Tuesday 24 July 2012


Dealing with Worry
Once, a professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it. He held it up for all to see & asked the students,
'How much do you think this glass weighs?' '0.5 kg.!' ....'0.8kg.!' .....'1 kg.!' ......the students answered.
'I really don't know unless I weigh it,' said the professor, 'but, my question is:
“What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?'
'Nothing' the students said.
'OK what would happen if I held it up like this for 1 hour?' the professor asked.
'Your arm would begin to ache' said one of the students.
'You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?'
'Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress & paralysis; have to go to hospital for sure' ventured another student.
All the students laughed.
'Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?' Asked the professor.
'No,' replied the students.'
'Then what caused the arm ache; the muscle stress? Instead, what should I do?'
The students were puzzled.
'Put the glass down' said one of the students.
'Exactly!' said the professor. 'Life's problems are something like this. Hold them for a few minutes in your head; they seem OK. Think of them for a long time; they begin to ache. Hold them even longer; they begin to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything.'
It is important to think of the challenges in your life, but EVEN MORE IMPORTANT to 'put them down' at the end of every day before you go to sleep. That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day fresh, strong, can handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way!

Monday 23 July 2012


Getting Run Down -  Recharging Your Batteries.
Getting worn out & run down robs you of receiving what you need from the universe.
Our natural state of being is vibrant, happy to be alive. Yet, there can be times when we feel run down & worn out. This does not mean that we are lazy or unfit for the tasks in our lives; it means that we need to recharge our batteries & find a way of keeping them charged. Vitamins & extra rest can be very helpful in restoring our physical bodies. And if we are willing to delve deeper, we may discover that there is an underlying cause for our exhaustion.
Whenever you are feeling run down, take an honest look at how you have been thinking, feeling & acting. You will likely find a belief, behavior pattern or even a relationship that is out of alignment with who you really are. Perhaps you believe you have to be perfect at everything or you have been bending over backwards to get people to like you. Maybe you are dealing with mild depression or simply have too much on your plate right now. There may also be people or situations in your life which are draining your energy. Once you get clear on the root cause, you can weed it out & better direct your flow of energy in the future.
In time, you might notice that the reasons you feel run down have less to do with how much you are doing & more to do with the fact that in your heart, you would rather be doing something else entirely. From now on, try & listen to what your heart really wants. It may take meditation, or just a moment of silent tuning in to gain the clarity you need, but it is well worth the effort. When you know what you truly want to do &d honor that in all situations, you will find that getting run down is a thing of the past.


Sunday 22 July 2012

hypnotherapy in india:

Past Life Regression
Past life regression is a regression to previous lives. A person relives and re-experiences own previous life. Dr. Brian Weiss had a young lady patient with many physical issues, fear and anxiety. In trance with his command she regressed to root cause of her present state, and to past lives. With many sessions, she improved in her health and psychological symptoms. His book “Many lives, Many masters” an international best seller, popularized past life regression around the world.
In India, Dr. Tripti Jain conducted a T.V. show-“Raj Pichlay Janam Ka”. This T.V. show made past life regression very popular in India. Now common man understands its procedure and benefits. This therapy is gaining popularity due to its beneficial results.
PAST LIFE REGRESSION THERAPY (PLRT) is an effective therapy and helps in all quarters of life. Few are…
1.                   Unexplained physical, mental, emotional, relationship issues.
2.                   PLR can help to improve relations/ save  married life, helps to remove disharmony in any type of relationship, makes forgiveness  easy in bitter hurts, one can understand others point of  view, one have better understanding for self.
3.                   When an emotional reaction is too intense for a person, place, group.
4.                   Recurrent nightmare, recurrent dreams, phobias & fears get removed with PLR.
5.                   When a person feels low energy and chronic fatigue
6.                   To remove creative blocks.
7.                   Helps to know your identity and solving sexual problems.
8.                   In Chronic diseases, allergy, recurrent headache, migraine, asthma etc.
9.                   For greater self-esteem.
10.               To bring back past life abilities in your present life and spiritual advancement.
11.               PLR can be fascinating and emotional treat for some.
Is it a safe therapy?
1.        In this therapy no medicine is given and it is no touch therapy.
2.       Past life regression is safe in hands of experienced past life therapist.
What is age regression?
You regress to your present life till birth time. It is useful in:-
1.       Molestation and sexual assault incidence.
2.       Traumatic experiences
3.       Anxiety, Fear and bitterness because of some specific incidence.
4.       Traumatic and lonely childhood / adolescence.
5.       Brought up with alcoholic parents and in broken family.
What is in Womb (antenatal) regression?
1.       It is the nine month time when soul consciousness is in the womb of mother.
2.        Sometimes person regress to this time during regression therapy.
What is LBL (Live between Lives)?
1.       After end of one life soul consciousness goes above in light.
2.       In LBL time soul mates, master’s guidance and planning stage are observed.
What is SRT (Spirit release therapy)?
Dr. William. J. Baldwin introduced SRT. He developed most of the techniques which are used by therapist around the world. 
1.       In SRT discovery and release of attached entity and unwanted spirits from the energy body and the physical body is done.
2.       SRT when required and done properly brings positive changes in life.
When a person is hypnotized he/she is in alpha stage. At this stage suggestions are given for recovery e.g. from emotional, physical, psychological mental issues etc. Common indications for hypnotherapy are:-
1.       Remove stage fright.
2.       Improve self-confidence.
3.       Reduce stress
4.       Management of anger
5.       Overcome examination anxiety
6.       Stammering
7.        Weight reduction
8.       Overcome fear
9.       Nail  biting
10.   Frigidity
11.   Bed wetting
12.   Bushing
13.   Improve cone centration
14.   Gaining weight

Friday 20 July 2012



Wednesday 18 July 2012

hypnotherapy for arthritis pains and difficulty in movement.....chandigarh hypnotherapy centre



A Story for Thought
"A tale is told about the Gautam. This short story illustrates that every one of us has the choice whether or not to take personal offense from another person's behavior.
It is said that on an occasion when the Buddha was teaching a group of people, he found himself on the receiving end of a fierce outburst of abuse from a bystander, who was for some reason very angry.
The Buddha listened patiently while the stranger vented his rage, and then the Buddha said to the group & to the stranger, "If someone gives a gift to another person, who then chooses to decline it, tell me, who would then own the gift? The giver, or the person who refuses to accept the gift?"
"The giver," said the group after a little thought. "Any fool can see that," added the angry stranger.
"Then it follows, does it not," said the Buddha, "Whenever a person tries to abuse us, or to unload their anger on us, we can each choose to decline or to accept the abuse; whether to make it ours or not. By our personal response to the abuse from another, we can choose who owns & keeps the bad feelings." "