Friday 30 November 2012


I want to leave my alcohol addiction and know about spiritual advancement
Case: A 59 years old surgeon came for PLR to leave alcohol and to get guidance for spiritual growth.
Regression: I am a man wearing Kurta Dhoti in a small village market. There is a very small cheap liquor shop. Now I reached my home. It’s a very good house. I am well off. I have a wife and a son and a daughter. I am Hindu. Its morning time I am going to my farm. I give orders to others. People respect me and I am rich. Its evening and now I am going to a liquor shop and drinking. Now going back to home. It’s a very old time period. Liquor is not of good equality.
My health is bad. My kids are married. I am nearly 75 years of age. I am bed ridden. Only my daughter is taking care of me. I died due to bad health. My body is cremated. My daughter is crying and she is very sad.
Lesson Learnt: I shouldn’t have drink alcohol. I feel sadness for my daughter.
In LBL (Life between Lives):
1) It’s very bright white peaceful and serene here.
2) My master guide light is here and guiding me-
  a) Do not trouble anyone
  b) Do not lie
  c) Be at peace
  d) You have to leave liquor yourself
  e) Try to live life spiritually

Wednesday 28 November 2012


Dog Phobia and Head Injuries
(A single Past Life Regression Session)
Subject: 17 year old boy, dog phobia since childhood, history of convulsions from birth to 3 year of age. MRI and EEG report normal still had anti-epileptic treatment for it till age of 3 year. Headache often on till now. Particular disliking for some ethnic group. Doesn’t like taking stress. Involuntarily stretching of Jaw since 2002(after some seeing odd behavior of father in a social event after having liquor)
Medical History:
Re-current throat and chest infection. Needs medical treatment. Crackling in both the knees.
Screening: Red spots on the knees released very easily. Dirty yellow patch in            the throat area. Divine light helped in releasing.
Subject: I am a boy 10 years of age running in a street. Riots taking place. A         mob is running. I fell and hit my head and injured my chest. I am in Hospital.
Dr.VSR - Move ahead to some important event.
Subject: I am walking and a dog suddenly bites me. Feeling agony and pain.
Dr. VSR – Go backwards (Healing Done)
                Now move ahead to your adult life.
Subject: I am working too hard and I think I lost my parents. I work and                           study.
Dr. VSR – Go ahead 5 years into your life.
Subject: I am a doctor. I am in a hospital and I am very popular. Now I am married.
Dr. VSR – Go to the important event which relates with present life.
Subject: I am having fever and chest infection. I am coughing. I am dying due to this problem. I am sad. My wife and son are alone now.
Dr. VSR – Move ahead. What’s happening after your death?
Subject: I am a light going up. Now I am in a very big white light. Its’ very peaceful and pleasant here. I am allowed to stay here for a longer time.
Dr. VSR – Now time is to come back. And now go to the root cause of important present life issue which needs healing.
Silence…………………… (Pause) ………………
Subject: I am very small baby boy. I took birth in Australia. My father holding me in his arms accidentally I slip and I fell from the stairs onto the floor. My head hits the floor and I am dead.
Dr. VSR – Now see what is happening with you
Subject: I am going up into the same white light and rested there only for 8 days.
Dr. VSR – Why 8 days only?
Subject: I had to live my life.
Dr. VSR – Ok. Now where are you?
Subject: I am in my present father’s arms. I am a new born baby boy.

1)    He felt something moving out from knees and throat.
2)   Subject smiled and looked at me. He seems to have enjoyed the session. Histories of convulsions in childhood (with normal MRI and EEG) maybe result of head injuries in both past lives. 
1)    Watch for the reaction with dogs.
2)   Watch for the knee pain
3)   Watch for the throat and chest infection
4)   Come for consultation after 1 and a half month for review.

  Follow UP: (After 45 days)
1)    Dog phobia stopped within a week completely.
2)   No treatment required for chest and throat after regression session.
3)   Crackling sound of knees reduced by 80%.
4)   Have become little responsible.
5)   Involuntary clinching of Jaws present.

Planned age regression with past life regression next week.

Saturday 24 November 2012


He regressed three pastlives in a single past life regression session....After session he said- It was amazing.....
*A 32 yrs ,man,working in MNC, from Delhi.....
1st life...Prakash (~1960) an army man , only son of small state, in Raj. learned lession..Have courage,stay to your point, do what you really love to do.
**2nd life-...Mimi (~1900), a women,? Aregntina (south America),bought up her daughter alone, as her loving husband died ,when daughter was only three.She gave whole life to daughter and not utilized another chance came in life .Lession learned....Courage is must, for the things for which you feel strongly.If you have courage you donot miss another chance.
***3rd life....Borris (~1893 Russia) lived a good life, was sportman, married young, understand soon that they were very differnt, took dicision, seperated with each other with harmony, travelled, wrote, when felt lonely felt like adopting child, adopted child, lived happily with son till end. Lession learned....Satisfactory life. decide in time.listen to heart.And people who love you donot leave them.
In present life...Borris life wisdom and lession was needed to be reminded, as mimi,s life and prakash,s life ..forget that he already learned this lession...It was an amazing session.

