am a 7 years old boy. I have a brother, a sister, grandmother and parents. I am the eldest. It is morning, my mother is scolding me. Elders at home scold me because of my bed wetting habit. I am 15 years of age now. The family is going to attend wedding at a relatives place. I am feeling very hesitant and shy because we will stay there for a week. A lot of relatives are there. I am sleeping along with the relatives. I am worried about my bed wetting. It’s morning, all are laughing at me. I am feeling very bad. I am not talking to anyone. I avoid eye contact now. We are back at home. I don’t want to go out except for studies. I am gaining a lot of weight. I am 19 years of age now. I am very overweight. I am ashamed of my body. I am in a crowd. I am 22 years of age and feeling shy and afraid. Some event is happening. My friend is with me. He made fun of me because of my obesity. Now I study a lot. I become a school teacher. Life is normal now. There is talk about my marriage. I am very tense. My parents married me at 25. My wife is good and understanding. I told her about my wet wetting problem. She told she will always love me. My bed wetting stopped 6 months after marriage. My life is good. I have one daughter and one son.
I am having high grade fever. I am getting weak day by day. Now something is very wrong as I am bed ridden. My bed wetting has started again. My wife serves me a lot. I do not recover and die at the age of 49 years. My last thought was ‘What will happen to my family?’. There was a lot of discomfort in my body at the time of death.
Her mother told she is my eldest daughter. I scold her a lot since childhood. Now I will love her. Girl told I avoid eye contact in this life. I am gaining weight very fast for the last two years. She contacted me after one year and told that bed wetting stopped after six months of the session. She is now comfortable amongst people.

Monday 18 April 2016

Hypnotherapist, India

It is true that we don't know what we have until we loose it , but it is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives...