Tuesday 26 August 2014


Have you noticed an ongoing commentary in the back of your mind that points out every mistake, omission, and fault you've made or might make? Most of us have it, commonly labeled the Inner Critic. You may have already noticed that arguing with your Inner Critic only leads to louder criticism, possibly about how self-critical you are........ 
 Self-critical thoughts mask the truth..... Do you believe that you are incapable or unworthy? These beliefs hide your inherent wholeness, enthusiasm, and potential.
 The inner critic is a habitual way of thinking. As with any habit, you need to study how it arises and plays out. What triggers it? What does it say? How does it make you feel in your body? What does it make you do or not do as a consequence? As you get to know it intimately, you see it for what it is – thoughts, feelings, physical sensations, pains.
 .Self-criticism may be at the root of unhealthy tendencies and addictions. When the inner critic goes unattended, it can lead to all sorts of trouble – making poor relationship choices, abusing substances, accepting “good enough” and giving up on your passions and interests, sustained unhappiness and dissatisfaction. Make it a priority to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Learn what subtle patterns underlie your discontent, and address them. This is the path that will set you free.
 Believing self-critical thoughts creates separation. Do you feel alone, abnormal, not a part of this world, unworthy? Then the inner critic is in control. You are believing thoughts without checking to see if they are actually true.
Love heals. The inner critic is built on the illusion that you are damaged, lacking, or insufficient. Rather than continuing to live according to these false stories, welcome the hurt feelings into your tender, open heart. Receive them with kindness.
Does your inner critic control you? Get a inner critic healing session with ...
                    dr.vandana raghuvanshi, life coach,therapist who works with twenty one healing modules...
for appointment.....09872880634

Friday 22 August 2014


Hypnotherapy is a form of PSCHYOTHERAPY used to create subconscious change in a patient in the form of new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors or feelings.
Benefits that can be attained through Hypnosis ........
Ø Increased relaxation and the elimination of tension
Ø Increased and focused concentration
Ø Improved memory (Hypermnesia)
Ø Improved reflexes
Ø Increased self-confidence
Ø Pain Control
Ø Improved Sex Life
Ø Increased organization and efficiency
Ø Increased motivation
Ø Improved interpersonal relationships
Ø Slowing down the aging process
Ø Facilitating s better career path
Ø Elimination of anxiety and depression
Ø Overcoming bereavement
Ø Elimination of headaches, including migraine headaches
Ø Elimination of allergies and skin disorders
Ø Strengthening one’s immune system to resist any disease
Ø Elimination of habits, phobias, and other negative tendencies (self-defeating sequences)
Ø Improving decisiveness
Ø Improving the quality of people and circumstances in general, that you attract into your life
Ø Increasing your ability to earn and hold onto money
Ø Overcoming obsessive-compulsive behavior
Ø Eliminating Insomnia
Ø Improving the overall quality of your life
Ø Improved psychic awareness

Ø Establishing and maintaining harmony of body, mind and spirit

Saturday 16 August 2014


It is all about love, always. Love is the highest level of feeling that the human body can experience. There are many different ways to experience love. Receiving is a heart opening act. When somebody gives you something - be it material, energy, love or a smile - & it touches you, your heart opens a little more.
If you have been going through difficult times & people give you love, it can bring tears out of you very easily. Their love is helping to heal your woundedness, your contraction in that moment. When you are wounded as a human, you contract & draw everything in. All of your energy goes to dealing with the part of you that was left with a hole.
If a relationship ends leaving an almighty hole, you may spend months having to recover so that you can open your heart once more. If you can open to receive it, there will be love that will come to you from others as you go through this process.
Do not be hard on yourselves if you have spent 6 months grieving. At the beginning, it may be that you can only ‘receive’ once a week. Your body had shut down to that flow. But as you go through the weeks, you will receive more & more and you will open to receiving more.   ~~LH

Friday 1 August 2014

Past life story, India

I am a small boy..beautiful...running..beautiful place....village...rivers...same place...
(recalls loving that place on recent visit...wanted so much to go...insisted on going..visited same place recently)
little grown up...small home..not very old times...well made simple house,fields,animals,rivers,waterfalls,very loving parents...loving father..proud of me( crying I ,do so much now,in present life but parents still not proud)
nt sure of religion..loving only son...peace in valley..
feeling strange...
now I am  22 yrs..my wife is there,no burqa, me kurta pyjama
5-6 boys...we start from village in morning, have tiffin....going on a trip...wife is upset
started walking
snowy path, we are fit...strong shoes...thick clothing...shawl
head also covered...going in masti
waterfall...some stones are fallng...narrow path
reached top...small shop..other ppl
there too
now we are sitting eating and very happy...
2 pm
very happy
carefree..no worries
most ppl r leaving..shop closing
there is some argument someone hit  me with a stick
back of head
eveningtime now, no oe is there, only we boys are here...
my hand on neck of a boy , person i am fighting with is stronger

open wound in my back head and i am fallinf in snow , but i am
i am sinking
dark...alone...unconscious...can see peer ka majar
(go back)...to understand what happened....
we are six ppl', a  guy said smthing to me..i felt bad...he is blaming bt i hv nt done it...holding his braid...m very angry...he became angry...guys trying to separate. .my .father was caring n disciplined...for  my happiness father sent..me with them....
he hit his  a stick at back ofmy  head....I .fell down in snow.I .cant see now  they are ..trying to see if i m ok...home is far.they .saw blood.on my back head...oh , i am still alive ...its oo much pain in my head...
he is drgging me throwing down the mountain. I .can see majar.
falling down alive...threw the snow  which was blood stained also
got more hurt...whole body...so good home and loving parents , I   lost all...
can see body, broken,scratched broken night nowbody still aching..
now peaceful because no ppl...only nature here...no one will find me...they will lie...no one will know can see the place where i had lain.i .can see.....
neck broken..neck lifeless, numb because of cold..spasm because......they thought he is dead..cant take me down...one he threw took decision...
back broken head hit in falling...very badly hurt..
only pain. i am floting and as if ..going home....its .night..boys haven't reached..ppl waiting..mom is numb..wife is crying..father is feeling gulity sad..why let me go? some ppl started search..snowing so very diiff..father going to search..mom nt letting no..wht will happen to us...still watching confused...body is there i m stuck...moning..very pitiful now detachment worried..pareshan..now its not my place..looking at my body...my beautiul face is hurt..eyes closed..face hurt..want to leave this area...detached n confused where to go/ blue light following the light...going very fast...leave the area completely..now i am light...journey still long...attached to light..now pink..feeling detached..nothing matters...nt finishing.
feel smting in heart..discomfert
i am now parralel to light now..vastness of white and i am inside..very happy difficult to leave the family n place..bt i am happy ....was stuck there..help came to me...everything perfect and i had to leave that...needed to learn leave things even if they are perfect..patterns betwn two lives-when i was dying...all love i had to leave...clinging even after death...confusion..felt i had to go...light came and i went with it..here i hv given a lot......detachment is there......here all you can leave...

I am in light ,light healing my  energy body.I am .alone in light...here also ...now i ..stop searching..for someone to be with me now...
silence......now I .would hv to leave attachment to blue light........ultimately merge..so we will all be to together ....