Saturday 28 February 2015


Having a good relationship with yourself is critical spiritual growth.

  By knowing your strengths and honestly examining your weaknesses, one can bring about a major shift when encountering those souls who are at best difficult. Take a moment to create a transformation of your attitude in any dramatics.

Thursday 19 February 2015


By Dr. Mercola
Emotional pain often exacts a greater toll on your quality of life than physical pain. The stress and negative emotions associated with any trying event can even lead to physical pain and disease.
In fact, emotional stress is linked to health problems including chronic inflammation, lowered immune function, increased blood pressure, altered brain chemistry, increased tumor growth and more.
Of course, emotional pain can be so severe that it interferes with your ability to enjoy life and, in extreme cases, may even make you question whether your life is worth living.

5 Tips for Healing Emotional Pain

As the featured article reported, Guy Winch, author of Emotional First Aid: Practical Strategies for Treating Failure, Rejection, Guilt and Other Everyday Psychological Injuries, recently shared five tips for healing your emotional pain.
1. Let Go of Rejection
Rejection actually activates the same pathways in your brain as physical pain, which is one reason why it hurts so much. The feeling of rejection toys with your innate need to belong, and is so distressing that it interferes with your ability to think, recall memories and make decisions. The sooner you let go of painful rejections, the better off your mental health will be.
2. Avoid Ruminating
When you ruminate, or brood, over a past hurt, the memories you replay in your mind only become increasingly distressing and cause more anger – without providing any new insights. In other words, while reflecting on a painful event can help you to reach an understanding or closure about it, ruminating simply increases your stress levels, and can actually be addictive.
Ruminating on a stressful incident can also increase your levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in your body linked to cardiovascular disease.1
3. Turn Failure Into Something Positive
If you allow yourself to feel helpless after a failure, or blame it on your lack of ability or bad luck, it’s likely to lower your self-esteem. Blaming a failure on specific factors within your control, such as planning and execution, is likely to be less damaging, but even better is focusing on ways you can improve and be better informed or prepared so you can succeed next time (and try again, so there is a next time).
4. Make Sure Guilt Remains a Useful Emotion
Guilt can be beneficial in that it can stop you from doing something that may harm another person (making it a strong "relationship protector"). But guilt that lingers or is excessive can impair your ability to focus and enjoy life.
If you still feel guilty after apologizing for a wrongdoing, be sure you have expressed empathy toward them and conveyed that you understand how your actions impacted them. This will likely lead to authentic forgiveness and relief of your guilty feelings.
5. Use Self-Affirmations if You Have Low Self-Esteem
While positive affirmations are excellent tools for emotional health, if they fall outside the boundaries of your beliefs, they may be ineffective. This may be the case for people with low self-esteem, for whom self-affirmations may be more useful. Self-affirmations, such as “I have a great work ethic,” can help to reinforce positive qualities you believe you have, as can making a list of your best qualities.

Sunday 15 February 2015


Read somewhere , like to share....
If you've ever wondered why you have a fear of heights or look into the eyes of a stranger and feel as if you know them, the answers may be found in your past lives, says Brian Weiss, MD, the author of Miracles Happen.
As told to Joan Podrazik
1. That Old, Familiar Feeling
Through past-life regression, Dr. Brian Weiss says it's possible to heal -- and grow -- your mind, body and soul, as well as strengthen your present-day relationships. He says one of the most common signs of a past life is déjà vu -- the sensation that you have met a person before or have visited someplace previously. Sometimes, this déjà vu feeling is a sign of a past life with a particular person or in a specific place.
For example, a patient of mine began having anxiety attacks while on her honeymoon in Greece. When she and her husband left for Rome, the anxiety attacks completely disappeared. When she saw me as a patient, we did a past life regression and found that she had been killed in ancient Greece. Her anxiety attacks stemmed from that lifetime even though she did not know why at the time.

2. Your Dreams Are So Real It's Like You're Actually There

Do you have vivid, detailed dreams of yourself in different times and places? That might be a past life memory emerging. As I've written in my book, past-life recollections aren’t always actual memories: they may also contain symbols and metaphors that need to be interpreted so that their meaning and message can become clear. These symbols are no less powerful than literal ones. Think of these past-life scenes more as a poem than a history text.
3. You Got An A In History (Without Even Trying)
Talents and abilities, likes and dislikes, and attractions and aversions can also be clues to past lives. You might feel yourself being drawn to certain people or to certain cultures, even if you've never visited them. You might find you are able to learn certain subjects or prepare for a profession more easily than others. For example, a particular foreign language might come quicker to you, while others are more difficult. Or you may have an intense interest in certain historical times and events, such as ancient Egypt or the Civil War period.
4. You Have a Soul Mate
It is very common to travel through different lives with the same group of souls -- I call these groupings, soul mates or soul companions, or soul families. We seem to learn our spiritual lessons and accumulate or resolve our karma with our soul groups. Relationships may change from life to life, but the souls are the same. For example, your grandmother might reincarnate as your grandson. In this sense we never lose our loved ones, because we are always being reunited either on the other side or back here in physical bodies. In Miracles Happen, I describe many cases of soul recognition. In one case, Michelle, whose mother died when Michelle was a small child, was comforted to find that she and her mother were together before in the Middle Ages. They were husband and wife at that time.
Brian L. Weiss, MD, is the author of Miracles Happen.

