Wednesday 31 December 2014

Hypnotherapy.... TO REMOVE NEGATIVE THOUGHTS...PANCHKULA....9872880634

The one who has constant positive thoughts is the one who experiences success. 

Expression: Success means to reach to such a constant level of positive thoughts that right actions happen naturally. There is such concern for actions today that success is ensured for the future. There is an expression of inner specialties & virtues at every step & with every action. 

Experience: When I am able to maintain a constant stage of positivity, I am able to experience constant success. Whatever the situations may be they don't influence me negatively. On the contrary I begin to see each new situation as a beautiful learning that enriches me and makes me move forward.

Tuesday 30 December 2014


To be angry & hateful is to suffer. It doesn't help anyone to get angry. Anger hurts whoever is angry. It burns. Anger ruins relationships, causes heartache & regret, & devastates health. And yet, in spite of all of these facts, when we are angry it feels right. Somehow, in some unseen way, anger proves to whoever is experiencing its heated feelings that he or she is right even though, in the eyes of reality, nothing could be further from the truth.In end Anger is discordant Energy which causes dis- ease in body.

Saturday 27 December 2014


Read somewhere, like to share.....
Inside our subconscious lie our memories from past lives. Though we seldom remember even having lived these past lives, the experiences we had living them have had a hand in shaping who we are today. The effects of a past life can manifest in a later lifetime in many ways - phobias, self-limiting beliefs, physical problems, or innate creative abilities. Violence, death, & trauma in a past life may show up as fear, uncontrollable anger, or low self-esteem in this one, while positive experiences from an earlier lifetime may cause you to feel strongly drawn to certain people, places, or objects without knowing why. 

Many people turn to past life regression therapists to revisit their past lives. Past life regression allows you to recall the memories & emotions associated with a past life that continue to exert an influence over your present reality. You may not have even been aware that these experiences are still affecting you today. Past life regression therapy can offer you a unique opportunity to reconnect with these memories so you can understand them & free yourself. 

To discover more about your past lives, consider keeping a notebook where you can record anything that could be a memory from a different lifetime. You may also feel drawn to a particular period in history, a seemingly unfamiliar locale, or a new person you’ve met who seems oddly familiar. Pick a time & choose a place where you can relax. Envision your body being filled with healing white light. Remember that nothing you see or hear will harm you. Ask yourself what you hope to achieve through regression & connect with your inner vision. Observe what you see without judgment. When you are done, think about how what you experienced relates to your present life. There may be beliefs from a past life that you are still operating under but are now ready to let go of. The significance of your past life memory may not be immediately obvious until much later. You can make the most of your past lives by learning from them. Past life regression can be an exciting journey....

Friday 26 December 2014

dr.vandana raghuvanshi, Hypnotherapist , Panipat, India....09872880634

Learning to let go is very important aspect in healing of body mind and soul.Willpower & self-control is something we all struggle with at one point or another, But it's an important key to both success & happiness. Lacking willpower keeps us in a cycle of instant gratification, making it difficult to Change bad habits & to do the things we know are good for us

Wednesday 24 December 2014


Once we know what it feels like & can identify some of the triggers & are aware of our actions, we can recreate that happiness when we are feeling low. Knowing that like attracts like, we can pull ourselves out of a blue mood by focusing on joy. We might find that forcing ourselves to be giving & forgiving, even when it doesn’t seem to come naturally, helps us to reconnect with the joy that usually precedes it. If we can identify a song, a picture, or a pet as a happiness trigger, we can use them as tools to recapture joy if we are having trouble finding it. By focusing our energy on analyzing happiness & all that it encompasses, we feed, nurture & attract more of it into our lives, eventually making a habit of happiness.

Sunday 21 December 2014


I went for hypnotherapy for Phobia and OCD to dr.vandana raghuvanshi.After taking ten sessions my phobias are gone. My OCD is reduced by 80%. Now  I can live a good life .....Karan

Wednesday 17 December 2014

The longer we are able to hold a positive thought, the stronger that energy around us becomes. If we make no effort at all, our thoughts usually scatter in a vast array of directions. They start & stop & move in surprising ways from one second to the next. If we try to follow our thoughts without controlling them, we will be amazed at how truly inconsistent they are. Yet, if we apply our minds to a specific task, especially one that interests us, they gather together & allow us to focus our attention, creating great power & energy. This is what is known as pure thought, because it is undistracted. The law of attraction—like attracts like—influences all energy, including our thoughts, & this is what makes pure thought so potent. Our undistracted thoughts create a powerful magnet that draws similar energy into our vibrational field. As a result, the longer we are able to hold positive thoughts in our minds, the more powerful the positive energy around us becomes. We don’t need to focus on action & controlling so much when we are surrounded by energy that draws what we want toward us. We can simply respond to the opportunities that naturally come our way. When this is the essence of our experience, we can go with the flow, knowing that we will be okay. If pure thought is a body, it is our emotions that supply the heart that can really bring it to life. Our thoughts & feelings exist in relation to one another, & they form a feedback loop through which they communicate & empower each other. When we hold a thought in our mind without being distracted, we have achieved pure thought. When we have a positive emotional response to that thought, we enable it to dance & move & breathe itself into existence.

Saturday 13 December 2014


The next time you find yourself wanting to react, try to pause & in that pause, take a deep breath. Feel your feet on the floor, the air on your skin & listen for a response to arise within you, rather than just going with the first thing that pops into your head. You may find that in that moment, there is the potential to move beyond reaction and into the more subtle & creative realm of response, where something new can happen.

Wednesday 10 December 2014


Whenever people come into our lives, they have come for a reason, to show us something about ourselves that we have not been able to see. When unhealthy people try to hook us into their patterns with mind games & power trips, we can remind ourselves that we have something to learn here & that a part of us is calling out for healing. This takes the focus off the troubling individual & puts it back on us, giving us the opportunity to change the situation from the inside out. 

Sunday 7 December 2014


 Purpose gives our life meaning. When you discover your purpose, you can live your life with intention & make choices that serve your objective for why you are here on the planet. Finding your purpose is not always easy. You must embrace life wholeheartedly, explore many different pathways & allow yourself to grow. 

Your purpose is as unique as you are & will evolve as you move through life. You don’t need anyone’s permission to fulfill your purpose, & no one can tell you what that purpose is. Finding & fulfilling your purpose can be a lifelong endeavor. To figure out what your purpose is, ask yourself what drives you – not what forces you out of bed in the morning, but what makes you glad to be alive. Make a list of activities that you wish you were involved in or think about a career path that you would love to embark upon. These are the endeavors that can help you fulfill your purpose and bring you the most satisfaction. 

Friday 5 December 2014


You don’t drive with a foggy windshield, so why do that with the rest of your life? The first step is to get clear on what your inner critic is saying and where it is coming from. Make a list of the things you are holding onto. What would be helpful to let go? Does it date back? Make a list of things you’ve felt judged for. If you’re a perfectionist, whose set of expectations are you trying to live up to? Is it really yours? Is it your parents’? Your partner? Your boss? Your culture?
Say to yourself, “I’m only human, I made a mistake. I’m willing to let this go.”