Wednesday 28 January 2015


The most important relationship we have in our lives is with our selves. And even though we are the only ones who are present at every moment of our lives from birth onward this relationship can be the most difficult one to cultivate. This may be because society places such emphasis on the importance of being in a romantic partnership, even teaching us to set aside our own needs for the needs of another. Until we know ourselves, however, we cannot possibly choose the right relationship to support our mutual growth toward our highest potential. By allowing ourselves to be comfortable with being alone, we can become the people with whom we want to have a relationship.

Thursday 22 January 2015


Benefits that can be attained through Hypnosis and Past Life Regression.
Ø Increased relaxation and the elimination of tension
Ø Increased and focused concentration
Ø Improved memory (Hypermnesia)
Ø Improved reflexes
Ø Increased self-confidence
Ø Pain Control
Ø Improved Sex Life
Ø Increased organization and efficiency
Ø Increased motivation
Ø Improved interpersonal relationships
Ø Slowing down the aging process
Ø Facilitating s better career path
Ø Elimination of anxiety and depression
Ø Overcoming bereavement
Ø Elimination of headaches, including migraine headaches
Ø Elimination of allergies and skin disorders
Ø Strengthening one’s immune system to resist any disease
Ø Elimination of habits, phobias, and other negative tendencies (self-defeating sequences)
Ø Improving decisiveness
Ø Improving the quality of people and circumstances in general, that you attract into your life
Ø Increasing your ability to earn and hold onto money
Ø Overcoming obsessive-compulsive behavior
Ø Eliminating Insomnia
Ø Improving the overall quality of your life
Ø Improved psychic awareness

Ø Establishing and maintaining harmony of body, mind and spirit

Sunday 18 January 2015


Life is so much more simple than most humans realize. It is not this journey that must be conquered, that must be understood. It is a journey that must be lived, only lived in the present moment day-to-day, here and now. And in the entirety of each moment, there may be feelings from the past, feelings from the future, all kinds of emotions that cannot be explained by the mind. Feeling and allowing those emotions is part of the living, part of the being. 

Saturday 10 January 2015

Hypnotherapist , ... LUDHIANA..09872880634

Inside our subconscious lie our memories from past lives. Though we seldom remember even having lived these past lives, the experiences we had living them have had a hand in shaping who we are today. The effects of a past life can manifest in a later lifetime in many ways - phobias, self-limiting beliefs, physical problems, or innate creative abilities. Violence, death, & trauma in a past life may show up as fear, uncontrollable anger, or low self-esteem in this one, while positive experiences from an earlier lifetime may cause you to feel strongly drawn to certain people, places, or objects without knowing why. 

Many people turn to past life regression therapists to revisit their past lives. Past life regression allows you to recall the memories & emotions associated with a past life that continue to exert an influence over your present reality. You may not have even been aware that these experiences are still affecting you today. Past life regression therapy can offer you a unique opportunity to reconnect with these memories so you can understand them & free yourself. 

To discover more about your past lives, consider keeping a notebook where you can record anything that could be a memory from a different lifetime. You may also feel drawn to a particular period in history, a seemingly unfamiliar locale, or a new person you’ve met who seems oddly familiar. Pick a time & choose a place where you can relax. Envision your body being filled with healing white light. Remember that nothing you see or hear will harm you. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve through regression & connect with your inner vision. Observe what you see without judgment. When you are done, think about how what you experienced relates to your present life. There may be beliefs from a past life that you are still operating under but are now ready to let go of. The significance of your past life memory may not be immediately obvious until much later. You can make the most of your past lives by learning from them. Past life regression can be an exciting journey....


Effective meditation means to gather the positive resources of the inner self & then use them in the outer world. 

It is important to remain neither too much inside, nor too much outside, but constantly to create a balance between the inner & outer realities. Meditation resembles the cyclic path of energy: going from the inside out & then from the outside in, gathering information, or experiences that we need to reflect on, or understand better. On other occasions, it may be a question of recharging our minds with positivity & peace: we go inside and, with the practice of silence, the battery becomes re-energized. 