HYPNOTHERAPIST IN PUNJAB....Contact..dr.vandana raghuvanshi...09872880634

Dr. Vandana Raghuvanshi
Director Energy Healing Guidance
Surgeon, Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapist,
Reiki Grand Master & Pranic Healer.
·           Past life regression & hypnotherapy:
  Successfully doing past life regression, children’s past life sessions,
  past life therapy for phobia, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sadness unexplained
  physical health problems, relationship issues, spiritual advancement, guidance from    master.
  LBL (Life between Lives) session, age regression, anti natal (in womb) regression, cleansing of
  present physical body Aura and Chakra before regression, SRT (Spirit Releasement Therapy.
 As a spiritual healer she does healing work in Past Life Session for forgiveness and  
 disconnection of disharmony cords.
·         Reiki Teaching and Reiki Healing:
Teaching Reiki Level 1,2,3rd degree (Karuna Reiki), Mastership, Grand mastership
magnified healing, Dowsing, EFT (Emotional Release Therapy)
·         Pranic Healing:
Successfully doing Aura cleansing, chakra balancing, endocrine disorder healing example: PCOD, Infertility, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Asthma etc.
·         Certificate:

Wednesday 14 November 2012


Past Life Regression
Past life regression is a regression to previous lives. A person relives and re-experiences own previous life. Dr. Brian Weiss had a young lady patient with many physical issues, fear and anxiety. In trance with his command she regressed to root cause of her present state, and to past lives. With many sessions, she improved in her health and psychological symptoms. His book “Many lives, Many masters” an international best seller, popularized past life regression around the world.
In India, Dr. Tripti Jain conducted a T.V. show-“Raj Pichlay Janam Ka”. This T.V. show made past life regression very popular in India. Now common man understands its procedure and benefits. This therapy is gaining popularity due to its beneficial results.
PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY (PLRT) is an effective therapy and helps in all quarters of life. Few are…
1.                   Unexplained physical, mental, emotional, relationship issues.
2.                   PLR can help to improve relations/ save  married life, helps to remove disharmony in any type of relationship, makes forgiveness  easy in bitter hurts, one can understand others point of  view, one have better understanding for self.
3.                   When an emotional reaction is too intense for a person, place, group.
4.                   Recurrent nightmare, recurrent dreams, phobias & fears get removed with PLR.
5.                   When a person feels low energy and chronic fatigue
6.                   To remove creative blocks.
7.                   Helps to know your identity and solving sexual problems.
8.                   In Chronic diseases, allergy, recurrent headache, migraine, asthma etc.
9.                   For greater self-esteem.
10.               To bring back past life abilities in your present life and spiritual advancement.
11.               PLR can be fascinating and emotional treat for some.
Is it a safe therapy?
1.        In this therapy no medicine is given and it is no touch therapy.
2.       Past life regression is safe in hands of experienced past life therapist.
What is age regression?
You regress to your present life till birth time. It is useful in:-
1.       Molestation and sexual assault incidence.
2.       Traumatic experiences
3.       Anxiety, Fear and bitterness because of some specific incidence.
4.       Traumatic and lonely childhood / adolescence.
5.       Brought up with alcoholic parents and in broken family.
What is in Womb (antenatal) regression?
1.       It is the nine month time when soul consciousness is in the womb of mother.
2.        Sometimes person regress to this time during regression therapy.
What is LBL (Live between Lives)?
1.       After end of one life soul consciousness goes above in light.
2.       In LBL time soul mates, master’s guidance and planning stage are observed.
What is SRT (Spirit release therapy)?
Dr. William. J. Baldwin introduced SRT. He developed most of the techniques which are used by therapist around the world. 
1.       In SRT discovery and release of attached entity and unwanted spirits from the energy body and the physical body is done.
2.       SRT when required and done properly brings positive changes in life.
When a person is hypnotized he/she is in alpha stage. At this stage suggestions are given for recovery e.g. from emotional, physical, psychological mental issues etc. Common indications for hypnotherapy are:-
1.       Remove stage fright.
2.       Improve self-confidence.
3.       Reduce stress
4.       Management of anger
5.       Overcome examination anxiety
6.       Stammering
7.        Weight reduction
8.       Overcome fear
9.       Nail  biting
10.   Frigidity
11.   Bed wetting
12.   Bushing
13.   Improve cone centration
14.   Gaining weight