Tuesday 10 February 2015


Testimonial....Surrogate Past life Regression....
Send by the person who had this session with me.....
.Surrogate regression was taken by myself for my brother. Issue for which session was taken was my brother's relationship with a girl from past 7 years, he wanted to marry her but my parents were not ready as they wanted him to first get settled in life and then get married. My brother who left studies after higher secondary
wanted to start a construction bussiness but my father who is a retired person had limited resources and was not well from past few years so cannot help my brother. He wanted that my brother should go abroad, be independent by himself to run a family and then get married but girl's parents were continuously pressurising for marriage. This lead to blame game, as my brother started blaming parents that because of them he is not able to earn and not getting married. My brother started misbheaving with parents and use to threat them that he'll commit suicide. Then I approached Dr. Vandana and she suggested me to take a surrogate regression for my brother.
On the day of regression doctor took me into deep hypnotic trans. Session beginned with seeking permission from my higher self and my brother's higher self to further proceed for PLR. After permission was granted, I was taken to most important past life of my brother which was affecting the present. It was 18th century life, in England. Entered the life as young 5 years old child with curly hair (same as he is having in his present life) and his name was Sam. With entering only into this past life crying beginned. Doctor asked to observe what happened to him. Saw that he was playing a with ball and was happy, then had a fight with young girl who was also playing with him and girl slapped him ( found that young girl to be myself, sister in his past life also, similar fights we had in our present childhood also). In next scene, he was sitting on table and having dinner with father( same father in present life) and was happy, father loves him alot. Next I was asked to observe important event affecting present life. Sam was now 12 or 13 years old sitting on a wooden swing with a girl and holding her hand. Both were in love and the girl was his present life girlfriend also. Doctor asked to see what happens next. In next scene, he was 17 years old boy sitting depressed on chair and suddenly he gets up from chair go towards wooden almirah, opens it and picks up a revolver and shoot himself in his right forehead (in present life also he use to have severe headache on right side). Doctor asked to see why he shot himself and is there someone with him. Saw him lying in a pool of blood in his mother's lap (same mother in present life also) but reason for which he comitted suicide was not found. Then doctor said life got over and took Sam's soul to very higher plane and ask to see down in life and find the reason.
Then saw Sam begging before his girlfriend's parents to let him meet her and he wanted to marry her. But they didn't allowed as they wanted him to bring money from home and told him they will marry their daughter to him only when he brings them money, they were greedy. In next scene, he steals money and jewellery from home and gives it to his girlfriend's parents but they wanted him to bring more and didn't allowed him to meet girl (in present life also he use to take money from mother by lying to her that he needs it and then buy expensive gifts for his girlfriend). Sam started remaining depressed, his mother made lot of efforts to make him understand that they are not good people and he should forget about girl as we don't have the amount of money they are asking for but he was adamant that he'll only marry that girl. He goes to his girlfriend's house daily and begs in front of her parents but they didn't said yes to his proposal. After sometime they married their daughter to some rich man and girl was also happy with her husband. After this event Sam was under severe depression and ended his life.
Then Dr.Vandana took the soul to seek master light's guidance. Guidance came that he should go abroad. After guidance healing was given and lot of blackness got released from body of my brother. Dr. Vandana also released all the unwanted chords from his aura.
Then 2nd life came of a married woman. Husband was present life girlfriend. I was asked to observe important event. Saw husband was hitting wife with a wooden stick. Reason behind was wife didn't brought enough dowry. In next scene, saw husband left the wife and started living with another women. Wife couldn't bear this and ended her life by jumping in a river. After death soul was brought up and healing was given by doctor to release suicidal tendencies which remained in both lifes and in present life also my brother use to threaten parents for ending life himself.
Results: My brother ended up relationship with the girl. Now he understands that his parents were right, respects them more. He has moved abroad now.

Monday 9 February 2015


To use your mind effectively, you must learn to concentrate & the route to concentration is through paying attention. The following exercise, adapted from the writings of William Walker Atkinson, is very powerful in learning how to pay attention. Take a simple object with which you are familiar & give it your full attention for a few minutes. Study the object & endeavor to see as many details as possible in it. Take a break & then come back to the object & this time look for new details that you missed. Carry on repeating this process until you have discovered everything about the object. Do not fool yourself into thinking you have seen all the details at once. Rather, will yourself to discover more.
Do this exercise every day for one month, using simple objects at first & then more complex ones, until you can find all the details in the most complex of objects. This exercise strengthens your power of observation, heightens your ability to pay attention & develops your ability to concentrate to such a degree that you scarcely need any conscious effort to do so. And when you master concentration in this way, you become a master of mental influence, for you will be able to focus all your Life Force & energy exclusively on anything you choose to, at will & with little effort.

Saturday 7 February 2015

To remove negative energy from your Aura...Salt water remedy is very effective.... What is required for the salt water remedy? A large sized bucket Water filled in the bucket (up to 50%) to cover the ankles when the feet are immersed in the bucket Rock salt If rock salt is not available one can use sea salt crystals/table salt, however the effectiveness of the remedy will reduce to 30% (of the remedy when rock-salt is used) A towel A foot mat 4. How is the salt water remedy performed? 4.1 Step by step instructions Preparation: Fill a bucket (up to 50%) with water so as to cover the ankles. Add 2 tablespoons of rock salt. Pray to God sincerely and with faith to remove the black energy in you. Also pray specifically for destroying the black energy of the (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) affecting you. Prayer is an important ingredient which enhances the effectiveness of this remedy. The remedy: Sit upright with your feet immersed in the salt water. Keep a distance of at least 2-3 cms between the feet. This aids in the maximum discharge of black energy. If the feet touch each other, then there is obstacle to the discharge of black energy through the feet. Keep the feet in the salt water for 10 – 15 minutes. While the feet are immersed, chant the Name of God according to your religion. On completion: After the completion of the remedy give gratitude to God and pray for the creation of a protective sheath around you. Then throw the salt water in the toilet and rinse the bucket with fresh water.