Friday 9 January 2015


In Auto immune disorder  the root cause is auto immunity , which is the immune system attacking  it's own body cells and tissues.What triggers an autoimmune response like this is not known. In Ankolysing Spondylitis immune system attacks the spinal cord causing degeneration of spinal cord vertebral space.
Immunological memory is the foundation of immune system behaviour and respose .This can store emotional and mental wouned past life memories. Based on these cellular memories ,a particular response is triggered and and it leads to disease.
Auto immune disorder can affect any organ of body. In multiple sclerosis it attack nervous system, in Nephritic syndrome it affect kidney, In Ankolysing spondlitis the spinal vertebras, In Lupus it can affect sking, kidney, joints.
Immune system disorder have roots in body and mind connection .In energy level it can be due to mismatch of vibrations of physical body and subtle body. There can be energy immbalace in it.It can be a result of chronic immflamation at physical level.Some time a result of conflicting choices and life choices are in line with life design, results in sub- conscious conflict accompained by deep frustration resulting in loss of self tolerance.And due to this ability to be with one- self is lost , and all this lead Auto -immunity.
Regression therapies ...past life regression, in womb regression, age regression and re-birthing can help to heal this issue to body- mind - soul heals the issue with alinment with  self harmony

Wednesday 7 January 2015


Whenever we do something in life with an expectation of how we’d like it to turn out, we risk experiencing disappointment. When things don’t go the way we had envisioned, we may feel a range of emotions from slightly let down to depressed or even angry. We might direct our feelings inward toward ourselves, or outward toward other people or the universe in general. Whether we feel disappointed by ourselves, a friend, or life in general, disappointment is always a tough feeling to experience. Still, it is a natural part of life, and there are many ways of dealing with it when we find ourselves in its presence. 
As with any feeling, disappointment has come to us for a reason & we don’t need to fear acknowledging it or feeling it. The more we are able to accept how we are feeling & process it, the sooner we will move into new emotional territory. As we sit down to allow ourselves to feel our disappointment, we might want to write about the experience of being disappointed—the situation that preceded it, what we were hoping would happen, & what did happen. The gift of disappointment is its ability to bring us into alignment with reality so that we don’t get stuck for too long in the realm of how things might have been. 

Friday 2 January 2015

Inner child facilitator, Panchkula, India

The wounded self is the part of you that feels incomplete. It questions your worth & value; it doesn’t feel whole, or it feels flawed in some way. My wounded self is the “little me” who wonders if I’m truly lovable.
 It’s never happy. We’ve all felt disappointed or hurt by a relationship in the past; we carry the memory of this wound into adulthood (sometimes unconsciously). If a wound from childhood is still active within you, you’ll attract people who are going to highlight the same feeling. For example, if your wounding is centered around feeling rejected or unseen, it’s likely that you’ll feel a similar way in your relationships as an adult.
Your unconscious is programmed to attract people who activate your wounds. The reason for this is so you’ll grow.
This is a frustrating part of the growth process! But think of it this way: You’re replaying your wounds so you can finally heal them. We cannot heal anything we don’t feel or see; we can’t heal things that are unconscious! The uncomfortable feeling has to come to the surface for you to grow beyond it.
And how do you grow beyond it?
By identifying with your higher self.
Remember, your higher self is the part of you that knows the truth about you. It knows that you are worthy, amazing, capable & powerful. Through the lens of the higher self, you are whole. Yes, you’re an imperfect human with flaws; but the larger truth is: you’re a soul.
You’re beautiful.
You’re important.
You’re special.
You’re love.
This is what the higher self knows about you — & it wants you to know it, too.
By identifying with your higher self (the love within you), your compulsion to play out wounds with other people dissipates & in some cases, disappears.
When you wake up to the higher self’s truth, you suddenly realize that the “wrong” people were just teachers to nudge you into the “right” state-of-mind; a state-of-mind that does not question your value or worth. Unfortunately, nothing inspires us to grow more than a broken heart.
Your higher self wants you to identify with it; it wants you to own who you really are. Reclaim the love within you, and you’ll heal your relationships from the inside-out.