Tuesday 28 July 2015


The ability to go into any social situation & sense the level of consciousness in that situation is a gift. It enables us to move considerately in a world that holds people of all levels of awareness. However, there is a difference between shifting our energy to accommodate people & dumbing ourselves down to a regrettable degree. Sometimes, when we get into a particular social situation, we may feel pressure to play it small in order to fit in. Perhaps everyone is drinking or smoking excessively, engaging in gossipy small talk, or complaining bitterly about politics. It is one thing to notice this & modify our expectations & another thing entirely to join in.
When we notice where people are coming from & acknowledge to ourselves that their energy is not in alignment with ours, we have several choices as to how to proceed. One viable option is to quietly endure the situation, keeping to ourselves until it is time to leave. In this way, we take care of our own consciousness & protect our growth process. Another option is to interact in a way that honors & pays respect to the people in the group, while gently attempting to shift the level of consciousness with our input. In order to do this, we must maintain our own vibration, which means that joining in by dumbing down is not an option.
When we choose to dumb ourselves down to fit in, we not only sell ourselves short but we also lose a possible opportunity to influence the situation for the good of all concerned. Our desire to join in may come from our natural yearning to feel connected to the people around us. There is no shame in this, but being able to stand on our own, separate from the crowd, is a powerful milestone on any spiritual path. It can be difficult in the moment, but when we arrive on the other side, our integrity intact, we may find ourselves feeling positively smart.

Thursday 16 July 2015


#hypnotherapistzirakpur  #addiction #depression #ocd
Read somewhere, Like to share....
The wounded self is the part of you that feels incomplete. It questions your worth & value; it doesn’t feel whole, or it feels flawed in some way. My wounded self is the “little me” who wonders if I’m truly lovable.
It’s never happy. We’ve all felt disappointed or hurt by a relationship in the past; we carry the memory of this wound into adulthood (sometimes unconsciously). If a wound from childhood is still active within you, you’ll attract people who are going to highlight the same feeling. For example, if your wounding is centered around feeling rejected or unseen, it’s likely that you’ll feel a similar way in your relationships as an adult.
Your unconscious is programmed to attract people who activate your wounds. The reason for this is so you’ll grow.
This is a frustrating part of the growth process! But think of it this way: You’re replaying your wounds so you can finally heal them. We cannot heal anything we don’t feel or see; we can’t heal things that are unconscious! The uncomfortable feeling has to come to the surface for you to grow beyond it.
And how do you grow beyond it?
By identifying with your higher self.
Remember, your higher self is the part of you that knows the truth about you. It knows that you are worthy, amazing, capable & powerful. Through the lens of the higher self, you are whole. Yes, you’re an imperfect human with flaws; but the larger truth is: you’re a soul.
You’re beautiful.
You’re important.
You’re special.
You’re love.
This is what the higher self knows about you — & it wants you to know it, too.
By identifying with your higher self (the love within you), your compulsion to play out wounds with other people dissipates & in some cases, disappears.
When you wake up to the higher self’s truth, you suddenly realize that the “wrong” people were just teachers to nudge you into the “right” state-of-mind; a state-of-mind that does not question your value or worth. Unfortunately, nothing inspires us to grow more than a broken heart.
Your higher self wants you to identify with it; it wants you to own who you really are. Reclaim the love within you, and you’ll heal your relationships from the inside-out.

Wednesday 15 July 2015


Free of resentment, we have much more energy & attention to devote to our personal development. We can fill the spaces it left behind with unconditional acceptance & joy. And, as a result of our subsequent freedom from resentment, blessings can once again enter our lives as the walls we built to contain our anger have been demolished.

Sunday 12 July 2015


We all are sparks of light, on our soul journey ....we all are evolving with each birth...and in this process we are helping each other to learn different lessions...we are moving towards higher journey ...to be part of divine light...

Wednesday 1 July 2015


hypnotherapistchandigarh #addiction #depression #panicattack #bedwetting
Do not mind Criticism...
If it's untrue ...Discard it.
If ir's Unfair...Stay Calm.
If It's Ignorant ...Smile.
If it is Justified...Learn from it...