Tuesday 13 November 2012


Frequently Asked Questions
§  Is Past Life Regression safe?
o   Ans: Absolutely safe if done under guidance of an experienced therapist.
§  Will I get stuck in my past life?
Ans: No one gets stuck in past life in trance.
§  How Past Life Regression helps to my present life?
o   Ans: Our present life turmoil’s have roots of our past lives. When we re-experience and re-live we releases carry over. Due to its beneficial outcome Past Life Regression is a craze all over the world.
§  Will be there any sort of injection or medicine given for regressing?
Ans: No, past life regression is no medicine no touch therapy.
§  Will I lose control over myself in Hypnosis?
Ans: No, you are still in control of your body and mind in Hypnotic State.
§  Does Past Life Regression have any side effect?
Ans: PLR is a technique in which client is put into deep relaxing Trans and regressed to past life. We avoid it in patient with cardiac stunt, renal failure, and transplant surgery.
§   Is past life regression useful and safe in children?
Ans: it is safe. It is very effective in all types of Phobias in children.

past life regression case report.....past life therapy centre in Chandigarh, India

Past Life Regression for Relationship Issue &
to know why am I emotionally very weak
(Two past lives and guidance from master light in single session)
A 26 year old dentist, came for PLR with why does my relations breaks up againA and again. I trust people a lot; they make use of my trust. Feels father always gave preference to brothers. In childhood witnessed disharmony in parents. History of recurrent dreams that I am in Rome, a woman with brown hair.
Regression:  Its sand all around and small houses. It’s an Arabian country. I am girl of 21 years, wearing a fully covered dress. I love someone…….!
I am talking in Arabic to the person I love. It’s night and went to meet him with a lantern in hand. My name is Ilaya…….!
My father is beating me. My parents are poor and fight a lot. The boy whom I love has gone away for business and never returned. My father sold me to the Head of the Kasbah. I am a Ghulam now. My duty is to give water but I live on the platform at the center of the Kasbah.
I kept waiting for the person whom I loved. I don’t eat much. Its evening and I am vomiting and dying. There is none to give me water. I am only 28 years. Someone came and buried me. My family didn’t come.
What Lesson Learnt?
Love with purity and commitment.
Healing done for forgiveness to father and the person whom she loved.
She recognized her lover and person who buried her in her present life.
LBL (Time in white light)
Its divine and peaceful here. I am dancing with my soul mate light. I recognized him. He promised to be here besides me for my coming present life. He is taking me to the master light.
Guidance from Master Light
Have faith. Good time is coming in 2012.

Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi:- I regressed her to the recurrent dream pattern- glimpses of Rome, beautiful lady with brown hair.
2nd Past Life:
It’s an European Country in the year 1500. I am a princess (long description of dresses and culture….). I have an army to protect me but one man is always near me and with me. We both love each other but we can’t marry because he is only a guard. When he goes away I feel very weak.
I am having severe pain in both my shoulders and arms (she was crying in pain and intensely feeling it in present). He is holding my shoulders with force and telling me to go away with him. I can’t my duty is important. I devoted my life for the good of people. I died in old age. A lot of people are paying respectful tribute at my funeral. He is there and very sad. He devoted his life for my work.
1) 1st life covered carry-over of emotional vulnerability.
2) She often had severe complain of pain in both the arms. It wasn’t mention in the consultation. Now she knows that why pain was there and now it is totally released.

Friday 2 November 2012

hypnotherapist in punjab....09872880634

 Full Name:           Dr.Vandana Raghuvanshi
Location:              Chandigarh (U.T), India.
Education and Professional Background:
                              MBBS, M.S (Surgery)
                              Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapist
                              Reiki Grandmaster
                              Pranic Healer
                             Magnified Healing
                             EFT Trainer
                             Vedic Medical Astrologer (Jyotish Praveena, Visharadh, Post Visharadh, Krishnamurthy
Healing Modalities:
                            Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy, Distant Healing by Reiki, Pranic Healing for
                            Endocrine Disorders, EFT/ERT for Stress Management, Magnified Healing for Karmic
                            Factors, Healing and Disconnection of Unauthorized Cords, Recovery of Soul Fragme-
                            -ntation during Past Life Therapy
                            Energy Healings -10 Years
                            Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy -3 Years
Type of Cases Handled:
                             PLR cases, age regressions, antenatal regression, LBL (Life Between Lives), SRT
                            (Spirit Releasement Therapy)
Any other relevant information:
                           Conducting Past Life Regression on Skype
Brief summary of interesting cases healed:
                           Kindly visit
                         Skype Id : light.divine1